a sticky post. This journal is flocked, except for the parts that aren't.I'm much more likely to add you back if you drop me a comment here and tell me you're doing so! :D?Fic can now be found at hondemo.31 |
August 16th, 2012 12:52 pm barefoot kanjani8: a kink_bingo picspam So, when I got my kink_bingo card and saw the foot/shoe fetish square, I immediately decided that what I wanted to do was a picspam of barefoot Kanjani8~ Foot fetish isn't really my thing porno-wise, but I really love me some pictures of barefoot Johnnys (especially Ryo, I have a thing for his feet). I think one of the things I like about it is the sense of vulnerability/comfort of seeing them barefoot? And also some of them have nice feet, yes. ANYWAY, let's just get to the pictures!( はだしのエイトCollapse ) 8 |
February 22nd, 2012 07:50 pm I AM DOING THIS...FOR REASONS 138 |
January 11th, 2012 11:13 pm February ‘12 Potato: Home & Room & Life Information Okay, this is most of the Eito pages from the February '12 Potato. There was a question they asked some of them about cosmetics that I didn't feel like translating, so I skipped that, but everything else is in here. Some of the questions weren't asked to all the members, for whatever reason, so that's why it may look like people are missing.( ready to see their dream homes?Collapse ) 33 |
September 7th, 2011 09:12 pm laura's attempts to be helpful fueled by boredom Okay, so there's a Johnny's iphone app! But the question is: JWEBS, HOW DO THEY FUCKING WORK?Look no further for the answer!It's actually quite easy, but I put together a little tutorial because...I was kind of bored. Anyway. Here goes~**( JWEBS: HOW THEY FUCKING WORKCollapse )**The fee is 315 yen per month, for access to everything.Voila! You can has jwebs! :DThis should also work for Android phones! Unfortunately, it seems you can't sign up using an ipod touch, but if you sign up using another smartphone, the app will work on the ipod touch.If you're having trouble getting it to accept your credit card, you may want to contact your card company to make sure they're not blocking the transaction because it's coming from overseas. Hopefully that will solve the problems some people have been having :)Uhh, if you have any other questions let me know, I might be able to help? :D 166 |
September 5th, 2011 09:26 pm KANJANI8 ARE SUPER HOT, NO LOOK, I HAVE PROOF: a picspam I was going to write an explanation to this post about how sometimes people say K8 aren't hot and I think those people are blind, but...well yeah, that's basically it.**( here are some hot pictures of k8!Collapse )**So, yup. :D 60 |
tumblr friending meme! I was inspired by the twitter friending meme and thought it would be a good idea to do one for tumblr, since I know there are a lot of fandom people on tumblr now and I like looking at the pictures everyone posts!JE TUMBLR FRIENDING MEME!Please be nice, and try to limit yourself to only one or two gifs if at all possible :D 382 |
March 26th, 2008 10:48 pm JAPANESE MOVIE REVIEW POST This is part two of our reviews post: j-movies. These are all live action, with one exception. As in the last post, rating icons are title-tagged for clarity.( japanese movie review postCollapse )Again, we'd really love to hear your thoughts/discusssion and also recommendations for other movies we have not yet watched! :Dmood: accomplishedmusic: Super Junior - Midnight Fantasytags: sionious 33 |
March 26th, 2008 10:10 pm DRAMA REVIEW POST This post is part one of two, the second part (J-movies) to be posted later this evening. It is basically the culmination of our time as roommates: we've watched and discussed almost all of these dramas together, though our opinions sometimes differ. The rating system can get complicated, but all of the icons are title-tagged so you can hover over them for a reminder of what they mean.( drama reviewsCollapse )We'd really love to hear your thoughts/discusssion and also recommendations for other dramas we have not yet watched! :Dmood: accomplishedmusic: Super Junior - Don't Dontags: sionious 74 |