squirts N sprites! (original) (raw)

hilos [05 Jul 2006|12:22am]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] hilos i bes cald taly nd mes lik makn frends mes hapi two bes akeptd heerbi bis fo now
3 kids did! (have your say)
[04 Jul 2006|03:29am]
[ **mood** | awake ] Hello to all the New Littles that have joined [I'm sorry to those it took ages to get access]The Littles of the DreamWalker system have not become members of this community because they dont like Bunches of people, but they like friends. If anyone wants to chat with them, I'm listing there journals here:bzzbzz (Chayse: Age 7)lil_whisper (Whisper: Age 4)If anyone has any questions or comments, please feel free to contact any of the DreamWalkers[see the full list of dreamWalkers here: dreamwalker_sys
(have your say)
UPDATE: [02 Feb 2006|06:11am]
[ **mood** | awake ] The Following Members have been allowed Posting Access [Sorry for the long delay]Princess KyliePrincess CutieRhymerKalli MoonChex MixConfetti GirlsSilent Sweetness
2 kids did! (have your say)
[28 Aug 2005|12:24pm]
this is the secnd time iam eatting gummy bears and soda at the sam time! momy says iam gona get hyper. i told her no i wont. heh
7 kids did! (have your say)
My Appologies [25 Aug 2005|07:26pm]
My Net connection has been on the fritz for nearly 2 months.All who have asked to join Have been admitted.If there is trouble, I will be quick to deal with it.If there are any problems, questions or complaints feel free to send them to shaado@shaadodreams.com [my personal email]Thank you all for your patience, and I appologize once again[x-posted]
2 kids did! (have your say)
[13 Jul 2005|06:05pm]
i wanna hav a nam. lotsa othhr peepl hav nams. my nam is th litel won. i wanna hav reel nam. wer you getta nam frum?
9 kids did! (have your say)
leaving communities [31 May 2005|01:44pm]
[ **mood** | depressed ] due to having too many problems using live journal because of the layout and how it works, it is hard for me to use, and i wrote to live journal user support about it and they said there is no way to change it, so i am going to leave all the communities i belong to. i am keeping only individuals on my friends list. i am not deleting the account, yet. feel free to add me to your friend's list if you want to. and don't bother replying to this message, i won't see it.i've cross posted this to everywhere i belong to.Reinahada
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happy [24 May 2005|09:31pm]
[ **mood** | happy ] drkn cuddled me. he says i can plant trees and flowers at the real house not just in my garden.happy today
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[20 May 2005|03:08pm]
[ **mood** | lonely ] hi. i havent been outside much lately. i'm lookin for omor kids to playwith, lonely today and kinda sad.i liked seein the post bout disny world. bit is workin ther an i won see her til holowen that a long time.the bear jus came and hugged me he is goin to work now so he left but hel be back tonite real late.lyra helped me change my picture.i like roses
4 kids did! (have your say)
gess wot!!! [28 Apr 2005|04:55pm]
[ **mood** | cheerful ] we did go disnywerld an we wil tel u allll bowt it!! it was soo funs!!we did go to a beech an sit in sun an lookit wata an ummmmm den wewentid sewerld it was funnist!!!!!!!!!!!! we did pet 3 dolfins!! an wefeedid 1 som fisis but den r hans smelt lik fisis! ewwwwwwwwwwwy!!!den bigs was r hans for us hehehehewe did eet lunch neer som sarkies dat wos scery but neet da boys likit best an dey did mosly see it der. we saw samu! an namu! der wos 7orca wales! we did see da sho it was gud den we did se otter an warusan 2 se liins! an an um ya. was gud.den we wen to magic kingdum an went on hantid manshin it wasscerrryyyyyyyyyy but fun an bigs likd it to! den we went on peta panrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PETA PAN!!!!!!!!!! an lililil kids wen on smalwerld an dey likd it los an den we went on winnie pooh rid! was sooo neetswe went an meetid stitch frum lilo an stitch dat wot r doggy nam iscos we lik stitch so mucis!!! an we did a stitch 626 rid an we eetidat a fucharistic plas fo lunch an we had twisti ic crem wif choclitannnn fanila!!!an we did mis r kiti an puppi but dey wos hapi see us wen we got homan we did do losa swimmin an der was a big wata slid it was soooo funsan bigs hubind wentid wif us an it wos losa fun!!!!!k dat all oooo we did go sircis (circus/cirque du soliel -Jose) to itwas reeellllliiii neeeettt we ony efa seed it on tv bafor it wasreeeellllll neeto!!kk dat al. bibi frum girl an purpl wif smils fo efy1!!!!
2 kids did! (have your say)
[25 Apr 2005|11:04pm]
i rited this storie. i put it in my jernal bat i wantid to sher it heer too. its abowt erthwerms.why erthwerms hav a bump on emwons apon a tim ther was a litel erthwerm namd Fred and he got an owie cos he went abov grond an sombuddy stept on em. and his momy gave em a bandade so his owie wood git beter. he went to skool an all his frens saw he had a bandade and them wantid won too so ther momys gave them one cos thay ast nise and sed ples. soon all the erthwerms herd abowt Fred an they startid werin bandades an it becam a fashen. so thats y wen it rayns an you see erthwerms they have a bump in th middel lik a bandade.the end!thats th end of th storie!
6 kids did! (have your say)
[05 Apr 2005|06:48pm]
hihi. im noo heer! i was conplaning to momy that i dont no any othr litels and she foand thid plase. im the litel one. im 3-8. dunno how old i am rite now. jus wantid to say hi!
10 kids did! (have your say)
Hihi. [21 Mar 2005|06:39pm]
[ **mood** | sad ] Hihi... i Melissa, and i 'bout 4 or so (not know zactly what age me am at moment...) just joined, figured i'd say hi an all... me the primary of my system, and finding things hard deal with... expected be able act like big, even though me not... an none of the others really able help me. Worktype things me do really not help, most time, just wanna cry and cuddle teddybear or something, but have to keep going even tho it hurt lotses.Got birfday tomorrow, and Mommy already send me candy an picture an stuff aminals an stuff, but no one else get me anything, they just see me as big, and don' even bother.. and me prolly jus spend tomorrow crying an stuff.Anyways... just wanted say hi. :)
2 kids did! (have your say)
YAY [20 Mar 2005|01:40am]
[ **mood** | bouncy ] HIHI. We are the littles in Distraida. Most of the time we will all post to gether probly. Hope that is okay. Theres lotses of us. We finly gots to be able to post here. Thanks to all the bigs who workd hard to make it so we cud. Anyways we feel awfuls in the body so we are gonna let the big back out who can deal with icky body bye bye.Distraida-Littles
2 kids did! (have your say)
intwo dus [16 Mar 2005|10:43pm]
us ben heer 4 wil us jus no hav intwo dusd rselfs yet me n odrs lukn 4 odr peepl 2 pla wif dat no b adult 4 onsus hop 2 b welkumd heer us kina shi :)leilani
3 kids did! (have your say)
we changid it! [16 Mar 2005|11:28pm]
[ **mood** | happy ] we did changid how r colirs look on here okay an we do hope yu like it to ok! if you think its no good u tells us okay? yea. we had help from adult ones but that ok to! ok.and we are cited cos we are gon go to disneyworld cos r bodys husbin is takin us an is gon be funfunfun an gon go seaworld to an gatorworld to an beach! funnnnn!!!! we ar cited an we haf to wait over a monf!! we r movin soon to and it wil be nis be alon in r new hows apartment thingy ya!!ok nite for reals this time hehehehefromashley (still shy!) and aight.
4 kids did! (have your say)
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