spn_gen_podfics - Profile (original) (raw)

Welcome to Supernatural Gen Podfics, a community for posting Supernatural fanfic in mp3/podcast format (AKA audiofic) or links to other podfics on the Web.

Basic Guidelines

* Any member can post

* All podcasts or audio books must be Gen. All ratings are acceptable. See our links for places to find Wincest podfics.

* Before posting, a reader must get permission from the story's author first. If you don't and an author requests for it to be taken down, a moderator will automatically delete the entry, no questions asked.

* The story can include outside audio such as songs or audio from the show (as would fit a coda or a deleted scene) but no more than two tracks per file.

* All entries must be tagged. Tag with genres (angst, crack, etc.), the author's name, the reader's name, rating, and chapter/part (if it is not a one-shot). Your tags will look something like this:

author:sevenfists, genre:humour, rating:r, reader:teaatsix, format:mp3

* If you are uploading the file to a temporary file server (i.e. sendspace, megaupload, mediafire, etc.) please keep the link fresh. If requests for a download link refresh go unanswered for a couple of weeks, the entry will be deleted as a dead link (unless someone who had previously downloaded the file provides a link for the mods to upload).

* Please post the TITLE and AUTHOR in the subject line.

* All entries must have the following information in the post:

Story title: Story author: Read by: Rating: Format: (mp3, mp4a, etc.) Text link to original story: Approximate length: (by minutes, not file size) Story summary: Link to file

If you are interested in recording podfics of your own, but don't know how to get started here are a couple of links to help you out: http://isiscolo.livejournal.com/286557.html

Also, there's an LJ community called podfic_tips established to help recorders with any questions they might have.

It's pretty easy to do, really. Basically, you need a microphone or microphone/headset (usually less than $20 for a decent one), some free software, and the patience to fiddle around with it for a while. Feel free to contact me if you need any help and I'll do the best I can with what little knowledge I possess. ;-)

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