No 3, 2016 | Studia Humanitatis (original) (raw)
Publishing Date: 2016-10-25
The article discusses the historiographic aspect of the issues related to the intellectuals: origin, classification, activity, etymology of concepts such as “intelligentzia” and “intelligence”, and therefore stand out features of their perception and evaluation of domestic and foreign research literature. The authors also pay attention to a particular direction of historiography concerning the problems of interaction between the intellectuals and power in political and sociocultural development of Russia especially in the multi-ethnic region of Chuvashia.
Mamedov Z.I. Russian print media about Turkish “Ergenekon’s” affairs
The article analyzes sources presenting activity of “Ergenekon”, the Turkish organization published on the pages of the governmental “Russian newspaper” and liberal “Izvestia” newspaper. This research studies the image of “Ergenekon” through the Russian media and traces the evolution of public opinion formation about this issue.
On the basis of archival sources and materials the attempt is made to trace and analyse the implementation of process of spiritual enlightenment in Chernivtsi region in the first two decades of Ukraine independence, with the assistance of religious denominations of Bukovyna and influence of foreign religious centres in the religious atmosphere of the region in terms of missionary service.
The article considers the basic criteria of a moral component in a target orientation of the teenager, whose level of development being defined through the testing of pupils in Mykolaiv city. The article present the results given by the usage of two techniques, defines the ways and prospects of the further development of a moral component in a target orientation of teenagers.
Mykhaylenko M.V. Thirty years of “Peace”: reconsidering the Kantian tradition in Foreign Relations
The article considers the researcher’s ideas evolving the reconsideration of neo-Kantian approaches to theorizing in foreign relations regarding the effects of globalization upon the international peace in particular. The array of concepts circulating around Thomas L. Friedman ‘Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention’ is being scrutinized with concern to both its limits and its continuing relevance to trade interdependent potential to serve as a lever upon the belligerence of national governments and violence expansion. A tentative hypothesis is set forward within the context of studying correlations between the spread of wealth, political emancipation and frequency of international conflict.
Picula M.M. International criteria of political consciousness typology
The article presents the approaches of political scientists studying the impact of foreign policy and international environment on the formation of a specialized part of political consciousness. Reflection of the international political processes in human and social consciousness has led to the emergence of new terms that take into account the specifics of their display in the modern consciousness. Among them are global (globalist, planetary, geopolitical) and foreign consciousness which served as the starting point in the development of the concept “European political consciousness” interpreted as regional consciousness. According to the author, political consciousness is complicated, and without reflection of the international processes there can’t be successful transformation of foreign policy and global problems of mankind.
Stankin A.N. The constitutional-legal responsibility: some theoretical issues
The article analyses the problem of the constitutional legal responsibility and the issues of its realization. The author reviews different approaches to the definition of responsibility in particular; analyses the points of view according to the twin-problem of the constitutional responsibility, i.e. according to its positive and negative nature. The paper gives a review of general and specific issues of the constitutional responsibility; researches the interconnection between the constitutional and political responsibility as the constitutional right is closely connected with the politics. The author considers different approaches to the analysis of constitutional delict.
Problems of functioning of the Russian state is directly connected with the security of the constitutional order challenges of the modern time, adversely affecting the constitutional order demand new scientific approaches to their solution not only in theory but mostly in practice. In this regard the subject of the article acted as the totality of constitutional norms pertaining to human rights risks destabilizing the constitutional order in the Russian Federation. The article presents an overview of the Russian legislation allowing correlation of the previously proposed in legal science concept “destabilization”, and the term “human rights risks” in relation to the constitutional order. The authors not only implemented the definition of the claimed concept but also identified and listed the specific types of human rights risks destabilizing the constitutional order in the Russian Federation and proposals for their minimization.
Lukina N.B. The goal orientation and perfectionism of personality
The article analyses the problem of goal orientation and perfectionism. The special attention is turned on the types of personal goals and aspects of such psychological phenomenon as perfectionism. We have identified that goal orientation of personality depends on types of perfectionism.
The article presents a history of inaugural ceremonies of the Christian monarchs reveals the origins of the rite of coronation. Specifically it is noted that there was a reception of the Old Testament tradition, when the Emperor before the accession to the Throne used the Holy oil or Myrrh (depending on the ethnic or confessional tradition). In addition, there was a so-called “churching” of social rituals, which existed in the Roman Empire and other pagan monarchies almost since the dawn of civilization. In summary, it is proved that the anointing on a Kingdom is one of the Church sacraments.
Pulkin M.V. The characters of Karelian epic songs: from paganism to Christianity
The article deals with the problem of changing scenes in Karelian epic songs influenced by the spread of Orthodoxy in areas of Olonets and Arkhangelsk dioceses. The initial idea of the world creation is saved, enhancing support the realities of parish life closely associated with the Christian ideas. Ultimately, epic songs allow the situation to go through the culture shock associated with abrupt and significant change in the outlook of the inhabitants of Northern Karelia.
Garin S.V. From the history of logic. Semantics of homonymy in Porphyry’s logic
The article deals with the logical and semantic aspects of the theory of homonyms in Aristotle’s “Categories” within the context of Porphyry’s commentaries. We consider the logical formation of the doctrine of homonymy of nouns, verbs, and conjunctions in Ancient Greek. We reveal the difficulty in interpreting the terms “κατηγορίαι”, “ὄνομα” and “ῥῆμα”. The paper has shed some light on different aspects of Porphyry’s logic.
The article shows the analysis of the functioning of the axiological notion “God” in the linguistic picture of the world of a story-teller. Paradigmatic, associative relations of verbalised units of the notion “God” is find out. The source of the research is the work “Stories by Siberian man” by the poet of the 19th century Vladimir Sokolovsky (1803-1839).
Fusco A. “The Stone Flower”: the power of beauty between truth and fantasy
The life of Russian writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950) was marked by important historical events: the decline of the Russian Empire and the Great Revolution, which brought to the rise of the Soviet Union. Since his childhood he cultivated a great passion for old tales from the Ural Mountains where he grew up. Moreover, he was animated by a deep rebel spirit which guided him in the years of Socialist Revolution. He became the “voice” of his land shared between legends and real social conflicts. He suffered for being deprived of his freedom but found, through the strength of his poetical narrative creativity, a sense of life which goes beyond any possible restriction.
Barashkova D.S. The world of a “Little Man” in the works of Lao She (based on the novel “Rickshaw”)
The article is devoted to the analysis of the world of a “Little Man” in the works of Chinese writer Lao She (1899-1966). The author represents the variety of interpretations of a “Little Man” in the novel “Rickshaw” and interrelation with the same type of personality in classic Russian literature.
The article analyses the famous novel “Snow” by Orhan Pamuk from atypical positions: the protagonist, a Turkish dissident and poet Ka, is interpreted as a continuation of the type known in Russian classic literature as a “Superfluous Man”. The paper considers attribute symptoms of a “Superfluous Man”. The hypothesis is confirmed by Orhan Pamuk’s allusions on the works by Pushkin, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, and Pasternak. The author marks the socio-political parallels between Turkey and Russia emerged in the reader's perception.
This article discusses the linguistic means of creating an image which include a specific set of calculable constantly implemented speech techniques. Their consideration is carried out through the use of methods of communicative and semantic analysis. The material of the study is the speech of English-speaking and Russian-speaking actors who are represented from the viewpoint of the high degree of their popularity and demand. The comparative analysis of the aggregate speech techniques implemented in speech of different cultures leads to the conclusion that they are similar or identical in formal and typological relations.
The article describes the text corpus RusNeuroPsych developed in the Russian language. It contains the meta-marking as information about the authors (gender, age, education, results of neuropsychological survey and psychological testing). We consider the details of data collection and procession in formation of the corpus, its composition and structure, and also analyse possibilities of application of the RusNeuroPsych corpus in general knowledge.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the value system of the Buddhist religion in the context of current globalization trends. The author considers the stereotypes about the confrontation in the parameters “West – East” and offers the alternative view on the model of Buddhist values and its solidarization potencies. The author extrapolates her ideas on the intellectual and practical sense of a famous Buddhist philosopher Daisaku Ikeda. The author emphasizes the importance of a practical way of aesthetic and ethical projects initiated by Ikeda and justifies their humanistic social significance.
Gоlubinskaya A.V. The social construction of virtual reality
The article is aimed to rethinking the theory of social construction of P. Berger and T. Luckmann in the context of digital society. The conception of virtual reality helps to find new traits of the world in everyday life: intersubjectivity, temporality, schemes of typification and other social-constructivist concepts that receive new meanings. The author proposes to research the way of the world transformation “here and now” in the age of virtualization of social acts, and how these changes effect human social nature and reflective processes.
Stepanenko S.I., Surgova S.Y. Limits of tolerance as a social phenomenon
This article covers an insufficiently studied scientific and social topic; it seeks to make clear if there are any boundaries in terms of tolerance. The problem of tolerance has a pivotal role nowadays. Its significance can be explained by the existence of many factors: multiculturalism as the process of worsening of international relations, terrorism, the development of the religious extremism, the problems with refugees etc. In order to solve these issues, it is crucial to consider the essence and peculiarities of tolerance in society.