starsfellondepp - Profile (original) (raw)

on 26 January 2004 (#2019883)

Miami, Florida, United States

This community is for avid Johnny Depp fans, not for people who only think of him as a hott piece of ass.

*This community is open to

members only

so as to avoid spamming & other things of the sort.*


* You

must be a member of the community in order to post.

* All posts must be friends only.

* Brash rudeness &/or drama will not be accepted. Anyone who is found doing either of these things will be warned once & then banned from the community.

* None of this 'I'm going to marry Johnny Depp and have his babies' shit. Let's be mature, please.

Please fill out this survey so we can learn a little more about you =)

BASICS 1. Name: 2. Sex: 3. Age: 4. Location:PERSONALS 5. Favorite Johnny Depp Movie and why: 6. Favorite Johnny Depp Quote and from what movie: 7. Name the top 5 reasons why you actually like Johnny Depp: 8. What Johnny character would you take to be yours forever and why?: 9. When did you first begin yo like Johnny Depp?: 10. Why do you like Johnny Depp?:

That is it. This community is for "All Things Johnny". Icons, Banners, Pictures, Movie Info, General Info, Questions - if it's about dear Johnny, you can put it in here, savvy?

Enjoy! Love, Kace

21 jump street, arizona dream, before night falls, benny & joon, blow, breakfast with hunter, chocolat, cry baby, dead man, don juan demarco, donnie brasco, ed wood, edward scissorhands, freddy's dead, from hell, gilbert grape, ichabod crane, inspector fred abberline, j.m. barries neverland, jack, jack sparrow, johnny depp, l.a. without a map, lily rose, lost in la mancha, nick of time, platoon, private resort, secret window, sleepy hollow, slow burn, the astronaut's wife, the brave, the man who cried, the ninth gate, the rum diaries, the source, vanessa paradis, what's eating gilbert grape