Irwan Malin Basa | STAIN Batusangkar (original) (raw)
Papers by Irwan Malin Basa
National Seminar, 2018
Culture: all human creation in community, ways of life, structure of social community, how they s... more Culture: all human creation in community, ways of life, structure of social community, how they struggle for a life, how they plant, etc. (human creation, inheritance, local area, belongs to community, able to change) Culture: Raymond Williams Originally published in N. McKenzie (ed.), Convictions, 1958 "Culture is ordinary: that is the first fact. Every human society has its own shape, its own purposes, its own meanings. Every human society expresses these, in institutions, and in arts and learning.
Langkawi Journal, 2018
How to cite: Irwan, I., et. al. (2018). Students' Variation in Translating English Passive Voice ... more How to cite: Irwan, I., et. al. (2018). Students' Variation in Translating English Passive Voice into Bahasa, 4(2), 91-105. DOI: lkw.v4i2.897 This article was focused on analyzing students' variation in translating English passive voice into Bahasa Indonesia. The datawas taken from the final examination results of Translation I subject. There were91 documents. Data were analyzed based on the theory of translation variation. There were 137 translation variations found in students' translation results. The variations of students' translations were "(had) being banned" 8 translated variation, "was brought down in" 13 translated variation, "be sentenced" 7 translated variations, "(is) given by" 7 translated variations, "were convicted of" 7 translated variations, "were embroiled in" 5 translated variations, "was placed under" 7 translated variations, "is sponsored by" 4 translated variations, "(was) exposed by" 17 translated variations, "had been covered up by" 5 translated variations, "was banned from" 5 translated variations, "were excluded from" 5 translated variations, "have never been convicted of" 7 translated variations, "(was) banned for" 5 translated variations, "was not suspended" 11 translated variations, "have been banned for" 4 translated variations, "was charged over" 4 translated variations, "were investigated" 2 translated variations, "was caught up in" 4 translated variations. It can be concluded that the students' translation skill especially in translating passive voice still have problem and it should be developed as well as possible.
Simposium, 2018
This article discussess about the creative industry development from the illumination of manuscri... more This article discussess about the creative industry development from the illumination of manuscripts in Pariangan. This research was conducted in Pariangan for six months. A case study approach was applied in this research with some consideration. First, Pariangan is called as one of the most beautiful villages in the world since 2012. It was anounced by the most popular travel magazine in America named American Budget Travelers. Second, it has many traditional manuscripts written in Arabic, Malay and Minang language. The manuscripts were saved in surau, in traditional houses and also as a personal collection. Most of the the manuscripts have different beautiful illumination. Third, to empower local people to revitalize their "lost" tradition to make the design of batik. The result of this research shown that there were twenty five of the batik designs which performs local wisdom of Pariangan. Until now there were 13 of the designs have been registered to the ministry of Law and Human Right of the Republic of Indonesia. The last one is local people of Pariangan are able to make batik again.
This article discussess about the roles of universities especially state islamic university in de... more This article discussess about the roles of universities especially state islamic university in developing, empowering and promoting halal tourism in Pariangan; One of The Most Beautiful Villages in the World based on American Budget Travelers Magazine in 2012. Since the booming of the information about halal tourism the qovernment of Indonesia and local qovernment in West Sumatera were working together to build and manage the program of halal tourism. As a result the qovernment of West Sumatera got three difference categories of international award for halal tourism; they are 1) World's Best Halal Tourism, 2) World's Best Halal Culinary Destination and 3) World's Best Halal Tour Operator. What and how the qovernment involving all the stake holders in managing, empowering and promoting the halal tourism program is to involve Islamic universities to participate in every program designed.
Salah satu efek yang diperoleh dari booming nya pemberitaan majalah American Budget Traveler tahu... more Salah satu efek yang diperoleh dari booming nya pemberitaan majalah American Budget Traveler tahun 2012 dan ekspos yang luar biasa dari beberapa televisi swasta tahun 2015 tentang Pariangan adalah berbondong-bondongnya wisatawan mengunjungi nagari Pariangan sampai saat ini. Betapa tidak, majalah pariwisata terkenal di dunia itu mengumumkan bahwa salah satu desa terindah di dunia itu adalah Pariangan yang terletak di Kecamatan Pariangan, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Berita itu merupakan ajang promosi gratis bagi Pariangan sampai ke seantero dunia. Berita itu dirasakan laksana berkah yang luar biasa apalagi bagi Dinas Pariwisata Tanah Datar karena mereka tidak perlu pusing lagi mempromosikan Pariangan. Pemda Tanah Datar dan pihak terkait lainya hanya perlu serius membenahi dan membangun sarana pendukung pariwisata demi keberlanjutan pariwisata Pariangan. Berita " Desa Terindah di Dunia " itu bagaikan magnet besar sehingga membuat para travelers penasaran yang luar biasa seperti apa desa terindah di dunia itu. Kita menyadari bahwa kunjungan wisatawan itu membawa berkah tersendiri namun bukan berarti wisatawan itu tidak membawa dampak negatif yang akan muncul baik kepada masyarakat, pemerintah daerah maupun tatanan budaya yang sudah ada. Sebagaimana kata pakar wisata seperti Crutclow and Franklin (2008) ….. tourism often emerges the new culture paradigm, new life style and many of them swept the original culture. Only the fittest could survive to fight it. New conflict will always come together. Artinya, pariwisata sering memunculkan sebuah paradigma budaya baru, gaya (hidup) baru dan kebanyakan akibat pariwisata itu menggilas budaya asli. Hanya budaya yang kuatlah yang akan mampu bertahan. Konflik baru akan selalu muncul bersamaan. Berdasarkan pilot study dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang dilakukan ada beberapa potensi konflik wisata di nagari Pariangan yang perlu difahami dan dicarikan solusinya oleh segenap pihak. Istilah konflik yang digunakan disini adalah istilah konflik yang ada pada KBBI 1996:518 yaitu konflik ialah percecokan, perselisihan dan pertentangan.
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum diketahuinya bentuk, makna dan fungsi graffiti ber... more Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum diketahuinya bentuk, makna dan fungsi graffiti berbahasa Inggris yang ada pada angkot di kabupaten Tanah Datar. Metode penelitian ini adalah qualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian ini adalah graffiti graffiti berbahasa Inggris yang ada pada angkot di Tanah Datar. Data diambil dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentasi berupa foto. Untuk mendapatkan data tambahan peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan pembuat graffiti tersebut. Setelah semua data didapatkan maka data dikelompokkan kedalam beberapa cluster. Kemudian data diolah sesuai dengan teori bentuk graffiti, makna graffiti dan fungsi graffiti. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi bentuk graffiti yang ada pada angkot di Tanah Datar secara umum banyak dibuat dalam bentuk phrase. Sedangkan dari segi makna graffiti yang ada pada angkot di Tanah Datar banyak dimaknai sebagai makna kontekstual, bukan makna leksikal. Secara fungsi graffiti yang ada pada angkot di Tanah Datar ada tujuh yaitu: 1) sebagai wujud identitas diri, 2) sebagai arena promosi, 3) sebagai daya tarik, 4) nilai seni/estetika, 5) bentuk fanatisme, 6) ikut-ikutan dan 7) ingin membuat orang lain tertawa karena lucu. A. Pendahuluan Bahasa adalah salah satu alat komunikasi manusia. Dengan bahasa manusia dapat menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain sehingga pesan atau maksud tersebut dapat diterima dan dipahami oleh orang lain. Melalui bahasa manusia dapat mengungkapkan ide-ide, perasaan dan gagasannya kepada sesama. Kita tidak bisa membayangkan seperti apa kehidupan manusia tanpa bahasa.Mungkin saja manusia tidak bisa hidup tanpa adanya bahasa sebab setiap waktu manusia butuh berkomunikasi antar sesama. Menurut Kridalaksana (2001:87) bahasa adalah system lambang bunyi yang arbitrer yang digunakan masyarakat untuk bekerjasama, berinteraksi, dan
One of the current issue in global education has changed to the paradigm of local wisdom concept.... more One of the current issue in global education has changed to the paradigm of local wisdom concept. This trend was caused by the failure of " modern " concept of education which is not able to humanize the human. For several years educators have conducted teaching and learning process in formal schools but some of them still failed in educating their students. The failure of modern concept of education has made many researchers to do research in local wisdom concept because this concept was considered as an alternative to answer the question. Years ago Minangkabau people were educated in surau as an informal school. Many great persons have been produced in surau. The concept of education in surau is very interesting because learners are educated in three main subjects namely religion, culture and the knowledge of social life aspects. These subjects become a basic knowledge for learners so that they are beeing well-prepared in facing this life. This article tries to propose the concept and how to apply the concept of surau in modern life. The concept will be applied in a model of long distance learning of surau. Informational technology will have significant role to apply this concept where all learners can learn as if they were in surau. Long distance learning has helped many people in learning. It has no reason for modern people not to learn in surau because surau has been created in their home.
Current issues in language acquisition problems always become a burning issue for linguists espec... more Current issues in language acquisition problems always become a burning issue for linguists especially for psycholinguists and sociolinguists. The questions about how and when a language acquired by human has been answered so far but it did not give the final answer of the questions yet. It was caused by the different point of view from the linguists. Most of the linguists conducted various research by using only one perspective namely " modern theory. " Actually there are many traditional and cultural ways (which we can call perspective) which have been initiated by our ancestors but we often left them behind. Two of the perspectives are religious and local wisdom. Religious perspective has introduced us the process of language acquisition from early childhood phase until the maturity of a language acquisition. But it is seldom explored deeply by the linguists. The language acquisition process is also practiced and guided by the people who live in West Sumatera through their habit in educating their baby until they are able to speak fluently. The example of the cultural life which shows the phenomenon such as singing when feeding the baby, telling the story, doing monologue with the baby and so on. Through this theoretical construction it is expected to all linguists to conduct a research about language acquisition based on several perspectives and approach like religion and cultural point of view. This article is expected to give a new information for language studies and to make us aware of the integrated and interconnection of the field of science to answer unsolved problems especially in language studies. A. Pendahuluan Pemerolehan bahasa atau dikenal dalam bahasa Inggris dengan istilahlanguage acquisition adalah salah satu kajian yang menarik dan selalu berkembang sampai saat ini. Berbagai analisis, penelitian dan percobaan dilakukan silih berganti oleh pakar-pakar bahasa untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sebenarnya manusia itu memperoleh bahasa. Tetapi masih banyak diantara analisis maupun kesimpulanyang sudah didapatkan itu memunculkan perbedaaan sudut pandang tentang pemerolehan bahasa itu sendiri. Misalnya, Noam Chomsky dengan pandangannya yang " beraliran " mentalistik atau ada juga yang menyebut dengan istilah nativisme atau nativistik.Ada juga teori yang beraliran naturalistic, teori behaviorisme dan lain sebagainya.
This article is talking about one of the most beautiful villages in the world based on survey of ... more This article is talking about one of the most beautiful villages in the world based on survey of American Budget Travelers Magazine in 2012. Since the publication of the survey many visitors visited Pariangan. But several problems then appeared to the villagers and the government of this area. They were such as the lack of facilities of the tourist object facilities, the response of the villagers, the response from the tourists. In this article the writer proposed that problems and solution for overcoming the problem to avoid different perception from tourists and villagers.
This article discusses about the new paradigm of halal tourism. The emerging of this term makes ... more This article discusses about the new paradigm of halal tourism. The emerging of this term makes people to change their principle, mindset and their service in tourism. The "old paradigm" of tourism should be socialized to all tourism business in order to get the benefit of the halal tourism which was assumed about US 200 Billion dollars in 2019. There are several steps to be prepared to welcome the visit of halal tourism especially in West Sumatera, Indonesia.
Problem of this research is the unfamiliarity of the topics in TOEFL test. Many of the topics are... more Problem of this research is the unfamiliarity of the topics in TOEFL test. Many of the topics are talking about American and Europe. They are about American science, American history, American economic system, American culture and European culture. The topics above are not familiar to the students of State Islamic College because they seldom study about the topic. To answer the TOEFL tes it will be better for us to have background knowledge about the topics of the reading. If we are familiar with the topic, it will help us to be easy in answering and understanding about the text. This research used Research & Development (R&D) approach. The sample of the try out test for developing these questions are the sixth semester English students of STAIN Batusangkar. The data were analyzed by using Kappa model to differenciate the items difficulties, items differenciation, trapping model, validity and reliability. The product of this research then revised for three times. Then, the product is also commented and analyzed by the experts. After analyzing the revision of the product, the result finally getting ready to be used for a test. A. PENDAHULUAN ITP TOEFL Test (Institutional Test Program Test of English as a Foreign Language) sudah dikenal luas di berbagai kalangan pelajar, mahasiswa, akademisi, birokrat, peneliti dan para profesional lainnya di Indonesia semenjak beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu. Test ITP TOEFL adalah tes untuk menguji kemampuan pemahaman bahasa Inggris bagi penutur non bahasa Inggris. Tes ITP TOEFL biasanya digunakan untuk syarat melanjutkan pendidikan ke luar negeri (khususnya ke negara-negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar) dan sudah banyak juga negara-negara yang bukan penutur bahasa Inggris menjadikan ITP TOEFL sebagai salah satu syarat untuk masuk ke negara mereka. Disamping itu, ITP TOEFL juga sering digunakan sebagai syarat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang S2, S3 dan post doctoral di dalam negeri. Tes ini ada juga digunakan untuk syarat memperoleh beasiswa dari lembaga donor asing, untuk mencari pekerjaan, naik pangkat dan jabatan serta berbagai kegunaan lainnya.
Yusri Akhimuddin, Irwan, dan Chardinal Putra. 2010. Laporan Penelitian. Analisis Historis Filolog... more Yusri Akhimuddin, Irwan, dan Chardinal Putra. 2010. Laporan Penelitian. Analisis Historis Filologis terhadap Peranan Ulama Tarekat dalam Membina Kerukunan Umat Beragama (Studi Kasus di Nagari Tuo Pariangan Tanah Datar). Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah apa bentuk peranan ulama tarekat di Nagari Tuo Pariangan dalam membina kerukunan umat beragama berbasis manuskrip. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis sosio-filologis. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga peran sosial ulama tarekat dalam membina kerukunan umat beragama di Nagari Tuo Pariangan, yaitu peran sebagai ulama, penghulu, tabib, dan seniman.
This study discusses about problems and solutions in revitalizing endangered tribe community in M... more This study discusses about problems and solutions in revitalizing endangered tribe community in Minangkabau, West Sumatera, Indonesia. One of the endangered tribe communities in Pariangan is called Pidang Laweh tribe. This community has only one family which belongs to its member. Revitalization is needed to protect their life, culture, traditional house and the way of how they apply and respect their culture. All about the needs for their sustainable culture preservation should be provided by the local government to make them able to have the same degree with other communities. The purpose of revitalization is to empower their critical endangered life to be a better life. Through this research there were many problems faced such as misunderstanding of the program of revitalization, difficulties in gathering the material for traditional house, lack of paying attention to the future life, the influence of the modern life to traditional culture and the difference of perception about modern life. There are some solutions proposed to protect and to save them such as giving the wider access for the tribe members, financial support, educational and economic priority and to make them more aware of the culture itself.
Books by Irwan Malin Basa
Buku ini adalah buku panduan pengambilan Api Pekan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Buku ini be... more Buku ini adalah buku panduan pengambilan Api Pekan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Buku ini berisikan bagaimana tata cara, susunan acara serta sejarah Api Porprov di Sumatera Barat. Sampai saat ini dimanapun Pekan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Barat dilaksanakan maka Api Porprov nya selalu diambil di Desa / Jorong Pariangan. Upacara pengambilan Api Porprov ini adalah sebuah upacara ritual adat yang menarik untuk diikuti karena Api tersebut diambil dari alam Pariangan.
Kamus ini berisikan seluruh kata-kata Bahasa Inggris yang tergabung kedalam two word verbs dan di... more Kamus ini berisikan seluruh kata-kata Bahasa Inggris yang tergabung kedalam two word verbs dan disertai dengan contoh pemakaiannya. seluruh two word verbs didaftarkan secara alfabetis sehingga pembaca bisa dengan mudah mencari two word verbs yang dibutuhkan. Buku ini bisa dijadikan sebagai salah satu buku pegangan belajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam cara pemakaian two word verbs.
Buku ini adalah sebuah buku referensi kajian sosiolinguistik yang ditulis untuk kebutuhan perkuli... more Buku ini adalah sebuah buku referensi kajian sosiolinguistik yang ditulis untuk kebutuhan perkuliahan mahasisw. Buku ini awalnya adalah karya terjemahan dari buku Janet Holmes namun kemudian diramu kembali dengan materi-materi sosiolinguistik yang uptodate. Buku ini disusun dengan bahasa yang santai, mudah dicerna dan tidak berbelit-belit sehingga pembaca dengan mudah memahami konsep sosiolinguistik meskipun baru mengenalnya.
Buku ini adalah buku pasambahan adat Minangkabau yang disalin dari beberapa naskah kuno Minangkab... more Buku ini adalah buku pasambahan adat Minangkabau yang disalin dari beberapa naskah kuno Minangkabau yang ada di Pariangan. Buku ini ditulis dengan bahasa yang sederhana sehingga pembaca dengan mudah memahami maksud tulisan tersebut. Begitu juga panduan-panduan yang ada dalam buku ini, pembaca dapat belajar sendiri bagaimana cara berpasambahan tanpa ada guru. Buku ini sudah mendapatkan HKI dari Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI pada tahun 2016. Buku ini sudah terjual lebih dari 5000 copy.
Vol. 3 No.2, 2017 by Irwan Malin Basa
The use of English in Indonesia has developed quickly in all of fields. It’s affected by many thi... more The use of English in Indonesia has developed quickly in all of fields. It’s affected by many things in many ways. The need of English has also increased quickly in many parts of indonesians’ life. In order to face its, teaching English at young ages or student seems like the solution. Speaking is one of the skills that should be tough to the student. To get an effective learning, it’s useful to know what are factors contributing to the student speaking development. This research showed that there are some contributing factors to the students’ speaking development. Those factors are: Teacher, Daily Practice, Listening to English Music, Family Support, Watching English Video and Movie, Motivation to Learn, Classroom Environment, Learning Material. Such as a good teacher would provide a good learning. Support of the family would also give an effective outcome for the students development. So, the factors should be known in order to get a better outcome for the students
Drafts by Irwan Malin Basa
Makalah Diklatpim II, 2018
National Seminar, 2018
Culture: all human creation in community, ways of life, structure of social community, how they s... more Culture: all human creation in community, ways of life, structure of social community, how they struggle for a life, how they plant, etc. (human creation, inheritance, local area, belongs to community, able to change) Culture: Raymond Williams Originally published in N. McKenzie (ed.), Convictions, 1958 "Culture is ordinary: that is the first fact. Every human society has its own shape, its own purposes, its own meanings. Every human society expresses these, in institutions, and in arts and learning.
Langkawi Journal, 2018
How to cite: Irwan, I., et. al. (2018). Students' Variation in Translating English Passive Voice ... more How to cite: Irwan, I., et. al. (2018). Students' Variation in Translating English Passive Voice into Bahasa, 4(2), 91-105. DOI: lkw.v4i2.897 This article was focused on analyzing students' variation in translating English passive voice into Bahasa Indonesia. The datawas taken from the final examination results of Translation I subject. There were91 documents. Data were analyzed based on the theory of translation variation. There were 137 translation variations found in students' translation results. The variations of students' translations were "(had) being banned" 8 translated variation, "was brought down in" 13 translated variation, "be sentenced" 7 translated variations, "(is) given by" 7 translated variations, "were convicted of" 7 translated variations, "were embroiled in" 5 translated variations, "was placed under" 7 translated variations, "is sponsored by" 4 translated variations, "(was) exposed by" 17 translated variations, "had been covered up by" 5 translated variations, "was banned from" 5 translated variations, "were excluded from" 5 translated variations, "have never been convicted of" 7 translated variations, "(was) banned for" 5 translated variations, "was not suspended" 11 translated variations, "have been banned for" 4 translated variations, "was charged over" 4 translated variations, "were investigated" 2 translated variations, "was caught up in" 4 translated variations. It can be concluded that the students' translation skill especially in translating passive voice still have problem and it should be developed as well as possible.
Simposium, 2018
This article discussess about the creative industry development from the illumination of manuscri... more This article discussess about the creative industry development from the illumination of manuscripts in Pariangan. This research was conducted in Pariangan for six months. A case study approach was applied in this research with some consideration. First, Pariangan is called as one of the most beautiful villages in the world since 2012. It was anounced by the most popular travel magazine in America named American Budget Travelers. Second, it has many traditional manuscripts written in Arabic, Malay and Minang language. The manuscripts were saved in surau, in traditional houses and also as a personal collection. Most of the the manuscripts have different beautiful illumination. Third, to empower local people to revitalize their "lost" tradition to make the design of batik. The result of this research shown that there were twenty five of the batik designs which performs local wisdom of Pariangan. Until now there were 13 of the designs have been registered to the ministry of Law and Human Right of the Republic of Indonesia. The last one is local people of Pariangan are able to make batik again.
This article discussess about the roles of universities especially state islamic university in de... more This article discussess about the roles of universities especially state islamic university in developing, empowering and promoting halal tourism in Pariangan; One of The Most Beautiful Villages in the World based on American Budget Travelers Magazine in 2012. Since the booming of the information about halal tourism the qovernment of Indonesia and local qovernment in West Sumatera were working together to build and manage the program of halal tourism. As a result the qovernment of West Sumatera got three difference categories of international award for halal tourism; they are 1) World's Best Halal Tourism, 2) World's Best Halal Culinary Destination and 3) World's Best Halal Tour Operator. What and how the qovernment involving all the stake holders in managing, empowering and promoting the halal tourism program is to involve Islamic universities to participate in every program designed.
Salah satu efek yang diperoleh dari booming nya pemberitaan majalah American Budget Traveler tahu... more Salah satu efek yang diperoleh dari booming nya pemberitaan majalah American Budget Traveler tahun 2012 dan ekspos yang luar biasa dari beberapa televisi swasta tahun 2015 tentang Pariangan adalah berbondong-bondongnya wisatawan mengunjungi nagari Pariangan sampai saat ini. Betapa tidak, majalah pariwisata terkenal di dunia itu mengumumkan bahwa salah satu desa terindah di dunia itu adalah Pariangan yang terletak di Kecamatan Pariangan, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Berita itu merupakan ajang promosi gratis bagi Pariangan sampai ke seantero dunia. Berita itu dirasakan laksana berkah yang luar biasa apalagi bagi Dinas Pariwisata Tanah Datar karena mereka tidak perlu pusing lagi mempromosikan Pariangan. Pemda Tanah Datar dan pihak terkait lainya hanya perlu serius membenahi dan membangun sarana pendukung pariwisata demi keberlanjutan pariwisata Pariangan. Berita " Desa Terindah di Dunia " itu bagaikan magnet besar sehingga membuat para travelers penasaran yang luar biasa seperti apa desa terindah di dunia itu. Kita menyadari bahwa kunjungan wisatawan itu membawa berkah tersendiri namun bukan berarti wisatawan itu tidak membawa dampak negatif yang akan muncul baik kepada masyarakat, pemerintah daerah maupun tatanan budaya yang sudah ada. Sebagaimana kata pakar wisata seperti Crutclow and Franklin (2008) ….. tourism often emerges the new culture paradigm, new life style and many of them swept the original culture. Only the fittest could survive to fight it. New conflict will always come together. Artinya, pariwisata sering memunculkan sebuah paradigma budaya baru, gaya (hidup) baru dan kebanyakan akibat pariwisata itu menggilas budaya asli. Hanya budaya yang kuatlah yang akan mampu bertahan. Konflik baru akan selalu muncul bersamaan. Berdasarkan pilot study dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang dilakukan ada beberapa potensi konflik wisata di nagari Pariangan yang perlu difahami dan dicarikan solusinya oleh segenap pihak. Istilah konflik yang digunakan disini adalah istilah konflik yang ada pada KBBI 1996:518 yaitu konflik ialah percecokan, perselisihan dan pertentangan.
Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum diketahuinya bentuk, makna dan fungsi graffiti ber... more Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum diketahuinya bentuk, makna dan fungsi graffiti berbahasa Inggris yang ada pada angkot di kabupaten Tanah Datar. Metode penelitian ini adalah qualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian ini adalah graffiti graffiti berbahasa Inggris yang ada pada angkot di Tanah Datar. Data diambil dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentasi berupa foto. Untuk mendapatkan data tambahan peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan pembuat graffiti tersebut. Setelah semua data didapatkan maka data dikelompokkan kedalam beberapa cluster. Kemudian data diolah sesuai dengan teori bentuk graffiti, makna graffiti dan fungsi graffiti. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi bentuk graffiti yang ada pada angkot di Tanah Datar secara umum banyak dibuat dalam bentuk phrase. Sedangkan dari segi makna graffiti yang ada pada angkot di Tanah Datar banyak dimaknai sebagai makna kontekstual, bukan makna leksikal. Secara fungsi graffiti yang ada pada angkot di Tanah Datar ada tujuh yaitu: 1) sebagai wujud identitas diri, 2) sebagai arena promosi, 3) sebagai daya tarik, 4) nilai seni/estetika, 5) bentuk fanatisme, 6) ikut-ikutan dan 7) ingin membuat orang lain tertawa karena lucu. A. Pendahuluan Bahasa adalah salah satu alat komunikasi manusia. Dengan bahasa manusia dapat menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain sehingga pesan atau maksud tersebut dapat diterima dan dipahami oleh orang lain. Melalui bahasa manusia dapat mengungkapkan ide-ide, perasaan dan gagasannya kepada sesama. Kita tidak bisa membayangkan seperti apa kehidupan manusia tanpa bahasa.Mungkin saja manusia tidak bisa hidup tanpa adanya bahasa sebab setiap waktu manusia butuh berkomunikasi antar sesama. Menurut Kridalaksana (2001:87) bahasa adalah system lambang bunyi yang arbitrer yang digunakan masyarakat untuk bekerjasama, berinteraksi, dan
One of the current issue in global education has changed to the paradigm of local wisdom concept.... more One of the current issue in global education has changed to the paradigm of local wisdom concept. This trend was caused by the failure of " modern " concept of education which is not able to humanize the human. For several years educators have conducted teaching and learning process in formal schools but some of them still failed in educating their students. The failure of modern concept of education has made many researchers to do research in local wisdom concept because this concept was considered as an alternative to answer the question. Years ago Minangkabau people were educated in surau as an informal school. Many great persons have been produced in surau. The concept of education in surau is very interesting because learners are educated in three main subjects namely religion, culture and the knowledge of social life aspects. These subjects become a basic knowledge for learners so that they are beeing well-prepared in facing this life. This article tries to propose the concept and how to apply the concept of surau in modern life. The concept will be applied in a model of long distance learning of surau. Informational technology will have significant role to apply this concept where all learners can learn as if they were in surau. Long distance learning has helped many people in learning. It has no reason for modern people not to learn in surau because surau has been created in their home.
Current issues in language acquisition problems always become a burning issue for linguists espec... more Current issues in language acquisition problems always become a burning issue for linguists especially for psycholinguists and sociolinguists. The questions about how and when a language acquired by human has been answered so far but it did not give the final answer of the questions yet. It was caused by the different point of view from the linguists. Most of the linguists conducted various research by using only one perspective namely " modern theory. " Actually there are many traditional and cultural ways (which we can call perspective) which have been initiated by our ancestors but we often left them behind. Two of the perspectives are religious and local wisdom. Religious perspective has introduced us the process of language acquisition from early childhood phase until the maturity of a language acquisition. But it is seldom explored deeply by the linguists. The language acquisition process is also practiced and guided by the people who live in West Sumatera through their habit in educating their baby until they are able to speak fluently. The example of the cultural life which shows the phenomenon such as singing when feeding the baby, telling the story, doing monologue with the baby and so on. Through this theoretical construction it is expected to all linguists to conduct a research about language acquisition based on several perspectives and approach like religion and cultural point of view. This article is expected to give a new information for language studies and to make us aware of the integrated and interconnection of the field of science to answer unsolved problems especially in language studies. A. Pendahuluan Pemerolehan bahasa atau dikenal dalam bahasa Inggris dengan istilahlanguage acquisition adalah salah satu kajian yang menarik dan selalu berkembang sampai saat ini. Berbagai analisis, penelitian dan percobaan dilakukan silih berganti oleh pakar-pakar bahasa untuk menjelaskan bagaimana sebenarnya manusia itu memperoleh bahasa. Tetapi masih banyak diantara analisis maupun kesimpulanyang sudah didapatkan itu memunculkan perbedaaan sudut pandang tentang pemerolehan bahasa itu sendiri. Misalnya, Noam Chomsky dengan pandangannya yang " beraliran " mentalistik atau ada juga yang menyebut dengan istilah nativisme atau nativistik.Ada juga teori yang beraliran naturalistic, teori behaviorisme dan lain sebagainya.
This article is talking about one of the most beautiful villages in the world based on survey of ... more This article is talking about one of the most beautiful villages in the world based on survey of American Budget Travelers Magazine in 2012. Since the publication of the survey many visitors visited Pariangan. But several problems then appeared to the villagers and the government of this area. They were such as the lack of facilities of the tourist object facilities, the response of the villagers, the response from the tourists. In this article the writer proposed that problems and solution for overcoming the problem to avoid different perception from tourists and villagers.
This article discusses about the new paradigm of halal tourism. The emerging of this term makes ... more This article discusses about the new paradigm of halal tourism. The emerging of this term makes people to change their principle, mindset and their service in tourism. The "old paradigm" of tourism should be socialized to all tourism business in order to get the benefit of the halal tourism which was assumed about US 200 Billion dollars in 2019. There are several steps to be prepared to welcome the visit of halal tourism especially in West Sumatera, Indonesia.
Problem of this research is the unfamiliarity of the topics in TOEFL test. Many of the topics are... more Problem of this research is the unfamiliarity of the topics in TOEFL test. Many of the topics are talking about American and Europe. They are about American science, American history, American economic system, American culture and European culture. The topics above are not familiar to the students of State Islamic College because they seldom study about the topic. To answer the TOEFL tes it will be better for us to have background knowledge about the topics of the reading. If we are familiar with the topic, it will help us to be easy in answering and understanding about the text. This research used Research & Development (R&D) approach. The sample of the try out test for developing these questions are the sixth semester English students of STAIN Batusangkar. The data were analyzed by using Kappa model to differenciate the items difficulties, items differenciation, trapping model, validity and reliability. The product of this research then revised for three times. Then, the product is also commented and analyzed by the experts. After analyzing the revision of the product, the result finally getting ready to be used for a test. A. PENDAHULUAN ITP TOEFL Test (Institutional Test Program Test of English as a Foreign Language) sudah dikenal luas di berbagai kalangan pelajar, mahasiswa, akademisi, birokrat, peneliti dan para profesional lainnya di Indonesia semenjak beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu. Test ITP TOEFL adalah tes untuk menguji kemampuan pemahaman bahasa Inggris bagi penutur non bahasa Inggris. Tes ITP TOEFL biasanya digunakan untuk syarat melanjutkan pendidikan ke luar negeri (khususnya ke negara-negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar) dan sudah banyak juga negara-negara yang bukan penutur bahasa Inggris menjadikan ITP TOEFL sebagai salah satu syarat untuk masuk ke negara mereka. Disamping itu, ITP TOEFL juga sering digunakan sebagai syarat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang S2, S3 dan post doctoral di dalam negeri. Tes ini ada juga digunakan untuk syarat memperoleh beasiswa dari lembaga donor asing, untuk mencari pekerjaan, naik pangkat dan jabatan serta berbagai kegunaan lainnya.
Yusri Akhimuddin, Irwan, dan Chardinal Putra. 2010. Laporan Penelitian. Analisis Historis Filolog... more Yusri Akhimuddin, Irwan, dan Chardinal Putra. 2010. Laporan Penelitian. Analisis Historis Filologis terhadap Peranan Ulama Tarekat dalam Membina Kerukunan Umat Beragama (Studi Kasus di Nagari Tuo Pariangan Tanah Datar). Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah apa bentuk peranan ulama tarekat di Nagari Tuo Pariangan dalam membina kerukunan umat beragama berbasis manuskrip. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis sosio-filologis. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga peran sosial ulama tarekat dalam membina kerukunan umat beragama di Nagari Tuo Pariangan, yaitu peran sebagai ulama, penghulu, tabib, dan seniman.
This study discusses about problems and solutions in revitalizing endangered tribe community in M... more This study discusses about problems and solutions in revitalizing endangered tribe community in Minangkabau, West Sumatera, Indonesia. One of the endangered tribe communities in Pariangan is called Pidang Laweh tribe. This community has only one family which belongs to its member. Revitalization is needed to protect their life, culture, traditional house and the way of how they apply and respect their culture. All about the needs for their sustainable culture preservation should be provided by the local government to make them able to have the same degree with other communities. The purpose of revitalization is to empower their critical endangered life to be a better life. Through this research there were many problems faced such as misunderstanding of the program of revitalization, difficulties in gathering the material for traditional house, lack of paying attention to the future life, the influence of the modern life to traditional culture and the difference of perception about modern life. There are some solutions proposed to protect and to save them such as giving the wider access for the tribe members, financial support, educational and economic priority and to make them more aware of the culture itself.
Buku ini adalah buku panduan pengambilan Api Pekan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Buku ini be... more Buku ini adalah buku panduan pengambilan Api Pekan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Buku ini berisikan bagaimana tata cara, susunan acara serta sejarah Api Porprov di Sumatera Barat. Sampai saat ini dimanapun Pekan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Barat dilaksanakan maka Api Porprov nya selalu diambil di Desa / Jorong Pariangan. Upacara pengambilan Api Porprov ini adalah sebuah upacara ritual adat yang menarik untuk diikuti karena Api tersebut diambil dari alam Pariangan.
Kamus ini berisikan seluruh kata-kata Bahasa Inggris yang tergabung kedalam two word verbs dan di... more Kamus ini berisikan seluruh kata-kata Bahasa Inggris yang tergabung kedalam two word verbs dan disertai dengan contoh pemakaiannya. seluruh two word verbs didaftarkan secara alfabetis sehingga pembaca bisa dengan mudah mencari two word verbs yang dibutuhkan. Buku ini bisa dijadikan sebagai salah satu buku pegangan belajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam cara pemakaian two word verbs.
Buku ini adalah sebuah buku referensi kajian sosiolinguistik yang ditulis untuk kebutuhan perkuli... more Buku ini adalah sebuah buku referensi kajian sosiolinguistik yang ditulis untuk kebutuhan perkuliahan mahasisw. Buku ini awalnya adalah karya terjemahan dari buku Janet Holmes namun kemudian diramu kembali dengan materi-materi sosiolinguistik yang uptodate. Buku ini disusun dengan bahasa yang santai, mudah dicerna dan tidak berbelit-belit sehingga pembaca dengan mudah memahami konsep sosiolinguistik meskipun baru mengenalnya.
Buku ini adalah buku pasambahan adat Minangkabau yang disalin dari beberapa naskah kuno Minangkab... more Buku ini adalah buku pasambahan adat Minangkabau yang disalin dari beberapa naskah kuno Minangkabau yang ada di Pariangan. Buku ini ditulis dengan bahasa yang sederhana sehingga pembaca dengan mudah memahami maksud tulisan tersebut. Begitu juga panduan-panduan yang ada dalam buku ini, pembaca dapat belajar sendiri bagaimana cara berpasambahan tanpa ada guru. Buku ini sudah mendapatkan HKI dari Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI pada tahun 2016. Buku ini sudah terjual lebih dari 5000 copy.
The use of English in Indonesia has developed quickly in all of fields. It’s affected by many thi... more The use of English in Indonesia has developed quickly in all of fields. It’s affected by many things in many ways. The need of English has also increased quickly in many parts of indonesians’ life. In order to face its, teaching English at young ages or student seems like the solution. Speaking is one of the skills that should be tough to the student. To get an effective learning, it’s useful to know what are factors contributing to the student speaking development. This research showed that there are some contributing factors to the students’ speaking development. Those factors are: Teacher, Daily Practice, Listening to English Music, Family Support, Watching English Video and Movie, Motivation to Learn, Classroom Environment, Learning Material. Such as a good teacher would provide a good learning. Support of the family would also give an effective outcome for the students development. So, the factors should be known in order to get a better outcome for the students