Markdown Editing Help (original) (raw)

Code and Preformatted Text

Indent four spaces to create an escaped <pre> <code> block:

    printf("%d\n", 42); /* what was the      question again? */

You can also select text and press CTRL+K to toggle indenting as code.

The text will be wrapped in tags, and displayed in a monospaced font. The first four spaces will be stripped off, but all other whitespace will be preserved.

Markdown and HTML are ignored within a code block:

          You would hate this if it weren't      wrapped in a code block.     

Instead of using indentation, you can also create code blocks by using “code fences”, consisting of three or more backticks or tildes:


Code Spans

Use backticks to create an inline <code> span:

The $ character is just a shortcut for window.jQuery.

(The backtick key is in the upper left corner of most keyboards.)

Like code blocks, code spans will be displayed in a monospaced font. Markdown and HTML will not work within them. Note that, unlike code blocks, code spans require you to manually escape any HTML within!

If your code itself contains backticks, you may have to use multiple backticks as delimiters:

The name Tuple`2 is a valid .NET type name.


End a line with two spaces to add a <br/> linebreak:

How do I love thee?   Let me count the ways

Italics and Bold

This is italicized, and so is this. This is bold, and so is this. Use italics and bold together if you have to.

You can also select text and press CTRL+I or CTRL+B to toggle italics or bold respectively.

There are three ways to write links. Each is easier to read than the last:

Here's an inline link to Google. Here's a reference-style link to Google. Here's a very readable link to Yahoo!.

You can also select text and press CTRL+L to make it a link, or press CTRL+L with no text selected to insert a link at the current position.

The link definitions can appear anywhere in the document -- before or after the place where you use them. The link definition names [1] and [yahoo] can be any unique string, and are case-insensitive; [yahoo] is the same as [YAHOO].

Links can have a title attribute, which will show up on hover. Title attributes can also be added; they are helpful if the link itself is not descriptive enough to tell users where they're going.

Here's a poorly-named link. Never write "[click here][^2]". Visit [us][web]. [^2]: (Advice against the phrase "click here") [web]: "Stack Overflow"

You can also use standard HTML hyperlink syntax.


Bare URLs

We have modified our Markdown parser to support "naked" URLs (in most but not all cases -- beware of unusual characters in your URLs); they will be converted to links automatically:

I often visit

Force URLs by enclosing them in angle brackets:

Have you seen

URLs can be relative or full.

Underline text to make the two

top-level headers :

Header 1

Header 2

You can also select text and press CTRL+H to step through the different heading styles.

The number of = or - signs doesn't matter; one will work. But using enough to underline the text makes your titles look better in plain text.

Use hash marks for several levels of headers:

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

The closing # characters are optional.

Horizontal Rules

Insert a horizontal rule

by putting three or more hyphens, asterisks, or underscores on a line by themselves:

You can also press CTRL+R to insert a horizontal rule.

Rule #1

Rule #2

Rule #3

Using spaces between the characters also works:

Rule #4

You can also press CTRL+R to insert a horizontal rule.

Simple lists

A bulleted <ul> list:

- Use a minus sign for a bullet + Or plus sign * Or an asterisk

A numbered <ol> list:

1. Numbered lists are easy 2. Markdown keeps track of the numbers for you 7. So this will be item 3.

You can also select text and press CTRL+U or CTRL+O to toggle a bullet or numbered list respectively.

A double-spaced list:

- This list gets wrapped in

tags   - So there will be extra space between items

Advanced lists: Nesting

To put other Markdown blocks in a list; just indent four spaces for each nesting level:

1. Lists in a list item:     - Indented four spaces.         * indented eight spaces.     - Four spaces again.

1. Lists in a list item:     - Indented four spaces.         * indented eight spaces.     - Four spaces again. 2.  Multiple paragraphs in a list items:     It's best to indent the paragraphs four spaces     You can get away with three, but it can get     confusing when you nest other things.     Stick to four.       We indented the first line an extra space to align     it with these paragraphs. In real use, we might do     that to the entire list so that all items line up.       This paragraph is still part of the list item, but it looks messy to humans. So it's a good idea to wrap your nested paragraphs manually, as we did with the first two.   3. Blockquotes in a list item:

    > Skip a line and     > indent the >'s four spaces.   4. Preformatted text in a list item:           Skip a line and indent eight spaces.         That's four spaces for the list         and four to trigger the code block.

Simple blockquotes

Add a > to the beginning of any line to create a blockquote.

The syntax is based on the way email programs usually do quotations. You don't need to hard-wrap the paragraphs in your blockquotes, but it looks much nicer if you do. Depends how lazy you feel.

You can also select text and press CTRL+Q to toggle a blockquote.

Advanced blockquotes: Nesting

To put other Markdown blocks in a blockquote, just add a > followed by a space.

To put other Markdown blocks in a blockquote, just add a > followed by a space:

The > on the blank lines is required to create a single blockquote.   If you leave out the extra > you will end up with two distinct blockquotes.

Blockquotes within a blockquote:

A standard blockquote is indented

A nested blockquote is indented more

You can nest to any depth.

Lists in a blockquote:

 - A list in a blockquote  - With a > and space in front of it     * A sublist

Preformatted text in a blockquote:

     Indent five spaces total. The first      one is part of the blockquote designator.


Images are exactly like links, but they have an exclamation point in front of them:

Valid XHTML.

You can also press CTRL+G to insert an image.

The word in square brackets is the alt text, which gets displayed if the browser can't show the image. Be sure to include meaningful alt text for screen-reading software.

Just like links, images work with reference syntax and titles:

This page is valid XHTML.

Note: Markdown does not currently support the shortest reference syntax for images:

Here's a broken checkmark.

But you can use a slightly more verbose version of implicit reference names:

This checkmark works.

The reference name is also used as the alt text.

You can also use standard HTML image syntax, which allows you to scale the width and height of the image.

URLs can be relative or full.

Inline HTML

Markdown is smart enough not to mangle your span-level HTML:

Markdown works fine in here.

Block-level HTML elements have a few restrictions:

  1. They must be separated from surrounding text by blank lines.
  2. The begin and end tags of the outermost block element must not be indented.
  3. Markdown can't be used within HTML blocks.
    You can not use Markdown in here.

Stack Exchange additions

The following sections describe some additional features for text formatting that aren't officially part of CommonMark.

To talk about a tag on this site, like-this, use

See the many questions tagged [tag:elephants] to learn more.

The tag will automatically be linked to the corresponding tag page.


To hide a certain piece of text and have it only be visible when a user clicks it, use the blockquote syntax with an additional exclamation point:

At the end of episode five, it turns out that

! he's actually his father.

Syntax highlighting for code

Code blocks can be highlighted using highlight.js. In many cases, the syntax highlighting language will be inferred from the question's tags.

To manually specify the language of a fenced code block, add the language to the line with the opening fence:

setTimeout(function () { alert("JavaScript"); }, 1000);

You can use either one of the supported language codes, like lang-cpp or lang-sql, or you can specify a tag, and the syntax highlighting language associated with this tag will be used.

To specify a syntax highlighting language to be used not only for the next, but for all following code blocks, use:

To specify that you don't want any syntax highlighting for a code block, use:


Our support for tables is based on the GitHub-flavored markdown table extension specification.

A header Another header
First row
Second row


You can set the alignment of a table column by including a : in the corresponding cell of the separator line. A : on the left will make a column left-aligned (this is the default). A : on the right will make it right-aligned. Both left and right :s will produce a center-aligned column.

left center right
One Two Three

Syntax details

Comments support only bold, italic, code and links; in addition, a few shorthand links are available.

italic and bold text, inline code in backticks, and basic links.

Supported shorthand links:

The owner of the post you're commenting on will always be notified of your comment. If you are replying to someone else who has previously commented on the same post, mention their username: @peter and @PeterSmith will both notify a previous commenter named “Peter Smith”.

It is generally sufficient to mention only the first name of the user whose comment you are replying to, e.g. @ben or @marc. However you may need to be more specific if three people named Ben replied in earlier comments, by adding the first character of the last name, e.g. @benm or @benc Spaces are not valid in comment reply names, so don't use @peter smith, always enter it as @peters or @petersmith.

If the user you're replying to has no natural first name and last name, simply enter enough characters of the name to make it clear who you are responding to. Three is the minimum, so if you're replying to Fantastico, enter @fan, @fant, or @fantastic.

You can use the same method to notify any editor of the post, or – if this is the case – to the♦ moderator who closed the question.