Smashing and Brawling Furries (original) (raw)
Pre-FC2010 Brawl Party Details
Jan. 12th, 2010 | 08:41 am
posted by: keto_galin in
The ssbb_furs group, thanks to
drex150 , will be holding a Pre-FC Brawl Party!
So we've got at least 9 or 10 people interested. This sounds like a good amount of people for a little shindig in a little hotel room. I personally think this is enough, but if you guys want more, just say so, and we'll start spreading the word even more!
This'll be a fun gathering for some socializing, gaming, and possibly a little bit of booze and snacks.
Let's kick off FC 2010 with a bang!
When: January 20, 2010 | Wednesday | Approx: 6:00pm - Whenever it Ends
Where: San Jose Fairmont Hotel (The Main Con Hotel) | Room Number: Will be announced on the day of, in the afternoon (Drex arrives around 3pm). But I will also be making phone calls to announce the room number. See "Contact" below for more details.
What to do: Consider this a potluck. Bring drinks (either alcoholic or non-alcoholic), food, snacks, DS systems (especially if you have Meteos <3), and anything else that you want that is safe and legal. ;) I'm also thinking of having people pitch in some money for some pizza!
Drex also only has 2 gamecube controllers. So we actually need 2 MORE GAMECUBE CONTROLLERS. I'm pretty sure with 9 or 10 of you guys coming, that we can scurry up 2 more. :) We'd really appreciate it!
Contact: Feel free to contact me at: . If possible, please PM me your cel phone number via My FA Page if you are interested in attending, that way I can call you to inform you of the room number and confirm the time and confirm your attendance. If you're not comfortable passing me your cel phone number, don't worry about it, and just try to keep close to LJ for the posted room number and any changes (if any).
List of Furs Who Plan To Attend:
- Keto
- Drex
- Rikoshi
- Tahoe
- Wolfysims (Maybe)
- Gamer Wolf
- Raz
- Nemmy
- Deusexbestia
- JD Puppy
- Syrus
- Frostcat (maybe)
- Anuvia (maybe)
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Jan. 10th, 2010 | 04:27 pm
posted by: keto_galin in
Wednesday the 20th
Main Con Hotel
Interested in Pre Brawl Party?
Dex is willing to host!
Seriously, if you're going to FC, LET US KNOW YOU ARE INTERESTED.
EDIT: Drex said there may be BOOZE
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Pre-FC Brawl Party?
Dec. 4th, 2009 | 09:18 pm
posted by: drex150 in
Heya guys!
So, I wanted to go to FC a day early (Wednesday the 20th) so I could be at the con as it starts the next day. I decided to get a room in the main hotel for just that one night because I'm rooming with others the rest of the con. So I had a question for you all. How many of you would be interested in a Brawl party in my room Wednesday night? I just want to know if this would generate enough interest to actually put time into planning it.
How many of you guys will be at the hotel, or in the area on the 20th and would be interested in a Brawl party? If it sounds like something you'd be interested in, post here, message me on the IRC channel, or note me on FA (drex150) when it's back up heh. Everyone is invited, and maybe if I'm feeling generous there will be free alcohol, soda, and snacks as well. =P
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PS Party (Prancing Skiltaire Party)
Nov. 13th, 2009 | 09:10 pm
posted by: keto_galin in
So the PS party is tomorrow (Garden Grove, California). Anybody here attending?
Drex is bringing Brawl, and boy do I miss it, and damn am I ready to play again!
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Balanced Brawl
Jul. 10th, 2009 | 09:58 am
posted by: keto_galin in
So some hackers, who are also Smash Bros Brawl fans have hacked Brawl, and changed things up. There's "Brawl Plus" and there's "Balanced Brawl"..... We have Brawl Plus, but I think Balanced Brawl has a better goal.
Unfortunately I haven't tried Balanced Brawl... YET. Above is the summary in a nutshell, for character changes. Obviously, it's not perfect to everyone's preference...for example, they took out tripping. I LIKE tripping. BUT they made Mario's air down smash stronger, which it SHOULD be.
As far as Brawl Plus goes, It's downloadable, free, and works well. I assume Balanced Brawl would be similar in this fashion.
Just thought you guys might be interested. ;)
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Anthrocon SSB Tournament Needs Help
Jun. 27th, 2009 | 01:17 pm
location: Rue de Bullion, Montreal
mood: inquisitive
posted by: delmir in
Hey yawl! The AC Smash Brothers tournament needs help! As of last night there was only one system (and I suppose, only one game) in the games room. That would make for a veeerry slow tournament, I think!
Ideally there'd be four complete setups. Would anyone be able to help out with lending a Wii, game, or any kind of controller? (Note: Jaguar controllers will not be accepted)
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High Def Brawl?
Mar. 28th, 2009 | 03:31 pm
posted by: havoc_raptor in
Surprised this wasnt posted here-- looks like a Wii Emulator can do a bangup job of running brawl in pretty-pretty defintion :O
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There Will be Brawl episode 2 is up!
Feb. 15th, 2009 | 03:45 pm
mood: amused
posted by: nemmy in
For those who missed the first one, it's a real life parody about Brawl from a rather dark perspective, very amusing XD
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Further Confusion 2009 - ssbb_fur con-report
Jan. 26th, 2009 | 12:54 pm
posted by: keto_galin in
So a few people from the ssbb_furs attended Further Confusion 2009.
From this group, I mostly hung out with Raiken, Syrus, Stray, Howee, and a bit with Tahoe and Flaming Wars.
There were others that I didn't get to see much of at all though, such as Gamer, Delmir, Havoc Raptor, etc.
I didn't take many pictures, but I was able to snag two, that had some of us in it.
( Click for Pictures and DetailsCollapse )
Hangin out from the people from the brawl group though, was a ton of fun. Syrus had the brawl gathering Thursday evening, which overall, in my opinion, was fun as hell...even if I brought a few more people than Syrus probably would have preferred. Sorry Syrus. ;p Though most of them didn't stay long! Did some 1on1's with Nekomon and Duke, but I mostly socialized, and contributed and took-part with all the laughs being passed around.
There was a ton that went on, so I can't even begin to really explain it all. From food time, to just plain hanging out, gaming, to late walks through the hotel from 12am to 5am while half drunk, and laughing and talking, meeting up with new and old friends and hugging onto cute ones while stray and Ryken watch and laugh at me, and more shenanigans.....Ryken even danced a TINY bit with me at the dance.
But a few from the con quotes:
"Nobody will EVER transcribe this." - Keto
"Stray Ninja" - Raiken's Cel Phone Address Book
"Keto: Dude, pretend you're me.
Syrus: ...Hahahahahahaha *girly giggle*"
"*insert Stray's Asian nature-metaphor-Chinese-fortune-cookies here*"
It all went by so fast, and I miss it. SO much fun, and I look forward to next time. Hope you all who attended had a good time too, and to those who did NOT attend, I hope you can make it next time.