No 1-2, 2014 | Studia Humanitatis (original) (raw)

Publishing Date: 2014-07-01


Pesyakov S.A. To the question of political engagement in the written sources on the history of the Pskov princedom between the 13th and 15th centuries

The purpose of the article is to conduct a historical analysis of written sources telling about politics of the Pskov princedom between the 13th and 15th centuries. Object of study became the ideological principles analyzed in historical material. Comparison of the data allows us to rethink the current geopolitical and cultural realities of the North-West region of Russia and its place in the history of the country and the Russian people.

Kazymir V.A. V. Dubrovsky’s role in a process of historical monuments formation and culture protection system in Ukraine in 1925-1930

Article studies a role of V. Dubrovsky, a scientist repressed by the Soviet government, and also a famous figure in the sphere of promoting historical and cultural monuments in Ukraine in 1925-1930. The author examines V. Dubrovsky's participation in formation of monuments’ protection system at the state level, clears out his research priorities, determines his classification of monuments of history and culture.

Gribkov I.V. The press of Nazi occupation period in 1941-1944 in the newest Ukrainian studies (historiographical review)

The press is one of the most important and at the same time the least studied source of the history of the Nazi occupation of 1941-1944. Ukrainian historiography has made significant progress in both studying general problems as well as exploration of case studies of press. This review introduces the major trends and achievements of Ukrainian scientists in the 21st century.

Kolupaev V.E. Manuscript of Marc Popovski about Tolstoyan movement

Publication of archival documents, i.e. manuscripts of Marc Popovski, a famous writer, journalist, human rights activist, dissident, and vice president of the organization “Writers in Exile” American branch of PEN. The manuscript is dedicated to the fate of Russian religious philosophical sect, Tolstoyan movement, in the Soviet period, its repressions and its eventual destruction.


Bureiko N.M. Peculiarities of the ethnic component of immigration in the USA in the late 20th and the early 21st centuries

The research analyzes the ethnic component of immigration to the USA that is characterized with the particular intensive growth in the late 20th and the early 21st centuries. The changes in the scope and structure of immigration were caused by the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act that became the basis for the US immigration policy liberalization. The article studies the immigration flows depending on the region of their origin.

Muhametov R.S. Party system of the Middle Urals: stages of development

On the example of a single region – Sverdlovsk region – we study the evolution of the party system. The author distinguishes two stages in the development of the party system of the Middle Urals: during the existence of a multiparty system and a dominant party. Much attention is paid to the reasons of the development of the party system of the Sverdlovsk region. The author distinguishes causes such as the presence of intra-elite conflict, change the electoral law, the use of administrative resource.

Khodorowskii A.A. The state and prospects of cooperation between Ukraine and Republic of India in defense sphere

This article analyses the military capabilities of India and the prospects for further development of relations between Ukraine and India in military and defence sector. We study the main meetings between the two countries and the agreements that were reached during these meetings. It is proved that Ukraine and India have long and successful cooperation in military-technical sphere. At the present stage the cooperation in military-technical and defence sectors develops rapidly in comparison with other areas. Ukraine is able to hold the position of one of the leading suppliers of military goods.

Bostan S.I. The place and role of Ukraine in modern geopolitical processes in the Eastern European region

The Eastern European region has always attracted attention of the international community and was a stumbling block between the western and eastern leaders. Ukraine is the largest country in the region with a great development potential, it plays a key role in division of powers and spheres of influence across the continent. Preferences in Ukraine's foreign policy have been influencing both on the internal politics of the state and the balance between the major "players" on the political map of the world: EU, USA and Russia. These preferences also largely depend on the policy of these countries regarding Ukraine itself. Ukraine's participation in the contemporary geopolitical processes, its positioning and foreign policy priorities will play an important role in redistribution of influence in Europe and in the world, and particularly affect the development of relations between the world powers.


Pavenkov O.V. The unity of trinitology and agapelogy of Saint Augustine

The article deals with the analysis of concept “love” in theology of St. Augustine. Theology of love of St. Augustine was influenced by many things, especially the Christian Nikean creed and personal spiritual experience. In our article we delved deeply in the united trinitology and agapelogy parts of Augustine's teaching. We described the forms of connection between the Trinity and the Christian love in Augustine's dogmatic system. We revealed the characteristic feature of Augustine's theology of love: love is not only a commandment or quality of Divine reality, but the essence of God.

Efimov V.F., Nikolsky E.V. The image of the blessed monarch, the Holy King of Georgia David the Builder

The article considers the biography of the saint Georgian monarch, David the Builder, analyzes his actions, church, external and internal policy. Finally it draws a conclusion that all his life was dedicated to the service of God and neighbor. Thus, his life was a model of Christian Ministry, he occupied a responsible position in society.

Melkov A.S. Methodological basis of Church History in archpriest Alexander Gorsky’s scientific work

The article is devoted to the 700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh’s birthday and 200th anniversary of Moscow Theological Academy’s sating in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. Scientific views of archpriest Alexander Gorsky (1812-1875), Moscow Theological Academy’s rector, in the area of Church History methodology are researched and analyzed in this work. The methodological conception of the scientist is still actual in our days, attracting modern Church historians’ generation’s interest.

Nikolsky E.V. The cult of the Regal woman in the West and in Russia: modern innovations and the old problems

The article analyzes squatter cults of the Royal women (Princess Diana, Queen Mary Stuart, Tsarevna Sofia). These cults are treated with religious positions. It concludes that the cult of Sofia is outwardly neo-pagan nature and is not approved by the Church authorities, yet it contains the explicit Christian component, and the official canonization of the Tzarevna is possible in future. The situation with the veneration of Mary Stuart is similar. But the perception of Diana as a sacred object has a clear pagan character.

Kyyak M.T. Mission of evangelization of the Roman Catholic Church in the information era

Radical changes that are taking place in the media sphere lead to a significant cultural and social development. New technologies not only change the way we communicate, but communication itself so that we can state that we live in times of great cultural transformations. Modern media not only transform the existing system of values but also form new axiological space. Media nowadays has turned into an effective modelling tool of value orientation of society. By the level of impact on the value system, society media can be compared with religion today. Along with the development of the information society, as well as with the development of the Internet, appears a new virtual reality. The Roman Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) is characterized by its dynamism and modernity; it has many benefits from that era which is called informational, especially in its evangelistic mission.


Naumenko G.A. With Homer and Mickiewicz (The Mickiewicz subtext in Aleksandr Pushkin’s late poetry)

The standard theory is that the well known dialogue between the Russian and the Polish National Poets ended with Pushkin’s long narrative poem “The Bronze Horseman” and his poem “He lived among us”, but, in my view, the dialogue continued, at least from Pushkin’s side. The hypothesis that Mickiewicz and his long narrative poem entitled “Digression” (“Ustęp”), which is very critical of Russia, are addressed in Pushkin’s creative work of 1834-1836 offers new interpretative possibilities. Thus, the Mickiewicz subtext helps to clarify the issue of addressee of the poem “You conversed with Homer alone for a long time”. Pushkin chose a different point of view than in his poem “He lived among us” by emphasizing Homer, the Bible and the genius poetic perception.

Sukhareva S.V. Ipatiy Potiy, a literary representative of two epochs and cultures

The article deals with the parallels that are conducted between the polemic prose of the early 17th century, and previous period of Polish literature development on the basis of literary works of Ipatiy Potiy. The attention is paid to understudied Ipatiy Potiy's works, particularly his polemic letters and apologiae. The article studies the influence of historical circumstances on forming the writer's skills and creativeness; it determines the main motives of his works. The material is completely researched, opponents' replies are taken into account. The results show the phenomenon of subculture on the border of ethnos and confessions.

Dolgorukova N.M. Marie de France’s “Lais” and Troubadours Lyrics

The article analyses the mechanisms of troubadours’ heritage reception of the 12th century by Marie de France, the first poet who lived at the court of Henry II. We argue that there are linguistic and thematic parallels between Мarie de France’s “Lais” and troubadours lyrics.

Mozharova M.A. The events of 1812 in the comprehension of Russian writers and St. Theophan the Recluse

The article analyzes works of the Russian literature classics and about sermons of St. Theophan the Recluse covering the topic of 1812, which became the time of the true self-knowledge for the Russian people. By the will of Providence Russia was carried through the purgatorial suffering for salvation. Being enthusiastic about western education, contemporaries thoughtlessly sacrificed themselves in voluntary spiritual captivity of those terrible events have finally turned to faith, repentance and prayer. Lessons of 1812 that became a matter of thought for both the Orthodox pastors, and for Russian writers, will forever remain poignant reminder for the descendants.


Bielikova K.O. Representations of a sacred territory in an ancient city

The article is devoted to the study of sacred structures in Greek and Roman cities. The article examines religious background of an ancient city, and influence of mythology on the construction of urban space. The key objects of the urban environment are identified to show the reflection of cultural representations of a citizen about the universe.

Pilyugina E.V. The postmodern condition: singularity of being transparency of consciousness and viruses of totalitarian ideas

The article examines key aspects of contemporary social reality (postmodern society): singularity of existence, transparency of consciousness and pan-mythologizing of reality – spreading of mythologems as totalitarian ideas.

Sapunkova V.I. Spiritual life in the understanding of the younger generation of the 21st century

The article considers the concept of "spiritual life" from a secular point of view, the analysis of the educational environment that should form the spiritually developed modern generation.

Mironov K.G. The problematic categories of "spirituality" and "morality" in the “Concepts of Moral and Spiritual Development and Character-Building for the Russian Citizen”

The article deals with the problems of defining of "spirituality" and "morality" in the “Concepts of Moral and Spiritual Development and Character-Building for the Russian Citizen”.