Bersama Biologi | STAIN Pamekasan (original) (raw)

Papers by Bersama Biologi

Research paper thumbnail of Thematic Based Private Vocational School Learning Chomparison Analysis In One Sheet Lesson Plan

ZAHRA: Research and Tought Elementary School of Islam Journal, 2021

The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed th... more The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed the curriculum even though this is a common thing. The point is how learning practices in schools will become better, more efficient, and more effective. Likewise with the policy of drafting a one-sheet RPP which was initiated the Minister of Education and Culture to help reduce the burden on teachers in the field implementing learning. In simple terms, actually several RPP pages that previously could be summarized/abstracted into just one-sheet, then select the components that are considered core and must exist. There are also other components that can be attached or even removed, because it could be implied and expressed in the existing core components. However, for prospective teachers, it is better if they continue to study the lesson plans with the full component version and then learn to abstract into one-sheet RPP.

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics Of Entrepreneurs In The Traditional Market (Sore Market) Pamekasan In Central Pandemic Covid-19 Is Still Running

The communication model that is considered appropriate is to involve market managers as a source ... more The communication model that is considered appropriate is to involve market managers as a source of credible messages, with messages containing the benefits and risks of revitalization which are effective in developing the motivation of traders and the media that allow direct responses from market players. This study aims to formulate a communication model to build change readiness for<br> traditional market traders. The method used is a survey by interviewing 10 traditional market traders using a questionnaire instrument. The results showed that in the face of revitalization, traders are in a situation of uncertainty. All market elements, starting from the characteristics of traders, sources of messages, messages, and participatory communication, have a positive impact on traders' readiness with revitalization with a high entrepreneurial capacity of traders. Therefore, to build merchant readiness, the main thing that needs to be done is to build the entrepreneurial charac...

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Pattern among Scientific Literacy, Thematic, and Scientific Materials in Online Learning

Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar, 2021

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning ma... more The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning materials, and scientific literacy integrated in online learning carried out in three different primary schools, namely MI Al-Ikhlas, Luqman Al-Hakim Integral Elementary School, and at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 1 Sumenep in Sumenep Regency. Learning science is with a scientific approach in primary school can be meant as student's mastery of knowledge about scientific, thematic, and scientific literacy, which is learned from facts, principles, and the discovery process during online learning. However, the science material given must be adapteded to the age and characteristics of the students concerned, meaning that science material is given to students and adjusted to the grade level, so that mastery of science can be beneficial both for the students and for the natural environment preservation around them. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Pembelajaran IPS untuk SD-MI di tengah Pandemi COVID-19 dalam Daring-Luring di MI AT-Taubah

Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities, 2021

Sejak bulan Maret 2020 telah diberlakukan pembelajaran dari rumah. Guru juga melakukan pembelajar... more Sejak bulan Maret 2020 telah diberlakukan pembelajaran dari rumah. Guru juga melakukan pembelajaran dari rumah (teaching from home) dan pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah paradigma pembelajaran di kelas. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran IPS untuk SD/MI ditengah pandemi baik dalam daring/luring pada sekolah MI AT-Taubah di Kabupaten Sampang. Metode dalam Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian phenomenologi, namun demikian pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring dan luring memiliki tantangan/kendala baik dari aspek sumber daya manusia maupun dari sarana dan prasarana. Pada pembelajaran yang diterapkan baik luring dan daring, pada MI At-taubah lebih sering menggunakan metode luring, karna lebih efektif apalagi di pembelajaran. Kendala yang di alami saat ini yaitu jika menerapkan metode daring untuk di daerah pelosok yang sulit akan kuota dan jaringan. Sebagian dari orang tua murid tidak memiliki WA, akan tetapi sekolah mengupayakan untuk m...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pembelajaran Daring Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPS SD/MI di Kota Pamekasan Tahun Pelajaran 2019—2020

ENTITA: Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, 2021

Kondisi ditengah pandemi memaksa untuk melakukan pembelajaran mata pelajaran IPS secara daring, h... more Kondisi ditengah pandemi memaksa untuk melakukan pembelajaran mata pelajaran IPS secara daring, hal ini sejalan dengan pernyataan dari Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa, yang menyatakan bahwa salah satu sektor yang terdampak adanya wabah ini adalah dunia Pendidikan. Maka dari itu dilakukan pembelajaran daring ditengah pandemi untuk melihat hasil belajar dari siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang mana menggambarkan analisis pembelajaran daring terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan angket sebagai sumber data primer maupun data sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis Miles & Hubert (1994) yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan serta verifikasi kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa dapat termotivasi dari pembelajaran daring yang disajikan baik oleh pemerintah. Kata Kunci: pandemi, hasil belajar, pembelajaran IPS

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Kewirusahaan Berbasis Internet : Tips dan Trik Sukses Berbisnis Online Bagi Remaja Milenial di Desa Kaduara Barat Pamekasan

PERDIKAN (Journal of Community Engagement), 2019

The way to maximize the potential of youth entrepreneurial spirit is through the internet-based e... more The way to maximize the potential of youth entrepreneurial spirit is through the internet-based entrepreneurship training program "Tips and Tricks for Online Business Success for Millennial Youth in the West Kaduara Village". This program is a community service activity carried out in the form of training, as well as creating sustainable and independent activities to increase entrepreneurial interest for millennial youth in the West Kaduara Village. This program will take place on Sunday, August 3, 2019, which consists of five activities, namely Study Online Shop, Achievement Motivation Training and Succsess Story, understanding of online shop platforms and social media knowledge. The first stage is the online shop study, this activity aims to provide knowledge and capture program targets, after the targets are obtained, the program continues with the provision of training and skills on online-based entrepreneurship which includes platform knowledge and success stories, understanding of the online shop, and knowledge of social media in business management. After the target has skills in developing the business, then the provision of understanding of social media is carried out as a step towards the realization of the target to practice the entrepreneurial spirit that they have learned. The program's success criteria result from the enthusiasm of millennial adolescents in managing the business that has been given to the target, namely increasing the level of target knowledge about the meaning of entrepreneurship, increasing target commitment in implementing entrepreneurship programs, and increasing entrepreneurial desire from the target.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembelajaran IPS untuk SD/MI di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 dalam Daring/Luring Di MI AT-Taubah

Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam Banda Aceh Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah , 2021

Since March 2020, learning from home has been implemented. Teachers are also teaching from home a... more Since March 2020, learning from home has been implemented. Teachers are also teaching from home and the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the paradigm of classroom learning. The purpose of this study was to find out how social studies learning for SD / MI in the midst of a pandemic both online / offline at MI AT-Taubah school in Sampang Regency. The method in this study uses a qualitative phenomenological research approach, however the implementation of online and offline learning has challenges / constraints both in terms of human resources and from the facilities and infrastructure. In learning that is applied both offline and online, MI At-Taubah often uses the offline method, because it is more effective especially in learning. The obstacle currently faced is applying online methods for remote areas where quotas and networks are difficult. Some of the parents do not have WA, but the school is trying to create groups via WAG for the high class and thank God it runs normally, if it is not effective enough for the low class.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Pembelajaran IPA-Biologi Menggunakan Modul Potensi Lokal Pantai Lombang Sumenep dengan Pendekatan Inkuiri Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Sains Pada Implementasi Kurikulum 2013


Pemanfaatan teknologi pada pembelajaran IPA-Biologi serta perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan tekno... more Pemanfaatan teknologi pada pembelajaran IPA-Biologi serta perkembangan ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi, akan membawa manusia ke dalam era persaingan global yang
semakin pesat. Kenyataan tersebut menjadi tantangan dalam dunia pendidikan. Pendidikan
yang mampu mendukung manusia dalam persaingan global adalah pendidikan yang
mengembangkan potensi siswa. Pendidikan mempunyai fungsi dan tujuan dalam Undang-
Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Sejalan dengan tujuan
pendidikan nasional yang telah disusun, pembelajaran biologi memiliki tujuan antara lain
mengembangkan penguasaan konsep dan prinsip biologi dan saling keterkaitannya dengan
IPA lainnya serta mengembangkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap percaya diri (Badan
Standar Nasional Pendidikan, 2006). Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) berkaitan dengan cara
mencari tahu (Inquiry) tentang alam secara sistematis, sehingga IPA bukan hanya sebagai
penguasaan kumpulan pengetahuan yang berupa fakta-fakta, konsep-konsep atau prinsipprinsip
saja, tetapi juga merupakan suatu proses penemuan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) memahami penggunaan modul pembelajaran
berbasis potensi lokal di pantai Lombang Sumenep pada materi ekosistem melalui
pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing yang digunakan sebagai bahan ajar peserta didik, dan (2)
mengetahui efektivitas modul yang dikembangkan untuk mengetahui kemampuan literasi
sains peserta didik.Penelitian design and development ini menggunakan langkah yang
dikembangkan oleh Borg dan Gall. Uji coba lapangan diambil berdasarkan kategori sekolah
level sedang, yaitu SMA N 1 Batuan Sumenep dan SMA N 2 Sumenep. Subjek uji coba
lapangan pada kelas ekperimen terdiri dari 56 peserta didik dan kelas kontrol terdiri dari 55
peserta didik. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan, (1) angket untuk penilaian silabus
dan RPP, angket respon siswa terhadap modul, (2) test, (3) lembar observasi (4) kamera.
Analisis data pretest dan postest dilakukan dengan menggunakan program SPSS sedangkan
hasil observasi dianalisis secara deskriptif dan teknik analisis data menggunakan gain,
independent sample t-test, dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05.
Hasil penelitian ini berupa (1) menguji modul Ekosistem Pantai Lombang Sumenep
dengan pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing yang layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran, (2) modul
yang dikembangkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains dengan hasil uji t dapat
dilihat pada bagian Independent Samples Test menghasilkan nilai Sig. 0,001 < 0,05 dan hasil
Gains score kelas eksperimen yaitu : 0,42 lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol yaitu sebesar
0,29 pada pembelajaran IPA khususnya biologi sehingga kemampuan literasi sains pada
siswa meningkat pada materi ekosistem yang implementasinya adalah kurikulum 2013.
Kata kunci: penggunaan modul, potensi lokal Pantai Lombang Sumenep, inkuiri terbimbing
dan literasi sains.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Pattern among Scientific Literacy, Thematic, and Scientific Materials in Online Learning Pola Hubungan antara Literasi Sains, Pembelajaran Tematik dan Saintifik selama Pembelajaran Daring

UIN Maliki Malang , 2021

The research of this study to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning mate... more The research of this study to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning materials, and scientific literacy integrated in online learning carried out in three different primary schools in Sumenep Regency. Learning science is with a scientific approach in primary school can be meant as student's mastery of knowledge about scientific, thematic, and scientific literacy, which is learned from facts, principles, and the discovery process during online learning. However, the science material given must be adapteded to the age and characteristics of the students concerned, meaning that science material is given to students and adjusted to the grade level, so that mastery of science can be beneficial both for the students and for the natural environment preservation around them. This research uses qualitative descriptive research type with survey approach. The research population was 60 teachers and 280 students from three different schools, while the sample of this study consisted of 30 teachers and 150 students from whom the samples were taken using probability sampling. The data collection techniques in this study were in the forms of questionnaires and interview techniques for the teachers and students to complete the data. The research results showed that there are 71,7% of students have a low index of scientific literacy. The implementation of thematic and scientific learning which was constrained during the pandemic generally resulted in low student scientific literacy. This is a reference for teachers so that the application of integrative scientific and thematic approaches in learning is more optimal.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Kewirusahaan Berbasis Internet : Tips dan Trik Sukses Berbisnis Online


The way to maximize the potential of youth entrepreneurial spirit is through the internet-based e... more The way to maximize the potential of youth entrepreneurial spirit is through the internet-based entrepreneurship training program "Tips and Tricks for Online Business Success for Millennial Youth in the West Kaduara Village". This program is a community service activity carried out in the form of training, as well as creating sustainable and independent activities to increase entrepreneurial interest for millennial youth in the West Kaduara Village. This program will take place on Sunday, August 3, 2019, which consists of five activities, namely Study Online Shop, Achievement Motivation Training and Succsess Story, understanding of online shop platforms and social media knowledge. The first stage is the online shop study, this activity aims to provide knowledge and capture program targets, after the targets are obtained, the program continues with the provision of training and skills on online-based entrepreneurship which includes platform knowledge and success stories, understanding of the online shop, and knowledge of social media in business management. After the target has skills in developing the business, then the provision of understanding of social media is carried out as a step towards the realization of the target to practice the entrepreneurial spirit that they have learned. The program's success criteria result from the enthusiasm of millennial adolescents in managing the business that has been given to the target, namely increasing the level of target knowledge about the meaning of entrepreneurship, increasing target commitment in implementing entrepreneurship programs, and increasing entrepreneurial desire from the target.

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics Of Entrepreneurs In The Traditional Market (Sore Market) Pamekasan In Central Pandemic Covid-19 Is Still Running

CV ODIS olah data integra solusindo , 2021

The communication model that is considered appropriate is to involve market managers as a source ... more The communication model that is considered appropriate is to involve market managers as a source of credible messages, with messages containing the benefits and risks of revitalization which are effective in developing the motivation of traders and the media that allow direct responses from market players. This study aims to formulate a communication model to build change readiness for traditional market traders. The method used is a survey by interviewing 10 traditional market traders using a questionnaire instrument. The results showed that in the face of revitalization, traders are in a situation of uncertainty. All market elements, starting from the characteristics of traders, sources of messages, messages, and participatory communication, have a positive impact on traders' readiness with revitalization with a high entrepreneurial capacity of traders. Therefore, to build merchant readiness, the main thing that needs to be done is to build the entrepreneurial character of traders.

Research paper thumbnail of Artikel JNPM pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal embiss terbit

The covid-19 pandemic hit the economy in the micro-business sector, so there needs to be a role f... more The covid-19 pandemic hit the economy in the micro-business sector, so there needs to be a role from the government, especially from the local government, the purpose of this study is to find out the development of entrepreneurship by developing new types of businesses or new products. The object of research is several types of micro-businesses that can survive the current pandemic, in the microeconomic sector. The research method is descriptive qualitative, which can be done through three inflow of activities, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding/verification. The result of this research is the development of new businesses both in terms of product design and type of business. The conclusion is that there is a business incubator to be able to develop a new entrepreneurial spirit and reduce entrepreneurship for young entrepreneurs in Sumenep Regency.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pembelajaran Daring Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPS SD/MI di Kota Pamekasan Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020

Online Learning is an alternative learning in the midst of a pandemic which is applied to SD / MI... more Online Learning is an alternative learning in the midst of a pandemic which is applied to SD / MI elementary school children for social studies students, in this situation some students feel bored because the learning method is monotonous only with the lecture method and burdensome assignments for students. Teachers are required to be able to master various kinds of learning platforms that have been provided with the capacity to increase student motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of online learning in social studies subjects on student motivation in the midst of a pandemic. This study uses interviews and questionnaires as sources of primary and secondary data. Data analysis used the analysis model of Miles & Hubert (1994) which consists of three stages, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion and conclusion verification. The results of this study indicate that students can be motivated to learn from online learning carried out in the midst of a pandemic with a variety of different platforms used by teaching staff (teachers) as an alternative learning response that has been well presented by the government as a learning challenge in the midst of a pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Eduproxima: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan IPA


The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed th... more The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed the curriculum even though this is a common thing. The point is how learning practices in schools will become better, more efficient, and more effective. Likewise with the policy of drafting a one-sheet RPP which was initiated the Minister of Education and Culture to help reduce the burden on teachers in the field implementing learning. In simple terms, actually several RPP pages that previously could be summarized/abstracted into just one-sheet, then select the components that are considered core and must exist. There are also other components that can be attached or even removed, because it could be implied and expressed in the existing core components. However, for prospective teachers, it is better if they continue to study the lesson plans with the full component version and then learn to abstract into one-sheet RPP.

Books by Bersama Biologi

Research paper thumbnail of - BUKU RAMPAI UPG 2 HARDIKNAS

Desanta Muliavisitama Serang Banten , 2021

Research paper thumbnail of BIOTEKNOLOGI 2 CETAK

Research paper thumbnail of Thematic Based Private Vocational School Learning Chomparison Analysis In One Sheet Lesson Plan

ZAHRA: Research and Tought Elementary School of Islam Journal, 2021

The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed th... more The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed the curriculum even though this is a common thing. The point is how learning practices in schools will become better, more efficient, and more effective. Likewise with the policy of drafting a one-sheet RPP which was initiated the Minister of Education and Culture to help reduce the burden on teachers in the field implementing learning. In simple terms, actually several RPP pages that previously could be summarized/abstracted into just one-sheet, then select the components that are considered core and must exist. There are also other components that can be attached or even removed, because it could be implied and expressed in the existing core components. However, for prospective teachers, it is better if they continue to study the lesson plans with the full component version and then learn to abstract into one-sheet RPP.

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics Of Entrepreneurs In The Traditional Market (Sore Market) Pamekasan In Central Pandemic Covid-19 Is Still Running

The communication model that is considered appropriate is to involve market managers as a source ... more The communication model that is considered appropriate is to involve market managers as a source of credible messages, with messages containing the benefits and risks of revitalization which are effective in developing the motivation of traders and the media that allow direct responses from market players. This study aims to formulate a communication model to build change readiness for<br> traditional market traders. The method used is a survey by interviewing 10 traditional market traders using a questionnaire instrument. The results showed that in the face of revitalization, traders are in a situation of uncertainty. All market elements, starting from the characteristics of traders, sources of messages, messages, and participatory communication, have a positive impact on traders' readiness with revitalization with a high entrepreneurial capacity of traders. Therefore, to build merchant readiness, the main thing that needs to be done is to build the entrepreneurial charac...

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Pattern among Scientific Literacy, Thematic, and Scientific Materials in Online Learning

Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar, 2021

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning ma... more The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning materials, and scientific literacy integrated in online learning carried out in three different primary schools, namely MI Al-Ikhlas, Luqman Al-Hakim Integral Elementary School, and at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 1 Sumenep in Sumenep Regency. Learning science is with a scientific approach in primary school can be meant as student's mastery of knowledge about scientific, thematic, and scientific literacy, which is learned from facts, principles, and the discovery process during online learning. However, the science material given must be adapteded to the age and characteristics of the students concerned, meaning that science material is given to students and adjusted to the grade level, so that mastery of science can be beneficial both for the students and for the natural environment preservation around them. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Pembelajaran IPS untuk SD-MI di tengah Pandemi COVID-19 dalam Daring-Luring di MI AT-Taubah

Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities, 2021

Sejak bulan Maret 2020 telah diberlakukan pembelajaran dari rumah. Guru juga melakukan pembelajar... more Sejak bulan Maret 2020 telah diberlakukan pembelajaran dari rumah. Guru juga melakukan pembelajaran dari rumah (teaching from home) dan pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah paradigma pembelajaran di kelas. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui bagaimana pembelajaran IPS untuk SD/MI ditengah pandemi baik dalam daring/luring pada sekolah MI AT-Taubah di Kabupaten Sampang. Metode dalam Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian phenomenologi, namun demikian pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring dan luring memiliki tantangan/kendala baik dari aspek sumber daya manusia maupun dari sarana dan prasarana. Pada pembelajaran yang diterapkan baik luring dan daring, pada MI At-taubah lebih sering menggunakan metode luring, karna lebih efektif apalagi di pembelajaran. Kendala yang di alami saat ini yaitu jika menerapkan metode daring untuk di daerah pelosok yang sulit akan kuota dan jaringan. Sebagian dari orang tua murid tidak memiliki WA, akan tetapi sekolah mengupayakan untuk m...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pembelajaran Daring Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPS SD/MI di Kota Pamekasan Tahun Pelajaran 2019—2020

ENTITA: Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial, 2021

Kondisi ditengah pandemi memaksa untuk melakukan pembelajaran mata pelajaran IPS secara daring, h... more Kondisi ditengah pandemi memaksa untuk melakukan pembelajaran mata pelajaran IPS secara daring, hal ini sejalan dengan pernyataan dari Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa, yang menyatakan bahwa salah satu sektor yang terdampak adanya wabah ini adalah dunia Pendidikan. Maka dari itu dilakukan pembelajaran daring ditengah pandemi untuk melihat hasil belajar dari siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang mana menggambarkan analisis pembelajaran daring terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan angket sebagai sumber data primer maupun data sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis Miles & Hubert (1994) yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan serta verifikasi kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa dapat termotivasi dari pembelajaran daring yang disajikan baik oleh pemerintah. Kata Kunci: pandemi, hasil belajar, pembelajaran IPS

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Kewirusahaan Berbasis Internet : Tips dan Trik Sukses Berbisnis Online Bagi Remaja Milenial di Desa Kaduara Barat Pamekasan

PERDIKAN (Journal of Community Engagement), 2019

The way to maximize the potential of youth entrepreneurial spirit is through the internet-based e... more The way to maximize the potential of youth entrepreneurial spirit is through the internet-based entrepreneurship training program "Tips and Tricks for Online Business Success for Millennial Youth in the West Kaduara Village". This program is a community service activity carried out in the form of training, as well as creating sustainable and independent activities to increase entrepreneurial interest for millennial youth in the West Kaduara Village. This program will take place on Sunday, August 3, 2019, which consists of five activities, namely Study Online Shop, Achievement Motivation Training and Succsess Story, understanding of online shop platforms and social media knowledge. The first stage is the online shop study, this activity aims to provide knowledge and capture program targets, after the targets are obtained, the program continues with the provision of training and skills on online-based entrepreneurship which includes platform knowledge and success stories, understanding of the online shop, and knowledge of social media in business management. After the target has skills in developing the business, then the provision of understanding of social media is carried out as a step towards the realization of the target to practice the entrepreneurial spirit that they have learned. The program's success criteria result from the enthusiasm of millennial adolescents in managing the business that has been given to the target, namely increasing the level of target knowledge about the meaning of entrepreneurship, increasing target commitment in implementing entrepreneurship programs, and increasing entrepreneurial desire from the target.

Research paper thumbnail of Pembelajaran IPS untuk SD/MI di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 dalam Daring/Luring Di MI AT-Taubah

Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam Banda Aceh Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah , 2021

Since March 2020, learning from home has been implemented. Teachers are also teaching from home a... more Since March 2020, learning from home has been implemented. Teachers are also teaching from home and the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the paradigm of classroom learning. The purpose of this study was to find out how social studies learning for SD / MI in the midst of a pandemic both online / offline at MI AT-Taubah school in Sampang Regency. The method in this study uses a qualitative phenomenological research approach, however the implementation of online and offline learning has challenges / constraints both in terms of human resources and from the facilities and infrastructure. In learning that is applied both offline and online, MI At-Taubah often uses the offline method, because it is more effective especially in learning. The obstacle currently faced is applying online methods for remote areas where quotas and networks are difficult. Some of the parents do not have WA, but the school is trying to create groups via WAG for the high class and thank God it runs normally, if it is not effective enough for the low class.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Pembelajaran IPA-Biologi Menggunakan Modul Potensi Lokal Pantai Lombang Sumenep dengan Pendekatan Inkuiri Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Sains Pada Implementasi Kurikulum 2013


Pemanfaatan teknologi pada pembelajaran IPA-Biologi serta perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan tekno... more Pemanfaatan teknologi pada pembelajaran IPA-Biologi serta perkembangan ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi, akan membawa manusia ke dalam era persaingan global yang
semakin pesat. Kenyataan tersebut menjadi tantangan dalam dunia pendidikan. Pendidikan
yang mampu mendukung manusia dalam persaingan global adalah pendidikan yang
mengembangkan potensi siswa. Pendidikan mempunyai fungsi dan tujuan dalam Undang-
Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Sejalan dengan tujuan
pendidikan nasional yang telah disusun, pembelajaran biologi memiliki tujuan antara lain
mengembangkan penguasaan konsep dan prinsip biologi dan saling keterkaitannya dengan
IPA lainnya serta mengembangkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap percaya diri (Badan
Standar Nasional Pendidikan, 2006). Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) berkaitan dengan cara
mencari tahu (Inquiry) tentang alam secara sistematis, sehingga IPA bukan hanya sebagai
penguasaan kumpulan pengetahuan yang berupa fakta-fakta, konsep-konsep atau prinsipprinsip
saja, tetapi juga merupakan suatu proses penemuan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) memahami penggunaan modul pembelajaran
berbasis potensi lokal di pantai Lombang Sumenep pada materi ekosistem melalui
pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing yang digunakan sebagai bahan ajar peserta didik, dan (2)
mengetahui efektivitas modul yang dikembangkan untuk mengetahui kemampuan literasi
sains peserta didik.Penelitian design and development ini menggunakan langkah yang
dikembangkan oleh Borg dan Gall. Uji coba lapangan diambil berdasarkan kategori sekolah
level sedang, yaitu SMA N 1 Batuan Sumenep dan SMA N 2 Sumenep. Subjek uji coba
lapangan pada kelas ekperimen terdiri dari 56 peserta didik dan kelas kontrol terdiri dari 55
peserta didik. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan, (1) angket untuk penilaian silabus
dan RPP, angket respon siswa terhadap modul, (2) test, (3) lembar observasi (4) kamera.
Analisis data pretest dan postest dilakukan dengan menggunakan program SPSS sedangkan
hasil observasi dianalisis secara deskriptif dan teknik analisis data menggunakan gain,
independent sample t-test, dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05.
Hasil penelitian ini berupa (1) menguji modul Ekosistem Pantai Lombang Sumenep
dengan pendekatan inkuiri terbimbing yang layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran, (2) modul
yang dikembangkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains dengan hasil uji t dapat
dilihat pada bagian Independent Samples Test menghasilkan nilai Sig. 0,001 < 0,05 dan hasil
Gains score kelas eksperimen yaitu : 0,42 lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol yaitu sebesar
0,29 pada pembelajaran IPA khususnya biologi sehingga kemampuan literasi sains pada
siswa meningkat pada materi ekosistem yang implementasinya adalah kurikulum 2013.
Kata kunci: penggunaan modul, potensi lokal Pantai Lombang Sumenep, inkuiri terbimbing
dan literasi sains.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Pattern among Scientific Literacy, Thematic, and Scientific Materials in Online Learning Pola Hubungan antara Literasi Sains, Pembelajaran Tematik dan Saintifik selama Pembelajaran Daring

UIN Maliki Malang , 2021

The research of this study to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning mate... more The research of this study to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning materials, and scientific literacy integrated in online learning carried out in three different primary schools in Sumenep Regency. Learning science is with a scientific approach in primary school can be meant as student's mastery of knowledge about scientific, thematic, and scientific literacy, which is learned from facts, principles, and the discovery process during online learning. However, the science material given must be adapteded to the age and characteristics of the students concerned, meaning that science material is given to students and adjusted to the grade level, so that mastery of science can be beneficial both for the students and for the natural environment preservation around them. This research uses qualitative descriptive research type with survey approach. The research population was 60 teachers and 280 students from three different schools, while the sample of this study consisted of 30 teachers and 150 students from whom the samples were taken using probability sampling. The data collection techniques in this study were in the forms of questionnaires and interview techniques for the teachers and students to complete the data. The research results showed that there are 71,7% of students have a low index of scientific literacy. The implementation of thematic and scientific learning which was constrained during the pandemic generally resulted in low student scientific literacy. This is a reference for teachers so that the application of integrative scientific and thematic approaches in learning is more optimal.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelatihan Kewirusahaan Berbasis Internet : Tips dan Trik Sukses Berbisnis Online


The way to maximize the potential of youth entrepreneurial spirit is through the internet-based e... more The way to maximize the potential of youth entrepreneurial spirit is through the internet-based entrepreneurship training program "Tips and Tricks for Online Business Success for Millennial Youth in the West Kaduara Village". This program is a community service activity carried out in the form of training, as well as creating sustainable and independent activities to increase entrepreneurial interest for millennial youth in the West Kaduara Village. This program will take place on Sunday, August 3, 2019, which consists of five activities, namely Study Online Shop, Achievement Motivation Training and Succsess Story, understanding of online shop platforms and social media knowledge. The first stage is the online shop study, this activity aims to provide knowledge and capture program targets, after the targets are obtained, the program continues with the provision of training and skills on online-based entrepreneurship which includes platform knowledge and success stories, understanding of the online shop, and knowledge of social media in business management. After the target has skills in developing the business, then the provision of understanding of social media is carried out as a step towards the realization of the target to practice the entrepreneurial spirit that they have learned. The program's success criteria result from the enthusiasm of millennial adolescents in managing the business that has been given to the target, namely increasing the level of target knowledge about the meaning of entrepreneurship, increasing target commitment in implementing entrepreneurship programs, and increasing entrepreneurial desire from the target.

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics Of Entrepreneurs In The Traditional Market (Sore Market) Pamekasan In Central Pandemic Covid-19 Is Still Running

CV ODIS olah data integra solusindo , 2021

The communication model that is considered appropriate is to involve market managers as a source ... more The communication model that is considered appropriate is to involve market managers as a source of credible messages, with messages containing the benefits and risks of revitalization which are effective in developing the motivation of traders and the media that allow direct responses from market players. This study aims to formulate a communication model to build change readiness for traditional market traders. The method used is a survey by interviewing 10 traditional market traders using a questionnaire instrument. The results showed that in the face of revitalization, traders are in a situation of uncertainty. All market elements, starting from the characteristics of traders, sources of messages, messages, and participatory communication, have a positive impact on traders' readiness with revitalization with a high entrepreneurial capacity of traders. Therefore, to build merchant readiness, the main thing that needs to be done is to build the entrepreneurial character of traders.

Research paper thumbnail of Artikel JNPM pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Research paper thumbnail of Jurnal embiss terbit

The covid-19 pandemic hit the economy in the micro-business sector, so there needs to be a role f... more The covid-19 pandemic hit the economy in the micro-business sector, so there needs to be a role from the government, especially from the local government, the purpose of this study is to find out the development of entrepreneurship by developing new types of businesses or new products. The object of research is several types of micro-businesses that can survive the current pandemic, in the microeconomic sector. The research method is descriptive qualitative, which can be done through three inflow of activities, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding/verification. The result of this research is the development of new businesses both in terms of product design and type of business. The conclusion is that there is a business incubator to be able to develop a new entrepreneurial spirit and reduce entrepreneurship for young entrepreneurs in Sumenep Regency.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pembelajaran Daring Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPS SD/MI di Kota Pamekasan Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020

Online Learning is an alternative learning in the midst of a pandemic which is applied to SD / MI... more Online Learning is an alternative learning in the midst of a pandemic which is applied to SD / MI elementary school children for social studies students, in this situation some students feel bored because the learning method is monotonous only with the lecture method and burdensome assignments for students. Teachers are required to be able to master various kinds of learning platforms that have been provided with the capacity to increase student motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of online learning in social studies subjects on student motivation in the midst of a pandemic. This study uses interviews and questionnaires as sources of primary and secondary data. Data analysis used the analysis model of Miles & Hubert (1994) which consists of three stages, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion and conclusion verification. The results of this study indicate that students can be motivated to learn from online learning carried out in the midst of a pandemic with a variety of different platforms used by teaching staff (teachers) as an alternative learning response that has been well presented by the government as a learning challenge in the midst of a pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Eduproxima: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan IPA


The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed th... more The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed the curriculum even though this is a common thing. The point is how learning practices in schools will become better, more efficient, and more effective. Likewise with the policy of drafting a one-sheet RPP which was initiated the Minister of Education and Culture to help reduce the burden on teachers in the field implementing learning. In simple terms, actually several RPP pages that previously could be summarized/abstracted into just one-sheet, then select the components that are considered core and must exist. There are also other components that can be attached or even removed, because it could be implied and expressed in the existing core components. However, for prospective teachers, it is better if they continue to study the lesson plans with the full component version and then learn to abstract into one-sheet RPP.