No 4, 2015 | Studia Humanitatis (original) (raw)

Publishing Date: 2016-01-25


Tomilov I.S. Manufacturing and raw industry of Tobolsk province in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries

The aim of this work is the analysis of the state commodity sector of the economy of Tobolsk province in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The Period is characterized by the growth of modernization processes in which the changes affected almost all economic sectors and in particular areas of life in General. The author focuses on the raw materials and their processing in view of the exceptional importance of the sectors represented in the industrial development of the region, but also because of their specific features that serve a kind of indicator for other sectors.

Kolupaev V.E. Alexander Evreinov as a Vatican diplomat and a figure of the Russian diaspora

The article describes Alexander Evreinov's personality. He was the aristocrat, the Russian and Vatican diplomat, the priest connected with Russian apostolate in diaspora, the archbishop of the Russian Catholic church of the Byzantine Rite, the participant of religious and social life of the Russian Abroad, the founder of the parish of the Holy Trinity in Paris, the publisher of the “Blagovest” magazine, the functionary on important positions in Vatican. The biographic data is represented on materials of the foreign press and the latest archival openings.

Reva B.V. Calendar ritualism of the Opillia region in the scientific works of historians, ethnographers and specialists in folklore between the 19th and 21st centuries (historiography of the problem)

The article analyses the historiographical problem of calendar ritualism of the Ukrainians in Opillia between the middle of the 19th and early 21st centuries. The author characterizes works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists between the 19th and 21st centuries. The first works in calendar ritualism were written by the representatives of the “Russian Trinity” and the Ethnographic committee of the Shevchenko Scientific Society.


Nikolsky E.V. Religious literacy in the system of cultural competencies in the training of law students

The article provides a clear definition of general cultural competence of the future specialist, it is shown that they represent a social expectation of the fact that a graduate student entering into the social life, shares the values that prevail in this society: high moral characteristics and values of humanism, has a common language, legal culture. In this context, religious literacy is considered, in the presentation we prove that it is an organic part of the composition of the general cultural competences, complements and reveals their content. The article specifically states that religious education is a necessary and relevant part in the socialization of young people.

Eremina A.V., Zoroastrova I.V., Suchkova E.O. The identification of key competencies of university graduates

The article focuses on problems of key competences identification of university graduates in the view of existing approaches to definitions of “competence” and “key competence”. The authors consider the results of self-identification of key competences by university graduates and found out the more important groups of competences.


Tereshchuk M.I. The evolution of the branding concept as a tool of the competitive advantages of the country

The article analyzes the essence of the concepts of "brand" and "branding", the genesis of the concepts "nation brand" and "nation branding". Among other things, it shows that this marketing technique was considered and is still considered in a pragmatic aspect as a mean of ensuring the country's competitive advantages in the global arena.

Mukhametov R.S. The reasons of creation of the Eurasian Economic Union: economics or politics?

The article considers creation of the Eurasian economic Union. It is shown that Russia is the main provider of integration in the post-Soviet space. The author identifies several reasons for the establishment of the Eurasian economic Union. Much attention is paid to geo-economic reasons. It is clear that the Eurasian economic Union is a geopolitical project for Moscow. The author believes that domestic political considerations also support the motive of integration processes in the post-Soviet space.

Malykha M.I. New challenges for the modern migration policy of the European Union

The article analyses the migration policy of the European Union in the context of contemporary global development and the existing European migration crisis. The article explains factors and principles of migration policy. The researcher pays attention to the measures aimed to overcome the crisis of migrants in the Union members.

Haydanka Y.I. The dynamics of political regime in modern Ukraine: empirical dimension

The article elucidates institutional components of political regime in Ukraine that determine the state’s failures or success in the course of systemic democratization. Political and civil levels of political regime transformation are being contemplated taking into consideration the methodological basis and data of Freedom House (Nations in Transit) and Bertelsmann Fund. Substantial attention has been paid to dynamic indicators of political regime in Ukraine as based on empirical markers, particular time framework as well as characteristic features of social and political condition.

Tereshchuk V.I. E-PR as an instrument of forming the foreign policy image of Ukraine

The article discusses the role of the Internet as a global communication tool in the PR-support of the implementation of Ukraine's foreign policy. The article pays particular attention to the features of the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions of Ukraine as an image-forming tool.

Mykhaliuk N.Y. Ukraine and the Council of Europe common activity in implementation of key principles of participatory democracy

The article analyses the main forms of mutual cooperation of Ukraine and the Council of Europe in order to implement basic principles of participatory democracy, to conform the legislation of Ukraine to standards of the European Union. The article examines the main legal documents, phases, and the main areas of cooperation between Ukraine and the Council of Europe. The author also assesses the processes of implementation of key principles of participatory democracy in Ukraine.


Efimov V.F., Nikolsky E.V. Women's royal holiness as the church-historical phenomenon

The article under the topic of the Royal Holiness examines its specific subtype, the righteousness of the Royal women. Among the saint queens, empresses and princesses the authors distinguish the independent rulers, the widows, and wives of monarchs. The Holy Byzantine Empress and canonized European Queen, the Queen of the Georgian and the Russian Princess defended the Christian statehood brightened by feats of patience, mercy, by building the temples. In the conclusion of the article briefly tells about the Royal martyrs and Confessors of the 20th century.

Melkov A.S. The development of theology as an academic discipline in the post-Soviet space

The article is devoted to the researching of normative-legal regulation, analyses of the theoretical, methodological and substantial part, as well as future development of theology in a secular Higher School in the post-Soviet space. On the base of the historical review, the author has concluded, that the tradition of higher theological education in former USSR Republics is absent. This fact can explain existing problems connected with legalization of theology in scientifically educational space mainly in Russia and Ukraine. Recent years’ positive trend in the solving of this problem indicates that theology as an academic discipline has a great potential and perspectives for its advancement. It is especially topical for Ukraine, where the necessary normative-legal foundation for studying theology in a secular Higher School on all educational levels, including the preparation and thesis defence, has been already done.


Khrabrova V.E. On some lexical development trends in the modern English language

The article presents short comparative theoretical research into lexical changes in modern English carried out by British linguists. The concept of its monolithic entity and language purism conflict the views on language as a dynamically developing structure. Information technologies, globalization, cultural evolution, military and political events of global concern bring about lexical-semantic changes in the English language word stock and vocabulary update which is substantiated by an array of sentences derived from the Guardian.

Sukhareva S.V. Political measuring of Szymon Starowolski: in the circle of ideals and ideas

The article deals with Polish work of Szymon Starowolski, his life ideals and preached ideas that are shown in his preached prose. Special attention is paid to lament motives of political character, expressions and brochures. The article presents biographic factors that had an impact on the writer's spiritual world. A separate part of Szymon Starowolski's Polish works is devoted to the problems of education and upbringing of the youth.

Nikiforova S.A. Primary interjections in Goethe’s poems

The article studies problems of functioning of primary interjections in German poetic texts. Their use in poetic texts concerns peculiarities of poetry as a genre and communicative potential of the considered items. Interjections create the illusion of face-to-face interaction and having the emotive function they increase emotionality of poetic texts. In Goethe's poems interjections function as the meaning-and-text forming items, they also participate in rhythmical and compositional organization of the text.

Sabashnikova A.A. The key metaphor of Pierre Mac Orlan's novel “Le Quai des brumes”

The article analyses the eponymous key metaphor of P. Mac Orlan's Novel “Le Quai des brumes” (“Port of Shadows”), discussing its function in the textual space and portrayal of the characters as well as its parallels with the metaphors in other works by the author. As a result, the author comes to a conclusion on the particular features of the atmosphere created in the novel and stylistic devices Mac Orlan uses.


Mudrakov V.V. Value and methodological aspects of the philosophical projects’ conceptualization within the worldview and mental transformations: the new interpretation of Nietzsche's philosophy

The article deals with the interpretation of Nietzsche’s philosophy as an ethical strategic project. Nietzsche’s main concepts (Umwertung alter Werte, Der Wille zur Macht, Übermensch, ewige Wiederkunft) are also explained as fundamental constants and as stages of their realization. It outlines methodological features and value potencies of Nietzsche’s “Weltanschauung renewel” project.

Kozhemiakina O.M. The principle of solidarity in culture of trust: socio-philosophical context

The article performs a socio-philosophical analysis of correlation of such categories as trust and solidarity, determination of their role and place in the social reality, drawing special attention to the value context of the specific character of developing culture of trust in civil society. Taking into account the global nature of the social change the article examines perspectives of actualization of the principle of solidarity in culture of trust in modern society.

Brodetskyi O.Y. The humanistic resource of ethical values in religions: topical approaches of its investigation

The article examines the phenomenon of ethical values in religions, conceptualizes the relationships between soteriological, moral and socially integrative parameters in religious ethical sanctions. The problem is considered with the accent on modern transformations of society and the spiritual sphere. The author analyzes the feasibility and limits of humanistic synergy of religious ethical ideas of different traditions. It is outlined the vision of priorities and methodological mechanisms of religious ethical ideas implementation into the humanitarian education. Research is implemented on the disciplinary and methodological intersection of ethics, social philosophy and religious studies.

Petrushkevych M.S. Religious communication and hegemony of mass media

Religious communication is the complex object of scientific research that involves existential component and the inextricable link with relevant historical trends. Mass culture and the information society put pressure on modern religious communication. Media is actively integrating into the system of religious communication. Hegemony of mass communication is realized through the media and religious communicative system becomes the part of this hegemony. Peculiarities of religious communication processes are conditioned by consciousness of itself impact and the need to integrate into the media system.