Balakhtar V.V. Socialization of the younger generation like an object of the influence of the state youth policy (original) (raw)

УДК 329.78



Balakhtar V.V.

The article deals with the essence of the concept of "socialization of the younger generation", the features of social formation and development of young people, determined the main directions of state youth policy.

Keywords: socialization, social development, development, younger generation, young, person, state youth policy, project impact, self-determination.



Балахтар В.В.

В статье рассматриваются взгляды на сущность и содержание понятия «социализация подрастающего поколения», рассмотрены особенности социального становления и развития молодежи, выделены основные направления государственной молодежной политики.

Ключевые слова: образование, занятость, уровень жизни, здоровья, жилищные условия, культурное развитие молодежи, ее правовая и социальная защита, участие молодежи в политической жизни.

Now the crucial question is the socialization of the younger generation, because the youth is a driving force of a progress, a key to the development of society, the transfer of social experience, spiritual and material values from generation to generation. Analyzing the current theory and practice, it can be argued that the possibility of successful economic development has always been determined by education, training, responsive to the requirements of time, the socialization of the younger generation that can not only adapt to that change, but be prepared to support and promote the principles of positive political, social society, strive for self-realization, self-determination, economic self-sufficiency. However, only healthy, educated, moral, financially secured, happy young citizens can bring maximum benefit to the state and society, and, in turn, they are responsible for providing proper initial conditions for young people, their further development and at the same time - the future of human potential. Therefore, there is an urgent need for research and dissemination of scientific studies scholars in this field.

The research analysis of this problem indicates a significant number of works of domestic and foreign scholars. The important contribution to the study of social formation and development of the younger generation have made Artyukh O., Borodin E., Walewski O., Vasiliev A., Vyshniak O., Golovatyy M., Holovenko V., Kaminski A., Karnaukh A., Korniyevsky O., Kryvachuk L., Metiolkina N., Nychyporenko S., Omelchuk V., Orlov V., Parubchak I., Pylypenko V., Prikhodko S., Rebkalo V., Sobolev O., Storozhuk R., Chernish N., Shestopalov P., Yaremenko O., and others. The problems of socialization of growing young people have been studying by Balakireva O., Belova L., Golobutsky O., Golobutska T., Korniyevsky O., Kulik V., Levkovska N., Sutiyanova L., Tolstoukhova S., Yakushik V., Yaremenko O. and others.

The highlighting of the social and legal aspects of youth policy in Ukraine and abroad dedicated to the works of academic Barabash V., Borodina E., Tolstoukhova S., Kulik A., Moshnyahul O., Ploskyi K., Chernish N. and others. Some issues and aspects of implementation of the national youth policy of socialization of the younger generation are presented in the thesis Kryvachuk L., Minaeva A., Polishchuk J., Didukh M., Shulga V., Kryvoruchenka J., Schotovoyi J., Juryi N. and others. The problems of youth policy as an aspect of European social policy in a globalizing investigated domestic researchers (Moşneaga V., Ester P., Kargaly M., Luksha N., Minev M., Platynskyy J., Rukavishnikov V., Touraine A., Halman L., Holstova O. etc.) and foreign scientists (Gasperoni G., Gully D., Kvakkesteyn P., Lazos C., Mantheym C., Muller F., Laurittsen P., Pauham S., Roch D., Schizerotto A., Tucker S., Thomson R., Flynn R., Harrison M., Hartmann-Fritsch K. and others).

The purpose and objective of an article provide the scientific analysis of the socialization of the younger generation like an object of the national youth policy’s effect.

A detailed study of the scientific literature has shown the importance of the social problem and makes it possible to generalize the experience, deepen theoretical understanding, provide practical recommendations for improving the physical, moral and spiritual development, socialization of the younger generation and a national model national youth policy and its implementation mechanism. Thus, in the National Strategy of Education Development in Ukraine in 2012-2021 has been mentioned that one of the priorities of the national education policy should be an effective system of national education, development and socialization of children and youth [4, p. 3-6]. Therefore, the human development is a very difficult involutional (clotting) – evolution (deployment) gradual movement, during which there are progressive (the direction of development from lower to higher, forward movement forward, for better) and regression intelligence, personality, behaviour, activity changes in human. [8, p. 12].

The transferring and development of social experience, the formation of the younger generation eventually develops into a process of renewal of society, which is the main content of the interaction between young people and the social environment. By changing society, young people change itself and becomes an active part of society included in the social mechanism. But successful socialization is a change in a person's behaviour according to the needs of society in accordance with their wishes. Society always strives to educate young people so that should support the social and political processes, which it’s developed. [10, p. 46-47].

The formation of a growing youth in the process of socialization affect as macrofactors (the international community, the state and its agencies, local governments, society and its elements, media) mezofactors (ethno-cultural conditions, type of accommodation, location and accommodation, traditional terms of human development) and microfactors (family, educational institutions, extra-scholastic education, a community of peers, and various civic and religious groups , etc.) [7, p. 13-25]. The combinations of all factors in general and one in particular have different effects on the younger generation, and the dynamics of their development and the impact depends on the individual as well as the level of social development, science and technology. Just in the process of socialization, the individual becomes a individuality, as B. Tsyba understands the human as a product of social influence and the subject of interpersonal relationships within the social (politics, economy, culture, education, family and religion) institutions. The personality, according to V. Tsyby is capable of predicting subjective and short and long-term strategic planning of its activities to meet the physical and spiritual needs through the creation and reproduction of social values and artificially environment and harmonize their plans of life with appropriate plans of other subjects in the partnership and competitive activity [9].

A socialization involves the formation of personality, especially its intellectual of spiritual, moral and cultural qualities of self-determination, a search its place in the economic life of society as, in general, will form the process of comprehensive inclusion of young people in all spheres of society, the activity of young people with self-improvement and ensuring the appropriate level and quality of life. Youth has an important place in the social structure of society. As M. Gutsalova noted that the young people is a socio-demographic group that is mastering the period of social maturity, adaptation to the world of adults and forthcoming changes that continually replenishes politically and economically active population of the state [2] . According to the Law of Ukraine "On the promotion of social advancement and development of young people in Ukraine " social formation of youth is a process of comprehensive inclusion of youth in the life of society as a system, the perception of it as an element in the system [6].

In the process of socialization of youth is the development of self-creative that enables orientation in contemporary social phenomena, acquiring social experience of older generations, understanding their own vocation growth of social activity and so on. Involvement of young people growing up an active social life is closely connected with the activities of youth organizations, which implemented a youth initiative and initiative, striving young men and women to participate in society and the state, their own needs and interests, solving social problems. [1, p. 50-62].

The basis for implementation of the national youth policy is a significant number of the legal acts and policy documents that contribute to the full development of young people in Ukraine. According to the Declaration "On General Principles of State Youth Policy in Ukraine", the state youth policy is a systemic activity of the state in dealing with individuals, youth, youth movement, implemented in the legislative, the executive, the judiciary and aims to create socio-economic, political, institutional and legal conditions and guarantees for the life of self- intellectual, moral, and physical development of young people realize its creative potential both in their own interests and in the interests of Ukraine [5].

The basic idea of the implementation of state youth policy in the opinion of Gutsalova provides the equality of each young person conditions in respect of a successful life to get a quality higher education, the first job, be able to provide themselves with their own housing and engage in self-improvement throughout life [3, p. 212 -219].

The main directions of the youth state policy due to the social formation and development of the growing young regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On the promotion of social advancement and development of young people in Ukraine." Specifically, they are a work, a support of business initiatives and activities, a promoting higher standards of living, housing, education, cultural development, health, physical development, guarantees of a legal protection of young people and the activities of youth organizations. All areas do not exist in isolation but are interconnected and interdependent.

Thus, the activities of the State due to the socialization, social formation and development of the young generation provides the comprehensive assistance to meet the young citizens of their own needs; create the conditions for self-development, personal fulfilment, achievement of independence; promote the integration of young people in the life of a growing society as a system.

Thus, on the basis of the analysis it can be concluded that the socialization of the younger generation like an object of the national youth policy provides the comprehensive development of young generations, realization of their capacities and abilities, rapid development of modern Ukrainian society, including young people in all spheres of society - economic, political, spiritual and cultural. The main directions of the state policy in this sphere are education, employment, quality of life, health, housing, cultural development of young people, their legal and social protection and youth participation in political life.

Further consideration needs the operation mechanism of the state youth policy, its regulatory and legal framework, objectives and priorities of the regional state youth policy, the solution processes of youth issues in government at all levels. The youth policy in Ukraine has to be implement strategies of life chances of the young generation.


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Сведения об авторе:

Балахтар Валентина Визиторовна – кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры социальной работы и кадровой политики Буковинского государственного финансово-экономического университета (Черновцы, Украина).

Data about the author:

Balakhtar Valentyna Vizitorovna – Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Social and HR Policy Department, Bukovyna State University of Finance and Economics (Chernivtsi, Ukraine).
