We Walk Together On One Path (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Apr. 1st, 2004|04:46 pm]Spirits Anon
This community is doing terribly isn't it? o_oI feel bad now...
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(no subject) [Mar. 21st, 2004|03:08 pm]Spirits Anon
[**Current Mood** |awakeawake]I'm just wishing everyone (if there is indeed anyone here) a happy Ostara and if you aren't wiccan, a happy first day or spring ^_^Blessed be.~ Cho Joshi
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(no subject) [Mar. 20th, 2004|03:18 pm]Spirits Anon
[**Current Mood** |scaredscared]Once again it's your beloved mediator (is hit with fruit X_x). Now I can say that my background is complete. Sorry Becca ^^;; Have nothing to do so I decided to just go ahead, buy a floppy, and do it. But more importantly, I've been having....problems...with the spirit(s) in my house. Twice this week I've had sleep paralysis (and learned how to spell it ^^) and once even while I was awake. Not only that but my candles have been taken away from me (my parnets are not happy with my religion choice...) and am banned from being anywhere salt. And there's only so much runes can do before they lose their edge. Well, looks like I have to go if I want to get candles. Later ^_^
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Welcome ^_^ [Mar. 8th, 2004|04:25 pm]Spirits Anon
[Current Mood** |excitedexcited] [Current Music** None]Hi. I'm Cho. I am the moneter of the community. I first became a witch about three years ago, but sadly my parents banned it a year and a half ago, and have just recently re taken my rite ^_^ I hope all of you (which currently consist of myself) will help each other out. The most pressing question however: How do you deal with spirits that aren't willing to back down .-. I swear, I've tried salt, cinimom, and lighting a purple candle at night, but it's always there in the morning. It's a young girl who I fist saw standing on your fence in a photograph if that helps.One more thing: I am not perfect. I DO make spelling errors. Just...be patient please ^_^ And tell me when I goof up. If some ritual I'm planning doesn't look right then don't hesitate to correct me. That's why we're here.Blessed be.
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