No 3, 2023 | Studia Humanitatis (original) (raw)
Publishing Date: 2023-10-25
The Denisova man is an extinct human-like member of the genus Homo. In March 2010 it was announced that the remains of a young individual who lived approx. 50,000 years ago had been found in the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains – an area that was inhabited by Neanderthals and modern humans around the same time. The presence of Denisova man has been also found as far south as Laos. Denisova man is a descendant of hominids migrants from Africa. So far, Denisova DNA has been found in East Asians as well as indigenous people from Papua New Guinea and Australia. Therefore, it is believed that Denisova man lived in Siberia and East Asia. It is well worth pointing out that the knowledge on the Denisovan anatomy is still limited and the question of them being a separate species remains disputed, and that this means that given problem continues to be discussed within genetic relationships between prehistoric and present day humans. It is obvious that modern science still has more questions than answers when studying the Denisova man.
The article describes female terracotta figurines found in the archaeological sites of Southern Turkmenistan. The author describes the history of the study, decorative features, purposes of manufacture and use by the ancient population of these finds. People of the Bronze Age saw gods in female terracotta figurines and made them in various ways. The image on the terracotta figurines of several symbols shows that a woman is connected with the natural world, i.e. she is an image of the fertility Goddess. The unique decoration of products by local sculptors increases the value of terracotta figurines in antiquity study of the material and spiritual culture. This indicates that the female terracotta of the Bronze Age is an important archaeological source for in-depth study of ancient Turkmenistan history.
Khrul A. Funeral traditions of Romans and barbarians of Gallia in I-III centuries AD
Death and funeral traditions in the pre-Christian era have been studied in different degree, thoroughly in the cultures of ancient Rome and ancient Greece, much less in detail in the cultures of pagans, who in Europe were commonly called barbarians. The article is an attempt to comparatively analyze the customs and rituals of burial of the dead in the Roman Empire and Gallia in the I-III centuries AD. The paper shows the main similarities and differences of funeral traditions in these cultures and their mutual influence.
The article analyses the investigative process of the old believers-Spassovites associated with the ritual suicide of 35 people in Kopeny village of Saratov province in 1827. The general description of the events and motivations of fanatical behaviour in the general context of deviant cultural practices in the old believers are given. A special emphasis in the work is made on identifying the social subtext of what is happening and the connection of suicide “sermon” with external circumstances. In particular, an attempt to analyse the specifics of the existence of the Spassovites community in Kopeny and its relationship with the patrimonial administration of the Naryshkin estate is made. The author comes to the conclusion on the existence of deep contradictions in the life of specific peasants, which forced the fanatical part of the Spassovites to take a radical step, as well as the significance of these events in the formation of a negative image of the old believers.
Since the second half of the 19th century, the United States of America has been fighting against various kinds of terrorist organizations, including ultra-right neo-Nazi groups that posed a danger to the USA. During the decline of the Ku Klux Klan, one of the leading Nazi organizations in the first half of the 20th century, the United States of America faced a huge problem of small terrorist neo-Nazi groups spread, which since the late 1970 were in close cooperation with each other. The United States had to change the concept of implementation in organizations by the special services and the Bureau since the late 1960s. The article examines the experience of the FBI countering neo-Nazi groups in the period from the early 1970s to the late 1990s.
The collection of works by Yuri Shevchenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, includes speeches and articles from different years, which were delivered on memorable dates or published in medical journals inaccessible to a wide range of readers. The materials describe the history of medicine from the time of Ancient Egypt to the present day, the development of anatomy and surgery, including the history of the formation and advancement of methods for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. A number of publications are devoted to the famous Pirogov Center in Moscow, the history of its creation and the current state. The book presents a number of short biographies of famous Russian and foreign doctors who made a significant contribution to the development of cardiovascular surgery during the period of the 19th and 20th centuries. It is worth mentioning a number of articles about the life, worldview, pedagogical, administrative and medical activities of Nikolay Pirogov, Sergey Botkin, there are also articles on the history of Russian military medicine of the 19th century included in the collection.
The article discusses a significant area of activity of the pedagogical University – the popularization of psychological and pedagogical science. The specifics of this science popularization in continuous pedagogical education are shown: from the training of students in psychological and pedagogical classes to the continuous education of teachers. The author reveals the purpose of psychological and pedagogical science popularization, the importance of its popularization not only in the training of future teachers, but also in improving the quality of general education in general.
Krasinski I.V. History studying through rock music: analysis of pedagogical strategies effectiveness
The article examines the importance of using rock music in historical education in order to develop students’ interest in the subject. The analysis is based on the effectiveness of pedagogical strategies that include musical elements, and it demonstrates their ability to increase educational motivation, as well as contribute to the emotional consolidation of historical events. Special attention is paid to the influence of rock music on the quality of education and educational achievements of students; specific examples of the variable use of rock music in history lessons are also presented. The features and limitations, recommendations and tips on using rock compositions during history lessons are given.
This study examines the problem of ancient statehood perception in the political theory by Niccolò Machiavelli, known as an exceptional thinker, historian and diplomat of the Italian Wars era. Machiavelli’s key works, such as “Discourses on the first ten of Titus Livy” and “The Prince”, as well as a treatise “The art of War” and some letters of the Florentine are studied. The author of the study substantiates the assumption that Machiavellian analysis of ancient statehood was a syncretic reinterpretation of the Greek political experience through Rome and the cumulative ancient political experience through the realities of modern Machiavelli Italian politics.
Fargiev H.A. Problem points in ensuring the rights of minor remote workers
The purpose of the article is to analyse the legal framework governing the relationship between employers and underage workers engaged in remote work. A number of problems in modern Russian labour legislation hinder the protection of the rights and interests of an employee in labour relations. The prevalence of remote work is growing rapidly, but in order to mitigate the potential negative impact on working conditions, it is necessary to adopt changes in regulations governing teleworking. These measures are essential to ensure the rights and health of underage citizens and to ensure that remote work conditions expand access to fair employment, and do not aggravate the situation of a citizen. In this regard, recommendations are proposed for improving labour legislation to protect the labour rights of underage remote workers within the framework of labour legislation.
Sazonova O.A. Illegal employment of a foreign citizen or stateless person in Russian Federation
The author considers administrative responsibility which is a type of state coercion and is designed to ensure the implementation of administrative and legal norms. The article analyses administrative penalties that are established for the commission of some administrative offenses. It is noted that public law regulation is based on the presumption of the onset of security threats, acting as legal facts sufficient to take measures to prevent negative consequences. The conclusion was formulated that appropriate sanctions are provided for illegal employment in Russia.
The article discusses the revival and development of the problems of the Orthodox monastic communities in the Russian North after the destructive processes of secularization. The main part of the monasteries activity in the review period fell on the time of significant changes in the public consciousness caused by bourgeois reforms. In this regard, the significance of Orthodox monasteries as a stronghold of spirituality and Christian norms of life increased noticeably. The main attention in the article is paid to the problems of the internal life of Orthodox monasteries: economic processes, norms and features of the management of monasteries, the internal structure of monastic communities, control over their activities by the spiritual authorities.
The article dwells on the issue beset with the study of morphological peculiarities and level of usage of the suffix -он in the Tajik literary language referring to the 19th century on the example of the historical writing “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi. It is noted that the relevant suffix is considered to be one of the frequently used in the writing. Proceeding from the adduced analysis concerned with the theme explored the author of the article asserts that possibilities of formation of plural nouns by means of the suffix -он in the language of the period under discussion shows that the scope and specificity of this morpheme using is characterized with wide scales. It is concluded that the suffix -он is used to plurify different kinds of nouns, such as animate and inanimate, personal and non-personal and borrowed words as well.
Sysoeva O.A., Yu X. About the initial stage of studying Ivan Bunin’s creativity in China
The article studies the initial stage of a Chinese reader acquaintance with Ivan Bunin’s creativity. The translation features of his texts into Chinese and the publication circumstances of the first writer’s stories are revealed. The biography of Chinese scientists involved in Ivan Bunin popularization is given. The research process of the works by Russian writer in China is described.
The article considers the peculiarity of fairy tale inserted transmission about the bird Semrug from the novel “Zuleikha opens her eyes” by Guzel Yakhina in the film adaptation directed by Egor Anashkin (2020). As a result of the comparative analysis of the fairy tale and the film in terms of structure, plot-motive organization, image system, context, the peculiarities of the representation of “text in text” are revealed. In summary, conclusions about the significance of the changes made to the script relative to the original source, as well as about the reasons for the preservation of individual fragments of the fairy tale are made.
Gerashchenko I.G. Economic analysis of philosophy in the period of Renaissance and Modern Era
The purpose of the article is to study the philosophy in the period of Renaissance and Modern Era from the standpoint of economic analysis. The following problems are analysed: social capital of philosophy, human capital of philosophy, correlation of Catholicism and Protestantism in the development of philosophy and economics. The ambiguity of market economy for the formation of Renaissance and Modern Era philosophy is shown. Special attention is paid to the issue of the correlation between philosophy and ideology in the context of liberal-market economy.
Medzhidova N.G. Innovation anthropology
Innovation anthropology studies new features from the perspective of their impact on human existence, both individual and collective. This approach views innovations as a key aspect of human interaction, as well as their implications for human personality and culture. Innovation anthropology addresses questions regarding how innovations affect self-awareness, identity and human integrity. Such scientific approach combines elements of innovation philosophy, axiology and forecasting, striving to understand the values and beliefs that are shaped in an era of rapid technological progress. The primary subject of study in innovation anthropology is the human being: their physical nature, cultural and spiritual aspects, and their vision of the future. In the context of continuous innovation, special attention is given to how individuals perceive themselves amidst these changes, and how these changes affect their worldview and values. In other words, innovation anthropology looks at a human both as an active participant in, and as a subject of innovative processes, aiming to understand how these processes impact their lives and consciousness.