No 2, 2019 | Studia HumanitatisStudia Humanitatis, No 2, 2019 (original) (raw)
Publishing Date: 2019-07-04
Vostrikov P.V. William Berkeley (1605-1677) as the governor of colonial Virginia
In the article the author explores the most important stages in life and career of one of the best-known political figures in the early American history. William Berkeley spent about thirty four years in Virginia, more than any other colonial official of his rank. Because of his political allegiance he was deprived of the governorship during the Protectorate, but upon the Restoration he immediately regained his position. Berkley is noted for his active campaign of recruiting of the royalists to Virginia, he was instrumental both in formation Virginia gentry elite and general increase in the population of the colony. Besides, he was an active economist and had some success in his attempts to diversify the local economy. However, the population growth in combination with some other factors contributed to the escalating of political and economic tensions that eventually led to a social uprising and his downfall.
Kandelaki D.G. Data about Georgia by an anonymous author
The European and Russian readers got acquainted with Georgia, a little-known country for them, through periodicals in the early 19th century. The paper analyses an article “Georgia under the Sceptre of Alexander I” written by an anonymous author, published in 1805 in “Vestnik Evropy” magazine. The paper’s aim is the assessment of Georgia's history in the early 19th century written by an unknown author. This document is confirming the interest of foreigners towards Georgia.
Pulkin M.V. “In silent bottom...”: crime in Olonets province (19th – early 20th centuries)
The study reviews the problems of formation and development of trends in the criminal sphere on the territory of Olonets province between the 19th and early 20th centuries. It is revealed that the situation in the field of crime has undergone significant changes throughout the period under study. In the first half of the 19th century, relatively weak property differentiation and a noticeable influence of the Orthodox Church significantly reduced the scale of deviant manifestations. However, bourgeois reforms and the gradual spread of religious indifferentism markedly changed the favourable picture. The number of crimes and their severity increased significantly.
This article examines the contribution of colporteurs in the distribution of religious faiths in the Russian Empire between the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The author analyses the reasons of the popularity of colporteurs’ job both among the folk and among the intelligentsia. The article also explores the sources of the crisis of the colporteurs’ work at the end of the 19th century and the ways out of it. A comparative analysis shows forms and methods of missionary activities of sectarian and Orthodox colporteurs. In conclusion, the Act of toleration adopted in the early 20th century was an additional impetus to attract colporteurs to the case of the Orthodox mission.
This article reproduces the chronology of the work of the Committee of Care on Russian icon painting (1901-1918) on the creation of its own Illustrated Iconographical Script (Litsevoi ikonopisny podlinnik) – a handbook for icon painters, which had to consist of photographs of exemplary icons and provide a practical guide for icon painters. The author conducts a detailed analysis of the discussion within the Committee about the form and content of the first volume of the planned script “Iconography of the Lord God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (1905) by Nikodim Kondakov. A circle of artistic inspiration for the original was revealed, and a connection was found between the idea of creating an Illustrated Iconographical Script and the project of religious revival and church reforms of the Nicholas II époque.
Mordzilovich A.A. The phenomenon of the “brown” priests in the Third Reich: causes of occurrence
The paper analyses the causes and extent of the cooperation between German Catholic and Protestant clergy and Nazis. The author considers various definitions of the term “brown” priests in historiography. The paper aims to show that this collaborationism was not based on the commitment of priests to Christian teaching, they were often encouraged to cooperate with Nazis with their own political and career considerations and personal motives.
The article explores the activities of the Pskov Region Commission in reviewing cases of state crimes of the Stalin era, in which the staff of the regional Prosecutor’s Office took a direct part. This work was written on the basis of previously unpublished materials and documents of the State Archives of the Pskov Region. When solving research problems in this article, the author used systemic, comparative-historical and historical-genetic methods. In conclusion, the results of the work of the Commission of the Pskov Region on reviewing cases of state crimes can be considered satisfactory, since due to its activities a significant number of people were able to achieve, even if not fully rehabilitation, but a significant reduction in the punishment chosen against them.
In Indonesia students’ character building has become the state education policy implemented in the national education curriculum. Ministry of Education and Culture has launched the implementation of character building for primary schools up to universities level. Early age character building is required to keep up one’s character not to be changed. Students’ character and morality can be correctly built up and integrated through class subjects and extracurricular activities. The appropriate way to build and develop students’ character is by participating in extracurricular activities in which it is an educational activity to extent their knowledge, improve their skill and internalise the value of religion as well as local, national and global social norms to form a better human being. Scouting is one of those extracurricular activities that are essential to building students’ character. It provides the moral education along with life values for the students. This study examines the role and function of scout activity as students’ extracurricular in providing the moral values for them.
The article is focused on the possibility of using educational mobile applications in teaching English. The main methods of training underlying the training mobile applications are described in order to group the applications for teaching English according to the priority method of teaching and to show the similarities and differences with the methods of traditional learning. The article describes and studies the methodological components of the content of the selected applications such as functions, types of tasks, types of content, motivational components, the presence of theory and tips, dictionary, and also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the applications. The study aims to show the features of the content in terms of embedding its elements in the system of traditional English language teaching, to identify the level of readiness of students to implement mobile applications in the educational process and to formulate methodological recommendations.
Ramli L. The settlement of the industrial relation dispute in Indonesia
The parts of industrial relation are workers and employers. The relation between them is based on freedom of contract principle. The parties have difference purpose that easier evoke dispute. There are two kind of industrial relation dispute settlement, non-litigation and litigation settlement. The mediator has function to resolve the industrial or labour dispute according to Law No 2 of 2004. Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution to resolve industrial conflict. Mediation by civil servant from Man Power Department make the simply ways and cut the high cost. But, if the conflict cannot be solved by mediation or if the parties disagree about the suggestion they can continue go to industrial trial. The main issue is what the ideal model in industrial relation dispute solution. The method in this article is socio legal research. Start from the regulation, implementation, collect the problem from the process, sorting the problem and then will make the model for solution of industrial relation dispute.
Anand G., Subagyono B.S.A. Juridical execution of Court verdict problem in civil case in Indonesia
Execution is the act of forced execution applicant or winning party through a Court of jurisdiction competent against the executed parties to comply with or enforce a decision which had permanent legal force. In its implementation, the juridical execution must comply the defined principles in article 195 until 208 HIR (Herziene Inlandsch Reglement). The principle included the verdict of permanent legal force, condemnatory verdict, non-voluntarily verdict and execution by head of Court. However, there are some constraints that occurred. Those are inappropriate action done by the parties and infringement in breaking the law either civil or criminal sanction.
Veselov M.Y. Biological, psychological and social factors of the legal concept “child”
The article reveals the factors determining the peculiarities of the legal concept “child”. The author gives a brief description of the biological, psychological and social characteristics of this period of human life. It is substantiated that the legal concept of childhood should be correlated with these factors. Taking into account these factors, the main features of the legal status (position) of the child in various types of legal relations are highlighted.
The article reviews the problem of reflexivity as an intellectual and personal resource of people with different experience of relations in the parental family. The author constructs profiles of reflexivity in individuals with favourable and unfavourable experience of relations. It shows that in individuals with unfavourable experience of relationships an indicator of present reflection is increased, which can be viewed both as a consequence of the family situation and as a resource for overcoming negative experiences associated with past experience.
Landwójtowicz P. Priesthood and therapy – the perspective of pastoral counselling
Modern man is experiencing numerous conflicts and problems. In the search for solutions to their difficulties, people turn to faith and the related pastoral care, or to the psychology and the ensuing different interpretations of psychotherapy. Can these two directions of human inquiry be connected? Is it possible to carry out pastoral care through therapy or therapy through pastoral care? The article tackles the issue of pastoral counselling, which appears to constitute such an intermediate solution. Thus, at the beginning of the research the understanding of the concepts of pastoral care, psychotherapy and pastoral counselling were clarified. Then, the article describes the relationship between these concepts and notes the importance of complementary distinctiveness (the author's term) in the functioning of pastoral counselling. What was discussed at the end were practical ways to update the rules of complementary distinctiveness in pastoral counselling.
Translation of liturgical texts is always of fundamental importance, because divine service, and especially in the Sacraments, expresses the whole essence of the Orthodox faith and the whole religious experience of Church. Errors in translations can serve as the basis for subsequent conceptual misconceptions and even heresies. In this research the author attempted to answer the following questions. What is meant in the Eucharistic prayer at the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great words: “…Do not take away the grace of Your Holy Spirit from these Gifts presented because of my sins”? What is the essential lack of all available translations of this prayer from Greek into Russian?
Pyatkova P.Y., Shushmarchenko E.A. Linguistic and stylistic analysis of sports commentators’ speech
The article presents the study on speech of sports commentator during swimming championship. The area of commenting in this sport is understudied. The review gives much attention to the hesitation pauses and tropes and features of the flowing free speech. In the course of research, the author identified the features of commenting during swimming competitions and gave a contrastive-comparative analysis of commentators’ speech, both an expert and a professional sportsman.
Myshak O.O. The classification of English biotechnological terminology
The classification of English biotechnological terminology is proposed in the article. The author identifies the main groups of terms referring to general scientific, basic and proper terminology that have emerged within the framework of this science. Basic terms that have been borrowed from other terminological systems and have retained their original meaning, derivatives and complex terms (word combinations), terms borrowed from adjacent to biotechnology terminologies, but partially changed their semantics have been identified from the point of view of the formation and development of terminology.
The article explores the objectification of the sociocultural representations of the individual in the singular graphic units of writing on the material from the passage from F. Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot”, pronounced in the title of the article. The author of the article reflects various aspects of the process taking the fictional nature of the object under study into consideration. The reasoning about the Myshkin’s monologue outlined the theoretical principles of grammatology which allowed to address the problem of the writing conceptualization in this area of linguistic and philosophical-linguistic theorising. The analysis confirmed that the written language has its own, independent from oral speech and natural language conventions, meaning-generation resource, i.e. graphics, outline. The possibility of “translating” (as converting) mental representations into graphic imagery indicates the phonetic writing of semasiographic potencies realised by the interpretations (the nature of these interpretations is also interpreted by the author) of the graphic form of a specific material (ontic) sign.
The article describes an actively-developing phenomenon of the modern literary process as parish prose. On the material of stories by priest Yaroslav Shipov the author analyses the content and literary characteristics that are specific to this socio-communicative model phenomenon, i.e. the “pastor-pastor” model. The study reveals that the writer's works bring to the forefront a collegial level of interaction among the pastors in the context of the daily life of the church community. It proves the idea that the functions of this model are associated with an objective depiction of characteristics of life in a modern rural parish and the Orthodox clergy.
Pasiutsina Y.N. New type of the hero in stories by Anatoly Andreev
The paper analyses the stories of the Russian-speaking Belarusian writer Anatoly Andreev, who proposed a theory of person-centrism based on the perception of a literary hero as a personality. The characters of the Belarusian writer present a new, modern kind of a “superfluous” hero. They are people of creative professions, who have more mental capacity than everyone else has, and this is their problem. They rush around in search of themselves and their destiny but face social disapproval and in the end remain completely alone.
Giemza L. The Venice of Bieńkowska, the Venice of Bolewski – on two essays about the city
The article analyses two essays about Venice: Ewa Bieńkowska’s “What do the stones of Venice say” and Jacek Bolewski’s “What after Venice… Following up artists and saints”. The subjects of both essays are, above all, the art and architecture of the city, which leads to comparisons. E. Bieńkowska focuses on painting, whereas J. Bolewski refers to literary texts (I. Brodski, Casanova, H. James). However, both essays are a special “lesson in looking.” In both of them, there are clear references to essays of Herbert, even in the way the “essayistic speaking voice” is formulated in the opposition to the tourist.
Nikolsky E.V. Philosophical prose as an aesthetic phenomenon
The article considers the artistic specificity of philosophical prose, a special kind of art where artistry and philosophy organically intertwine. The author convincingly proves that the phenomenon of the philosophical genre lies beyond the boundaries of the problems of the work, arguing that the basis of this genre is aesthetic reflection, a special principle of aesthetic worldview. This is the originality and relevance of this article, because in the domestic literary question of the genre specificity of philosophical prose is not uniquely resolved. As an example of the work, which implements the principles of the philosophical genre, the article considered the novel “the Name of the Rose” by Umberto Eco, where the author goes beyond the aesthetics of postmodern, detective and morals, and creates a multi-faceted work. The author concludes the complexity of the philosophical novel for literature and the distinction between literary philosophic as an aspect of the problem and as a genre phenomenon.
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the idea that if cognitive acts can compose everyday life of a person in the information society. The author describes the main details of the mechanism of knowledge in the conditions of the information society routine and formulates questions for further development of the problem field. One of possible directions, the results of which are presented in this paper, flows from the comparison of scientific and everyday rationality and analysis of ways of their interaction in modern society.