Edoardo Chiti | Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (original) (raw)

A short guide to this website by Edoardo Chiti

Research paper thumbnail of A Short Guide to this Website

Each section presents one of the main lines of research that I have developed over the years. Rea... more Each section presents one of the main lines of research that I have developed over the years. Read one in combination with the others, the four sections draw a map of my work spanning about 25 years. They do not identify, however, a number of closed researches. Although each research has its own history and has produced a series of published pieces, my purpose is to present a number of still-on going research projects, rather than a cartography of the work done so far. In each section you will find a short presentation of the relevant project, followed by a number of articles, chapters and other published works that represent, in one way or another, a contribution to that research. While the four projects deal with different legal problems and have autonomous rationales, they all share a number of common features: (i) they all deal with administration and administrative law, both within and beyond the State; (ii) they reflect a rather strong functionalist approach to administrative law, as they focus on the ways in which administrative law shapes and structures the design and functioning of administration as well as the implementation of public policies in specific areas; (iii) they assume that legal history and legal comparison are two unavoidable dimensions of administrative law research; (iv) they aim at rejecting formalism and legal positivism in favor of a 'law in context' approach, one which situates administrative law in its broader context, whether social, political, economic or cultural.

EU Administrations and Administrative Law. by Edoardo Chiti

Research paper thumbnail of At the End of the Law

A 'law in context' reading of the Weiss judgment

Research paper thumbnail of The Resources of European Security

Revue Europeenne De Droit Public European Review of Public Law Eur Zeitschrift Des Offtl Rechts Rivista Europea Di Diritto Pubblico, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of EU Administration and Administrative Law. Context, Transformations, Structural Problems

This section is about the administrative system of the EU and the set of principles, rules and pr... more This section is about the administrative system of the EU and the set of principles, rules and practices governing its organization and functioning. I have explored many different dimensions and issues of EU administration and administrative law, ranging from the historical development of the EU administrative system to the explosion and evolution of the agencification process, to the administrative law of the internal market and the influence of EU administrative law over national administrative laws. The pieces collected here discuss from a variety of points of view the ongoing process of transformation of EU administration and administrative law. I position this process in the context of the multidimensional European crisis exploded in 2008. Understanding the current transformations in the light of such wider context is also a way to reflect on the possible future developments of the EU administrative system and EU administrative law, as well as on the ways in which legal scholarship might recast EU administrative law as a project of institutional design.


Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 12 The European rescue of the European Union

Research paper thumbnail of How to Make the Eurozone Sustainable. A Public Law Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of In the Aftermath of the Crisis -The EU Administrative System Between Impediments and Momentum

The European responses to the financial and public debt crisis have triggered a process of admini... more The European responses to the financial and public debt crisis have triggered a process of administrative reorganisation and growth in the governance of the internal market in financial services and economic and monetary union. Such a process is characterised by four main tensions, referring respectively to: the powers conferred on the satellite administrative bodies established in order to tackle the crisis; the jurisdictions of the new administrations; the degree of centralisation which is sought within the new mechanisms for the implementation of EU laws and policies; and to the accountability mechanisms. The effects of such tensions are deeply ambivalent. On the one hand, they might operate as 'fault lines' within the EU administrative machinery. On the other hand, by pointing to a host of unsolved issues in EU administrative law, they provide an opportunity for opening a genuine institutional and scientific discussion on the ways in which the EU administrative system should be adjusted or reformed.

Research paper thumbnail of The Single Supervisory Mechanism in Action: Institutional Adjustment and the Reinforcement of the ECB Position

This article discusses some aspects of the functioning of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) ... more This article discusses some aspects of the functioning of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) since its launch in November 2014. By examining a number of practices developed by the European Central Bank (ECB), it argues that two important and complementary processes have characterized the functioning of the SSM so far. First, the ECB has regulated its interactions with the national authorities in such a way to consolidate and promote supranationalism within the SSM: more precisely, transnationalism has been put at the service of supranationalism. Second, the ECB has expanded its supervisory powers, by making an extensive use of the narrow regulatory powers that it enjoys under the SSM Regulation and by using its adjudicatory powers in a quasi-regulatory manner. Admittedly, both processes were largely predictable and do not alter the fundamental legal and institutional features of the SSM. However, they should not be considered as marginal adjustments of the legal framework established by the SSM Regulation. They are important developments, raising some concerns and capable of conditioning the future developments in the SSM.


Research paper thumbnail of EU Administrative Law in an International Perspective


This article discusses one specific dimension of the institutional responses provided by the EU a... more This article discusses one specific dimension of the institutional responses provided by the EU and its Member States to the security threats emerged in the last three years, namely the adjustment and reform of their administrative capacities. It opens with a reconstruction of the ongoing changes of the police and military administrations both in the EU and its Member States. It then discusses the problems raised by these developments. Three main points are made in the chapter. First, the responses given in the last three years by the EU and its Member States to the security threats should be read within the broader context of a number of long-term processes: the process of functional convergence of the police and military administrations within the Member States; the process of establishment of a composite administration at the EU level; and the global opening of the EU and national police and military administrations. Second, the developments of the last three years confirm but also articulate and correct in several ways such long-term processes. Third and finally, the current situation raises some concerns, relating both to the control of the EU and national administrative machineries and to the effectiveness of their action against the security threats.

Research paper thumbnail of Is EU Administrative Law Failing in Some of Its Crucial Tasks

Beneath the surface of steady changes in EU administrative law lurk a number of long-term, struct... more Beneath the surface of steady changes in EU administrative law lurk a number of long-term, structural problems. In this article, I argue that, because of these structural problems , EU administrative law is failing in some of its crucial tasks: (1) finding a balance between administrative convergence and administrative diversity within the EU legal system, (2) structuring administrative power and its exercise, (3) governing administrative instability. EU administrative law, however, is not necessarily trapped in the status quo. By identifying and articulating a number of long-term problems, this article aims at providing some tools that future research could use in the discussion on the possible ways forward. More generally, it suggests that EU administrative law should be reshaped as a project of institutional design.

Research paper thumbnail of The Governance of Compliance


Research paper thumbnail of European Agencies' Rulemaking: Powers, Procedures and Assessment

This article aims at identifying European agencies' rulemaking powers, mapping the procedures thr... more This article aims at identifying European agencies' rulemaking powers, mapping the procedures through which such powers are exercised and assessing the existing procedural arrangements. The first section analyses the main forms of European agencies' rulemaking. It shows, on the one hand, that not all European agencies are actually engaged in the adoption of administrative rules, on the other hand, that Euro-pean agencies carrying out rulemaking activities tend to converge on two specific forms of rulemaking, namely participation in the adoption of binding implementing rules and regulation by soft law. The second section, devoted to mapping the procedures through which rulemaking powers are exercised, argues that the two main types of European agencies' rulemaking cannot be said to be subject to a really common procedural framework. In both cases, the emerging procedural rules implement the same principles of transparency and participation and rely on the same consultation mechanism, sometimes complemented by regulatory impact assessment. Yet, proceduralisation has an uneven development: while the establishment of a procedural discipline is quite common with reference to participation in the adoption of binding implementing rules, regulation by soft law remains largely under-proceduralised. The last section proposes an assessment of the European agencies' rulemaking procedures. Two main shortcomings are identified: the asymmetry between the tendency to proceduralise the adoption of binding implementing rules and the parallel tendency to keep informal the process of adoption of soft law measures; and the too rudimental development of consultation.


This essay aims at contributing to the ongoing discussion on EU administrative networks (such as,... more This essay aims at contributing to the ongoing discussion on EU administrative networks (such as, for example, comitology, the networks coordinated by the European agencies, the European System of Central Banks, and the European Network of Ombudsmen) by investigating the accountability regimes to which such EU administrative networks are subject. Three main questions are tackled: i) to what extent the existing EU administrative networks may be said to be subject to accountability regimes? ii) Do such regimes operationalize accountability through the instruments of administrative rule of law and political control, in line with the tradition of liberal democratic polities? Or do they rely also on other mechanisms, such as those oriented to the establishment of "horizontal accountability"? iii) And how can we assess the accountability regimes to which the EU administrative networks are subject? What are their points of strength and of weakness? Are they adequate to satisfy the exigencies of the liberal democratic order that the EU solemnly proclaims to be? And to what extent to they contribute to enhance the legitimacy of the EU order? SOMMARIO: 1. I problemi. -2. Le reti amministrative europee. -2.1. Una pluralità di interpretazioni. -2.2. I caratteri delle reti amministrative europee. -2.3. Le ragioni del loro sviluppo. -2.4. Una realtà giuridica e istituzionale in movimento. 3. I meccanismi di accountability. -3.1. Accountability e tipi di reti amministrative. -3.2. La prevalenza della rule of law amministrativa. -3.3. La prevalenza dei (*) Si tratta della versione riveduta della relazione presentata al XV Colloquio italotedesco di diritto pubblico, Monaco, 21-22 ottobre 2011. Desidero ringraziare per i commenti ad una prima versione di questo scritto i Professori Sabino Cassese, Giacinto della Cananea, Barbara Marchetti e Giulio Vesperini. Sono grato ai partecipanti al Colloquio, e in particolar modo al Prof. Armin Von Bogdandy, per le osservazioni svolte nel corso della discussione che ha seguito l'esposizione orale. Riv. Ital. Dir. Pubbl. Comunitario -2012 (3) Si vedano, ad esempio, P. CRAIG, Shared Administration and Networks: Global and EU Perspectives, in Values in Global Administrative Law, a cura di G. ANTHONY, J-B AUBY, J. MORISON e T. ZWART, Oxford, Hart, 2011, in particolare § 6; ID., Amministrazione comunitaria.

Research paper thumbnail of Decentralisation and Integration into the Community Administrations: A New Perspective on European Agencies

European Law Journal, 2004

Abstract: This paper focuses on the adoption of a number of Community regulations, each for a sp... more Abstract: This paper focuses on the adoption of a number of Community regulations, each for a specific sector, to be implemented not just by a supranational administration (central or peripheral), but by a plurality of national, supranational and sometimes mixed authorities, with a special role assigned to a Community office set up by the same legislation for a given sector, and granting it legal personality. The purpose of this paper is to verify whether the various regulations by sector ought not to be regarded as variants of an emergent general model of joint exercise of certain Community functions. It is argued that such general model is still in the making, but it is in the process of becoming consolidated, notwithstanding the variety of approaches adopted by European legislators. Such a pattern is characterised by specific, differentiated organisational and procedural features. This conclusion is relevant in several different ways, the first of which is that it provides new conceptual tools for interpreting and explaining the process of administrative integration between supranational and national public authorities, in particular by specifying the taxonomy of the patterns through which a Community function can be carried out by two different authorities acting jointly. Second, the decentralised integration model should be considered as a sound and feasible option for the administrative evolution of the Community legal system.


Sommario: 1. I problemi e la loro rilevanza. -2. L'ambiguità delle normative. -2.1. Due esempi da... more Sommario: 1. I problemi e la loro rilevanza. -2. L'ambiguità delle normative. -2.1. Due esempi dal 'diritto amministrativo della crisi'. -2.1.1. La regolazione amministrativa dei servizi finanziari. -2.1.2. Il controllo sulle politiche fiscali e di bilancio degli Stati membri. -2.1.3. Un fenomeno multiforme. -2.2. Le ragioni, le implicazioni, i possibili correttivi. -2.2.1. Una conseguenza dei caratteri attuali del diritto amministrativo europeo. -2.2.2. L'ambivalenza del fenomeno. -2.2.3. Le potenzialità e le difficoltà della codificazione. -3. L'accettazione delle divergenze. -3.1. Amministrazioni funzionalmente omogenee, orientamenti difformi. -3.1.1. Divergenze settoriali: la valutazione del rischio. -3.1.2. Divergenze per 'giurisdizioni': lo spazio amministrativo dell'eurozona. -3.1.3. Il limitato interesse per le divergenze tra le pratiche amministrative. -3.2. Il fenomeno e le sue implicazioni. -3.2.1. Il rapporto con la frammentazione del diritto amministrativo europeo. -3.2.2. Un pericolo e un'opportunità. -3.2.3. Il difficile governo delle divergenze. -4. La rinuncia alla prevedibilità dell'azione amministrativa. -4.1. I 'vuoti' del diritto amministrativo europeo. -4.1.1. La regolazione nel settore dell'energia. -4.1.2. I prodotti geneticamente modificati e l'incertezza della valutazione scientifica. -4.1.3. La difficoltà a garantire la prevedibilità dell'azione amministrativa. -4.2. Le spiegazioni, le implicazioni, le revisioni possibili. -4.2.1. Una pluralità di cause. -4.2.2. Un fenomeno doppio. -4.2.3. La rilevanza degli strumenti procedurali. -5. Le conclusioni e le loro implicazioni: il problema della capacità ordinante del diritto amministrativo europeo.

Research paper thumbnail of La dimensione amministrativa nella dinamica della judicial review

Research paper thumbnail of A Short Guide to this Website

Each section presents one of the main lines of research that I have developed over the years. Rea... more Each section presents one of the main lines of research that I have developed over the years. Read one in combination with the others, the four sections draw a map of my work spanning about 25 years. They do not identify, however, a number of closed researches. Although each research has its own history and has produced a series of published pieces, my purpose is to present a number of still-on going research projects, rather than a cartography of the work done so far. In each section you will find a short presentation of the relevant project, followed by a number of articles, chapters and other published works that represent, in one way or another, a contribution to that research. While the four projects deal with different legal problems and have autonomous rationales, they all share a number of common features: (i) they all deal with administration and administrative law, both within and beyond the State; (ii) they reflect a rather strong functionalist approach to administrative law, as they focus on the ways in which administrative law shapes and structures the design and functioning of administration as well as the implementation of public policies in specific areas; (iii) they assume that legal history and legal comparison are two unavoidable dimensions of administrative law research; (iv) they aim at rejecting formalism and legal positivism in favor of a 'law in context' approach, one which situates administrative law in its broader context, whether social, political, economic or cultural.

Research paper thumbnail of At the End of the Law

A 'law in context' reading of the Weiss judgment

Research paper thumbnail of The Resources of European Security

Revue Europeenne De Droit Public European Review of Public Law Eur Zeitschrift Des Offtl Rechts Rivista Europea Di Diritto Pubblico, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of EU Administration and Administrative Law. Context, Transformations, Structural Problems

This section is about the administrative system of the EU and the set of principles, rules and pr... more This section is about the administrative system of the EU and the set of principles, rules and practices governing its organization and functioning. I have explored many different dimensions and issues of EU administration and administrative law, ranging from the historical development of the EU administrative system to the explosion and evolution of the agencification process, to the administrative law of the internal market and the influence of EU administrative law over national administrative laws. The pieces collected here discuss from a variety of points of view the ongoing process of transformation of EU administration and administrative law. I position this process in the context of the multidimensional European crisis exploded in 2008. Understanding the current transformations in the light of such wider context is also a way to reflect on the possible future developments of the EU administrative system and EU administrative law, as well as on the ways in which legal scholarship might recast EU administrative law as a project of institutional design.


Research paper thumbnail of Chapter 12 The European rescue of the European Union

Research paper thumbnail of How to Make the Eurozone Sustainable. A Public Law Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of In the Aftermath of the Crisis -The EU Administrative System Between Impediments and Momentum

The European responses to the financial and public debt crisis have triggered a process of admini... more The European responses to the financial and public debt crisis have triggered a process of administrative reorganisation and growth in the governance of the internal market in financial services and economic and monetary union. Such a process is characterised by four main tensions, referring respectively to: the powers conferred on the satellite administrative bodies established in order to tackle the crisis; the jurisdictions of the new administrations; the degree of centralisation which is sought within the new mechanisms for the implementation of EU laws and policies; and to the accountability mechanisms. The effects of such tensions are deeply ambivalent. On the one hand, they might operate as 'fault lines' within the EU administrative machinery. On the other hand, by pointing to a host of unsolved issues in EU administrative law, they provide an opportunity for opening a genuine institutional and scientific discussion on the ways in which the EU administrative system should be adjusted or reformed.

Research paper thumbnail of The Single Supervisory Mechanism in Action: Institutional Adjustment and the Reinforcement of the ECB Position

This article discusses some aspects of the functioning of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) ... more This article discusses some aspects of the functioning of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) since its launch in November 2014. By examining a number of practices developed by the European Central Bank (ECB), it argues that two important and complementary processes have characterized the functioning of the SSM so far. First, the ECB has regulated its interactions with the national authorities in such a way to consolidate and promote supranationalism within the SSM: more precisely, transnationalism has been put at the service of supranationalism. Second, the ECB has expanded its supervisory powers, by making an extensive use of the narrow regulatory powers that it enjoys under the SSM Regulation and by using its adjudicatory powers in a quasi-regulatory manner. Admittedly, both processes were largely predictable and do not alter the fundamental legal and institutional features of the SSM. However, they should not be considered as marginal adjustments of the legal framework established by the SSM Regulation. They are important developments, raising some concerns and capable of conditioning the future developments in the SSM.


Research paper thumbnail of EU Administrative Law in an International Perspective


This article discusses one specific dimension of the institutional responses provided by the EU a... more This article discusses one specific dimension of the institutional responses provided by the EU and its Member States to the security threats emerged in the last three years, namely the adjustment and reform of their administrative capacities. It opens with a reconstruction of the ongoing changes of the police and military administrations both in the EU and its Member States. It then discusses the problems raised by these developments. Three main points are made in the chapter. First, the responses given in the last three years by the EU and its Member States to the security threats should be read within the broader context of a number of long-term processes: the process of functional convergence of the police and military administrations within the Member States; the process of establishment of a composite administration at the EU level; and the global opening of the EU and national police and military administrations. Second, the developments of the last three years confirm but also articulate and correct in several ways such long-term processes. Third and finally, the current situation raises some concerns, relating both to the control of the EU and national administrative machineries and to the effectiveness of their action against the security threats.

Research paper thumbnail of Is EU Administrative Law Failing in Some of Its Crucial Tasks

Beneath the surface of steady changes in EU administrative law lurk a number of long-term, struct... more Beneath the surface of steady changes in EU administrative law lurk a number of long-term, structural problems. In this article, I argue that, because of these structural problems , EU administrative law is failing in some of its crucial tasks: (1) finding a balance between administrative convergence and administrative diversity within the EU legal system, (2) structuring administrative power and its exercise, (3) governing administrative instability. EU administrative law, however, is not necessarily trapped in the status quo. By identifying and articulating a number of long-term problems, this article aims at providing some tools that future research could use in the discussion on the possible ways forward. More generally, it suggests that EU administrative law should be reshaped as a project of institutional design.

Research paper thumbnail of The Governance of Compliance


Research paper thumbnail of European Agencies' Rulemaking: Powers, Procedures and Assessment

This article aims at identifying European agencies' rulemaking powers, mapping the procedures thr... more This article aims at identifying European agencies' rulemaking powers, mapping the procedures through which such powers are exercised and assessing the existing procedural arrangements. The first section analyses the main forms of European agencies' rulemaking. It shows, on the one hand, that not all European agencies are actually engaged in the adoption of administrative rules, on the other hand, that Euro-pean agencies carrying out rulemaking activities tend to converge on two specific forms of rulemaking, namely participation in the adoption of binding implementing rules and regulation by soft law. The second section, devoted to mapping the procedures through which rulemaking powers are exercised, argues that the two main types of European agencies' rulemaking cannot be said to be subject to a really common procedural framework. In both cases, the emerging procedural rules implement the same principles of transparency and participation and rely on the same consultation mechanism, sometimes complemented by regulatory impact assessment. Yet, proceduralisation has an uneven development: while the establishment of a procedural discipline is quite common with reference to participation in the adoption of binding implementing rules, regulation by soft law remains largely under-proceduralised. The last section proposes an assessment of the European agencies' rulemaking procedures. Two main shortcomings are identified: the asymmetry between the tendency to proceduralise the adoption of binding implementing rules and the parallel tendency to keep informal the process of adoption of soft law measures; and the too rudimental development of consultation.


This essay aims at contributing to the ongoing discussion on EU administrative networks (such as,... more This essay aims at contributing to the ongoing discussion on EU administrative networks (such as, for example, comitology, the networks coordinated by the European agencies, the European System of Central Banks, and the European Network of Ombudsmen) by investigating the accountability regimes to which such EU administrative networks are subject. Three main questions are tackled: i) to what extent the existing EU administrative networks may be said to be subject to accountability regimes? ii) Do such regimes operationalize accountability through the instruments of administrative rule of law and political control, in line with the tradition of liberal democratic polities? Or do they rely also on other mechanisms, such as those oriented to the establishment of "horizontal accountability"? iii) And how can we assess the accountability regimes to which the EU administrative networks are subject? What are their points of strength and of weakness? Are they adequate to satisfy the exigencies of the liberal democratic order that the EU solemnly proclaims to be? And to what extent to they contribute to enhance the legitimacy of the EU order? SOMMARIO: 1. I problemi. -2. Le reti amministrative europee. -2.1. Una pluralità di interpretazioni. -2.2. I caratteri delle reti amministrative europee. -2.3. Le ragioni del loro sviluppo. -2.4. Una realtà giuridica e istituzionale in movimento. 3. I meccanismi di accountability. -3.1. Accountability e tipi di reti amministrative. -3.2. La prevalenza della rule of law amministrativa. -3.3. La prevalenza dei (*) Si tratta della versione riveduta della relazione presentata al XV Colloquio italotedesco di diritto pubblico, Monaco, 21-22 ottobre 2011. Desidero ringraziare per i commenti ad una prima versione di questo scritto i Professori Sabino Cassese, Giacinto della Cananea, Barbara Marchetti e Giulio Vesperini. Sono grato ai partecipanti al Colloquio, e in particolar modo al Prof. Armin Von Bogdandy, per le osservazioni svolte nel corso della discussione che ha seguito l'esposizione orale. Riv. Ital. Dir. Pubbl. Comunitario -2012 (3) Si vedano, ad esempio, P. CRAIG, Shared Administration and Networks: Global and EU Perspectives, in Values in Global Administrative Law, a cura di G. ANTHONY, J-B AUBY, J. MORISON e T. ZWART, Oxford, Hart, 2011, in particolare § 6; ID., Amministrazione comunitaria.

Research paper thumbnail of Decentralisation and Integration into the Community Administrations: A New Perspective on European Agencies

European Law Journal, 2004

Abstract: This paper focuses on the adoption of a number of Community regulations, each for a sp... more Abstract: This paper focuses on the adoption of a number of Community regulations, each for a specific sector, to be implemented not just by a supranational administration (central or peripheral), but by a plurality of national, supranational and sometimes mixed authorities, with a special role assigned to a Community office set up by the same legislation for a given sector, and granting it legal personality. The purpose of this paper is to verify whether the various regulations by sector ought not to be regarded as variants of an emergent general model of joint exercise of certain Community functions. It is argued that such general model is still in the making, but it is in the process of becoming consolidated, notwithstanding the variety of approaches adopted by European legislators. Such a pattern is characterised by specific, differentiated organisational and procedural features. This conclusion is relevant in several different ways, the first of which is that it provides new conceptual tools for interpreting and explaining the process of administrative integration between supranational and national public authorities, in particular by specifying the taxonomy of the patterns through which a Community function can be carried out by two different authorities acting jointly. Second, the decentralised integration model should be considered as a sound and feasible option for the administrative evolution of the Community legal system.


Sommario: 1. I problemi e la loro rilevanza. -2. L'ambiguità delle normative. -2.1. Due esempi da... more Sommario: 1. I problemi e la loro rilevanza. -2. L'ambiguità delle normative. -2.1. Due esempi dal 'diritto amministrativo della crisi'. -2.1.1. La regolazione amministrativa dei servizi finanziari. -2.1.2. Il controllo sulle politiche fiscali e di bilancio degli Stati membri. -2.1.3. Un fenomeno multiforme. -2.2. Le ragioni, le implicazioni, i possibili correttivi. -2.2.1. Una conseguenza dei caratteri attuali del diritto amministrativo europeo. -2.2.2. L'ambivalenza del fenomeno. -2.2.3. Le potenzialità e le difficoltà della codificazione. -3. L'accettazione delle divergenze. -3.1. Amministrazioni funzionalmente omogenee, orientamenti difformi. -3.1.1. Divergenze settoriali: la valutazione del rischio. -3.1.2. Divergenze per 'giurisdizioni': lo spazio amministrativo dell'eurozona. -3.1.3. Il limitato interesse per le divergenze tra le pratiche amministrative. -3.2. Il fenomeno e le sue implicazioni. -3.2.1. Il rapporto con la frammentazione del diritto amministrativo europeo. -3.2.2. Un pericolo e un'opportunità. -3.2.3. Il difficile governo delle divergenze. -4. La rinuncia alla prevedibilità dell'azione amministrativa. -4.1. I 'vuoti' del diritto amministrativo europeo. -4.1.1. La regolazione nel settore dell'energia. -4.1.2. I prodotti geneticamente modificati e l'incertezza della valutazione scientifica. -4.1.3. La difficoltà a garantire la prevedibilità dell'azione amministrativa. -4.2. Le spiegazioni, le implicazioni, le revisioni possibili. -4.2.1. Una pluralità di cause. -4.2.2. Un fenomeno doppio. -4.2.3. La rilevanza degli strumenti procedurali. -5. Le conclusioni e le loro implicazioni: il problema della capacità ordinante del diritto amministrativo europeo.

Research paper thumbnail of La dimensione amministrativa nella dinamica della judicial review

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction

The relations between the administrative laws at work in different legal orders represent a reall... more The relations between the administrative laws at work in different legal orders represent a really fascinating field of research for scholars wishing to go beyond a conventional understanding of administrative law. Legal orders do not operate as self-sufficient and separate systems, but rather interact between themselves in many different ways. In this context, each administrative law is subject to a game of forces that is partly «internal» and partly «external» to the legal order in which it operates: its contents and features increasingly depend on the multiple interactions between internal

Research paper thumbnail of EU Administrative Law in an International Perspective

Research paper thumbnail of Bringing Global Law Home

Research paper thumbnail of Shaping Inter-Legality. The Role of Administrative Law Techniques and Their Implications

Research paper thumbnail of Where does GAL find its legal grounding?

Historically, administrative law has evolved as a body of law internal to the legal orders of nat... more Historically, administrative law has evolved as a body of law internal to the legal orders of nation states, governing the functioning of the state administrative machinery and its relationships with the addressees of administrative action. But what about global administrative law (GAL), which regulates the functioning of a vast array of new types of administrations beyond the state? Under what legal order is GAL emerging and consolidating? This short contribution on GAL aims to underline the fact that four main conceptions co-exist in GAL scholarship. They link GAL, respectively, to the legal orders in terms of the sector run by global regulatory systems, to the "global administrative space," to the "global polity," and to the "global legal order." Each of these conceptions encapsulates a specific functional and normative understanding of GAL. None of them, however, is fully convincing. In this sense, this contribution intends to draw the attention of GAL scholarship to an unresolved issue and to call for further reflection on the merits and the shortcomings of the various conceptions, as well as on possible alternatives.

Research paper thumbnail of The Relationships Between Global Administrative Law and EU Administrative Law: Introduction to the book

In the last two decades, European Union (EU) administrative law has gone through a process of ext... more In the last two decades, European Union (EU) administrative law has gone through a process of extraordinary development and consolidation. It first developed as a body of principles and rules aimed at governing, on the one hand, the action of the EU public powers (such as the action of the Commission in the fields of State aids and competition), on the other hand, the action of the national administrations operating as decentralized EU agencies (e.g. the action of national public administrations in the field of public procurement). Subsequently, it has gradually developed in such a way to apply to the several phenomena of organizational and procedural interconnections among national and EU authorities. As a matter of fact, the EU legal order has elaborated a great variety of mechanisms of integration and composition of organizations and activities, establishing in different policy areas “European common systems”, made up of national, European and mixed authorities jointly responsible for the administrative implementation of an increasing number of EU rules and policies.

Research paper thumbnail of EU and Global Administrative Organizations

This chapter aims at making some preliminary observations about the similarities and differences ... more This chapter aims at making some preliminary observations about the similarities and differences between the administrative organization of the EU and that of the global legal space. Three main aspects of such organizations are compared: (1) the position of the EU and global administrative bodies in the institutional system; (2) the organizational models prevalent in the EU and global administrations; (3) and the recourse to private actors by the EU and global administrative law for performing specific activities. The analysis reveals a complex and peculiar pattern of similarities and differences in the administrative organizations of the EU and the global legal space. EU and global administrations are different in terms of the “constitutional” anchorage of their public administrations, which is present in one case but not in the other. They tend to converge as far as their organizational models and the role assigned to private actors in the exercise of administrative functions are concerned. But this convergence takes place at a general level only, while the specific arrangements maintain important, distinguishing specificities. Such pattern of limited similarities and marked differences has several explanations: similarities reflect the common functional needs to which EU and global administrative systems are called to respond, while differences stem from the particular historical formation of the various systems beyond the State as well as from the particular place occupied by the European Commission in the EU legal order.

Research paper thumbnail of Enforcement of and Compliance with Structural Principles

Research paper thumbnail of The emergence of international agencies in the global administrative space. Autonomous actors or state servants?

Research paper thumbnail of The European Security and Defense AdministrationWithin the Context of the Global Legal Space

Research paper thumbnail of Divergenti? Le strategie di Unione europea e Stati Uniti in materia di intelligenza artificiale

L'articolo presenta una comparazione tra la strategia dell'Unione europea e quella sta-tunitense ... more L'articolo presenta una comparazione tra la strategia dell'Unione europea e quella sta-tunitense in materia di intelligenza artificiale. Quali sono le finalità degli interventi posti in essere e prefigurati da ciascuno dei due ordinamenti? Quali gli strumenti utilizzati per realizzare tali finalità? E quale l'impatto sui due sistemi giuridici? L'analisi permette di mettere a fuoco le differenze che esistono tra l'approccio europeo e quello statuni-tense: Unione europea e Stati Uniti perseguono obiettivi nel complesso differenti e usano strumenti almeno in parte diversi tra loro, che incidono in modi diseguali sul si-stema giuridico. Questa conclusione aiuta a mettere in prospettiva l'operato di ciascu-no dei due ordinamenti e a impostare gli ulteriori passaggi di un'indagine comparata.

Research paper thumbnail of Questi sono i nodi Pandemia e strumenti di regolazione spunti per un dibattito

Questi sono i nodi'. Pandemia e strumenti di regolazione: spunti per un dibattito lacostituzione.... more Questi sono i nodi'. Pandemia e strumenti di regolazione: spunti per un dibattito lacostituzione.info/index.php/2020/04/24/questi-sono-i-nodi-pandemia-e-strumenti-di-regolazione-spuntiper-un-dibattito/ di Edoardo Chiti Pubblichiamo questo scritto di Edoardo Chiti, invitando chi ne ha interesse ad intervenire proponendo risposte ai fondamentali quesiti che egli pone 1. Il punto di vista. La scienza del diritto pubblico è stata molto reattiva: posta di fronte al numero sempre crescente di misure adottate nei vari ordinamenti per fronteggiare il dilagare del contagio, ha avviato un'opera meritoria di censimento e catalogazione, esemplificata, nel nostro paese, dai tentativi di organizzare per fonti un materiale ormai sovrabbondante. Al lavoro di inventario ha affiancato una riflessione sui problemi posti da questi sviluppi, con una particolare attenzione, nella discussione italiana, assai critica e decisamente poco compiacente, all'efficacia degli strumenti di governo della crisi sanitaria, alle gravi disfunzioni del rapporto tra centro e periferie, agli interventi necessari per la razionalizzazione amministrativa, a partire dal sistema sanitario nazionale, e per la ricostruzione economica.

Research paper thumbnail of The Administrative Law of the Roman Catholic Church: A Comparative Inquiry

Rivista Trimestrale Di Diritto Pubblico, 2012

This paper proposes a comparative inquiry on differences and similarities between two bodies of a... more This paper proposes a comparative inquiry on differences and similarities between two bodies of administrative law: the administrative law of the Roman Catholic Church - an institution that combines elements typical of legal-rational authorities with a number of charismatic and traditional features - and the administrative laws of those States and regulatory systems beyond the State that are mainly legal-rational in nature. The comparison between canon administrative law and the administrative laws of mainly legal-rational regimes is developed by considering four inter-connected aspects: i) their process of emergence and development; ii) their constitutive «materials»; iii) their position within the legal order; iv) their overall explanatory paradigms. The inquiry reveals that canon administrative law is based on a complex combination of religious and statal elements, which gives rise to an unstable regulatory framework crossed by several internal tensions. On a more general level, the comparative inquiry sheds some light on the links between the features of administrative law and the types of power (legal-rational power, charismatic power and traditional power) that the administrative law serves and regulates.

Research paper thumbnail of La rigenerazione di spazi e beni pubblici: una nuova funzione amministrativa?

Research paper thumbnail of Il presente ipotetico della partecipazione al procedimento

Il presente "ipotetico" della partecipazione al procedimento:


A 150 ANNI DALL'UNIFICAZIONE AMMINISTRATIVA ITALIANA STUDI a cura di Leonardo Ferrara, Domenico S... more A 150 ANNI DALL'UNIFICAZIONE AMMINISTRATIVA ITALIANA STUDI a cura di Leonardo Ferrara, Domenico Sorace IL REGIME LINGUISTICO DELLE AMMINISTRAZIONI NEL PROCESSO DI APERTURA EUROPEA E GLOBALE DEL SISTEMA AMMINISTRATIVO ITALIANO Edoardo Chiti, Maria Elena Favilla SOMMARIO -1. I problemi. 2. La graduale costruzione di due gruppi di discipline. 2.1 La promozione dell'uso di lingue diverse dall'italiano. 2.2 La promozione dell'uso tanto dell'italiano quanto di lingue straniere. 3. Quale equilibrio tra unità e pluralismo? 4. Uno sviluppo problematico.

Research paper thumbnail of IL DIRITTO DI UNA COMUNITÀ COMUNICATIVA. Un'indagine sul diritto amministrativo della Chiesa

Anche nell'ordinamento canonico è possibile rinvenire i con-torni di quel fenomeno amministrativo... more Anche nell'ordinamento canonico è possibile rinvenire i con-torni di quel fenomeno amministrativo che si è sviluppato a partire dalla fine del Settecento nell'esperienza giuridica dello Stato moderno in Europa e che ha assunto, nel tempo e nello spazio, una ricca varietà di forme e di caratteri. Ma il diritto amministrativo canonico, che cos'è? Quando nasce? Per quali ragioni? Quali sono i suoi tratti distintivi, capaci di definire il suo 'statuto'? Quali i suoi modi di funziona-mento? E quanto può dirsi originale rispetto ai diritti am-ministrativi degli ordinamenti statali e ultrastatali a regime amministrativo?

Research paper thumbnail of Dimensioni del diritto (recensione)

Research paper thumbnail of Rapporto 1/2021 – L'impiego dell'intelligenza artificiale nell'attività di CONSOB, AGCOM e ARERA

Research paper thumbnail of Administrative Proceedings Involving European Agencies

Chiti reconstructs the peculiar features of proceedings involving European agencies by analyzing ... more Chiti reconstructs the peculiar features of proceedings involving European agencies by analyzing the relevant positive law, administrative practice, and case law. This is to ascertain, in part, what is distinctive about these proceedings, as compared to the other procedural models that are progressively emerging in the Community legal order.

Research paper thumbnail of The Administrative Implementation of European Union Law: A Taxonomy and its Implications

Legal Challenges in EU Administrative Law, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Mismanagement by European Agencies: Concerns, institutional responses, and lessons

Corruption and Conflicts of Interest, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Global Administrative Law: An Italian Perspective

European University Institute Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Policy Papers 2012/04

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), created in 1992 and directed by Stefano B... more The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), created in 1992 and directed by Stefano Bartolini since September 2006, aims to develop inter-disciplinary and comparative research and to promote work on the major issues facing the process of integration and European society.