MAKO DESC. //ENG by katsudonKnockoff on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

- full name: Mako Sukuracchi
- hero name: Guillotine
- nicknames: NONE; usually, just called "Mako"
- age: 17 years old
- sex: male
- ethnicity: middle-asian/South China
- nationality: Japanese
- birthday: 31/11
- blood type: 0-
- height: 176cm/5'9
- weight: 74kg

- school: Yuuei/U.A.
- class: before Sports Festival, 1-C; after this, he got transfered to 1-A

//currently still looking for it //


Mako is a young, average height, well-built boy with a rather square face. By its origin, it has a fairly dark complexion and golden, oval eyes that always have dark circles underneath. On his face and hands you can see freckles that are surprisingly brighter than the shade of his skin. His hair, cut to the so-called "undercut", are naturally black - after activating quirk, white streaks appeared on them.
His whole body (arms, torso, face and partially legs) is covered in scars and cuts caused by using his quirk - those on the forearms and hands are hidden under white bandages covered with stains of dried blood; he removes them only when bathing or sleeping.
Outside of school, he wears a single, black earring in his right ear.

The entire uniform is inspired by the costumes of the executioners from the Middle Ages. All black elements of the suit are used to protest from the opponent's attack as well as the side effects of using power.
Only white, blouse-like cloth is to add some "charm" to the outfit.

His "sense of style" is strongly based on Japanese streetwear.
Gray sweatshirt, leather jacket and kidney, made of the same material are the most common elements of his outfit. Also often worn, black pants and high mountain boots that he also wears at school.
Sometimes he can be seen with black and gold headphones hang on his neck.


- positive traits: open / funny / caring / optimistic / creative
- negative traits: not very talkative / carefree / easily addicted
- neutral traits: silent / introvert / protective

Sukuracchi is a ISFJ personality type ("The Defender"). He usually has an optimistic attitude.
At first glance, the boy may seem very introverted and not very friendly. Mainly by his, let's be honest, a rather unpleasant look which is caused by scars, bandages on his hands and tired eyes. Often he's also potrayed as this "cool quiet boy who is too cool to talk to anyone", because he's not really the one who starts the conversation. However, that's not fully true.
After getting to know him, Mako turns out to be a very open, caring and funny guy with whom you can easily talk about basically anything. He will always fit in with the topic of the conversation you suggest. And after you'll became close him, he could even gave away his life to help you - generally, he hates the pain of the others. Well... of course without losing his "chill" attitude.

In some situations, he can flirt quite good; it's mainly based on more frequent jokes and using the technique of the "kabedon".

- blood loss
- small, closed places
- the night

- metalcore music
- history
- bonfires
- piercing
- comics/manga
- american movies
- psychological horrors
- origami
- cigarettes
- alcohol //ocassionally
- tattoos

- stealing
- pain of the others
- people with no empathy
- romantic comedies
- being used
- his scars
- classical music
- loud places
- fish

- origami (with use of his quirk)
- (making) tattoos
- writing short horror/thriller stories
China/Guangxi, city - Beihai; currently lives in Japan

Mako was born as a third child in the family. Before him there were 23-year-old Cao and Li-Jing, a pair of twins.
Mako's quirk wasn't the biggest surprise, because most of the family also had emitter ones; mother - ink (Inkling), brother - smoke (Smoky Tail), sister - inheriting power from mother, also ink (Inkling), only his father have a mutant quirk - Gargoyle.
The family was not super poor or rich, they lived happily in the middle class. The father had a good job, which he got mainly thanks to the help of his brother - whose living in Japan.
The family, four years after the birth of the twins, is planning to move out to Japan, and half a year later they find out about their next child, which even more convinced them in their decisions to move out to another country. The boy is born half a year before leaving.
There, they live on the suburbs of Tokyo.
The parents decided to send Mako to school later, worrying about how he would learn in another country. He did it perfectly well and didn't had the slightest problem with the language, because he had lived in Japan since basically the beginning of his life.
This resulted in the fact that the boy at the age of 8 went to the school with fully activated individuality, so he did not struggled with the problem of being bullied about him being quirkless etc. After a few years, already in primary school, because he was one year older, he got along with a group of middle school kids who were... not very good individuals. They drank, smoked and of course - they stole a lot of things, because people of that age tend not to have their own money. Mako, unfortunately, got into it.
After about a month of this "carousel of laughter", his sister finds out about it. Then, not wanting to tell his parents about it, she tries to talk with her brother about that he should stop it or he'll end up destroying his life. First attempt - unsuccessful, Mako did not listen to his sister; she, after a few more tries, decided to tell her twin about that. After learning about this, Cao is almost terrified and embarrassed by his brother's behavior. He informed his mother and father about it, regardless of the sister's requests. They decide to talk to their son and even try to send him for a therapy. He agrees, seeing that his parents and his siblings are really worried.
The next year and a half may seem to be going without major problems. Mako makes the first look of the child without any problems. But he only hides that he still meets with his "friends".
Finally, the boy, under the pressure of the whole group, decides to break into the store by himself most likely for things like alcohol, cigarettes, etc. (he never did it all alone, so he thought it was a kind of "initiation"). However, Mako was caught. Due to the fact that he was completely alone, all the responsibility falls on him. The school he attended finds out about the incident and, unfortunately, he's suspended for a whole one year.
This year is the most breakthrough for him and the whole Sukuracchi family, but also is filled with a heavy atmosphere.
The parents are not trying to help him anymore, because they just lost hope in him. His siblings, however, try to support him, mainly sister and brother - a bit less.
Mako, seeing that his family is terribly worried about him and tired of his behavior, decides to finally end this. Maybe he belonged to a group of the kids from under the dark cloud, but he still hated human harm, so it shook him so much. At the end of the suspension, he broke down and told the whole family that he was going to end it. The next day he went to the gang meeting, which he still belonged to, and told them the same thing as he told his family. They did not like this very much, and of course Mako was solidly beaten "for a goodbye".
After the suspension is over, he returns to school and begins to go on therapy again. In the second grade of junior high school, from the medical point of view, he is already completely sober.

He still smokes, but alcohol and theft rejects him completely.
After these all things that happened, more precisely on the suspension, the boy decided to become a hero.
With his individuality, it might seem that it will be easy - but because of the things he once did, the only place where he got was General Studies in U.A.
At the Sports Festival, Mako showed his best and even reached the first round in the finals, but his opponent had an individual who easily destroyed his paper and thus he lost.
But after general arrangements, he got transferred to the Hero Course, class 1-A. -RELATIONSHIPS:
Mako does not specifically engage in relationships. If you are already friends with him - then propably you’re the one who started.
Generally, he tries to maintain a friendly attitude towards other people, unless he clearly sees that the person wants to accuse him of something. Then in such situations he keeps the "blank" face.

IN SHORT: - love interest/crush: Tenya
- close friends: [Tenya], Mina, Hitoshi, Leo (belongs to my son

Yooshiv lmao)
- friends: Sero, Izuku, Haragure, Ojiro
- acquaitance: Kyouka, reszta klasy 1-A
-admitation: Shoto, EraserHead
- rather negative attitude: Katsuki

- Li-Jing Sukuracchi (older sister): Mako got along with Li the best from his closest family - mainly because they shared similar interests. It was mainly because of her that he got into the whole “hero” thing; Li collected a lot of small gadgets and made drawings with Pro Heroes (in her room she even has the whole wall for just such works, and because of her quirk she is quite good at it!).
The younger boy once asked his sister who are these people are and Li-Jing was happy that Mako got curious about it, she explained to him exactly who they are, what quirks they have, etc. She was happy that she could talk about it at least with him, because her twin… he didn’t really stick to the topic.
You could say that he treats her more like a good friend than a six-years-older sister.

- Cao Sukuracchi (older brother): Cao has always behaved as if he treated his younger brother like a pimple on his ass and that's what made him not have that good relationship with Mako as him and his sister. In general, they both talk little with each other. The boy prefers to find out what happens to the younger by asking sister or their parents.
However, Cao is not such a bad brother as it may seem at first glance. He is really worried about him, but he is too jealous that he spends more time with his sister than with him and just doesn’t want to look like a “p*ssy”. You can say that he acts somewhat Tsundere-like towards Mako.

- Hitoshi Shinso: Because they spent the first months in the same class, they knew each other from the beginning of the year. Both were giving the impression of "this quiet one" so they were thrown into the same group by the rest of the classmates.
Apart from Hitoshi's negative attitude towards making friendships, they quite often talked about random stuff, making them some kind of friends after some time. It even happened that after school they spent time together on longer conversations or even went out together somewhere, but these were not special occasions.

- Mina Ashido:

She was one of the first people from class A who spoke to Mako. She got interested in his quirk and she wanted to tell him that she liked it very much!
After a short conversation, when Mako found out from the girl that she has quirk, he started joking that "wow, a girl could beat him", knowing that her acid would easily burn his paper. The girl thought this as a really big compliment and excited continued the conversation, also joking every now and then.
When the boy got transferred to class A, they both had a "oh, that's you !!" reaction and Ashido immediately dragged him close to her seat so that they could talk more often.
The girl often initiaded trips to the city and other interesting places. They visited each other a couple of times in their homes, which made their families to somehow “ship” them, which gave both of them another topic to jokes.
But it cannot be hidden that Mako really likes her original and, according to him, adorable look of the girl.

- Tenya Iida: The ways of Mako and Tenya didn't crossed until the older boy, after the Sports Festival, was transferred to class 1-A.
Tenya was one of the first people he met (of course, besides Mina) after entering the classroom, because as a well-performing class president he had to officially introduce himself to the new one. Mako did the same, although he was amused by the "serious" type of welcome from the side of the newly met boy - maybe he saw him at the Festival, but he didn't payed much attention to him at that time.
On the same day Tenya asked "in private" the boy about his bandages and visible on the fingers and face scars; "Mako, I really would like to ask you something ... I know that I can seem intrusive because of it, but I can't ignore it - Do you have any problems ?? If so, you definitely shouldn't get your emotions off in this way ...! ".
Mako at first felt confused and didn't knew what he meant but after a short while he got this - he thought that the boy had already seen the effects of his quirk, but he was clearly wrong. Seeing worry on the face of the blue-haired boy, he immediately replied that he absolutely not - that's how his quirk works, and then he tried to relieve the atmosphere by joking; "It really looks like this ..? Haha! ". In this situation, Iida immediately apologized for accusing him of self-harm and that he really didn't wanted to seem badly curious, but Sukuracchi didn't cared too much about that and with his typical light smile thanked for caring, which wasn't really needed.
After this situation, both of them, without the main reason, began to talk to each other more and more often - at first mainly about their quirks, and then went to the more topics and conversations became longer, which resulted in the fact that they finally exchanged numbers (because there wasn't time to chat in the fucking school huh).
Once, and more specifically, when they both met outside the school for the first time, Mako pulled out one cigarette and... started to smoke. As soon as Tenya noticed it, he scolded the boy and began to explain to him how unhealthy and destructive it is to the body. In response to this entire 'lecture', Mako laughed; "Oiii... Come on! We're out of school, and besides, I've been doing it for a long time and if I had to die from it, I would be dead a long time ago. Hah ..!" "What do you mean by- 'For a long time'??". Before Mako could answer that "whatever" and "it was just a joke", Tenya managed to drill down the topic and finally the boy, somewhat embarrassed by his stupid past, told why "for a long time". After hearing the whole story, explainde in a very short way tho, Iida also decided to tell the boy about his problems - in this case with his brother.
It was basically the first time when Mako said it to someone from outside his family and he had to admit that he felt much, much better after it.
After that his sympathy for the boy grew even more and honestly - he had no idea how to feel qbout that. One time, when he was younger he liked a friend from the playgound (whose he doesn't even remember by now), but after that there were only girls, so he thought that it was just a phase. At first he immediately rejected the thought that he might fell for the younder boy.
However, fuck. The more time he spent with Iida, the more and more he got to the fact that he could be in love with the boy. He did not avoid him (he did not want to behave like a typical girl from a shoujo anime who is ashamed to spend time with her senpai), although he himself noticed that he unintentionaly acts a little more awkward. Good for him, Tenya didn't seem to notice.
Unfortunately, his sudden awkwardness was noticed by Mina and Leo, who once had a sleepover and that's when Mako told about what he most likely feels like for a boy. Leo of course was proud of himself if he just won a bet (don't deny it, it could be), and Mina immediately jumped out with questions like "OMG !! When will you tell him about it? Maybe tomorrow on Lunch Rush! Or during training...! "etc...
However, none of that two ever happened. The boy decided to do it at the end of the Summer Camp.

//insert Mako’s confession here lmao… Tenya had reaction like „whAAATTT?? I WAS SURE YOU’RE WITH MINA?? I-I… FUCk i have to think about this,, sorry” after that they avoided each Rother for a while, to not end up so awkward while being close, but after the end of the camp finalny Iida decided to officially tell the boy about his similar feelings//

Their relationship after becoming a couple has not changed in any drastic way. They're still open to each other, etc. They still act like friends at school or with other friends. Their 'real emotions' are shown mainly when they meet all alone and then they act like a couple. Honestly, Iida is the one who prefers "hugs or hand holding" and other PDA things, which Mako is perfectly fine with. He teases his boyfriend quite often, but soon after that, for example, he kisses him on the forehead, "for an apology".
Overall, thanks to Tenya, Mako stopped smoking and is now doing it less and less - because he knows that Iida is upset because of that.

- Hanta Sero: Also met by Mako during the Festival. Their meeting was mainly initiated by Mina who said that both boys have similar quirks (related to paper).
Their acquaintance was deepened mainly by the earlier mentioned The "Ashido" Travel Agency and her trips, to which she took them both and also because of Mako’s transfer to their class.
As in the case of Mina, the main topic of their conversations are jokes, but this time related to their individualities - their greatest achievement was creating the over two-meter statue of the okay hand meme using their quirks.

– Mina Ashido, 2019

- Izuku Midoriya: Because Midoriya is friends with Tenya, they see each other pretty often also. Maybe they don’t talk too often, but if - it's about Pro Heroes and other things for typical nerds.
Sometimes Izuku visits Mako at his home to see, for example, a new figurine that he managed to get. But most times it ends up that Mako’s sister joins them and then the three of them start talking about Pro's and the latest news from the media about them.

- Kyoka Jirou:

Mako really likes the look and personality of the girl. They don’t talk very often, but sometimes Sukuracchi sees Jirou listening to music and comes to her to ask what she listens to, what ends, from the girl's side – with a timid conversation about bands, the latest songs and sometimes, if Mako mentioned it - about his work in Tattoo Studio. And that's how most of their conversations look like.

- Shoto Todoroki:

They met for the first time at the Sports Festival. They did not talk to each other, but Shoto caught the attention of Mako mainly because he is the son of Endeavor, whose is his idol. He is impressed by his individuality and skills (like he did with that iceberg at the arena hh). He knows that in the fight he wouldn’t have the slightest chance with him.

- Katsuki Bakugou: Mako basically donesn’t talk with him at all, sometimes maybe there can be simple words, but that’s all. Katsuki always seemed to Mako as the person who he don’t want to be friends with.
In general – he tries to avoid him, because he reminds Mako of these “shitheads” he got along in the primary school.
They maybe could be a good friends, but.. that’s Mako’s decision to not start it.


Quirk allows to create little paper slices which cut with a huge power and speed (imagine it being like shattered glass). The owner, by imagining basically anything can make the paper take on any shape they imagine it to what ends up looking like an origami or paper-mache. Of course, the pieces can be controlled by not taking on any shape. Sadly, after a longer time of using some of the pieces are "sticking" to the arms, legs or even face or torso of the owner, what causes painful and deep, bleeding cuts on the body. TYPE: Emiter
RANGE: close/medium

- after longer use (at least 15-25 minutes), quirk causes severe injury on the body of the holder, a cuts, that causes great pain and bleeding and thus he has to take breaks during longer fights
- because quirk is based on the manipulation of paper, it ‘s not very useful in offensive against people with quirks that can destroy this material (acid and fire are the best examples); then only remains defence actions, with the help of much less effective attacks
- things made with the use of quirk aren’t very long-lasting; after a few strong hits they start to fall apart

- creation takes not longer than half a minute (depends on the size of the object)
- quirk can be used for faster movement; by creating the right amount of pieces by the legs, they can be used as a kind of wave/ice rink
- quirk is good for distracting because of the rustling sound they make and quick small cuts made on the body of the opponent
- with the use of quirk you can create weapons, but also smaller things like origami

- power: C/3
- speed: bez używania quirk D/2; z użyciem A/5
- technique: C/3
- inteligence: B/4
- cooperativeness: D/2


- after translating his name literally means "Shark", which has no deeper meaning
- to earn some money by himself, he works at some Tattoo Studio in Tokyo
- his favorite food is mexican take-out food and dumplings
- his favorite drink is peach Fanta
- he’d like to get a tattoo that would cover a few of his scars and he’s currently collecting money for that //and you know,, whole arm tattoo is pretty expensive
- the scar he has on his nose is not the result of using quirk, but that fight he had in childhood
- his favorite Pro Heroes are Endeavor and Kamui Woods
- he’s bisexual, with a bit more attraction towards girls
- from the family, he keeps the best contact with his sister and uncle (father's brother)
- his zodiac sign is Saggitatius
- many people after seeing the bandages on his hands think he’s hurting himself; he doesn’t like it when they ask about it, but at the end he politely explains that it’s just because of his quirk