spn_luciferjo - Profile (original) (raw)
Welcome to the Devil and the Hunter
A community focused on fanworks and discussion about the pairing Lucifer/Jo
The rules here are simple.
1. Be excellent to each other.
2. Be aware of spoilers. This includes spoilers from interviews, conventions, and commercials.
3. Be respectful of peoples flist. Use lj-cuts, standard font, and standard color. Keep all images over 300 x 300 under a cut.
4. Be respectful of the actors.
5. Be on topic. Keep all discussion and fanwork to Jo and Lucifer and their respective actors.
Posting Guidelines
Remember all fanworks must be about Jo/Lucifer. Or in general about one of the characters (for example Jo/Dean is allowed if there is hints of Jo/Lucifer, likewise is Sam/Lucifer is it turns into Jo/Lucifer or as the subtext.) Please lock fanmixes and other downloads.
You do not need to warn for slash or het. We would like you to use the label section to list 'kinks' (ie consensual bondage, consensual blood play, etc) since we do not believe peoples lifestyle choices need to be warned for. This is not a requirement.
If you're worried that by warning you will spoil your fic (or believe that your summary will spoil an episode) please use this code as outlined by amadi here:
For fanfic:
Other fanworks:
Please tag for pairing, rating, and fanwork type.
demons, devil, hunters, hunting, jo, jo/lucifer, lucifer, lucifer/jo, roadhouse, spn, supernatural