Stark 100 (original) (raw)

04 August 2010 @ 04:07 pm

Story: The Reality of Life with a Superhero (Part 8)
Author: saichick
Challenge: Stark 100
Theme: 097 Secret
Rating: PG

Timeline: post-IM2 (spoilers)

Preview: Tony gets a few answers, and a lot more questions.

Note: This is a continuation of “The Reality of Life with a Superhero” thread. I’m interspersing themes from the LJ Stark 100 challenge and LJ Pepperony 100 challenge so I can explore Tony’s blossoming superhero friendships and how this affects both his emotional growth and his relationship with Pepper (oh, and also so I can fiddle with the toys in his lab and blow things up J .) Since I don’t like mixing technology with magic (Tony Stark being the former, the Mandarin and Thor being the latter), I’m going to commit a major fanfiction booboo here and tap into another movie universe just a teeny-weeny bit to eliminate the discrepancies.

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04 August 2010 @ 12:26 pm

Story: The Reality of Life with a Superhero (Part 7)
Author: saichick
Challenge: Stark 100
Theme: 043 Unexpected
Rating: PG-13 (brief language)

Timeline: post-IM2 (spoilers)

Preview: Tony “researches the physics” of Thor’s abilities.

Note: This is a continuation of “The Reality of Life with a Superhero” thread. I’m interspersing themes from the LJ Stark 100 challenge and LJ Pepperony 100 challenge so I can explore Tony’s blossoming superhero friendships and how this affects both his emotional growth and his relationship with Pepper (oh, and also so I can blow a few things up J .) Since I enjoyed the “Tony tinkers in the workshop” scenes so much in both movies, please indulge me this guilty pleasure J

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02 August 2010 @ 02:39 pm

Story: The Reality of Life with a Superhero (Part 5)
Author: saichick
Challenge: Stark 100
Theme: 070 Pain
Rating: PG-13

Timeline: post-IM2 (spoilers)

Preview: Tony and his Avenger friends lick their wounds after the ambush.

Note: This is a continuation of “The Reality of Life with a Superhero.” I’m interspersing themes from the LJ Stark 100 challenge and LJ Pepperony 100 challenge into this thread so I can explore Tony’s blossoming superhero friendships and how this affects both his emotional growth and his relationship with Pepper (oh, and also so I can blow a few things up J .)

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02 August 2010 @ 02:33 pm

Story: The Reality of Life with a Superhero (Part 4)
Author: saichick
Challenge: Stark 100
Theme: 068 Trap
Rating: PG-13 (action/violence)

Timeline: post-IM2 (spoilers)

Preview: Iron Man and the Avengers get more than they bargained for in Myanmar.

Note: This is a continuation of “The Reality of Life with a Superhero.” I watched IM2 again this weekend and noticed how badly the plot dragged in certain places (and also the uncontrollable urge to slap the screen writer who cut the Tony/Pepper kissing scene I waited two years for short with pre-pubescent humor). Wish I had it on DVD to fast-forward past the boring (just about everything to do with Justin Hammer) parts and get to either the action or the drama. Since I don’t wish to repeat the mistakes of the screenwriters, I’m going to intersperse themes from the LJ Stark 100 challenge into this thread so I can explore Tony’s blossoming superhero friendships (and how this affects Pepper) and also blow a few things up J . I hope this isn’t a breach of fanfiction ethics!!! I promise I’ll get back to the Pepperony fluff soon!

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28 February 2009 @ 06:42 pm

Title: White Lie
Author: ZionAngel
Stark 100 Theme: 90 - Lie
Rating: G
Length: 723 words
Summary: The tricks he learned from his father weren’t just limited to engineering weapons and rebuilding cars.
AN: Didn’t turn out quite the way I had imagined, but… whatever. When plot bunnies follow you around, you just kinda have to shoo them away as quickly as possible. Unedited as of yet, because if I post now I think I might be able to ditch the bunny.

( White LieCollapse )

Current Mood: amusedamused

21 February 2009 @ 12:25 am

Title: Teacher

Author: ZionAngel

Theme: 78 - Suit

Rating: G

Length: 283 words

Summary: He’s never had to put on a tie before in his life - and now he doesn’t know how.
AN: Plot bunnies. *sigh* *shakes head*

( TeacherCollapse )

03 October 2008 @ 03:59 pm

03 October 2008 @ 03:28 pm