No 2, 2022 | Studia Humanitatis (original) (raw)
Publishing Date: 2022-07-25
Fedchenko O.D. From Germonassa to Tamatarkha: localization of ancient cities on the Taman Peninsula
Based on the historical evidence of Greek, Roman and Byzantine authors the paper studies the location of ancient colonial cities on the Taman Peninsula. A comprehensive study of geographical objects indicated in ancient documents makes it possible to determine their localization. The routes of sea travel along the Black Sea coast have been studied. The analysis of the mentioned landmarks made it possible to find out the localization of the cities and regions of Phanagoria, Germonass, Sindik, Tamatarkha/Tmutorokan and others. It is concluded that the original Greek colonization of the Taman Peninsula was carried out from the south, and in the Middle Ages the center moved to the shores of the Taman Bay. The proposed article gives a new impetus to the study of the archaeological data of the region under consideration.
For generations the city-state of Novgorod and later Novgorod Republic were perceived as one of the most successful democratic experiments on Russian soil ever. In recent decades, however, this interpretation has been questioned several times. It could therefore be tempting to completely ignore this fact. However, it will hardly be reasonable partly because the idea of the democratic Novgorod has played a major role in Russian history, and partly because the results of modern research have emerged in opposition to the previously common view. The notions of the democratic Novgorod are based on an image of the city as a quite enterprising business city with peasants, artisans and merchants. Also to this must be added a class of rich boyars. All were they free men who took an active part in the political and social life of the city. This article analyses and studies the socio-political structure of Novgorod and later Novgorod Republic; conclusions are drawn why this structure is questioned in modern history science.
The article discusses the communicative practices, ways and means of transcontinental labour migration of Prussian specialists to St. Petersburg in the 1830s by the example of Berlin locksmith master F.V. Knak. The objective of the study is to consider the factors that play an important role in deciding to change the place of residence and travel abroad: family, communication practices and the social environment of the protagonist in St. Petersburg. Based on the file stored in the Berlin archive regarding the petition of Mrs Knack (nee Westerburg), there is made for the first time an attempt to analyse the effectiveness of the Prussian Foreign Ministry’s communication channels in St. Petersburg in 1836-1837, as well as the factors that contributed to the successful integration of the locksmith in the Russian capital. The main information about the master is contained in the petitions of Knack’s wife and in the correspondence between the Prussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin and the Prussian mission in St. Petersburg. It is concluded that the effective communication practices of various participants in this case, such as the Prussian foreign policy and diplomatic administrations, the wife of a locksmith and, indirectly, the most wanted master, as well as prominent representatives of the cultural and economic life of St. Petersburg A.L. Roller and Ch. Bird, helped to find a locksmith, who managed to successfully integrate with the support of the mentioned persons.
The article examines the process of the emergence and subsequent development of zemstvo veterinary service in the Tula province at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. This direction at the initial period of local governments activity did not receive due attention. However, the spread of extensive diseases of livestock gave a powerful impetus to the expansion of activities in this direction in the future. The development of zemstvo veterinary service is a vivid example of the awareness of the importance of livestock health problem, as well as a point-based and largely effective solution of the problem.
Badanov V.G. Territorial institutions of Olonets province and Stolypin agrarian reform
The article examines the activities of territorial institutions (zemstvo) of the Olonets province during the period of P.A. Stolypin agrarian reform. The attitude of zemstvo activists to the peasant community and to the agro-technical innovations of the government is analysed. The assistance of zemstvo agronomy in carrying out reform, in maintaining and developing peasant farms in the Olonets province is being considered. The article also analyses the appeal of Olonets territorial institutions to the Finnish agrarian experience.
The paper describes the migration policy pursued in the Soviet Union in the second half of the 20th century on the example of the Smolensk region. The research describes the processes of the urban and rural population migration both within the region and beyond its aisles. The authors give examples of population movement from the Smolensk region to the Far East, Kazakhstan, the Kaliningrad region, the Crimea. It is concluded that in comparison with previous centuries, over the past thirty years the ethnic composition of the Smolensk region has changed slightly.
The paper describes the development strategy drafting for Moscow Orthodox school by the example of the Orthodox St. Peter’s School. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the author reveals the stages of development strategy growth, shows the tools of strategic analysis and provides the results of the research. Based on the data obtained and according to the criteria highlighted in the scientific literature, the author chooses a development strategy acceptable to St. Peter’s School and suggests that other confessional schools will use the proposed algorithm to progress their own development strategies.
The article analyses the specifics of a modern teenager image on the example of novel “The Voice” by Daria Dotsuk and presents methodological recommendations for the study of the story. The author notes that there are no researches devoted to study and analysis of the author’s works in literary studies and teaching methods of the discipline. In this regard, the relevance and practical significance of the conducted research is obvious, which is determined by the possibility of using the results obtained in pedagogical activity. A significant place in the article is given to bibliotherapy as one of the forms of work with teens, which is a complex combination of book studies, psychology, psychotherapy and psychocorrection.
Environmental development in Indonesia is based on the principle of sustainable development, where the environment is maintained for the benefit of present and future generations. The Indonesian economy growth for the welfare of citizens affects the environment, while economic development inevitably affects changes in natural and environmental conditions. Changes in natural and environmental conditions must be regulated through laws and legal acts, so that they can be utilized for the welfare of citizens without damaging the ecology. This study uses normative legal research, namely analyzing Law No 32 of 2009 on “Environmental Protection and Management”. Legal guarantees from the government are particularly important to prevent ecological damage due to the excessive exploitation of Indonesia’s natural resources, which negatively affects the environment. Therefore, the efforts made by the government to reduce ecological risks with sustainable environmental development policies are the best solution to this problem.
The article discusses modern development and influence of digital technologies on the migration relations. The authors analyze the need of the administrative right regulation development with application of new types of digital services and platforms. It is noted that digitalization growth of the migration sphere demands strengthening of security measures of the information environment. There is formulated the conclusion that the usage of digital technologies is a tool on increase in efficiency of public administration by migration processes in the country.
The article deals with the main problems of the implementation of the marriage sacrament. It was revealed that the legislation on marriage issues in the period under review acquired significant volumes, leading to a comprehensive regulation of the wedding ceremony and the events preceding it. The procedure for the marriage implementation, developed in the legislation, required active and productive interaction from the parish clergy and laity, aimed at identifying obstacles to matrimonial. A number of extremely negative situations are associated with the marriage implementation, caused by certain forms of coercion into matrimonial. Nevertheless, the sacrament of marriage remained the most significant and demanded element in the life cycle of Orthodox peasants.
Beshenich С. “Theology of the Body”: a discussion on community, love and equality
The paper discusses Pope John Paul II’s work “Theology of the Body”. This doctrine of the Holy Father is an adequate anthropology in which the human body reveals God. “Theology of the Body” examines man and woman before the Fall, after it and at the resurrection of the dead. The author has made an attempt to analyse how the Holy Father wrote on the equality of men and women, and so confirmed their parity as persons in religion. Contemporary discourse on femininity has sought to emphasize the importance of the woman’s role in societal and family life. This discourse risks overlooking the man’s role, however, and disregarding the beauty of the woman’s part in a relationship. In “Theology of the Body” Pope John Paul II explained how the man and woman together create a community, which reflects the image of God within itself.
This work reviews opportunities of studying collocations using corpus technologies. The definitions of the concepts “corpus” and “corpus manager” are given. The definitions of “collocation” in the broad sense and from the corpus linguistics point of view are considered. The main advantages of using corpus instruments for studying collocations are analysed. The description of the functionality of the two most popular corpus services – “AntConc” and “SketchEngine” has been carried out.
Ilyushkina M.Y., Tarasova I.V. Language game as a tool for promoting product brands in English
The article considers the functional features of the language game in the texts of advertising in English on the case of advertising slogans of product brands. The relevance of the current research lies in the fact that the language game contributes to the maximum impact on the consumer as its techniques and functions attract attention, convincing the consumer to purchase the product. This paper discusses the techniques of language game and identifies the most frequent.
Gabrelyan P.I., Danilina N.I. Latin mottos today
The article analyses the use of Latin mottos in the modern world. The main areas of Latin mottos application are medicine, education, in English-speaking countries also territorial symbols and sports. For Russian linguistic culture, the revival of the tradition of Latin mottos in personal symbolism has been established. In the field of medicine mottoes-quotations are predominate; in sports specially composed phrases translated into Latin are mainly used; about a third of the mottoes in territorial and personal symbols are quotations. The main values declared in the mottos are providentialism (territorial symbolism in English-speaking countries), diligence and the will to win (sport), an active life position and self-development (personal symbolism in modern Russian culture).
Yetkin B.G. Oblomov-like heroes in Turkish literature
The novel “Oblomov” is one of the most important works of the 19th century and is rightfully considered as Ivan Goncharov’s masterpiece. There is a sharp criticism of the contemporary Russian society in the main character of the story, Ilya Oblomov. Similar motives are reflected in Turkish literature. The main character of Goncharov turns out to be similar to the heroes of Turkish literature in the context of his biography, lifestyle and character traits. Thus, the author of the article, using a common literary typology, brings together the unique works of Russian and Turkish literature.
Khrul A., Chrul S. Humour in songs by Bulat Okudzhava and Jacek Kaczmarski: a functional analysis
The paper examines the functions of bards’ songs humour in Russia and Poland. The authors analyse songs and poems of two outstanding authors: Bulat Okudzhava and Jacek Kaczmarski with explicit humour (irony, oxymoron and satire) and use structural, content and functional analysis methods. In the second half of the 20th century bard’s song in Russia and Poland was a medium for self-expression and widely used humour and irony at critical tools and understandable call for social changes. Taking this phenomenon as a starting point, the authors conduct the analysis focused on socio-cultural mechanisms of mutual understanding and discover the connecting effect of humour for the audience. The authors argue that laughter of bard’s songs destroys hierarchical social structures and barriers between people and leads to intellectual and emotional unity. Moreover, the paper makes explicit two dominant functions of humour in the songs and poems by Okudzhava and Kaczmarski – the integrating and differentiating. The first one strengthens the aspirations of both poets to bring mutual understanding between their listeners and fosters social unity. The second function is differentiation, it serves as a way of separating and opposing those groups that have developed a different world view based on other values. Both functions of humour in bards’ songs shape the worldview, strengthen reflection and questioning the social order around.
Markov A.V. Russian philosophy and circus art
The leading Russian culture philosophers of the 20th century – Aleksei Losev and Gustav Shpet turned to images of circus art and eccentrics in order to explain how modern aesthetic perception works. The author proves that this appeal was not only illustrative, but had to structure the idea of culture in a new way, far from the habits of the positivist approach. Direct competition, which encourages subjective emotion and allegorical thinking, was questioned with the ascetic of contemplation and direct reaction, intended to the rules more than to properties. The ascetic of contemplation and direct reaction, which intends to the rules more than to properties, were set in opposition to the direct competition that encourages subjective emotion and allegorical thinking.
Khroul V. “Post-truth” as an ontological error in a global media and academic discourse
The relativisation of truth and the blurring of the boundaries between truth and falsehood in the public sphere are nowadays positioned in media discourse and academic literature as a normal historical process and described by the term “post-truth”. The author proposes to subject its correctness and heuristic value to careful critical analysis. “Post-truth” according to the author denotes a fundamentally important essential substitution: truth in it is stripped of its absolute status and placed in the same line with things temporary, finite, conventional – post-communism, post-totalitarianism, post-modernism, post-secularism, etc. Therefore, the author calls to avoid the term “post-truth” since it contains not only a logical, but also an ontological error.