No 1, 2021 | Studia Humanitatis (original) (raw)

Publishing Date: 2021-04-25


Selezneva V.A., Sivkina N.Y. Reliefs and sculptures of Hatshepsut and reconstruction of her real appearance

The article studies the appearance of Hatshepsut (1490-1468 BC), the female pharaoh of the XVIIIth dynasty. The authors consider famous images of the Queen in her mortuary temple in Deir El-Bahri finding out how accurately the preserved monuments could correspond to the real appearance of Hatshepsut. Reliefs and sculptures of the Queen and her emphasized connection to the cults of several gods were meant to emphasize the legitimacy of Hatshepsut’s power.

Borisova E.Y., Sivkina N.Y. The reign of Philip II of Macedon: a new perspective on periodization

The article presents a new look on the periodization of the reign of Philip II of Macedon. It is traditionally believed that the reign of this basileus is divided into two periods: before the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC and after it. The authors believe that 359-346 BC should be considered the first stage. It was during this period that economic and military reforms were carried out, the rise and strengthening of the Macedonian state took place. In addition, the foundations were laid for the establishment of Macedonian influence in Greece.

Artemenkova K.P. The image of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in the essays of British historians (1780-1800s)

The article deals with the image of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna formed in the British historical essays about Russia of the last third of the 18th century: “Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark” (1784) by William Coxe and “History of Russia” (1800) by William Tooke. The author of the article comes to the conclusion these essays marked the beginning of the negative image of Elizabeth Petrovna in the British Rossica of the late 18th and 19th centuries. Coxe`s historical work fixed the controversial image of Her royal Majesty in the literature for a long time. On the one hand, she was presented as both promiscuous and religious empress; on the other hand, as a far from humane and merciful monarch, as Elizabeth allowed the operation of a cruel and unjust punitive machine, which applied cruel tortures and exiles to her subjects in her country.

Christensen C.S. The Russian Revolution (1905-1921) explained through the propaganda movies of the soviet film director Sergei Eisenstein

The Russian Revolution is probably one of the most important events in contemporary world history. This article is an attempt to mark the centenary of the end of the revolution by setting the record straight. It aims to describe a lived experience of mass democracy and popular revolt that “shook the world”; to show that it was the collective action of millions of ordinary men and women that powered the whole historical process between 1905 and 1921. The revolution will be analyzed based on film director Sergei Eisenstein’s propaganda films, which was produced in the years shortly after the end of the event in 1921. Was the revolution an attempt to show a new generation of people eager for change that “another” world is indeed possible? Does it all depend on what the people, rising from its slumber, choose to do? And was the Russian revolution in these sixteen years an “explosion” of democracy, equality and peace because of the activity from the lower society classes?

Ivanov A.M., Kupchenko K.V., Fedoskin N.N. Voluntary societies on the struggle for sobriety in the period of Perestroika based on the materials of the Smolensk region (1985-1987)

The article covers the last anti-alcohol campaign in the history of the Soviet Union during the Perestroika period. The aim of the work is to consider the creation and activities of voluntary societies fighting for sobriety on the example of the Smolensk region. The authors conclude that during the anti-alcohol campaign, there were created prerequisites for further increasing efforts to combat drunkenness and alcoholism and to establish a sober lifestyle. However, the restrictions imposed only led to queues in stores, absenteeism and an increase in moonshine brewing.


Pulkin M.V. “Foreign school” in the 19th and early 20th centuries: problems of pedagogical practice transformations (on the materials of the European North of Russia)

The paper examines the main problems of the formation and development of the “foreign” school in the European North of Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The main attention is paid to such significant factor in the process of pedagogical practice transformations as increasing the number of students, training teaching staff, and publishing educational literature. It was revealed that the “foreign” school had a significant impact on the processes of interethnic interaction throughout the territory under consideration, steadily leading to the integration of the Finno-Ugric peoples’ representatives into the Russian society.

Kostyuchenkova N.V. Digital teaching as an effective means of education

Constantly changing contemporary educational environment defies traditionally accepted customary training methods used to be the major ones just recent time ago. Due to the well-known objective factors, the system of education needs to be altered and modified to the certain extent, so digital platforms are being inserted into the teaching-and-learning process. It has appeared to be a veritable challenge for a great number of educators to get involved into such a “terra incognita”. However, there are some appreciable benefits of the “digital” approach. In this article the innovative digital educational means are analysed.

Balalaieva O.Y. To the question of defining the notion “electronic learner’s dictionary”

The purpose of the article is to analyse the idea of “electronic learner’s dictionary” in the context of modern research in the field of educational and computer lexicography. The author presents various approaches to understand the content, scope and features of this idea. In conclusion, the problems of definition are due to both the relative novelty and the complexity of the nature of the denotation. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, comparison and generalization, the author’s interpretation of the “electronic learner’s dictionary” notion is proposed.


Azis Setyagama. The supervision function problems of the House of Representatives in the Indonesian government system

In the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the authority and position of the People’s Representative Council (DPR) is regulated in articles 19-22B, where the DPR functions are given in article 20A paragraph (1), which states that “the DPR shall hold legislative, budgeting and oversight functions”. Indonesia adheres to a Presidential government system, thus the head of state cannot be overthrown by the House of Representatives, and supervision over the government is carried out by the executive. Thus, the DPR is only limited to supervising and cannot act in full measure. About the results of DPR supervision and identified cases of fraud committed by government officials can be reported only to institutions under the auspices of the executive branch. So obviously the DPR’s functions and powers in overseeing the administration of government are very imperfect. This paper is a normative legal research, which examines the provisions of articles in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, especially those related to the authority of the DPR in terms of oversight of government administration. The problem faced by the DPR is that parliamentarians don’t have the authority to impose legal sanctions on state officials, who carry out their duties in bad faith.

Vlasova O.Y. Political parties’ development trends in the information society context

Political parties are being changed greatly in the context of the information society. The first reason of such changes is the emergence of new postmodern social and political cleavages and ideologies. The second reason is the conceiving of a new party organization – movement parties. There is a world process of parties Americanisation and at the same time party systems must engage new types of extreme right and extreme left non-systemic parties. Against the background of these processes the new type of political parties is now emerging.

Sazonova O.A. Readmission as a transfer mechanism of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship to the required state

The article reveals the concept and the bases of a readmission application to foreign citizens and persons without citizenship in view of absence at them legal basis for stay and accommodation in the territory of the Russian Federation. The author noted that the main difference of a readmission is that its realization requires existence of the international agreement between two or several countries. It is emphasized that the states at the same time can face some associated risks. The conclusion is made about importance of rapid and adequate response by Russia to numerous calls of difficult interstate relationship in the conditions of the modern world is formulated.


Jaremba M. The genesis of Sufism and its development over the centuries

The article studies the origins of mystical Islam, known as Sufism. The author has studied the figures of the most important Sufi thinkers, who were the precursors of the new teachings and dogmas of Islam and Sufism. The aim of the article is to present the development of Sufism over the centuries, its transformation and spread. In conclusion, the author notes the growing interest in Sufism since the end of the 20th century.

Walczak D. Icon accessible to every believer. Russian icons in finift’ of the 19th and early 20th centuries

The article describes the main stages of the formation and development of finift icon painting in Russia. Finift is a type of artistic enamel typical for Russia which Rostov masters began painting small wearable icons on at the end of the 18th century. After analysing individual objects known as finift icons of the 19th and early 20th centuries the author defines the iconographic and stylistic features of these works. Literary works are also cited as additional sources.

Kucherova A.M. Orthodox medical prose in the perception of foreign students (based on the work of hieromonk Theodorit Senchukov)

The article reveals the new phenomenon of the modern literary process known as an Orthodox medical prose. This is considered both from philological and methodological points of view. The author introduces some works of Orthodox literature on medical topics into the practice of teaching Russian as Foreign Language. The survey of foreign students allows us to speak about the formation of their interest in Orthodox literary literature as well as about increasing the motivation of representatives of different cultures to study the Russian language and literature.


Aliyev O. Symbolism of numbers in fairy tales: three, seven, forty

According to their poetic nature, numbers used in folklore can be divided into two groups: sacred (lucky) and traditional numbers. Sacred (lucky) numbers formed in connection with traditions, beliefs and faiths. According to the folk belief, these numbers have magical power and give blessings and joy. Numbers “three”, “seven” and “forty”, deeply rooted in the worldview, rituals and customs of Azerbaijani people, in everyday life, can be considered as sacred (lucky) numbers. In Azerbaijani tales the mentioned numbers carry different functions. Tripartite, a group consisting of three men, in fairy tales: “three brothers”, “three conditions”, “three trials”, “three assignments,” “three assistants”, etc. perform the required function. This number is also used in traditional sayings and narrations. Number “seven” is also widely used in Azerbaijani tales. According to the tradition, creating the new plot and motif or defining the system of images the tale-teller usually uses number “seven”. Number “forty” in tales is often used as the equivalent of the concept “majority”. In the tale formulae “forty days, forty nights road”, “forty days, forty nights wedding” or “forty days, forty nights struggle” not only reflects the size of space and time, but also shows the infinity of space and time. Sacred and mythological ideas of the world order play an important role in formation of these numbers. All this was reflected in some folklore examples, including the tales.

Eminli B.I. Ethno-cultural features of the official addresses forms in the Azerbaijani language

The article studies official address forms in the Azerbaijani language in historical retrospect as well as identification of features wording of expression and interpretation of thought, the speech functionality in various spheres of public and private life. In the process of communication the historically established forms of the official address and their sociolinguistic meanings in the ethno-cultural space are developed. The influence of historical and social events and phenomena on the language is expressed, among other things, in the forms of address. Differences in social classes and groups of society determine the features of their speech. The analysis of words meaning in this speech is a separate object of the research.

Sуrotina O.O. Means of verbalization of the spatial subcategory “locativity” in the English terminology of biotechnology sphere

The article studies the features of the spatial subcategory of locativity in the terminology of the biotechnology sphere and the identification of a set of tools in the English language that serve to express this subcategory. The relevance of this work is due to the insufficient study of the categorization phenomenon in English biotechnological terminology within the framework of the cognitive paradigm. The author characterises the main means of the spatial locative subcategory verbalization and their structural features in the studied term system. Concepts related to the topological properties of space and participating in the creation of a locative subcategory are verbalized by special spatial vocabulary; specialized spatial morphemes; terms created on the basis of metaphorical transfer and syntactic constructions that carry spatial information.

Zhvania L.V. The Bible code of the dramatic poem “Obsessed” by Lesya Ukrainka

The article studies the semantic layers of the dramatic poem “Obsessed” by Lesya Ukrainka, which are revealed due to the correlation of the work with the biblical text. The author considers features of the interpretation of the Gospel images and motives. Particular attention is paid to the artistic representation of the Christ image. It is indicated that the author makes the main emphasis on how the image of the Messiah is refracted through the vision of the main character of the work. The assumption is substantiated that Miriam is a type of unrepentant sinner who repeats the path of Christ on her human level, which is a kind of parody. The features of New Testament images and plots transformation in the work correlate with the ideological position of its author.

Bruchikova E.V., Safron E.A. Secondary worlds of fanfiction and parody (“Harry Potter and methods of rationality” by E. Yudkowsky and “Porry Hatter and the stone philosopher” by A.V. Zhvaletsky and I.E. Mytko)

Tight intermediary relationship and the specific features of postmodern culture lead to the process of literary expansion, thus generating secondary genres. This article specifies the characteristics of parody – an old literary genre being presented in a modern form. It also reveals the peculiarities of fanfiction as a specific readers’ estimate of authors’ texts. The research points out their similarities as well as their discrepancies. The study shows both common features of secondary texts and their unique features. It has been proven that fanfiction is not only focused on the nature of play, but invites the reader to become an equal participant in this literary game.


Pilyak S.A. On the formation of a principles number for the interpretation of cultural heritage objects

Based on the results of the analysis the author formulated the following interpretation principles of cultural heritage, which determine its specifics: the principle of modernization of the interpretation subject, the principle of identity, the principle of digital embodiment of material cultural heritage, the principle of actualization of cultural heritage, the principle of deconstruction, the principle of temporality of cultural heritage interpretation, and the principle of the semiotic nature of cultural heritage. The examples of architectural heritage objects given in the article allow us to clearly present the specifics of the cultural heritage interpretation. The effect of the formulated principles can be extended to the interpretation of the entire cultural heritage.