Ashrapov B.P. Comparative analysis of morphological peculiarities and level of usage of subordinate compound adverbs in Tajik literary language appertaining to 18th-19th centuries (on the example of “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” and “Zafar-Name”) (original) (raw)
УДК 81 :821.222.8
Ashrapov B.P.
The article under consideration dwells on the issue beset with comparative analysis of morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of subordinate compound adverbs (SCAs) on the example of the historical writings entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khani” by Muhammadwafo Karminagi and “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi. It is noted that compound adverbs are divided into two sub-groups, namely coordinative and subordinate compound adverbs. The importance of the theme explored lies in comparison and consideration of morphological peculiarities of SCAs using comparative-historical and statistical methods, determination of their distinguishing peculiarities based on the scientific-historical writings, those ones included into the historical events of various families of 18th-19th centuries. Adducing the result of the comparative analysis beset with SCAs of the historical writings under study one can come to the conclusion that such kinds of adverbs are more frequently used in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi than in “Tuhfat-ul-khani” by Muhammadwafo Karminagi.
Keywords: adverbs, derivative and compound adverbs, coordinative and subordinate compound adverbs, morphological peculiarities and level of usage, “Tuhfat-ul-khani” by Muhammadwafo Karminagi, “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi.
Ашрапов Б.П.
В статье рассматривается вопрос сопоставительного анализа морфологических особенностей и уровня употребления подчинительных сложных наречий (ПСН) на примере исторических сочинений под названиями «Тухфат-ул-хони» Мухаммадвафо Карминаги и «Зафар-наме» Хусрави. Отмечено, что сложные наречия делятся на две группы: сочинительные и подчинительные сложные наречия. Актуальность исследуемой темы заключается в сопоставлении и учете морфологических особенностей ПСН с использованием сравнительно-исторических и статистических методов, установлении их отличительных особенностей на основе научно-исторических работ, включающих исторические события XVIII-XIX вв. Приводя результат сопоставительного анализа ПСН изучаемых исторических сочинений, можно прийти к выводу, что такого рода наречия чаще используются в «Зафар-наме» Хусрави, чем в «Тухфат-ул-хони» Мухаммадвафо Карминаги.
Ключевые слова: наречия, производные и сложные наречия, сочинительные и подчинительные сложные наречия, морфологические особенности и уровень употребления, «Тухфат-ул-хони» Мухаммадвафо Карминаги, «Зафар-наме» Хусрави.
Determination of morphological, syntactic, lexico-semantic peculiarities of adverb is considered to be one of the most important and crucial issues in the sphere of Tajik linguistic studies. A number of scholars in linguistic studies have done extensive researches beset with the consideration of grammatical peculiarities of adverbs and other auxiliary parts of speech in modern Tajik literary language (MTLL), and have clarified their functions, peculiarities, meanings and positions and other parts of speech as well. “It is well-grounded that in MTLL adverbs are divided into the following subgroups functionally and semantically: manner, similarity, quantity and degree, time and place, cause and purpose” [11, с. 146].
Academician B.N. Niyozmuhammadov underscores that “adverb have been formed and included into morphology as the last part of speech formed from other parts of speech historically” [7, с. 56].
As a rule, all kinds of adverbs are used in the corpus of our study: simple, derived, compound and complex ones [q.v.: 3]. A number of researchers who dwelt on the language of historical writings [q.v.: 5; 8; 10; 12; 13] noted that in the latters compound and composite adverbs were rarely used. However, our factual materials concerning the theme explored show that such kinds of adverbs are used, on the contrary, more frequently than other ones.
Into the bargain, a number of simple adverbs are used in the corpus of our study: here refer to as: ruz, beš [6, с. 151/299]; zud [6, с. 118/233]; darun [6, с. 186/370]; berun [6, с. 292/581]; hargiz [9, с. 290]; hanūz [9, с. 268]; hameša [6, с. 60/116] and so on. The above-mentioned adverbs are also common and frequently used in MTLL.
Hereby, one can assert that derivative adverbs are also widely used in the corpus of our study in their formation; the following traditional Tajik adverbial suffixes still occupy an important role, including: -aki, -o, -ona, -vor and -an [3, с. 275]. In the course of the analysis beset with derivative adverbs it became clear that the authors of the historical traces in question did not resort to suffixes -noki, -son, -i (-gi) as a result, one can come to the conclusion that the relevant word-combinational elements were introduced into the language later on.
It is worth mentioning that like the suffixes of MTLL some of adverbial suffixes in our historical production under consideration are both productive and non-productive ones in terms of the level of their usage. The most productive suffixes of the historical traces in question are -vor, -o and -a which by dint of the mentioned word-combinational elements form adverbial modifies of manner, similarity, quantity and degree, time and place in most cases.
The subject and object of our research is to consider morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of subordinate compound adverbs (SCA) in the language of the historical writings appertaining to 18th-19th centuries (on the example of the historical writings entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi and “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi) depicting different historic events of Manghtys’ state.
_The aims_of the corpus of our study are:
a) to dwell on the ways of SCAs construction in terms of their function and meaning;
b) to compare the relevance of the theme explored with MTLL;
c) to elicit some distinctive peculiarities of SCAs.
The article under consideration dwells on the comparative analysis beset with morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of SCAs of the Tajik literary language referring to 18th-19th centuries. The significance of the exploration of this theme lies in compound adverbs of MTLL analyzed with resorting to comparative-historical and statistical methods, distinguishing peculiarities of the former based on the following historical writings referred to as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” (18th century) and “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi (19th century) which include the historical events of khanates of the relevant periods being compared and canvassed. It is common knowledge that compound adverbs are mainly formed in MTLL by dint of composition, i.e. reduplication or by two independent words with the participation of an affix [1; 2; 4]. Compound adverbs of MTLL are divided into two groups in terms of the mutual relationship of the parts: a) coordinative and b) subordinate compound adverbs [8, с. 280]. Indeed, in the corpus of our study the level of usage of SCAs, like those ones of MTLL and other explored works is more striking than that one of subordinate adverbs [3, с. 280; 8, с. 133; 10, с. 182] both types similar to those of MTLL in terms of its grammatical structure and style.
Subordinate compound adverbs (SCAs)
It is common knowledge that SCAs are similar to those ones of MTLL in terms of their structure and style in the corpus of our study [3, с. 281]. In conformity with I. Ismailov’s opinion one can assert that “parts of compound adverbs formed as a result of connecting vowels repetition are written together” [4, с. 51]. In the researched works several SCAs of MTLL are formed by dint of the following interfixes: -o, -ё-/-yo-, - она -/-ona-, - и -**/**-i- and - ба -/-ba-. While adducing examples beset with the theme explored we noticed that among the above-mentioned interfixes -o- is more frequently used in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi than in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni”: barobar [6, с. 26/48‚ 57/110‚ 258/514]; payopay [6, с. 133/264‚ 142/282; 9, с. 45, 119, 123, 137, 256];kamobeš [9, с. 239, 308]; šabonaruz [9, с. 214]; šabošab [9, с. 200, 240, 243]; pagohiruz [9, с. 51, 108]: … sarbasar aftoda muloqī šudand… [9, с. 84]; … hunar-i domon-i taraddud bar tahrik ustuvor namuda, čandin tūp payopay kušodand [6, с. 133/264].
Seemingly, various parts of speech (noun, adjective, demonstrative pronouns and partially adverbs) combine certain compound adverbs without any linguistic means; here refer also verb stems and words expressing quantity it is one of the common and normal ways to compose compound adverbs [4, с. 49]. The relevant grammatical phenomenon is typical and normal in the language of the historical writings belonging to the compared periods:
a) The pattern based on noun+verb is used more frequently in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni”, but in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi based on the relevant pattern this SCA occurs only once, that is, the relevant grammatical phenomenon is considered to be non-productive one in the Tajik literary language appertaining to the 19th century: _maslihatomez_=advisedly – once [6, с. 142/281]; mašvaratomez=advisedly – once [9, с. 232]; inonrez=bridlly – 10 instances [6, с. 68/131, 89/175, 129/255, 141/280, 143/283, 186/370, 195/387, 280/558, 281/560]; xonakūč=evacuationally – 11 instances [6, с. 121/239, 176/350, 177/351, 204/405, 244/486, 249/496, 258/514, 267/531, 270/537, 291/580]: … ū-ro ba muloqot-i xud taxsis kard ū niz ba muqtazo-i fursat zaxm-e čand maslihatomez firistod [6, с. 142/281]; Binobar zarurat on fiya-i boğiya va kafara-i toğiya otaš-i jongudoz dar jigar-i tufangu jazoir andoxta, inonrez mutavajjeh-i laškar-i Islam šudand [6, с. 106/210]; … amir-i sada va daha ba ešon muqarrar gardonida, hama mardum-ro xonakūč ba Bukhara firistod… [6, с. 192/381]; … mašvaratomez xitob-e ba jonib-i Huzzor majlis namuda, guft, ki “či ma’ni dorad…” [9, с. 232].
b) The following patterns are resorted to only in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi: numeral+pronoun: dučand=twice [9, с. 122]; adverb+adverb: pagohruz=in the morning [9, с. 108, 239]: Bilaxir ilğor-i bilod-i Istaravšan va ilğor-i Yom va Zomin-ro dučand namuda… [9, с. 122]; … on mavze’-ro mazrib-i avtod-i xiyom-i farruxanjom namuda, pagohrūz az onjo kūč karda, ba Rabot-i Malik rasida… [9, с. 51].
Rūzi sešanbe pagohirūz=in the morning az on jo ba farru iqbol kūč karda, rūye-i jalodat ba savb-i Uroteppa nihoda… [9, с. 153].
As a rule, in the above-adduced example the version of пагоҳирўз /pagohirūz is resorted to in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi once and the relevant SCA is normal in MTLL, but the version of pagohrūz is not activated now in our language, this grammatical event is considered to be one of the distinguishing peculiarities of the theme explored.
с) The relevant patterns are used in the language of the compared historical writings: pronoun+adverb: imrūz=today [6, с. 216/429, 265/528; 9, с. 217]; numeral+noun: yakbor( а )=at the same time, suddenly, all of a sudden [16, с. 128/253; 9, с. 32, 57, 102, 102, 153, 194, 218, 218, 235, 236, 259, 267, 279, 304, 304]; dubor(a)=one small, repeatedly, second time [6, с. 218/434; 9, с. 72, 113, 279]; yaknav’=kindly [9, с. 32]: Erdonabek, ki az nazd-i amir-i komron dubora ba maydon rafta bud, erovul-i sipoh-i xud-ro dar gurez mušohada kard… [6, с. 208/414]; ... ba farmon-i amirzoda sipoh-i zafarnišon bayakbor(a)=once, suddenly ba jonib-i a’do hamla ovarda… – 20 instances [6, с. 282/562], 6 instances [9, с. 17, 58, 92, 218, 222, 240]; …ba muddat-i šaš sol sol-e yakboru dubor=once and twice šahriyor-i volotabor maa qūšuni zafarkirdor ba tariqa-i sayru sayohat omada… [9, с. 279].
In the second example, SCA based on prefix+numeral+noun builds the pattern being the most productive one. In this regard, in the last example SCA is repeated by dint of the conjunction - у /-u=and, this case is occurred once in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi.
…az had-i ifrot mutajoviz šud va čandinbor=many times, several times ba mehtaron-i on qavm nasoeh-i arjmand az in amir-i šavkatiyob-i saodatmand ba zuhur omada… [6, с. 290/577].
In the above-mentioned example SCA is based on the pattern pronoun+noun only once in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni”.
The level of us age of SCAs in the historical writings entitled as
“ Tuhfat-ul- k hani ” and “Zafar-Name”
Comparative analysis of statistical methods based on various parts of speech
combine certain compound adverbs without any linguistic means
In reference to it, I. Ismailov spoke about the following adverbs of imšab=tonight, imrūz=today, dirūz=yesterday. His statement runs as: “The adverbs of imšab=tonight, imrūz=today, imsol=this year are formed from the ancient form of the demonstrative pronoun of ин /in=this+nouns. Arabic compound adverbs of qadimulayam, abadulabad, abaduddahr can also be included into the group of the compound adverbs made by composition” [4, с. 49]. It should be noted that the Arabic adverbs, which are originally formed by muzaf and muzafun ilayh entered the Tajik language in the same Arabic form as a compound word in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” the relevant borrowed compound adverbs, such as: doimulavqot [6, с. 60/116]; abaduddahr [6, с. 58/112, 80/158]; doimulvaqt [6, с. 58/112]; doimulofot [6, с. 28/52] crystallized into the meaning of hameša=always. In the works of “Majmu-ut-tavarikh” and “Badoe’-ul-waqa’e” this grammatical phenomenon is not typical, but in “Tarikhi Bayhaqi” it was used by the author not once: … vukalo-i mu’tamid-i ū_doimulavqot_ ba xidmat-i oston-i jalolatošyon hoziru mulozim budand… [6, с. 60/116]; Oxirulamr ba on diyor tasallut yofta… [6, с. 20/35]; … šabu rūz ba jahdu jidd-i tamom kūšiš namuda, hamešatulavqot ohan-i sard-ro ba jo-i punk ba must-i xudho mekuftand… [9, с. 32, 27‚ 69, 42].
In the last sentence SCA of hamešatulavqot=always is based on the Tajik adverb + ul + Arabic broken plural form and is used only in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi in 4 instances. This is one of the distinctive morphological peculiarities both in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” and in MTLL.
In the Tajik literary language of 18th-19th centuries and MTLL, compound adverbs are also formed syntactically and morphologically. By this method such kinds of adverbs are made mainly by means of the following suffixes - она /-ona‚ - а ‚ – г ӣ /-gi_ва_– ӣ/-i morphologically [4, с. 52].
Functionally, the suffix - она /-ona is less productive one than other suffixes in the Tajik literary language referring to 18th-19th centuries, while in MTLL the relevant suffix is considered to be one of the most productive word-building elements [3, с. 284; 4, с. 52]. As well as, M. John spoke about this suffix in his book entitled as “Persian Grammar” and he underscored when making a comment about the wording of the compound adverb and emphasizing the idea that the compound adverb xušbaxtona/fortunately is made of the compound adjective xušbaxt/happy by virtue of the suffix - она /-ona [14, с. 140]: Jo-i šikasta-i mustahkami-ro bo xudho saddu suğur karda, xotirjam’ona bo laškar-i bekaron yosu basta istodaast… [3, с. 194].
While comparing and canvassing the theme explored we found SCA whose second part consists of the verb only twice in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi: Ba jihat-i ta’ziya-i hazrat-i amir-i ğufronnišon nolaafğon to ba osmon rasonida… [3, с. 205]; … ba hamin dastur ba čandin farsang roh, taloškunon meraftand… [3, с. 214].
Traditionally, the suffix -a, like MTLL one in the corpus of our study composes a number of SCAs from cardinal numerals, pronouns, nouns and adjectives and the relevant word-building element actively participates to form new SCAs. A claimant for linguistic studies researcher O. Sulaymonov lays an emphasis upon the statement that: “sometimes the relevant suffix makes compound adverbs from set of phrases, and proceeding from this method the majority of adverbs are formed by numerals, such as: yaksara, duasba, čhorasba, yakruya, etc.” [2, с. 133]. Due to comparison and consideration we noticed that the following kinds of SCAs are widely used in the language of the historical writings under study: yaksola=yearly, annually [3, с. 91, 183]; yaktarafa=in a scanty way, one sidedly [3, с. 184, 91]; _dubora_=twice, the second time [6, с. 208/414‚ 218/434; 9, с. 113];nimmurda=half-lively [9, с. 305, 133]; sejoniba= three sidedly [9, с. 205, 99]; harrūza=daily [9, с. 93, 98, 126, 252, 274]; digarbora=one small, other time [9, с. 123, 127, 128, 202, 242, 270, 289, 301, 301; 6, с. 200/398]; yakbora=once, suddenly [9, с. 102‚ 102, 194, 153, 218, 219, 219, 236, 237, 260, 304, 304; 6, с. 128/253]: … az jonib-i viloyat-i Farang digarbora laškar-i bekaron omada… [9, с. 88; 6, с. 200/398]; Va az ibtido-i maymana to intiho-i maysara yak farsang roh ba zer-i cunb-i marokib yakbora paymuda megardid [9, с. 154]; … dubora rūh-i toza dar badan-i pokaš damonida… [9, с. 72]; … šoyad taraddud namuda harrūza payopay-i hamdigar merasidand… [9, с. 132]; Az raxt-i sahim-i hodisa-i ešon amon dod, on šab-i dayjur har yak yakbora mutavor-i gašta, dasti omil az dilu jon šustand [6, с. 128/253].
The level of us age of SCAs in the historical writings
entitled as “ Tuhfat-ul- k hani ” and “Zafar-Name”
Comparative analysis of statistical methods based on various SCAs
are made by means of the following suffixes - она /-ona, - он /-on, - а /-a
and interfixes –o-, -ё-/-yo-, -она-/-ona-, -и-/-i-
The level of us age of SCAs in the historical writings
entitled as “ Tuhfat-ul- k hani ” and “Zafar-Name”
Adducing the result of the comparative analysis beset with SCAs of the historical writings under study one can come to the conclusion that in terms of structure and grammatical style they are similar to those ones of MTLL. It is worth mentioning that Arabic adverbs are originally formed by muzaf and muzafun ilayh construction which entered the Tajik language in the same Arabic form as a compound word of the relevant borrowed compound adverbs, such as: doimulavqot, abaduddahr, doimulvaqt, doimulofot came to the meaning of hameša=always in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni”. This grammatical phenomenon is not typical, but in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi” it occurs. In this regard, SCA of hamešatulavqot=always is based on Tajik adverb + ul + Arabic broken plural form and is used only in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi in 4 instances. This is one of the distinctive morphological peculiarities both in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” and in MTLL.
According to the above-adduced diagram we can confidently assert that the level of usage of SCAs is higher in “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi (70 instances – 53%) than in “Tuhfat-ul-khani” by Muhammadwafo Karminagi (61 instances – 47%).
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Data about the author:
Ashrapov Bahodurjon Pulotovich – Senior Lecturer of English Language Department, Khujand State University named after Academician Bobojon Gafurov (Khujand, Tajikistan).
Сведения об авторе:
Ашрапов Баходурджон Пулотович – старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка Худжандского государственного университета имени академика Бободжана Гафурова (Худжанд, Таджикистан).