Etherheim/Potion Sipper Ownership Rules! by Fumi-LEX on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Fumi-LEX's avatar

Uploaded: Feb 14, 2016

Literature Text


- Read about the species and have a general understanding of them (this is just a request, not a strict requirement) I'd recommend visiting the web-guide here (desktop version looks best)
or if the website gives you trouble, you can read about them on deviantart here instead: [ [Potion Sippers] Species Guide by Fumi-LEX]( "[Potion Sippers] Species Guide by Fumi-LEX, Aug 27, 2019")

You may

- make minor changes to markings, colors, and proportions to your sipper/etc's


form without notifying me.
- give your potion sipper any appearance you desire (after all, they are shapeshifters)

as long as it's neutral form stays relatively close to it's original design (see above)

- change the job class, personality, etc. (the starting job only applies to the potential future game)
- co-own,

although you must keep in mind that co-ownerships are not recognized officially

. One person technically has full rights over the design/character, and I won't be intervening in any problems relating to co-ownership.
- give them non-canon backstories, even ones that don't include Etherheim lore at all, although please keep in mind that such backstories are usually considered AU (alternate universe).
- give your character any outfits or accessories you'd like!
- freely create sipper hatchlings, including breeding existing sippers to make one, please read other rules/guidelines for this here.
- create misc. background characters of any playable race for story/backstory purposes (especially hatchlings),

although keep in mind that they aren't considered official and should never been traded/sold/etc as if they are

. If you'd like to use them as an official sipper/etc in the community/potential future game or trade/sell/gift them as an official one, you may make them official through purchasing and using a MYO slot (or obtaining one during an event).
- create certain adult material of your sipper/etc (substance use, gore, sexual themes, etc) as long as you yourself are 18+ and it is done so IN PRIVATE or at least not anywhere near official Etherheim community pages. PLEASE use proper filters and for sexual or fetishistic work specifically, and I request that you not credit me for the species/design (I would also prefer you not to use your sipper/etc's original form within such work, but I won't force you not to) I can't and don't want to restrict owners on how they can use their designs, but Etherheim species aren't meant to be geared towards a NSFW crowd and I don't want the community to be associated with that sort of content directly, if possible.

As long as you get approval from me (Fumi-LEX), you may

- make medium-major changes to your sipper/etc's


form, although ideally the design should have some resemblance to the previous version of itself (you should be able to tell that the designs are related) Some exceptions may be made depending on the circumstances, so don't be afraid to ask either way!

The changes will need to be approved before they can be made official

, but you may go ahead and draw the changes you have in mind before asking to use as a visual example (worst case scenario if the changes are too extreme, it can still be used as an alternate form or AU)
- change the species, as long as it's changed into something that isn't too similar to the respective Etherheim species. Please contact me (Fumi-LEX) directly to strip the species status from the design for you.

As long as you let me (Fumi-LEX) know before or after, you may

- gift or trade the sipper/etc to someone who already owns a sipper/etc (

if you're trading or gifting to someone who doesn't already own a sipper/etc, please link them to these rules

- sell the sipper/etc for the price it was purchased for. You may raise the price for additional artwork, but please be reasonable (I won't be keeping track of this, it's simply a request). (

again, if you're selling to someone who doesn't already own a sipper/etc, please link them to these rules

) This rule might be lifted later, as it is now there are so few sippers in existence that scalping feels particularly unfair.
- for clarity, sippers/etc can be resold even if you didn't purchase them personally, although you must take into account the rule above. If it would be helpful to know how much a sipper/etc originally sold for, please feel free to contact me and I can help you locate that information!

Please don't

- intentionally make your Etherheim design look like another person's intellectual property (be it other species, OCs, copyrighted material, etc) You CAN create alternate universe versions of your sipper/etc as other species as long as you do so through official means (adopts/customs/MYOs of the other species) and the other species owner allows AUs to exist within their rules.

These are considered the same design, and all versions of the character must be provided to the new owner if a transfer (sale/trade/gift) takes place

, unless the designs look VERY different from one another (it would be best to contact me to double check). Using a sipper/etc to create offbrands/unofficials of other species is NOT tolerated under any circumstance.
- use your sipper/etc's

neutral/true design

commercially (although you may use them commercially if you use other forms, and don't directly mention their lore in your work) I can discuss a compromise to this via note if desired.

Regarding other minor species in the sipper world

As long as you are in ownership of one or more official Etherheim player race designs, such as a potion sipper (obtained via official adopt, custom, MYO slot, etc), then you are free to create any of the MSS listed further below, for free! However, there are certain rules/guidelines that should be followed:

  1. Please run your MSS designs by me (Fumi-LEX) for approval, when you get the chance to (this needs to be done before the design is transferred out of your ownership in any form). The best place to contact me about this is DeviantART (note me directly, or through the potion-sipper group), or on discord via DM if you're a member of the potion sipper discord server (invite link).
  2. These designs may only be traded, sold, or gifted to another person who own's an official Etherheim player race design (potion sipper, etc). You are technically allowed to create adopts from these (all profits earned this way go to you by default, just to clarify), so long as you follow the aforementioned rule by not selling/trading them to someone who doesn't currently own a sipper/playable race design AND you have the design approved by me beforehand.
  3. MYO minor species designs currently won't be added to the masterlist, so you'll need to be careful about seeking proof of ownership on your own if someone offers to trade/sell/gift one to you. The best examples of this are a screenshot of me approving the design or, if they got the design from someone else, a screenshot of the sale/trade/etc conversation they had with the previous owner. Although I won't be able to compensate any loss from scams involving minor species, please do still report it to me so I can ban/blacklist the scammer and prevent others from being scammed by them in the future.
  4. Be mindful that if a Etherheim game were to be released, you might need to still earn these creatures in order to use them in-game (even though you already own their design) Please understand that this is to keep the story and game progression intact.
  5. In the event that you no longer have a potion sipper or other playable race design (aka you traded/gifted/sold all potion sipper(s) you had), you are allowed to keep/use any minor species designs that you had during the duration of owning that playable race design (in other words, they won't be revoked/scrapped/anything like that) However, you won't be able to make/obtain any further minor species designs until you become a potion sipper owner again.
  6. You may create minor species designs based on other characters that you own, but please do keep in mind that if you trade/sell/etc the design in the future to someone who doesn't own a sipper/playable race design, that new owner won't be able to use the minor species form of the design anymore (it technically isn't supposed to exist at that point, it might be best to scrap the minor species form before transferring design ownership to avoid confusion)
  7. ​If you want to change the species of a MYO MSS design (permanently) you are allowed to, and doing so lifts any rules and restrictions mentioned here. If you didn't create the design yourself, please ask me about it first.

For a list of MSS companions by size, either visit the website here (desktop version recommended) or read further below

Tiny creatures

- Luxies (sunbulbs, magic lamps, ghost lights)
- Dusterpuffs
- Notebugs (guide tba)
- Shell phones (any kind, some are technically small but will still count as tiny for the sake of custom extras)

Small creatures

- Mystkats (munchkin form)
- Striped Pipers

Medium creatures

- Mystkats (feli form)
- Idyllwings (petite breed)
- Cozikyrns or baby pegakyrns
- Sneeps

Large Creatures

- Mystkats (panther form)
- Hammerbeaks
- Idyllwings (grande breed)
- Pegakyrns (adult)
- Moozies

Massive Creatures

- Mystkats (coeurl form)


- Sipper hatchlings/Sipperlings not technically a MSS but is treated as one, they have extra rules on their info page!

Size approximations
- Tiny = 1/8 the size of an average sipper, and anything smaller than that
- Small = 1/4 the size of an average sipper
- Medium = 1/2 the size of an average sipper
- Large = any creature between the size of an average sipper, or up to 3 times the size of one
- Massive = anything larger than 3 times the size of an average sipper (probably won't be available for custom extras)