Schechter Forum (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Feb. 12th, 2005|12:27 pm]Schechter Students
well guys, noone has posted in here for a while, but i wanted to tell u about a community:hey guys...u think ur gorgeous? ...find out at
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(no subject) [Sep. 26th, 2004|11:46 pm]Schechter Students
schechter is going to be so fuckin boring once we leave.
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(no subject) [Sep. 24th, 2004|12:39 am]Schechter Students
hey guys... i'm doing a newspaper article about live journals... so if any of you have something to say please tell me :)thanksAmy
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Ding ding? [Sep. 23rd, 2004|10:08 pm]Schechter Students
[**mood** |sleepysleepy]Hey there, it's Miriam with a random thought for the weekend.Unless you've been living in a cave somewhere, you know that I go to Ramaz now.At Ramaz, there are elevators. The elevators ding. Except that the manner in which they ding is identical to the sound of the bells at Schechter. So all throughout the period, whenever I hear an elevator ding, I think class is over. Yet it isn't. The bells at Ramaz are quite different than those at Schechter.This is the end of my random thought. Have an easy fast, for those of you observing Yom Kippur. :)
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(no subject) [Aug. 30th, 2004|12:32 am]Schechter Students
you guys... we're all potheads.
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He Said it's a Way to Get Byyyy. [Jul. 26th, 2004|04:47 pm]Schechter Students
[mood** |confusedconfused] [music** "Walk Idiot Walk," The Hives.]Holla. It's Skyler, you know, that girl who used to dye her hair and suddenly left in February. I hope this post doesn't come off as show-offy or condescending, I just have no idea what the hell this is.So, I got this letter from the National Young Leaders Conference in Washington D.C. to represent the state of New York as a National Scholar or something. Now, uh, what's so weird about this is that Schechter nominated me, even though I didn't do so hot my sophomore year and I haven't been in the school for six months. Does anyone have any idea what the heck this is or why I've been nominated for it? Has anyone else been nominated for it?On another note, the letter specifically writes: Solomon Schechter School was recently represented at the NYLC by Milos Silber, who was an excellent contributer at the Conference. I don't know the Brazilian at all, but if that's of any help, thanks a bunch.Hope everyone's having an awesome possum summer. <3
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(no subject) [Jun. 17th, 2004|11:23 pm]Schechter Students
itll be the hottest most hardcore bob marley sounding version of the horah youve ever heard -eric sunray.thought i'd post it for jewish amusement.
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(no subject) [Jun. 14th, 2004|01:44 pm]Schechter Students
[mood** |contentcontent] [music** the cosby show theme song]hey all my fav schechter peoples.. i jhave a schechter question ( o yea congrats on surviving a full year of school)who is tara in 9th grade.. what does she look like? im sure i seen her, know her but i cant put my finger on who she is. my grandma met her at the nail place and she knows who i am.. so i must no who she is. well thanks for the helpbecky
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funness [Jun. 12th, 2004|11:10 am]Schechter Students
Its me and einat, and we're at Ari's and hes still sleeping and we're bored, so we found a game:1. Take your LJ username and replace each letter with the corresponding number (A=1, B=2, etc...). If your name contains numbers, you'll need to convert them to letters first before you can convert to numbers.a-1l-12l-12k-11o-15s-19t-202. Add all of the numbers together to create a kind of super number.993. Make a note of the first digit of this number, then add the digits of the number together.94. Find the post of this number in your LJ. If you don't have that many posts, add the digits together again. Keep doing so until the number is smaller than your pathetic number of posts.5. Take the digit you noted in step 3, and count that many words into the post.number 9 sucked, so i chose the most interesting one after--> shit6. Use the resulting word in a Google Image Search, and select a picture from the first page. ![](c:\Documents and Settings\Ari Sasson\My Documents\My Pictures\bird.jpg)7. Post the results for us all to see!
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