PIPIT MULIYAH | STAI Sufyan Tsauri (original) (raw)
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah, Nov 28, 2023
Metathesis : journal of English language, literature, and teaching, Dec 31, 2023
This pre-experimental study examines using the Three-Period Lesson, a teaching methodology common... more This pre-experimental study examines using the Three-Period Lesson, a teaching methodology commonly employed in early childhood education, to introduce English vocabulary to young learners. The study incorporates realia and flashcards as instructional tools to enhance language acquisition and retention. The research analyzes three stages of the Three-Period Lesson: introduction, association, and recall/reinforcement. The data were collected by interviewing two teachers and giving pre-tests and post-tests to the students. The data was analyzed by t-test. The result of the post-test scores was better than the pre-test scores and formative scores. It could be seen by comparing their means. The means of the pre-test score was 51,92. The means of formative test score was 72, 76 while the post-test score was 74,57. It means that there is a significant difference in students" scores after they were given treatments using realia and flashcards. This study contributes to the field of early childhood education and language acquisition. The findings showed that they provide practical insights for educators seeking effective methods to introduce vocabulary to young learners, aiming to build a strong foundation in English language skills.
This pre-experimental study examines using the Three-Period Lesson, a teaching methodology common... more This pre-experimental study examines using the Three-Period Lesson, a teaching methodology commonly employed in early childhood education, to introduce English vocabulary to young learners. The study incorporates realia and flashcards as instructional tools to enhance language acquisition and retention. The research analyzes three stages of the Three-Period Lesson: introduction, association, and recall/reinforcement. The data were collected by interviewing two teachers and giving pre-tests and post-tests to the students. The data was analyzed by t-test. The result of the post-test scores was better than the pre-test scores and formative scores. It could be seen by comparing their means. The means of the pre-test score was 51,92. The means of formative test score was 72, 76 while the post-test score was 74,57. It means that there is a significant difference in students" scores after they were given treatments using realia and flashcards. This study contributes to the field of early childhood education and language acquisition. The findings showed that they provide practical insights for educators seeking effective methods to introduce vocabulary to young learners, aiming to build a strong foundation in English language skills.
2 *penulis korespondensi Abstrak-Penelitian ini mengkaji jenis-jenis verbal abuse (kekerasan verb... more 2 *penulis korespondensi Abstrak-Penelitian ini mengkaji jenis-jenis verbal abuse (kekerasan verbal) pada kolom komentar akun Intagram English Busters Indonesia. Metode padan dengan teknik dasar pilah unsur penentu (PUP) di gunakan sebagai metode analisis data. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang kekerasan verbal pada kolom komentar di akun Instagram English Busters Indonesia yang meliputi bentuk dan fungsi kekerasan verbal. Berdasarkan data dan hasil analisis data penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekerasan verbal (verbal abuse) dalam kolom komentar akun instagram English Busters terbagi menjadi dua bentuk yaitu kekerasan verbal berupa kata dan kekerasan verbal berupa frase. Penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa kekerasan verbal tersebut memiliki beberapa fungsi, yaitu untuk memaki, menghina, mengungkapkan rasa kesal, sindiran, keheranan, dan memuji.
Teaching English to young learners in Indonesia remains a controversial topic among teachers and ... more Teaching English to young learners in Indonesia remains a controversial topic among teachers and parents. Parents are particularly concerned about their children's progress in communication and interaction skills. Many English courses and programs are rapidly attracting children and their families from middle-class to upper-class backgrounds. However, there are concerns that teaching English in Indonesia emphasizes rote learning of rules and sentence development. Additionally, some teachers lack the necessary educational experience to effectively teach young learners. To address these concerns, a study was conducted using qualitative methods to explore perceptions and strategies in Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL). The research subjects included teachers and parents. The study identified two critical factors that need attention in teaching English to young learners. The first factor is perception. Both teachers and parents believe that starting English education at a young age leads to greater knowledge acquisition. Teacher perception received the highest score, with 74 out of 80, while parents' perception scored 57 out of 70. The second factor is strategy. Teachers are encouraged to implement appropriate strategies based on the specific conditions and situations of the school. Video-based instruction was found to be the most suitable method for student engagement and character development. Overall, this study highlights the importance of addressing perceptions and employing effective strategies when teaching English to young learners in Indonesia. By considering these factors, educators can create a more productive and engaging learning environment for children.
Religious moderation is a balanced and tolerant perspective, attitude and behavior towards differ... more Religious moderation is a balanced and tolerant perspective, attitude and behavior towards differences in religion and belief. Religious moderation is important to instill in the younger generation, especially elementary school students, so that they have a tolerant attitude and respect differences. In order to create a moderate young generation, efforts need to be made to increase students' understanding of religious moderation. One effort that can be made is to develop a PAI learning design with an insight into religious moderation. This community service activity aims to develop a PAI learning design with an insight into religious moderation in the PAI KKG at Sidareja District Elementary School, Cilacap Regency. This activity was attended by 30 students from SD Negeri 1 Sidareja. The results of this community service activity show that students have a better understanding of religious moderation. This can be seen from the results of discussions and practices carried out by students. Based on the results of this community service activity, it can be concluded that developing PAI learning designs with an insight into religious moderation can increase students' understanding of religious moderation.
Journal of Research on Language Education- Universitas Teknokrat Lampung, 2021
Reading simply can be defined as a process to understand and get information from a text. Cohesio... more Reading simply can be defined as a process to understand and get information from a text. Cohesion is the meaning relation that appears within the text in order to build connection among the different parts of the text. Understanding the cohesion can bring the students to get good comprehension in reading. Therefore, in this research, the researchers want to prove that students' cohesion understanding can be correlated with student's reading comprehension. The purpose of this research is to investigate and to find out the correlation between EFL Learners' cohesion and their reading comprehension. The subjects of this research were the fourth semester students at English education department of State Islamic Institute of Metro in the Academic Year of 2019/2020. To investigate and calculate the correlation between those variables, the researchers applies Product-moment Pearson-correlation. The result of data analysis shows that "r observed" for correlation between cohesion understanding and reading comprehension is 0.728, after considering the Product Moment table by using df 30 it can be found that the critical value of r Product Moment for the 5% level is 0.361 and for the 1% level is 0.463. The data confirmed that "r observed" is higher than "r table". Therefore, it can be inferred that there is a positive and significant correlation between the students' cohesion understanding and reading comprehension among the fourth semester students at English education department of State Islamic Institute of Metro in the Academic Year of 2019/2020.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 31, 2023
Teaching English to young learners in Indonesia remains a controversial topic among teachers and ... more Teaching English to young learners in Indonesia remains a controversial topic among teachers and parents. Parents are particularly concerned about their children's progress in communication and interaction skills. Many English courses and programs are rapidly attracting children and their families from middle-class to upper-class backgrounds. However, there are concerns that teaching English in Indonesia emphasizes rote learning of rules and sentence development. Additionally, some teachers lack the necessary educational experience to effectively teach young learners. To address these concerns, a study was conducted using qualitative methods to explore perceptions and strategies in Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL). The research subjects included teachers and parents. The study identified two critical factors that need attention in teaching English to young learners. The first factor is perception. Both teachers and parents believe that starting English education at a young age leads to greater knowledge acquisition. Teacher perception received the highest score, with 74 out of 80, while parents' perception scored 57 out of 70. The second factor is strategy. Teachers are encouraged to implement appropriate strategies based on the specific conditions and situations of the school. Video-based instruction was found to be the most suitable method for student engagement and character development. Overall, this study highlights the importance of addressing perceptions and employing effective strategies when teaching English to young learners in Indonesia. By considering these factors, educators can create a more productive and engaging learning environment for children.
Journal of Research on Language Education, Jan 31, 2022
In 2020, novel coronavirus or Covid-19 spread rapidly via international air travel from China to ... more In 2020, novel coronavirus or Covid-19 spread rapidly via international air travel from China to many cities across the world, and it is resulting in over a million cases of infections and deaths. In Indonesia, as the virus invaded the community so did fear. This paper used a case study to investigate teachers' experiences of the role played by digital technology. The interview and questionnaire results showed that teachers were faced with the challenge of using digital technology to provide an education that would reach beyond school walls into the homes and computers of Indonesian students. Teachers had to rethink their teaching strategies and provide their students with new and different opportunities to work through curriculum requirements. Covid-19 provided a catalyst for the intense use of ICT in ways that had not been anticipated or prepared for. The plunge into ICT was a voyage of exciting discovery for some and frustration for others. Either way, it had an impact on subsequent perceptions of the potential and shortcomings of ICT in education in Indonesia.
JET (Journal of English Teaching)
This study reports the result of a qualitative case study research design. This study aims to exp... more This study reports the result of a qualitative case study research design. This study aims to explore teachers' beliefs about teaching English for Vocational school, to investigate how those beliefs are reflected in classroom practices, and to explore that affect the shaping of teachers' beliefs in the teaching and learning process. The participant of this study were six English teachers from three different vocational high schools in Majenang. The data was taken using a semi-structured interview, documentation, and classroom observation. Then the data was analyzed using line by line analysis. Teaching English in Vocational High School is believed different from Senior High school (SHS) as it belongs to English for specific purposes (ESP) and demands different knowledge of material, method, and strategies. The result shows that the teacher’s beliefs are not always realized in their classroom practices for a variety of potential reasons. The inconsistency between belief and p...
Conference on English Language Teaching
This research purposed to evaluate the English teaching learning process at SMPN 1 Majenang using... more This research purposed to evaluate the English teaching learning process at SMPN 1 Majenang using CIPP Model. A total of 4 English teachers and 50 students in the Academic Year of 2020/2021 participated in the study. The research is based on a questionnaire applied to teachers and students. The percentage of CIPP components’ items is used for analyzing the data. Results of the study indicated that from the teachers’ point of view, the process of English teaching and learning is in the highest percentage; 25% but the product is the lowest. It is only 22%. And from students’ point of view, the input is in the highest percentage; 22% but the context is the lowest. It is only 20%. It could be concluded that the process component was in highest rank. In other words, the process of English teaching learning at SMPN 1 Majenang was good.
DEDIKASI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, Sep 22, 2019
This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach aimed to describe learning Engli... more This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach aimed to describe learning English for early childhood. Data collection used observation, interview, documentation techniques. The research subjects were 26 teachers in IGRA (Ikatan Guru Raudhotul athfal). The results of the study showed: (1) in English language learning planning there were themes, indicators, main activities, media adapted to the needs of students (2) in the implementation, the teacher carried out English language learning in accordance with RPPH, (3) supporting learning English process is the availability of English language learning media provided by institutions and teachers. (4) the inhibiting factor in learning to introduce English is that English is not the main language used by children so that teachers must be creative in teaching; class teachers do not have sufficient English knowledge; child development becomes a consideration so that children are not depressed.
Lexeme : Journal of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, 2020
Most of writing teachers agree that writing skill is the most difficult subject for foreign langu... more Most of writing teachers agree that writing skill is the most difficult subject for foreign language learners. The difficulties come from complexity of planning, idea organization, revision, and the use of lexical and grammatical. Correcting or giving feedback to students’ writing is also difficult for teachers, since it takes time and energy. Thus, this study tried to explore students’ perception towards teachers’ attitude in writing correction by distributing questionnaire to 20 students and 4 writing teachers, observing the teaching activities, and documenting students’ work. The study showed the result that teachers and students responses revealed various discrepancies between teachers and students’ perception for error and mistake correction. Then, most of students indicated that they do not understand the teachers’ feedback towards their writing composition. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers incorporate classroom discussions on error correction, feedback, and writing ...
This research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Change Chairs Game in increasing ... more This research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Change Chairs Game in increasing student’s mastery in grammar especially future conditional sentence. It was done especially for the ninth grade of SMP N 3 Purwokerto. It consisted of 60 students. Two classes were selected as an experimental and control group and both classes got different treatment. Each group consisted of 30 students. The use of Change Chairs Game as a technique of treatment was implemented in the experimental group, while in the control group the treatment was conducted in a conventional way. The data were gained from tests (pre-test and post-test), which were administered to the experimental and control group. In the pre-test, the mean of experimental group before getting treatment using Change Chairs Game was 60.4 (fair), while the control group’s mean was 63.06 (good). In the post test, the mean of experimental group after getting treatment was 85.86 (very good) while the mean of control class was...
Pipit Muliyah. S891408035, 2015. Teachers’ Beliefs and Classroom Practices in Teaching English fo... more Pipit Muliyah. S891408035, 2015. Teachers’ Beliefs and Classroom Practices in Teaching English for Specific Purposes in Vocational High School. First Consultant: Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed, Ph.D, Second Consultant: Dr. Hersulastuti, M.Hum. Thesis. English Education Department, Graduate School of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The objectives of the research are: (1) to identify the beliefs that teachers have related to teaching English for Vocational Purposes; (2) to find out the implementation of teacher’s beliefs in the teacher classroom practices; (3) to identify the factors which influence the teachers’ beliefs; (4) to identify the teacher’s challenges in teaching English for specific purposes in Vocational high school; (5) to find out teacher’s solutions to solve the challenges in implementing their beliefs. This research was carried out through a case study. It was conducted towards two English teacher in SMK Farmasi Majenang ...
Getsempena English Education Journal, 2020
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the education system is inevitable that higher educatio... more The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the education system is inevitable that higher education institutions choose to transform their instructional practices to entirely online using specific platforms. This shifting comes with challenges to students as they are demanded to be independent and autonomous. This study investigated the students’ readiness and perception towards being an autonomous learner in online language-learning. This case study investigated 25 students who joined online language learning by the WhatApps group in an English department of STAI Sufyan Tsauri Majenang. The data were gained by giving an online questionnaire, having an online interview with some students who were chosen randomly, and also assigning students self-report. The data showed that the students do not have enough autonomy in online language-learning. It means that the students are not ready to be autonomous learners in online language learning. The result of the study indicated that the stu...
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching, 2020
The aim of the research was to investigate English teachers’ understanding and its practices in t... more The aim of the research was to investigate English teachers’ understanding and its practices in teaching HOTS. This research was conducted from October to November 2019 involved 20 English teachers from state and private school in Majenang and its surroundings. Data about teachers’ understanding was obtained by interviewing the teachers. Meanwhile, the data about its practices was obtained from observation and supervision document from the school principal and supervisor. The result showed that most of English teachers that participated in this research was not clear enough about HOTS and its implementation in teaching and learning process. There were also misunderstanding about designing lesson plan which covered the implementation of teaching HOTS in the classroom. The conclusion indicated that most of older teachers were not clear enough about HOTS and its practices as they are lack of training and information about it. In contrast, most younger participated teachers understood a...
Tarling : Journal of Language Education, 2018
The purpose of this study was to know the influence of CBT and PBT national examination dealing w... more The purpose of this study was to know the influence of CBT and PBT national examination dealing with students’ cognitive readiness and anxiety facing English national examination in Cilacap regency, the influence of major in terms of students’ cognitive readiness and anxiety facing English national examination in Cilacap regency, and the interaction between national examination and major. This research was descriptive explorative and the method was ex-post facto. The population was all of natural and social science high school students in grade XII in Cilacap regency. The number of sample used was 352 students. The results showed that there was significant influence of national examination in terms of students’ cognitive readiness and anxiety facing national examination. However, CBT and PBT national examination did not influence the cognitive readiness facing national examination, CBT and PBT national examination influence in national examinations in terms of students’ anxiety faci...
Tarling Journal, 2018
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ujian nasional CBT dan PBT terhadap kesiap... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ujian nasional CBT dan PBT terhadap kesiapan kognitif siswa dan kesiapan mental menghadapi ujian nasional bahasa Inggris di Kabupaten Cilacap, pengaruh jurusan dalam hal kesiapan kognitif siswa dan kecemasan menghadapi ujian nasional bahasa Inggris. di Kabupaten Cilacap, dan interaksi antara ujian nasional dan jurusan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif eksploratif dan metode ex-post facto. Populasinya adalah semua siswa SMA IPA dan IPS kelas XII di Kabupaten Cilacap barat. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 674 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh signifikan ujian nasional dalam hal kesiapan kognitif siswa dan kesiapan mental menghadapi ujian nasional. Namun, ujian nasional CBT dan PBT tidak mempengaruhi kesiapan kognitif menghadapi ujian nasional, CBT dan PBT mempengaruhi mental siswa siswa menghadapi ujian nasional. Skor rata-rata kesiapan mental yang menghadapi ujian nasional CBT lebih tinggi daripada kesiapan mental siswa dalam menghadapi ujian nasional PBT. Tidak ada pengaruh yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan dalam hal kesiapan kognitif dan kesiapan mental dalam menghadapi ujian nasional bahasa Inggris; dan tidak ada interaksi antara berbagai jenis ujian nasional dan jurusan.
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah, Nov 28, 2023
Metathesis : journal of English language, literature, and teaching, Dec 31, 2023
This pre-experimental study examines using the Three-Period Lesson, a teaching methodology common... more This pre-experimental study examines using the Three-Period Lesson, a teaching methodology commonly employed in early childhood education, to introduce English vocabulary to young learners. The study incorporates realia and flashcards as instructional tools to enhance language acquisition and retention. The research analyzes three stages of the Three-Period Lesson: introduction, association, and recall/reinforcement. The data were collected by interviewing two teachers and giving pre-tests and post-tests to the students. The data was analyzed by t-test. The result of the post-test scores was better than the pre-test scores and formative scores. It could be seen by comparing their means. The means of the pre-test score was 51,92. The means of formative test score was 72, 76 while the post-test score was 74,57. It means that there is a significant difference in students" scores after they were given treatments using realia and flashcards. This study contributes to the field of early childhood education and language acquisition. The findings showed that they provide practical insights for educators seeking effective methods to introduce vocabulary to young learners, aiming to build a strong foundation in English language skills.
This pre-experimental study examines using the Three-Period Lesson, a teaching methodology common... more This pre-experimental study examines using the Three-Period Lesson, a teaching methodology commonly employed in early childhood education, to introduce English vocabulary to young learners. The study incorporates realia and flashcards as instructional tools to enhance language acquisition and retention. The research analyzes three stages of the Three-Period Lesson: introduction, association, and recall/reinforcement. The data were collected by interviewing two teachers and giving pre-tests and post-tests to the students. The data was analyzed by t-test. The result of the post-test scores was better than the pre-test scores and formative scores. It could be seen by comparing their means. The means of the pre-test score was 51,92. The means of formative test score was 72, 76 while the post-test score was 74,57. It means that there is a significant difference in students" scores after they were given treatments using realia and flashcards. This study contributes to the field of early childhood education and language acquisition. The findings showed that they provide practical insights for educators seeking effective methods to introduce vocabulary to young learners, aiming to build a strong foundation in English language skills.
2 *penulis korespondensi Abstrak-Penelitian ini mengkaji jenis-jenis verbal abuse (kekerasan verb... more 2 *penulis korespondensi Abstrak-Penelitian ini mengkaji jenis-jenis verbal abuse (kekerasan verbal) pada kolom komentar akun Intagram English Busters Indonesia. Metode padan dengan teknik dasar pilah unsur penentu (PUP) di gunakan sebagai metode analisis data. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang kekerasan verbal pada kolom komentar di akun Instagram English Busters Indonesia yang meliputi bentuk dan fungsi kekerasan verbal. Berdasarkan data dan hasil analisis data penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kekerasan verbal (verbal abuse) dalam kolom komentar akun instagram English Busters terbagi menjadi dua bentuk yaitu kekerasan verbal berupa kata dan kekerasan verbal berupa frase. Penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa kekerasan verbal tersebut memiliki beberapa fungsi, yaitu untuk memaki, menghina, mengungkapkan rasa kesal, sindiran, keheranan, dan memuji.
Teaching English to young learners in Indonesia remains a controversial topic among teachers and ... more Teaching English to young learners in Indonesia remains a controversial topic among teachers and parents. Parents are particularly concerned about their children's progress in communication and interaction skills. Many English courses and programs are rapidly attracting children and their families from middle-class to upper-class backgrounds. However, there are concerns that teaching English in Indonesia emphasizes rote learning of rules and sentence development. Additionally, some teachers lack the necessary educational experience to effectively teach young learners. To address these concerns, a study was conducted using qualitative methods to explore perceptions and strategies in Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL). The research subjects included teachers and parents. The study identified two critical factors that need attention in teaching English to young learners. The first factor is perception. Both teachers and parents believe that starting English education at a young age leads to greater knowledge acquisition. Teacher perception received the highest score, with 74 out of 80, while parents' perception scored 57 out of 70. The second factor is strategy. Teachers are encouraged to implement appropriate strategies based on the specific conditions and situations of the school. Video-based instruction was found to be the most suitable method for student engagement and character development. Overall, this study highlights the importance of addressing perceptions and employing effective strategies when teaching English to young learners in Indonesia. By considering these factors, educators can create a more productive and engaging learning environment for children.
Religious moderation is a balanced and tolerant perspective, attitude and behavior towards differ... more Religious moderation is a balanced and tolerant perspective, attitude and behavior towards differences in religion and belief. Religious moderation is important to instill in the younger generation, especially elementary school students, so that they have a tolerant attitude and respect differences. In order to create a moderate young generation, efforts need to be made to increase students' understanding of religious moderation. One effort that can be made is to develop a PAI learning design with an insight into religious moderation. This community service activity aims to develop a PAI learning design with an insight into religious moderation in the PAI KKG at Sidareja District Elementary School, Cilacap Regency. This activity was attended by 30 students from SD Negeri 1 Sidareja. The results of this community service activity show that students have a better understanding of religious moderation. This can be seen from the results of discussions and practices carried out by students. Based on the results of this community service activity, it can be concluded that developing PAI learning designs with an insight into religious moderation can increase students' understanding of religious moderation.
Journal of Research on Language Education- Universitas Teknokrat Lampung, 2021
Reading simply can be defined as a process to understand and get information from a text. Cohesio... more Reading simply can be defined as a process to understand and get information from a text. Cohesion is the meaning relation that appears within the text in order to build connection among the different parts of the text. Understanding the cohesion can bring the students to get good comprehension in reading. Therefore, in this research, the researchers want to prove that students' cohesion understanding can be correlated with student's reading comprehension. The purpose of this research is to investigate and to find out the correlation between EFL Learners' cohesion and their reading comprehension. The subjects of this research were the fourth semester students at English education department of State Islamic Institute of Metro in the Academic Year of 2019/2020. To investigate and calculate the correlation between those variables, the researchers applies Product-moment Pearson-correlation. The result of data analysis shows that "r observed" for correlation between cohesion understanding and reading comprehension is 0.728, after considering the Product Moment table by using df 30 it can be found that the critical value of r Product Moment for the 5% level is 0.361 and for the 1% level is 0.463. The data confirmed that "r observed" is higher than "r table". Therefore, it can be inferred that there is a positive and significant correlation between the students' cohesion understanding and reading comprehension among the fourth semester students at English education department of State Islamic Institute of Metro in the Academic Year of 2019/2020.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 31, 2023
Teaching English to young learners in Indonesia remains a controversial topic among teachers and ... more Teaching English to young learners in Indonesia remains a controversial topic among teachers and parents. Parents are particularly concerned about their children's progress in communication and interaction skills. Many English courses and programs are rapidly attracting children and their families from middle-class to upper-class backgrounds. However, there are concerns that teaching English in Indonesia emphasizes rote learning of rules and sentence development. Additionally, some teachers lack the necessary educational experience to effectively teach young learners. To address these concerns, a study was conducted using qualitative methods to explore perceptions and strategies in Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL). The research subjects included teachers and parents. The study identified two critical factors that need attention in teaching English to young learners. The first factor is perception. Both teachers and parents believe that starting English education at a young age leads to greater knowledge acquisition. Teacher perception received the highest score, with 74 out of 80, while parents' perception scored 57 out of 70. The second factor is strategy. Teachers are encouraged to implement appropriate strategies based on the specific conditions and situations of the school. Video-based instruction was found to be the most suitable method for student engagement and character development. Overall, this study highlights the importance of addressing perceptions and employing effective strategies when teaching English to young learners in Indonesia. By considering these factors, educators can create a more productive and engaging learning environment for children.
Journal of Research on Language Education, Jan 31, 2022
In 2020, novel coronavirus or Covid-19 spread rapidly via international air travel from China to ... more In 2020, novel coronavirus or Covid-19 spread rapidly via international air travel from China to many cities across the world, and it is resulting in over a million cases of infections and deaths. In Indonesia, as the virus invaded the community so did fear. This paper used a case study to investigate teachers' experiences of the role played by digital technology. The interview and questionnaire results showed that teachers were faced with the challenge of using digital technology to provide an education that would reach beyond school walls into the homes and computers of Indonesian students. Teachers had to rethink their teaching strategies and provide their students with new and different opportunities to work through curriculum requirements. Covid-19 provided a catalyst for the intense use of ICT in ways that had not been anticipated or prepared for. The plunge into ICT was a voyage of exciting discovery for some and frustration for others. Either way, it had an impact on subsequent perceptions of the potential and shortcomings of ICT in education in Indonesia.
JET (Journal of English Teaching)
This study reports the result of a qualitative case study research design. This study aims to exp... more This study reports the result of a qualitative case study research design. This study aims to explore teachers' beliefs about teaching English for Vocational school, to investigate how those beliefs are reflected in classroom practices, and to explore that affect the shaping of teachers' beliefs in the teaching and learning process. The participant of this study were six English teachers from three different vocational high schools in Majenang. The data was taken using a semi-structured interview, documentation, and classroom observation. Then the data was analyzed using line by line analysis. Teaching English in Vocational High School is believed different from Senior High school (SHS) as it belongs to English for specific purposes (ESP) and demands different knowledge of material, method, and strategies. The result shows that the teacher’s beliefs are not always realized in their classroom practices for a variety of potential reasons. The inconsistency between belief and p...
Conference on English Language Teaching
This research purposed to evaluate the English teaching learning process at SMPN 1 Majenang using... more This research purposed to evaluate the English teaching learning process at SMPN 1 Majenang using CIPP Model. A total of 4 English teachers and 50 students in the Academic Year of 2020/2021 participated in the study. The research is based on a questionnaire applied to teachers and students. The percentage of CIPP components’ items is used for analyzing the data. Results of the study indicated that from the teachers’ point of view, the process of English teaching and learning is in the highest percentage; 25% but the product is the lowest. It is only 22%. And from students’ point of view, the input is in the highest percentage; 22% but the context is the lowest. It is only 20%. It could be concluded that the process component was in highest rank. In other words, the process of English teaching learning at SMPN 1 Majenang was good.
DEDIKASI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, Sep 22, 2019
This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach aimed to describe learning Engli... more This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach aimed to describe learning English for early childhood. Data collection used observation, interview, documentation techniques. The research subjects were 26 teachers in IGRA (Ikatan Guru Raudhotul athfal). The results of the study showed: (1) in English language learning planning there were themes, indicators, main activities, media adapted to the needs of students (2) in the implementation, the teacher carried out English language learning in accordance with RPPH, (3) supporting learning English process is the availability of English language learning media provided by institutions and teachers. (4) the inhibiting factor in learning to introduce English is that English is not the main language used by children so that teachers must be creative in teaching; class teachers do not have sufficient English knowledge; child development becomes a consideration so that children are not depressed.
Lexeme : Journal of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, 2020
Most of writing teachers agree that writing skill is the most difficult subject for foreign langu... more Most of writing teachers agree that writing skill is the most difficult subject for foreign language learners. The difficulties come from complexity of planning, idea organization, revision, and the use of lexical and grammatical. Correcting or giving feedback to students’ writing is also difficult for teachers, since it takes time and energy. Thus, this study tried to explore students’ perception towards teachers’ attitude in writing correction by distributing questionnaire to 20 students and 4 writing teachers, observing the teaching activities, and documenting students’ work. The study showed the result that teachers and students responses revealed various discrepancies between teachers and students’ perception for error and mistake correction. Then, most of students indicated that they do not understand the teachers’ feedback towards their writing composition. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers incorporate classroom discussions on error correction, feedback, and writing ...
This research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Change Chairs Game in increasing ... more This research was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Change Chairs Game in increasing student’s mastery in grammar especially future conditional sentence. It was done especially for the ninth grade of SMP N 3 Purwokerto. It consisted of 60 students. Two classes were selected as an experimental and control group and both classes got different treatment. Each group consisted of 30 students. The use of Change Chairs Game as a technique of treatment was implemented in the experimental group, while in the control group the treatment was conducted in a conventional way. The data were gained from tests (pre-test and post-test), which were administered to the experimental and control group. In the pre-test, the mean of experimental group before getting treatment using Change Chairs Game was 60.4 (fair), while the control group’s mean was 63.06 (good). In the post test, the mean of experimental group after getting treatment was 85.86 (very good) while the mean of control class was...
Pipit Muliyah. S891408035, 2015. Teachers’ Beliefs and Classroom Practices in Teaching English fo... more Pipit Muliyah. S891408035, 2015. Teachers’ Beliefs and Classroom Practices in Teaching English for Specific Purposes in Vocational High School. First Consultant: Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed, Ph.D, Second Consultant: Dr. Hersulastuti, M.Hum. Thesis. English Education Department, Graduate School of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The objectives of the research are: (1) to identify the beliefs that teachers have related to teaching English for Vocational Purposes; (2) to find out the implementation of teacher’s beliefs in the teacher classroom practices; (3) to identify the factors which influence the teachers’ beliefs; (4) to identify the teacher’s challenges in teaching English for specific purposes in Vocational high school; (5) to find out teacher’s solutions to solve the challenges in implementing their beliefs. This research was carried out through a case study. It was conducted towards two English teacher in SMK Farmasi Majenang ...
Getsempena English Education Journal, 2020
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the education system is inevitable that higher educatio... more The impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the education system is inevitable that higher education institutions choose to transform their instructional practices to entirely online using specific platforms. This shifting comes with challenges to students as they are demanded to be independent and autonomous. This study investigated the students’ readiness and perception towards being an autonomous learner in online language-learning. This case study investigated 25 students who joined online language learning by the WhatApps group in an English department of STAI Sufyan Tsauri Majenang. The data were gained by giving an online questionnaire, having an online interview with some students who were chosen randomly, and also assigning students self-report. The data showed that the students do not have enough autonomy in online language-learning. It means that the students are not ready to be autonomous learners in online language learning. The result of the study indicated that the stu...
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching, 2020
The aim of the research was to investigate English teachers’ understanding and its practices in t... more The aim of the research was to investigate English teachers’ understanding and its practices in teaching HOTS. This research was conducted from October to November 2019 involved 20 English teachers from state and private school in Majenang and its surroundings. Data about teachers’ understanding was obtained by interviewing the teachers. Meanwhile, the data about its practices was obtained from observation and supervision document from the school principal and supervisor. The result showed that most of English teachers that participated in this research was not clear enough about HOTS and its implementation in teaching and learning process. There were also misunderstanding about designing lesson plan which covered the implementation of teaching HOTS in the classroom. The conclusion indicated that most of older teachers were not clear enough about HOTS and its practices as they are lack of training and information about it. In contrast, most younger participated teachers understood a...
Tarling : Journal of Language Education, 2018
The purpose of this study was to know the influence of CBT and PBT national examination dealing w... more The purpose of this study was to know the influence of CBT and PBT national examination dealing with students’ cognitive readiness and anxiety facing English national examination in Cilacap regency, the influence of major in terms of students’ cognitive readiness and anxiety facing English national examination in Cilacap regency, and the interaction between national examination and major. This research was descriptive explorative and the method was ex-post facto. The population was all of natural and social science high school students in grade XII in Cilacap regency. The number of sample used was 352 students. The results showed that there was significant influence of national examination in terms of students’ cognitive readiness and anxiety facing national examination. However, CBT and PBT national examination did not influence the cognitive readiness facing national examination, CBT and PBT national examination influence in national examinations in terms of students’ anxiety faci...
Tarling Journal, 2018
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ujian nasional CBT dan PBT terhadap kesiap... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ujian nasional CBT dan PBT terhadap kesiapan kognitif siswa dan kesiapan mental menghadapi ujian nasional bahasa Inggris di Kabupaten Cilacap, pengaruh jurusan dalam hal kesiapan kognitif siswa dan kecemasan menghadapi ujian nasional bahasa Inggris. di Kabupaten Cilacap, dan interaksi antara ujian nasional dan jurusan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif eksploratif dan metode ex-post facto. Populasinya adalah semua siswa SMA IPA dan IPS kelas XII di Kabupaten Cilacap barat. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 674 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh signifikan ujian nasional dalam hal kesiapan kognitif siswa dan kesiapan mental menghadapi ujian nasional. Namun, ujian nasional CBT dan PBT tidak mempengaruhi kesiapan kognitif menghadapi ujian nasional, CBT dan PBT mempengaruhi mental siswa siswa menghadapi ujian nasional. Skor rata-rata kesiapan mental yang menghadapi ujian nasional CBT lebih tinggi daripada kesiapan mental siswa dalam menghadapi ujian nasional PBT. Tidak ada pengaruh yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan dalam hal kesiapan kognitif dan kesiapan mental dalam menghadapi ujian nasional bahasa Inggris; dan tidak ada interaksi antara berbagai jenis ujian nasional dan jurusan.
STAI Sufyan Tsauri Majenang Abstract : High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) is thnking process in el... more STAI Sufyan Tsauri Majenang
Abstract : High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) is thnking process in elaborating the material, making conclusion, building representation, analazing, and correlating mental activities. Teaching and learning of High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) involves 3 aspects such as transfer knowledge, critical and creative thinking, and problem solving. The implementation of High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) teaching and learning process is aimed to reach 4Cs Creativity such as Creativity Thinking and innovation, Critical and problem solving, communication and collaboration. The implementation is suggested to use discovery/inquiry learning dan problem/project based learning model.
Keywords: 4Cs Creativity, HOTS, Teaching models
Abstrak : Keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi salah adalah proses berpikir kompleks dalam menguraikan materi, membuat kesimpulan, membangun representasi, menganalisis, dan membangun hubungan dengan melibatkan aktivitas mental yang paling dasar. Pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi adalah pembelajaran yang melibatkan 3 aspek keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi yaitu: transfer of knowledge, critical and creative thinking, dan problem solving. Penerapan pembelajaran keterampilan berpikir tinggi adalah untuk menjawab tuntutan keterampilan 4Cs yaitu Creativity Thinking and innovation, Critical and problem solving, communication and collaboration. Model-model pembelajaran HOTS anatara lain yaitu discovery/inquiry learning dan problem/project based learning.
Keywords: keterampian 4Cs, HOTS, Model pembelajaran.