Ashrapov B.P. Morphological peculiarities and level of usage of the preposition “bar/on” in Tajik literary language appertaining to the 18th century (on the example of historical writing referred to as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi) (original) (raw)

УДК 81:821.222.8





Ashrapov B.P.

The article under consideration dwells on the issue beset with morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of the preposition “bar” in the Tajik literary language appertaining to the 18th century (on the example of historical writing referred to as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi). It is underscored that in the prosaic literary production belonging to the 17th and 18th centuries the relevant preposition, like today, is primarily resorted to indicate a direction and place. The importance of the theme explored lies in consideration of morphological peculiarities of the preposition “bar” using comparative-historical and statistical methods, determination of its distinguishing peculiarities based on the scientific-historical writing depicting the historical events of various families of the 18th century. Into the bargain, the given proposition participates in the formation of certain composite adverbs and used as a synonym of other original and compound prepositions. It is worth mentioning that the preposition “bar” in the language of “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” is similar to the modern Tajik literary language structurally and grammatically. Adducing the result of the analysis beset with the theme, explored one can conclude the given preposition occurs to the lesser extent in term of its level of usage than other original ones.

Keywords: Tajik language, preposition, simple preposition, morphological peculiarities and level of usage, shade of meaning, historical writing, “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi, modern Tajik literary language.





Ашрапов Б.П.

В статье рассматривается вопрос о морфологических особенностях и уровне употребления предлога «бар» в таджикском литературном языке XVIII в. (на примере исторического сочинения «Тухфат-уль-хани» Мухаммадвафо Карминаги). Подчеркивается, что в прозаическом литературном произведении XVII-XVIII вв. соответствующий предлог, как и сегодня, используется преимущественно для обозначения направления и места. Важность исследуемой темы заключается в рассмотрении морфологических особенностей предлога «бар» с использованием сравнительно-исторических и статистических методов, установлении его отличительных особенностей на основе научно-исторических сочинений, изображающих различные исторические события разных периодов XVIII века. Кроме того, данный предлог участвует в образовании некоторых составных наречий и употребляется как синоним других исходных и составных предлогов. Следует отметить, что предлог «бар» в языке «Тухфат-уль-хани» структурно и грамматически близок к современному таджикскому литературному языку. Подводя итоги анализа исследуемой темы, можно прийти к выводу, что данный предлог встречается в меньшей степени по уровню своего употребления, чем другие исходные предлоги.

Ключевые слова: таджикский язык, предлог, простой предлог, морфологические особенности и уровень употребления, оттенок значения, историческое письмо, «Тухфат-уль-хани» Мухаммадвафо Карминаги, современный таджикский литературный язык.


The history of the literary language can be established based on great men-of-letters’ creations, upon the whole. It is worth stressing that “determination of various periods of the history of the language and its high points of development based on both scientific-historical traces and artistic ones, we proceed from the assumption of the actual issues in the field of Tajik linguistics” [8, с. 45-50]. It is impossible to create commonly accepted standard grammar without dwelling on comprehensive analysis of artistic and scientific-historical legacy. The study is aimed at shedding light on the issue beset with morphological peculiarities and level of usage of the preposition bar=on/in/at. The analysis of our corpus is strengthened by the agreeable evidence from “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi depicting various historic events of the Manghtys’ state.

To begin with, it is important to keep in mind that the relevant article will be also useful for researchers who want to canvass the linguistic issues of the themes related to ours. A success of any research depends largely on precise comprehension of its objective [q.v.: 9; 10].

It is well-known that prepositions play a key role as a linguistic element in the majority of languages of the world in appropriate expressions formation. “Namely, noun, adjective, verb and useful expressions are formed by dint of prepositions and can express different semantic relations functionally. Thus, the difference between simple and compound sentences reveals another feature of the members of the sentence, that is polysemantic nature of the situation, other members of the sentence is due to the complexity of their meaning and function performing the same grammar obligations” [8, с. 46].

The object of the corpus of our study is a consideration of morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of the preposition bar in the Tajik literary language appertaining to the 18th century on the example of the historical writing entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi.

The subject of the corpus of our study is the historical writing belonging to the relevant century depicting various historic events of the Manghtys’ state.

The aims of the corpus of our study are:

– to consider the role and place of bar in terms of its meaning and function;

– to compare the relevance of the theme explored with modern Tajik literary language (MTLL);

– to determine distinguished peculiarities of the preposition of bar.

It is common knowledge morphological forms and the usage of this preposition in the corpus of our study reveal important peculiarities of its own as any research subject. The preposition bar is considered to be one of the non-productive ones as a preposition az=from (857 instances) [1; 2; 7; 8] in terms of its meaning and function. Such peculiarity of this preposition remains in MTLL. The preposition of bar possesses several grammatical meanings indicating a direction and a place.

Designing on the premise of our observations, we can assert that the difference between the preposition bar/on/in/at and other original ones in the corpus of our study is not so great under the angle of its level of usage and function. In reference to it, it should be underscored that in the prosaic literary production belonging to 17th and 18th centuries the relevant preposition, like today, is primarily resorted to indicate a direction and place. Although the preposition bar/on/in/at is mostly used in versified traces in MTLL, but in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi, the former in question occurs in prosaic ones frequently.

As a rule, the relevant preposition is used in indication of streamline of any action or movement. Depending on verb and noun semantics it denotes spatial, objective and temporal nuances in word order as well [1, с. 289]. In conformity with our conducted statistical method, it became clear that the preposition bar/on/in/at was resorted to more than 920 instances. The material we have collected allows us to classify the semantic nuances of the relevant preposition into the following subgroups:

1). Initially, the relevant preposition denotes on the level or on top of something. Designing on the premise of the adduced examples related to this statement one can underscored that this linguistic element is extremely common and widely used (more than 380 instances): Har rūz darun-i qal’a muborizon-i tahamtannazhod bar takovaron-i čun barq-u bod savori namuda, dar muqobala-i a’do-i mulk-u millat royat-i tahavvur va livo-i jalodat meafroxtand [3, с. 22/40]; Va az on amir-i davlatosor farzandon-i nomdor bar masnad-i iyolat-u e’tabor nišastand [3, с. 273/544].

2). In this regard, the preposition bar comes before the word “_falak/heaven/orbit_” to indicate exaggeration and misery (_5 instance_s): Va az jonibayn on rūz sadoho-i ra’dbor-i tūp-u tufang bar falak-i davvor mepečid [3, с. 102/202‚ 158/313‚ 16/27‚ 10/17‚ 174/345].

3). It is well-grounded that the reposition in question both in MTLL and in the language of “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” indicates that the object is on the level or on the top of something. However, in the course of the exploration we have faced to some moments that the former came before the words “zamin/land and _xok/soil_” to refer to the bottom of something (more than 10 instances): Har ki-ro dast-i ajal girebon-i hayot girift, labtašna-i xun-i xud šuda, bar xok-i halok aftod… [3, с. 124/245‚ 103/203‚ 45/85‚ 47/89‚ 55/106‚ 97/192‚ 103/203‚ 134/265‚ 166/330‚ 202/401‚ 269/536‚ 270/538]; … poya-i bor-i asos-i saltanat-i xusravi az me`roj-i jalolat aftod va sabuk-sabuk tašt-i nomus-i mamlakat az bom-i irtifo’ bar zamin-i xori rasid [3, с. 45/85‚ 15/25‚ 23/41‚ 48/91‚ 208/413‚ 239/475].

4). The former in question refers to the direction and place (more than 110 instances): … ešon to poy-i gurez yoftand, bar viloyat-u navohi-i amniyat šitoftand [3, с. 67/129]; Subhdam bar guzargoh-i obi Kofarnihon ba on qavm rasida, amir-i asiršuda-ro ba sol az daryo guzaronidand [3, с. 268/534]; … yak mil roh bar aqab nišastand [3, с. 24/43].

In the last sentence the preposition bar came in such form “_bar aqab/behind_” only once. Hereby, it is worth stressing that in MTLL instead of “_bar aqab/behind_”is used“_ba aqib/behind_”because the preposition under study is never resorted to in such form in MTLL and the grammatical phenomenon is considered to be one of the distinctive morphological peculiarities.

5). Like another prepositions bar participates to denote the aim and objective in the corpus of our study (more than 40 instances): … dar on sarzamin-i xoifnazar – yobu, ki xamirmoya-i arbob-i mafosid bud, bar tasxir-i muoxaza-i mulozimon-i davlat giriftor omada… [3, с. 128/254‚ 35/65‚ 68/131].

6). It is resorted to indicate person and things, in this case the relevant linguistic element encounters actively and frequently in term of its level of usage (more than 300 instances): Bahoduron-i šujoatnišon, ki pešjang-i asokir-i nusratšior budand, ba muqaddima-i sipoh-i xasm dučor šudand va dast-i xusumat bar tir-u tufang yozida, teğho-i xunrez az niyom-i intiqom kašidand [3, с. 281/559‚ 11/19‚ 20/36, 25/46‚ 26/47‚ 30/55‚ 95/188‚ 111/219‚ 149/296‚ 206/410‚ 252/502‚ 261/5192, 62/521‚ 289/576].

7). It should be noted that in the corpus of our study the preposition bar is used for the composition of certain composite adverbs of manner (more than 15 instances): Sulton-i mamoliksiton-ro az uruz-i in tariqa-i musahhalnišon hayrat bar hayrat afzuda, e`job bar e`job muzoif šud [3, с. 57/109]; … azimat ba sū-i Movarounnahr farmud va muhimm-i azl-u nasab-i xoqoni-ro bar vajh-i atammu dilxoh saranjom namud [3, с. 110/218‚ 167/331‚ 212/422].

8). One of the distinctive morphological peculiarities of this preposition in “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” is the usage of bar as a synonym of other original, compound and composite prepositions, including bo/with, ba/to, dar/on/at/in and baroi/for/in order to/to and as a function of nazar ba/than in certain cases (more than 60 instances):

Бар /Bar = with/together: … dam ba dam xud-ro bar taqozo-i ğurur-u hamkori-i naxvat ba jonib-i osmon mebardošt [3, с. 53/101].

Бар _/Bar_= to/towards/at: … amir-i olijoh niz mexost, ki bar abraš-i iqbol-u samand-i yakron-i azimat nišasta, sadr-i zin-i zarandud-i bodpoy-i jalodat-ro zeb-i namoiš dihad [3, с. 118/234]‚ = Amir-i olijoh ba abraš-i xušxirom-i davlat savori farmuda, royat-i iqbol ba jihat-i qal`-u istisol-i (to root out; to stub; to nip in the bud) [q.v.: 5; 6] mufsidon-i badsigol afrošt [3, с. 63/122]; … duda-i navmedi az dudmon-i on firqa bar fiğon baromad va dida-i iqbol dar intizor-i rašha-i nusrat-u zafar qatra-i omol mechakid [3, с. 164].

It is worth mentioning that the prepositions bar and dar are very close in terms of their meaning and function they are used in a parallel way in a sentence, and the meaning of the sentence does not change if they are replaced. A researcher of the language of “The History of Bayhaqi” O. Sulaymonov conducted a comprehensive analysis beset with this preposition and asserted: “The author may have chosen such a way of using the relevant prepositions only to avoid repetition of the same word…” [q.v.: 4]: … aknun ki ba inoyat-i hazrat-i vahhob molik-i riqob-i šoh-i volomaqom-ro tasarruf dar aksar-i aqolim-u bilod, tasallut bar bisyor-e az muluk-i fariddunnazhod hosil va muyassar omada… [3, с. 83/163‚ 246/489].

Бар _/Bar_= for/in order to/to: … agar šumo firqa-i pursitez-u ovez-ro bar tasallut-i in mamlakat va zajr-u man’-i sarkašon-i in viloyat nomzad karda, on niz bino bar xohiš-u rafohiyat-i in jonib ast [3, с. 100/198].

Бар _/Bar_= than: … dar maorik-i korzor foiq bar aqron-u amsol bud banočor az tasallut-i šukuh-i iqbol-i zafarmaol xud-ro dar on čahordevor xazida bud [3, c. 123/243‚ 18/31].

If the preposition bar, on the one hand, can be observed as the function of original ones, on the other hand, bar is used as a conjunction of the purpose то/to only once as well: Hikmat dar ixtiyor-i čihil kas az in jamoa on bud, ki čun lafz-i “_qirq=forty_” dol ast bar čihil=to forty, adad-i axz-i čihil nafar az on jamoa mute-i farmon soxtan-i tamomi-i ešon bošad [8, c. 202/402].

The level of us age of the preposition bar in term

of its meaning and functions in the historical writing

entitled as Tuhfat-ul- k h o ni by Muhammad v af o Karminagi

_The level of usage of simple prepositions in the historical writing

_entitled as “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi



To sum it up, we can come to the conclusion that the preposition of bar in the corpus of our study occurs to the lesser extent in the term of its level of usage than other original ones. In spite of its non-productiveness this preposition participates in the formation of certain sets of phrases, composite adverbs and as a synonym of other original and compound prepositions. It is worth mentioning that the given proposition in the language of “Tuhfat-ul-khoni” by Muhammadvafo Karminagi (18th century) is similar to MTLL structurally and grammatically. Proceeding from the assumption of the above-conducted diagram and table we can trustworthy make inference that the preposition bar occupies the last place as a preposition az from the viewpoint of its level of usage and is equal to 7%.


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Data about the author:

Ashrapov Bahodurjon Pulotovich – Senior Lecturer of English Language Department, Khujand State University named after Academician Bobojon Gafurov (Khujand, Tajikistan).

Сведения об авторе:

Ашрапов Баходурджон Пулотович – старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка Худжандского государственного университета имени академика Бободжана Гафурова (Худжанд, Таджикистан).
