Captain America/Iron Man Slash (original) (raw)

Title: Inevitability.
Pairing: Tony Stark & Peter Parker, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers.
Word Count: 1,193.
Warnings: Canon divergence, heavy angst, feelings, parenthood, major character death, ambiguous/open ending.
Rating: PG-13.
Summary:He was so many things: a son, a partner, a father. He was a friend, a boss, an irritant, a genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist. All of the things he was, well, those were inevitable too. What made Thanos so special in that regard?


In his final moments, Tony Stark thinks about what he has lost, gained, and what he needs to do to protect the ones he loves most.

[LiveJournal] [AO3]

04 January 2019 @ 10:35 am

Title: Shattered Watch (Chapter 1 of 12)
Fandom(s): Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America
Characters: Tony Stark and Steve Rogers
Pairing(s): Tony Stark/Steve Rogers
Rating: R
Summary: All Tony Stark wanted to do was enjoy his last year at M.I.T. before his father dragged him back home to work for S.I. That was thrown a little off kilter by a small, teenie, tiny bump in the road.
Steve Rogers, the Steve Rogers, as in Captain America - even if he was pre-serum - somehow got himself time-whammied from the year 1942 to 2002, which was fun. It was great. All good. Except it honestly wasn’t because Steve Rogers was a bit of a dick, and he really needed to get back to 1942 because of space-time continuum reasons.
When Steve got thrown into the year 2002, Tony Stark was his only hope in getting back home. Except, neither of them seemed to be able to be around one another without constantly stomping on one another’s feet, which shouldn’t have really been a problem, what with Steve having to get back home, which happened to be sixty years in the past. Key word: shouldn’t.
It got a little more problematic when he started to fall for the genius and vice versa. Now he had to decide whether to go back home to 1942, or stay in the future and be with Tony Stark.
Genres: Comedy, Slash, Romance, Alternate Universe: Cannon Divergence, Smut, Hurt/Comfort.
Warnings: None
Word count: 4388

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21 December 2015 @ 07:50 pm

Yes kinda new to this fandom. Sad I know ): Any help would be appreciated :)

04 October 2015 @ 10:07 am

Title: That Time Back Then
Universe: Marvel 616
Pairing/Characters: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Carol Danvers
Summary: An accident sends Steve and Carol back in time and watching Steve and Iron Man interact gives Steve a new perspective on how blind both of them were all those years ago.
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Written for the Popcornzoe for avengersfest 2015.
Word Count: ~3300

Read on LJ | Read on AO3

09 September 2015 @ 08:07 pm

So I've been on a Steve/Tony reading binge for the past five months and went ahead and posted recs because I like having them in one place to read later. There's over 200 fics in this, and they're divided into categories (because as much as I love MCU, I absolutely love fics from other universes such as Marvel 616, Ultimates, Avengers Assemble, etc. Steve/Tony is awesome in every fandom ever, and there are so many great fics in this fandom, it's mind-boggling. (Thank you writers!) <3

Anyways, here's the link.

MCU Phase Two (AoU/IM3/CATWS) * MCU Phase One * Alternate Universe (Multiverse) * Marvel 616/Ultimates/MA:A/Cartoons/Other

31 August 2015 @ 03:10 pm

Title: I See You In The Future
Author: yohkobennington
Universe: AU
Rating: R
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Major character death.
Summary: Tony is the part of Steve that refuses to die yet.
Notes: Written for towerparty hurt/comfort lighting round.

Fic Here

21 August 2015 @ 08:11 am

Title: Learning Curve
Fandom: MCU
Pairing/Characters: Steve/Tony, Natasha, Sam, background mentions of the New Avengers and hinted Wanda/Vision, past Natasha/Bruce and possible Natasha/Sam
Summary: Steve is in an irritable mood and his team knows why that is. Now they only need to help Steve figure it out, too.
Rating: PG
Notes: Obviously inspired by that one line in AoU.
Word Count: ~ 2500

On Livejournal | On AO3

16 August 2015 @ 04:18 pm

Title: Workout
Fandom: Marvel 616
Summary: Steve and Tony train together... or something
Rating: Mature
Notes: Written for the cap_ironman Tiny Reverse Bang art Code: GOLDEN by a_sparrows_fall .
Word Count: ~ 500

On AO3 | On LJ

Title: Duty Calls
Fandom: Marvel 616 (Avengers comics, vol. 4)
Pairing/Characters: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Summary: Tony is hiding away in his work shop and it's clear to everyone who is the best man for the job of getting him out of there.
Rating: G
Word Count: ~2000
Notes: Written as a TRB fill for CODE EARTH art by JY (Nim-lock).

Read on Livejournal or AO3

Over at cap_ironman we're having a

Cap-IronMan Rec Week!

The schedule for rec posts to go up:

Smutty Sunday, July 12th: Smut / PWP
Brand-new Monday, July 13th: Firsts (kisses, dates, times, etc)
(Not So) Terrible Tuesday, July 14th: Hurt/Comfort
Wiley Wednesday, July 15th: Identity / Identity Porn
Mournful Thursday, July 16th: Dark / Angst
Funny Friday, July 17th: Humour / Fluff
Wacky Saturday, July 18th: Free day!

Please feel free to come in and rec your favorite Steve/Tony fanworks (any universe, any rating, etc).
You don't have to comment with your recs the day the post goes up, coming in later is fine. Everyone is welcome!

You can find all you need to know and all the posts as they go up here.