No 4, 2024 | Studia Humanitatis (original) (raw)
Publishing Date: 2025-01-25
Fedchenko O.D. On the location of Atlantis
The paper examines the localization of the Atlantis Island. Based on information from the texts of ancient Greek scientists, the author concludes that Atlantis is the Atlas Ridge and the African-Sicilian threshold that ended up under the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. It is this geographical object that meets all the features noted by ancient authors.
Annakurbanov R.H. About the place of Karluks in the political life of the Turkic Khaganate
Some historical events and episodes still remain poorly understood despite the fact that the history of the Turkic Khaganate has been well studied by orientalists. This applies, among other things to the participation of some tribes in the political life of the State. The article examines the place of the Karluks in the history of the Turkic Khaganate. It also analyses the reasons for the struggle of the eastern Karluks against the recreated Eastern Turkic Khaganate, as well as the features of the political struggle of the Western Karluks.
On the basis of the 14th century manuscript by the Genoese Gabriele de’ Mussi many historians widely believe that plague called the Black Death had to have reached European continent from the port city of Kaffa (modern-day Theodosia) on the Crimea peninsula as a result of a biological warfare by the Mongols. This is not only a historical interest but also relevant to current efforts to evaluate the threat of military or terrorist use of biological weapons. Based on published translations of the de’ Mussi’s manuscript and other 14th-century accounts of the Black Death it can be concluded that the Mongol attack was a biological warfare at Kaffa and provides the best explanation of the plague entry into the city. However, questions arise. Even though such a theory is consistent with the technology of those times and in a way with contemporary notions about the dangers and necessary caution in the treatment of such diseases, the report has a number of weaknesses in terms of practical implementation. This paper sheds light on the dark points of Gabriele de’ Mussi’s manuscript of the siege of Kaffa in the year 1346.
The study analyses the perception of historical event contemporaries that represents a “perfect myth” from its accomplishment: the Roman catastrophe in the Italian Wars of 1527, or “Sack of Rome” (Sacco di Roma), when the troops of the Habsburg Empire occupied Rome and forced Pope Clement VII to flee the city. The author has tried to base his selection of historical evidence on three fundamentally important characteristics: belonging to the contemporaries of Sacco di Roma, the origin of these contemporaries from different regions of Italy and the presence of an attempt at reflexive comprehension (or, in the language of modern historical science, historical interpretation) with an attempt to answer the question: “What is the cause of the catastrophe of Rome in 1527?”. As a result of considering both a number of sources and their historiographical analysis in the discourse of intellectual history the author concludes that the most logically compromising reflection of what happened around Sacco di Roma was made by the Florentine diplomat and historian of the Italian Wars era, Francesco Vettori, who pointed out the crisis of the institution of the papacy in the Italian politics of his time. As an appendix to the study, there is a translation from Italian into Russian of Vettori’s dialog fragment by the same name “Sacco di Roma”, in which the diplomat expresses his ideas about the papacy through the mask of a fictional character – the Florentine Antonio.
Mamedov Z.I. The state of Soviet agriculture in the post-war years in the estimates of the CIA
The article examines the process of the CIA’s analytical intelligence on the issue of the Soviet agriculture. American analysts investigated the intensification of this industry, its weaknesses and strengths, as well as the possibility of using the information received and the conclusions drawn in psychological warfare. Although agriculture in the USSR worried the CIA in the second place, but within the framework of the methodology adopted by American intelligence, the US “father of analytical intelligence” Sherman Kent contributed to a full-fledged study of the enemy in the Cold War.
The events of 1965 related to the suppression of “The Thirtieth of September Movement” and the prohibition of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) were a very heart breaking tragedy for the journey of national and state life in Indonesia. Hundreds of thousands and even millions of lives became victims of these events. The tragedy created a deep trauma for the Indonesian nation. The authoritarian regime of the New Order Regime implemented discriminatory policies against political prisoners who were members of the PKI and their families, who were considered traitors to the nation and state. This policy was set forth in the form of laws and regulations that violated the rights of former political prisoners and their families. The paper is a normative legal research that examines the legal rules issued by the New Order regime which shackled the constitutional rights of Indonesian citizens who were involved in “The Thirtieth of September Movement”, both the rebels and their families. The results of this study indicate that the discriminatory policies carried out by the Government in the New Order regime against former PKI political prisoners and their families were violations of human rights and were not in accordance with the Indonesian Constitution.
The paper examines the methods of communicative behaviour experimental study of preschool children with mental retardation. The focus is on the specifics of the interaction of such children, analysing both verbal and non-verbal aspects of their communication. Significant data that allow us to assess the level of communicative behaviour and identify the main difficulties faced by children with this nosology were obtained based on the results of the experimental study. The presented results not only enrich the existing knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, but also open up new horizons for the development of effective diagnostic methods and the construction of further correctional work with this group of children.
Pulkin M.V. Parish schools of the Olonets diocese in the 19th – early 20th centuries
The article examines the main patterns of the formation and functioning of the parochial schools system in the Olonets diocese. The author finds out that the formation of parish schools is associated with a number of factors, among which the dominant one was the struggle against Old Believer influence. The development of the parish school system was based on comprehensive, including financial support from the Synod, representatives of local commercial structures and peasant communities. The development of the education system and the increasing complexity of the tasks facing it naturally led to the need for a comprehensive increase in the literacy of the parish clergy.
Petrunin V.V. The social theology of the Council of Crete 2016: key issues
The article analyses the socio-political problems of the Council of Crete 2016. Based on the analysis of the Council documents, the author identifies and gives a generalised description of the main problems facing modern man, society and the state, from the point of view of the Orthodox Churches that took part in the Council of Crete. Special attention is paid to marriage and family issues, bioethics, war and peace, ecology, globalisation. The author concludes that the socio-political documents of the Council of Crete were intended to initiate the formation of a pan-Orthodox social doctrine, the emergence of which is actualised by the continuing secularisation of the modern world.
Reduplication, the repetition of a word or its part, is a linguistic mechanism found across many languages, including Karakalpak. This process is particularly common in onomatopoeic words. Karakalpak onomatopoeia exhibits various types of reduplication, including total, ablaut, echo and synonymous reduplication. These reduplicative patterns often convey the repetition, duration and continuity of sound events. Karakalpak onomatopoeia has some phonological features, including vowel and consonant frequencies and a preference for closed syllables. This paper examines phonological, morphosyntactic and semantic properties of reduplicated onomatopoeia in Karakalpak.
Krylova M.N. Functioning of the word combination “da vsio ravno” in modern Russian language
The article examines the use of the word combination “da vsio ravno” by modern native speakers of Russian using examples from the Russian National Corpus. This combination includes the polyfunctional word “da”, which can act as an adversative conjunction and particle, and the polyfunctional unit “vsio ravno”. With the help of the word combination “da vsio ravno”, a contradictory argument is introduced into the statement, which refutes the circumstances and facts stated above; the problem of the impossibility or difficulty of positive influence on people is often conveyed; a “pessimistic” scenario of concessive semantics is presented. Most often, the combination connects parts of a complex sentence, can act as a separate sentence, and function at the beginning of a parcel. The rich constructive, semantic, and functional possibilities of the word combination “da vsio ravno” demonstrate the active development of morphological means of the modern Russian language, the emergence and consolidation of new derivative polyfunctional units in it.
Nikishov Y.M. Tatiana in Onegin’s life. Part I
The 200th anniversary of the first chapter of “Eugene Onegin” publication is approaching (February 2025). 200 years of the novel’s existence in its entirety is not so far away. There are countless interpretations of the main characters accumulated during this time. There are also separate assessments of them from the poet himself. Meanwhile, the author’s holistic view of the characters is still in shadows. Some important details remain unnoticed. Understanding the poet’s intention is a worthy goal for a researcher. Is it possible to consider that Tatiana became a part of Onegin’s life? It is possible if you notice that the hero and heroine exchanged mutual tender glances at their first meeting. It is possible, given that Onegin keeps an almost unnecessary letter from Tatiana. It is possible if Onegin manages to get rid of his egoism in his later life. This would also contribute to the renewal of his public position.
Bogatyrev A.V. Cotton wool in a cup: regarding one expression from the story by Agatha Christie
The paper studies a remarkable humorous saying “Moorish” found in the work by Agatha Christie. The author tries to discover the origins of the analysed phrase by comparing Russian translation with the English original. Having focused in detail on the semantics of the lexeme “Moorish”, the author draws on a variety of material, including geographical and historical properties. The author makes an attempt to find out the reason for the writer’s use of this expression, to trace the connection of the saying with the inner world of the author. In conclusion, the importance of Miss Marple’s recollection of one joke of her uncle Henry for understanding the meaning of the entire work of Agatha Christie is highlighted.
The paper studies the features of the literary translation of the Belarusian poem and song “Vaclav Ivanovsky” into the Russian language. The translation considered the linguistic features of the poem translation between closely related languages and the genre originality of rock poetry. The translation was recorded as a song. A survey was conducted among the bearers of Russian culture in order to identify the features of the associative perception of the song text dedicated to a certain historical figure in a particular period.
The article examines the role and significance of “The Bulletin of the Novgorod Zemstvo” as an example of regional periodicals in Russia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. The main topic of the article is the study of “The press review” genre characteristics. This section includes reviews of literary works as well as biographies of the authors. The problem lies in the relatively insufficient attention given to regional publications of the aforementioned period and their contribution to cultural enlightenment. The aim of the work is to identify how “The Bulletin” contributed to the formation of literary preferences and the improvement of education levels among ordinary people.
Markov A.V., Shtayn O.A. Philosophy of grammatical person(s) in Erté’s work
The greatest designer Erté combined the unpredictable revitalization of ornament and the literalization of sensuality, the subordination of feelings to the paradigmatic plan of expressiveness. This allowed Roland Barthes to give a convincing semiotic interpretation of the artistэs work in 1975. In the same year Erté released his autobiography, where he presented the dialogical origins of his work. The paper points out the common sides of the artist’s autoreflection and the philosopher’s reflection on his work, and concludes on the significance of the distinction of the first, second and third person of the dialog for Erté's auto-communicating artistic programs and for the semiology of late Barthes.
Gerashchenko I.G. Philosophy of economics: the analysis of alternative directions
Alternative directions in modern economic theory assume philosophical justification. The paper provides methodological analysis of the following alternative directions in economics: the new Austrian school, modern institutionalism, radical political economy, post-Keynesian economics, natural-scientific economic theory, traditionalist economics, agricultural economics, feminist economic theory. The author substantiates the idea that heterodox economic theory poses such problems that cannot find an adequate solution within the framework of economics. Therefore, there is an urgent need to create a new economic theory that would synthesize orthodox and unorthodox doctrines.