No 3, 2021 | Studia Humanitatis (original) (raw)
Publishing Date: 2021-10-25
The article considers the court culture of Renaissance Spain, which for a long time acted as a model for many royal houses in Europe. The main question is whether Spain’s entry into the initial period of the decline of the Golden Age influenced the state perception in the eyes of foreign representatives. The focus is on the reception of the Spanish court costume. The material for reflection is an interesting source – notes by Luis Cabrera de Córdoba, secretary of Queen Margaret of Austria.
The article discusses the main directions of churchwardens’ activity. It was revealed that the legislative norms provided for them a wide range of responsibilities related to control over the collection of alms for the parish church needs, control over the preservation of church funds, and streamlining their spending. Churchwardens acted as an intermediary between the laity on one hand, and the clergy, including church governing bodies of different levels, on the other. The main trend in the legislative regulation of the wardens’ activities was the gradual increase in the powers of the parish clergy in matters of church property disposal.
The paper analyses the fate of the Thessaloniki Jews, who during the Ottoman times constituted the majority, but after joining the city to Greece in 1912 faced the threat of assimilation. Looking for the solution, the Jewish community found itself between Zionist and socialist ideas with sentiments towards the Ottoman as much more tolerant model of the city and the state. Many of Jews chose the third way as emigration, mostly to the European countries and the United States, and only a quarter of them repatriated to Palestine.
The article studies the alcohol consumption in the Russian countryside after the implementation of the “dry law” in 1914. Mainly, the first years (1914-1915) of the restrictive measures for the production and distribution of alcoholic beverages in the country and their impact on the peasantry are considered. It is concluded that there are no grounds for asserting that in rural areas, immediately after the establishment of the “dry law” surrogates and moonshine products began to be widely distributed.
The paper studies the last anti-alcohol campaign in the Soviet Union during the period of Perestroika (1985-1991) on the example of the Smolensk region. The authors analysed the methods and techniques of the Soviet government’s struggle against drunkenness and alcoholism in the region. Previously unpublished archival documents and materials of local periodicals are used in the research. In conclusion, the authors identify the reasons that forced the Soviet leadership to curtail the fight against the production and consumption of alcohol in the country.
Buranok S.O., Tokmakova P.D. Approaches to civil identity formation in the educational process
The article studies the problems of civic identity formation among the younger generation of Russians. The researchers pay particular attention to the methods and approaches of pupils’ education in the conditions of modern society development working out the possible results of teachers’ exploration of new training courses. The authors defined pedagogical tasks in history and social studies teaching: the education of civil identity among pupils, the study of traditions, cultures and values for people of the Russian Federation, the consolidation of society for the favorable development of the country. The most important task is to form students' citizenship, responsibility, social culture and socialization. During the examination of theoretical material of both Russian and Soviet educators, the basic principles of civic identity formation are revealed. the authors form a set of appropriate pedagogical methods based on the principles of self-actualization, personalization and indivisibility of the education and training processes. The analysis of theoretical and methodological literature has shown a significant variety of pedagogical methods, techniques and technologies.
The article analyses the ways of presenting plots of Jewish history in textbooks created for secondary Jewish educational institutions of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century. The author focuses on the purpose of the compiler, the structure of textbooks, the style of presentation and the choice of the main plots of the biblical story. These criteria are considered in the context of the Jewish studies development in Russia, the traditions of writing textbooks in the past, as well as the state of Jewish education in the country. The sources of the research are the schoolbooks texts, as well as articles by critics.
Criminal acts are very detrimental to society and often the perpetrators of these offenses cannot be revealed, so that lawbreakers avoid punishment. There are many factors that must be met in uncovering a crime, but there will still be murders that are not caught red-handed. To solve crimes in these instances it is used Visum et Repertum procedure, that is carried out by forensic doctors. This procedure is very decisive as the only written statement made by a forensic doctor which contains evidence of the felon’s guilt. Present paper is a normative legal research studying the provisions of laws and regulations in the Indonesian criminal law. The authors specifically analyse in depth Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which is about evidence as an effort to uncover a crime.
The article studies the issues of professional orientation and readiness for independent work of students and graduates of various specializations related to psychology. Strategies for starting work as a psychologist, self-realization in this profession and the direct application of the acquired knowledge in several cases are a problem for university graduates. Unfortunately, not all programs of higher educational institutions pay sufficient attention to helping students to form ideas about the practical application of the acquired knowledge and the organization of their future work. The authors of the article share their own experience of “Start-Up Schools” conducting for students and graduates of the psychology direction of various specializations. The article highlights the successes and difficulties in conducting such schools, training and seminars.
The article analyses various aspects of the relationship between the largest confessional groups in the Grodno region of the Russian Empire – Orthodox Christians and Catholics in the early 20th century in the context of the implementation of self-identification models “friend or foe”. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of the activity of Catholic clergy and their sympathetic fanatical parishioners to incite interfaith hostility (insults to the Orthodox, obstruction of teaching Catholic children in official educational institutions, secret Polish schools’ foundation). The article provides factual evidence of Catholic priests’ propaganda activities in the Polish national spirit, analyses the reaction of the authorities to these activities.
Academician Nikodim Kondakov (1844-1925), well known as a Byzantine art historian and author of important scientific works on the history of the Russian icon, was also an active fighter for the revival of Russian icon painting and one of the creators of the Committee of Care on Russian icon painting (1901-1918). For 17 years the scientist has always been in the position of managing the affairs of the Committee and attended almost all its meetings. The article describes the comprehensive scientific and organizational activities of N. Kondakov in this institution. Based on the extensive historical material contained in the reports of the Committee meetings, as well as based on the memoirs of the scientist, the author shows Kondakov’s role in the revival of Russian icon-painting in the creation of the Illustrated Iconographical Script, the organization of the Committee icon painting schools, icon shops, etc.
Pentsova M.M. The Scottish place-names of Pictish origin
The article investigates the Scottish place-names of Pictish origins. The Picts are the most mysterious people of Britain, having lived in the north of Scotland from the 3rd to the 9th centuries. Little is known about the language, culture, way of life and destiny of the Picts. The article is dedicated to the study and description of the Scottish part of the toponymic world image. The object of the study includes appellatives and place-names of Pictish origin. As a result of the work, nine appellatives were discovered and about a hundred toponyms were considered, the interpretation of which determines the spiritual side of the life of the ancient people and depicts the Picts as people with developed agriculture, animal husbandry and land tenure.
Syrotina O.O. Representation of the process category in the English clinical veterinary terminology
The article covers the study of the features of the process category in clinical veterinary terminology and the identification of a set of tools in English served to express this category. The studied category is widely used in veterinary terminology since it is one of the basic categories that serve to classify the concepts of clinical veterinary terminology. The author characterizes the main linguistic means used to reflect such subcategories of the process as the actual processes (physiological and pathophysiological processes), states and events. The specialized morphemes, widely used to express the “process” category in clinical veterinary terminology at the linguistic level, are characterized.
Rozhkov Y.H. Causal categorization of animal diseases’ English terminological system
The article describes the study of the causal categorization in the English terminological system of animal diseases. The studied category is widely represented in veterinary terminology, since it is one of the basic categories that classify animal diseases. The author carried out a classification of causal terms denoting animal diseases and indicating their causal characteristics.
Syrotin O.S. Semantic phenomena in the English veterinary terminology
The article studies the semantic phenomena in the English terminology of veterinary medicine. The author has analysed general language semantic processes: synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, polysemy. At the paradigmatic level, the phenomenon of synonymy in veterinary terminology is presented mainly in the form of absolute synonymy. Antonymy is also peculiar to the studied terminology, which is a significant specific feature of the English veterinary terminology. It allows to designate the term system semantics and ensures its symmetry, stability and consistency. The phenomenon of polysemy is presented by isolated examples. It is concluded that an extremely important type of relationship for the terminology of veterinary medicine is a hyper-hyponymic relationship, which makes it possible to visually represent the place of each term in an organized terminology system.
The article examines the semantic facets of St. Petersburg’s symbolic image in the novel “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The border semantic zones of the city shown by the writer join a complex plot-compositional connection with other elements of the narrative. Thus, F. Dostoevsky achieves a special concentricity in the description of the urban landscape, the interiors of the characters and their inner world. In addition, the author explores the intertextual connections of the novel with the famous theological work “The Ladder” by St. John Climacus.
Christensen C.S. About the deep meaning of “Dekalog” by Polish film director Krzysztof Kieślowski
“Dekalog” also known as “Dekalog: the Ten Commandments” of the film director Krzysztof Kieślowski was released on Polish television in 1989-1990. The script of this drama series of ten films was written by Krzysztof Kieślowski himself and his co-writer Krzysztof Piesiewicz. The heroes of the serial live in 1980s Warsaw. Each film explores characters facing one or several moral and ethical dilemmas. “Dekalog” is considered one of the best dramatic works ever done for television. This article analyses the deeper meaning of this movie drama. What are the main themes of the ten movies cycle: politic, moral, love, freedom, criticism of Polish society, or maybe another special subject of the director’s thoughts? The analysis of “Dekalog” is carried out in comparison with other works of the director and considering the beginning collapse of the communist system in the late 1980s which influenced on his creative activity.