Siti Sugih Hartiningsih, S.Si., M.Kes | STIKes Dharma Husada Bandung (original) (raw)

Papers by Siti Sugih Hartiningsih, S.Si., M.Kes

Research paper thumbnail of Pregnancy care for maternal and fetal wellbeing: an ethnography study

British journal of midwifery, Dec 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kombinasi Biskuit Ikan Gabus dan Ubi Jalar Ungu Terhadap Berat Badan Anak Usia 12 - 36 Bulan di Puskesmas Wilayah Kerja Purwadadi

Jurnal Obstretika Scienta

The issue of nutrition in population development is still an issue that is considered to be a maj... more The issue of nutrition in population development is still an issue that is considered to be a major problem in the world population order, biscuits based on cork fish, and brown rice can improve weight gain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Cork and Purple Sweet Potato biscuits on weight gain. The provision of cork and sweet potato biscuits was given to children aged 12-36 months at Health Center Subang, from July to August 2018. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cork fish and purple sweet potato biscuits on the weight gain of children aged 12 36 months. The research method used was quantitative, a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest-posttest control group design approach, with a sample of 64 toddlers aged 12-36 months. The sampling technique in this study was probability with randomization type, children under five who met the inclusion criteria of each intervention group amounted to 32 samples. Analysis of the effect of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Tentang Faktor Risiko Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) Pada Pelatihan Kader PTM

Jurnal Abdi Masada

Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) terutama penyakit jantung, kanker, penyakit pernapasan kronis dan di... more Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) terutama penyakit jantung, kanker, penyakit pernapasan kronis dan diabetes adalah pembunuh terbesar didunia dengan 35 juta kematian setiap tahun dan merupakan penyebab dari sekitar 60% kematian global. Hasil Riskesdas 2018 menunjukkan prevalensi penyakit tidak menular mengalami kenaikan jika dibandingkan dengan Riskesdas 2013, antara lain kanker, stroke, penyakit ginjal kronis, diabetes melitus, dan hipertensi. Prevalensi kanker berdasarkan diagnosis dokter naik dari 1,4 permil (2013) menjadi 1,8 pemil (2018), lebih tinggi pada perempuan (2,9 permil) dibandingkan pada laki-laki (0,7 permil) (Kemenkes RI, 2019b). Prevalensi hipertensi berdasarkan diagnosis dokter atau minum obat anti hipertensi pada penduduk umur ≥18 Tahun menurut Provinsi, Jawa Barat 9.67% dan 9.97% di atas angka nasional 8.36 % dan 8.84% (Kemenkes RI, 2019b). Berdasarkan hasil pendatan yang dilakukan pada kegiatan Pengalaman Belajar Lapangan (PBL) di Desa Mekarmanik Kecamatan Cimenyan K...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kombinasi Senam Hamil dan Seni Usik Wiwitan terhadap Kesehatan Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ibrahim Adjie Kota Bandung

Puslitbang Humaniora dan Manajemen Kesehatan, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Usik Wiwitan Relaxation for Psychological Wellbeing among Primipara Pregnant Women in Bandung, Indonesia

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2020

Introduction: Usik Wiwitan relaxation exercises in West Java is the local traditional complementa... more Introduction: Usik Wiwitan relaxation exercises in West Java is the local traditional complementary treatment. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Uvik Wiwitan relaxation application in decreasing of anxiety in primipara pregnant women. Method: Pregnant women were divided into two groups: Intervention and Control randomly. The intervention group underwent the guided Usik Wiwitan relaxation for 12 weeks, while control group acted as controls. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used to assess the scores associated with anxiety. Results: The anxiety scores decreased after Usik Wiwitan relaxation exercises in primipara pregnant women in third trimester. Conclusion: The Usik Wiwitan relaxation can decrease the anxiety of primipara pregnant women. It can be accepted that it has the potential method for the pregnant women’s health programs.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Red Guava Juice on Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Levels in Female Adolescent Students with Anemia

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2019

Background: Anemia is a major public health problem. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common fo... more Background: Anemia is a major public health problem. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia due to malnutrition especially in developing countries. Adolescents are one of the major groups of risk for anemia. The condition can lead to impaired brain functions resulting to a decrease in learning ability and academic performance. Medicinal foods, in particular, red guava, have been used for decades to treat several ailments of humans. There is paucity of human data on the effects of red guava on anemic conditions. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of red guava juice on hemoglobin and hematocrit levels with iron supplementation in adolescent female students with anemia. Methods: The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Dharma Husada Institute of Health Sciences, Bandung, Indonesia. The study was conducted among high school students of Tomo Secondary School, Sumedang, Bandung, Indonesia. Out of 236 female adolescent students, a total of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Potential beneficial effects of foot bathing on cardiac rhythm

Clinical & Investigative Medicine, 2016

Purpose: Foot bathing therapy is a simple technique that induces sensations of comfort and relaxa... more Purpose: Foot bathing therapy is a simple technique that induces sensations of comfort and relaxation. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of foot bathing therapy on heart rate variability (HRV) parameters in a healthy population. Methods: Participants were twenty healthy female subjects (median age=20.67 years, SD=1.04). The recording ECG was applied for 5 minutes before and for 5 minutes after foot bathing therapy of 10 minutes. Subjects rested for 10 minutes without recording ECG in order to stabilize autonomic parameters. The digital signals were then transferred to a laptop and analyzed using LabChart® software (MLS310/7 HRV Module). Results: Almost all HRV parameters increased and heart (pulse) rate and LF/HF ratio decreased after foot bathing therapy compared with before foot bathing therapy. Conclusions: These results indicate for the first time in humans that foot bathing might induce a state of balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems and might b...

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness and Practicality of Usik Wiwitan Relaxation to Improve Quality of Life in Elderly with Hypertension in West Java

Introduction: The quality of life of elderly people tend to decline with the increase of age. Som... more Introduction: The quality of life of elderly people tend to decline with the increase of age. Some theories and evidence had shown that relaxation can improve the quality of life of the elderly. Usik Wiwitan (UWI) in West Java, which is the local wisdom of relaxation practice, has a potential to improve quality of life. This research is a field experiment with to assess the effectiveness and practicality of UWI in improving the quality of life of the elderly. Method: Subjects were divided into two groups A and B randomly. The group A underwent the guided UWI for 10 weeks, while group B acted as controls. Measurement of quality of life in each group was performed at weeks 0, 5 and 10 using the WHOQOL-BREF instrument. The Generalized Estimating Equations analyses were used to evaluate the improved quality of life in repeated measurements. The confounding variables were socio-demographic factors and blood pressure. Results: There was a decrease in systole and diastolic blood pressures ...

Research paper thumbnail of Praktek Orang Tua Dalam Pencegahan Early Childhood Caries Pada Anak Prasekolah

Indonesian Journal of Health Development, Oct 1, 2020

Early Childhood Caries (ECC) merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi serius di kalangan anak-anak yang t... more Early Childhood Caries (ECC) merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi serius di kalangan anak-anak yang tidak hanya memengaruhi gigi tetapi juga pertumbuhan anak. Salah satu faktor penyebab ECC adalah tindakan orang tua dalam praktek pencegahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan praktek orang tua dalam pencegahan ECC pada anak prasekolah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif pendekatan cross sectional pada sampel sebanyak 53 orang tua dari siswa program pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sebagian besar orang tua memiliki praktek pencegahan ECC yang baik (64,2%). Hasil analisis membuktikan adanya hubungan antara sikap dan norma perilaku dengan praktek pencegahan ECC (p<0,05), sedangkan kontrol perilaku tidak berhubungan dengan praktek pencegahan ECC (p>0,05). Disarankan bagi orang tua untuk melakukan pendampingan dan pengawasan dalam praktek pencegahan ECC pada anak prasekolah dan bagi pihak sekolah serta instansi kesehatan untuk melakukan edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut secara rutin. Kata kunci : Prasekolah, Pencegahan Early Childhood Caries, Orang tua.

Research paper thumbnail of Seni Usik Wiwitan: Intervensi Kesehatan Berbasis Budaya Lokal Terhadap Ibu Hamil Trimester III DI Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 2017

Kesehatan ibu saat hamil sangat menentukan terjadinya persalinan yang aman dan tidak berisiko. Se... more Kesehatan ibu saat hamil sangat menentukan terjadinya persalinan yang aman dan tidak berisiko. Seni Usik Wiwitan yang berasal dari budaya Jawa Barat dapat dipraktikkan oleh ibu hamil untuk menjaga kesehatan fisik dan psikisnya. Seni ini terdiri dari 2 bentuk aktivitas yaitu latihan ngajurus berupa olah tubuh dan olah nafas dan latihan tumekung berupa meditasi olah rasa. Kedua aktivitas tersebut dilakukan diiringi dengan doa kepada Sang Mahakuasa. Melalui praktik senam hamil yang telah menjadi program pemerintah dan dikombinasikan dengan seni Usik Wiwitan diharapkan kesehatan fisik dan psikis ibu hamil tetap terjaga sehingga dapat bersalin dengan aman. Tujuan: Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi senam hamil dan seni Usik Wiwitan terhadap kesehatan ibu hamil. Metode: desain penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan subjek yang berasal dari wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ibrahim Adjie Kota Bandung, sebanyak 41 orang ibu hamil trimester III yang dalam kondisi sehat. Penetapan kelompok intervensi dan kontrol dilakukan secara random. Intervensi yang diberikan adalah senam hamil yang dilanjutkan dengan latihan seni Usik Wiwitan berupa ngajurus dan tumekung selama 16 kali pertemuan dalam 8 minggu, sedangkan kelompok kontrol hanya melakukan senam hamil saja dalam waktu yang sama. Parameter yang diukur adalah kondisi fisik (tekanan darah, protein urine dan kondisi edema) dan psikis dengan menggunakan instrumen kecemasan yaitu State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Hasil: Hasil uji pre dan post test pada kelompok kontrol dan intervensi menunjukkan bahwa ada beda antara kelompok ibu hamil yang mendapat intervensi senam hamil dengan kombinasi seni Usik Wiwitan. Pada kelompok intervensi di pertemuan ke-8 dan ke-16 mengalami penurunan tekanan darah, protein urine dan tingkat kecemasan yang lebih signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Kesimpulan: Seni Usik Wiwitan yang berasal dari budaya lokal Jawa Barat memberikan pengaruh yang positif pada kondisi kesehatan fisik dan psikis ibu hamil trimester III. Saran: Seni Usik Wiwitan dapat dijadikan rujukan bagi program dinas kesehatan sebagai model intervensi berbasis budaya lokal untuk kehamilan yang sehat dan persalinan yang aman dan tidak berisiko. Saran: semua di luar bahasa Indonesia harus konsisten dalam bentuk Italics

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Combination Effleurage Massage and Slow Deep Breathing Technique to Decrease Menstrual Pain in University Students

Introduction: Generally, menstruation happens to follow a regular pattern and it doesn’t have a p... more Introduction: Generally, menstruation happens to follow a regular pattern and it doesn’t have a problem; however, some women have severe menstrual pain. In the present study, the possible useful effects of a combination of Effleurage Massage and Slow Deep Breathing technique on primary menstrual pain were investigated. Methods: Thirty midwifery students with primary menstrual pain included in the study. The study was designed to measure the changes in menstrual pain score before and after combination Effleurage massage and Slow Deep Breathing technique. The therapy was applied only to the intervention group. A warm compress was applied to the control group. The Numeric Rating Scale was used to get pain scores. Pain scores were obtained one hour before and after therapy. Results: The decrease of pain scores or the difference between pretest and post-test were significant in the total sample as well as in intervention and control groups. There was no significant difference between int...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of foot reflexotherapy on the dynamics of cortical oscillatory waves in healthy humans: An EEG study

Complementary therapies in medicine, 2018

Foot reflexotherapy is a noninvasive complementary therapy that has gained considerable applicati... more Foot reflexotherapy is a noninvasive complementary therapy that has gained considerable application in several fields of human endeavor. The therapy is used to relieve the symptoms of several ailments. For instance, foot reflexotherapy when applied to the cortical areas of the left or right foot relieves pain and stress. However, the electrophysiological mechanisms of the effect of foot reflexotherapy on cortical activity are not completely understood. While it has been shown that foot reflexotherapy exert positive effects on brain functions, little is known about the effects of this therapy on cortical activities as recorded with electroencephalogram (EEG) in healthy humans. Cortical activity is widely investigated with EEG, a noninvasive recording that is used to study brain activity in different functional states and conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of foot reflexotherapy on EEG rhythms in healthy humans. EEG recording before and after reflexologica...

Research paper thumbnail of The Potential Beneficial Effects Of Hand And Foot Bathing On Vital Signs In Women With Caesarean Section

Clinical & Investigative Medicine, 2016

Purpose: Hand-foot bathing therapy is a simple technique to induce sensations of comfort and rela... more Purpose: Hand-foot bathing therapy is a simple technique to induce sensations of comfort and relaxation. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of hand and foot bathing therapy on vital signs in women following caesarean section. Methods: Participants were sixty women with caesarean section. They divided to two groups: (1) study group (n=30, median age=26.67 years, SD=2.04); and, (2) control group (n=30, median age=27.75 years, SD=1.09). Vital signs were measured for 5 minutes before and for 30 minutes after the hand and foot bathing therapy. Results: Pain score, systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart and breath rates decreased after hand and foot bathing therapy. Differences between before and after therapy were statistically significantly. Conclusions: These results indicate that hand and foot bathing therapy might be helpful to restore the vital signs in post-operative patients by decreasing anxiety and psychological stress.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Effect Of Consuming Pineapple Juice (Ananas Comusus [L] Mer) Towards The Duration Of The Stage I Latent Phase](

Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia

In Indonesia, prolonged delivery is one of the cause of Maternal Mortality. The prolonged deliver... more In Indonesia, prolonged delivery is one of the cause of Maternal Mortality. The prolonged delivery which occurs in the latent phase is also called prolonged latent phase, a labor which lasts over eight hours of labor in primigravida. This research was started by the society’s custom of consuming fruits that are beneficial to smooth a labor process, consuming pineapples. Pineapples contain high amounts of vitamin C, sugar, vitamin A, a number of minerals, and an enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme that stimulates the production of prostaglandin. The increased prostaglandin causes contractions in the uterine muscle so that labor occurs. This study aims to determine the effect of pineapple juice towards the duration of the first stage of the latent phase. The method of this research was quasi experimental. The study was conducted in July to September 2018 at Ciruas Public Health Center, Serang, Banten. The sample in this study was 80 mothers in latent phase. Sampling was ta...

Research paper thumbnail of Pregnancy care for maternal and fetal wellbeing: an ethnography study

British journal of midwifery, Dec 1, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kombinasi Biskuit Ikan Gabus dan Ubi Jalar Ungu Terhadap Berat Badan Anak Usia 12 - 36 Bulan di Puskesmas Wilayah Kerja Purwadadi

Jurnal Obstretika Scienta

The issue of nutrition in population development is still an issue that is considered to be a maj... more The issue of nutrition in population development is still an issue that is considered to be a major problem in the world population order, biscuits based on cork fish, and brown rice can improve weight gain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Cork and Purple Sweet Potato biscuits on weight gain. The provision of cork and sweet potato biscuits was given to children aged 12-36 months at Health Center Subang, from July to August 2018. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cork fish and purple sweet potato biscuits on the weight gain of children aged 12 36 months. The research method used was quantitative, a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest-posttest control group design approach, with a sample of 64 toddlers aged 12-36 months. The sampling technique in this study was probability with randomization type, children under five who met the inclusion criteria of each intervention group amounted to 32 samples. Analysis of the effect of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Tentang Faktor Risiko Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) Pada Pelatihan Kader PTM

Jurnal Abdi Masada

Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) terutama penyakit jantung, kanker, penyakit pernapasan kronis dan di... more Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) terutama penyakit jantung, kanker, penyakit pernapasan kronis dan diabetes adalah pembunuh terbesar didunia dengan 35 juta kematian setiap tahun dan merupakan penyebab dari sekitar 60% kematian global. Hasil Riskesdas 2018 menunjukkan prevalensi penyakit tidak menular mengalami kenaikan jika dibandingkan dengan Riskesdas 2013, antara lain kanker, stroke, penyakit ginjal kronis, diabetes melitus, dan hipertensi. Prevalensi kanker berdasarkan diagnosis dokter naik dari 1,4 permil (2013) menjadi 1,8 pemil (2018), lebih tinggi pada perempuan (2,9 permil) dibandingkan pada laki-laki (0,7 permil) (Kemenkes RI, 2019b). Prevalensi hipertensi berdasarkan diagnosis dokter atau minum obat anti hipertensi pada penduduk umur ≥18 Tahun menurut Provinsi, Jawa Barat 9.67% dan 9.97% di atas angka nasional 8.36 % dan 8.84% (Kemenkes RI, 2019b). Berdasarkan hasil pendatan yang dilakukan pada kegiatan Pengalaman Belajar Lapangan (PBL) di Desa Mekarmanik Kecamatan Cimenyan K...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Kombinasi Senam Hamil dan Seni Usik Wiwitan terhadap Kesehatan Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ibrahim Adjie Kota Bandung

Puslitbang Humaniora dan Manajemen Kesehatan, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Usik Wiwitan Relaxation for Psychological Wellbeing among Primipara Pregnant Women in Bandung, Indonesia

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2020

Introduction: Usik Wiwitan relaxation exercises in West Java is the local traditional complementa... more Introduction: Usik Wiwitan relaxation exercises in West Java is the local traditional complementary treatment. The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Uvik Wiwitan relaxation application in decreasing of anxiety in primipara pregnant women. Method: Pregnant women were divided into two groups: Intervention and Control randomly. The intervention group underwent the guided Usik Wiwitan relaxation for 12 weeks, while control group acted as controls. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used to assess the scores associated with anxiety. Results: The anxiety scores decreased after Usik Wiwitan relaxation exercises in primipara pregnant women in third trimester. Conclusion: The Usik Wiwitan relaxation can decrease the anxiety of primipara pregnant women. It can be accepted that it has the potential method for the pregnant women’s health programs.

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Red Guava Juice on Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Levels in Female Adolescent Students with Anemia

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2019

Background: Anemia is a major public health problem. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common fo... more Background: Anemia is a major public health problem. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia due to malnutrition especially in developing countries. Adolescents are one of the major groups of risk for anemia. The condition can lead to impaired brain functions resulting to a decrease in learning ability and academic performance. Medicinal foods, in particular, red guava, have been used for decades to treat several ailments of humans. There is paucity of human data on the effects of red guava on anemic conditions. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of red guava juice on hemoglobin and hematocrit levels with iron supplementation in adolescent female students with anemia. Methods: The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Dharma Husada Institute of Health Sciences, Bandung, Indonesia. The study was conducted among high school students of Tomo Secondary School, Sumedang, Bandung, Indonesia. Out of 236 female adolescent students, a total of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Potential beneficial effects of foot bathing on cardiac rhythm

Clinical & Investigative Medicine, 2016

Purpose: Foot bathing therapy is a simple technique that induces sensations of comfort and relaxa... more Purpose: Foot bathing therapy is a simple technique that induces sensations of comfort and relaxation. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of foot bathing therapy on heart rate variability (HRV) parameters in a healthy population. Methods: Participants were twenty healthy female subjects (median age=20.67 years, SD=1.04). The recording ECG was applied for 5 minutes before and for 5 minutes after foot bathing therapy of 10 minutes. Subjects rested for 10 minutes without recording ECG in order to stabilize autonomic parameters. The digital signals were then transferred to a laptop and analyzed using LabChart® software (MLS310/7 HRV Module). Results: Almost all HRV parameters increased and heart (pulse) rate and LF/HF ratio decreased after foot bathing therapy compared with before foot bathing therapy. Conclusions: These results indicate for the first time in humans that foot bathing might induce a state of balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems and might b...

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness and Practicality of Usik Wiwitan Relaxation to Improve Quality of Life in Elderly with Hypertension in West Java

Introduction: The quality of life of elderly people tend to decline with the increase of age. Som... more Introduction: The quality of life of elderly people tend to decline with the increase of age. Some theories and evidence had shown that relaxation can improve the quality of life of the elderly. Usik Wiwitan (UWI) in West Java, which is the local wisdom of relaxation practice, has a potential to improve quality of life. This research is a field experiment with to assess the effectiveness and practicality of UWI in improving the quality of life of the elderly. Method: Subjects were divided into two groups A and B randomly. The group A underwent the guided UWI for 10 weeks, while group B acted as controls. Measurement of quality of life in each group was performed at weeks 0, 5 and 10 using the WHOQOL-BREF instrument. The Generalized Estimating Equations analyses were used to evaluate the improved quality of life in repeated measurements. The confounding variables were socio-demographic factors and blood pressure. Results: There was a decrease in systole and diastolic blood pressures ...

Research paper thumbnail of Praktek Orang Tua Dalam Pencegahan Early Childhood Caries Pada Anak Prasekolah

Indonesian Journal of Health Development, Oct 1, 2020

Early Childhood Caries (ECC) merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi serius di kalangan anak-anak yang t... more Early Childhood Caries (ECC) merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi serius di kalangan anak-anak yang tidak hanya memengaruhi gigi tetapi juga pertumbuhan anak. Salah satu faktor penyebab ECC adalah tindakan orang tua dalam praktek pencegahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan praktek orang tua dalam pencegahan ECC pada anak prasekolah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif pendekatan cross sectional pada sampel sebanyak 53 orang tua dari siswa program pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sebagian besar orang tua memiliki praktek pencegahan ECC yang baik (64,2%). Hasil analisis membuktikan adanya hubungan antara sikap dan norma perilaku dengan praktek pencegahan ECC (p<0,05), sedangkan kontrol perilaku tidak berhubungan dengan praktek pencegahan ECC (p>0,05). Disarankan bagi orang tua untuk melakukan pendampingan dan pengawasan dalam praktek pencegahan ECC pada anak prasekolah dan bagi pihak sekolah serta instansi kesehatan untuk melakukan edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut secara rutin. Kata kunci : Prasekolah, Pencegahan Early Childhood Caries, Orang tua.

Research paper thumbnail of Seni Usik Wiwitan: Intervensi Kesehatan Berbasis Budaya Lokal Terhadap Ibu Hamil Trimester III DI Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat

Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 2017

Kesehatan ibu saat hamil sangat menentukan terjadinya persalinan yang aman dan tidak berisiko. Se... more Kesehatan ibu saat hamil sangat menentukan terjadinya persalinan yang aman dan tidak berisiko. Seni Usik Wiwitan yang berasal dari budaya Jawa Barat dapat dipraktikkan oleh ibu hamil untuk menjaga kesehatan fisik dan psikisnya. Seni ini terdiri dari 2 bentuk aktivitas yaitu latihan ngajurus berupa olah tubuh dan olah nafas dan latihan tumekung berupa meditasi olah rasa. Kedua aktivitas tersebut dilakukan diiringi dengan doa kepada Sang Mahakuasa. Melalui praktik senam hamil yang telah menjadi program pemerintah dan dikombinasikan dengan seni Usik Wiwitan diharapkan kesehatan fisik dan psikis ibu hamil tetap terjaga sehingga dapat bersalin dengan aman. Tujuan: Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi senam hamil dan seni Usik Wiwitan terhadap kesehatan ibu hamil. Metode: desain penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan subjek yang berasal dari wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ibrahim Adjie Kota Bandung, sebanyak 41 orang ibu hamil trimester III yang dalam kondisi sehat. Penetapan kelompok intervensi dan kontrol dilakukan secara random. Intervensi yang diberikan adalah senam hamil yang dilanjutkan dengan latihan seni Usik Wiwitan berupa ngajurus dan tumekung selama 16 kali pertemuan dalam 8 minggu, sedangkan kelompok kontrol hanya melakukan senam hamil saja dalam waktu yang sama. Parameter yang diukur adalah kondisi fisik (tekanan darah, protein urine dan kondisi edema) dan psikis dengan menggunakan instrumen kecemasan yaitu State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Hasil: Hasil uji pre dan post test pada kelompok kontrol dan intervensi menunjukkan bahwa ada beda antara kelompok ibu hamil yang mendapat intervensi senam hamil dengan kombinasi seni Usik Wiwitan. Pada kelompok intervensi di pertemuan ke-8 dan ke-16 mengalami penurunan tekanan darah, protein urine dan tingkat kecemasan yang lebih signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Kesimpulan: Seni Usik Wiwitan yang berasal dari budaya lokal Jawa Barat memberikan pengaruh yang positif pada kondisi kesehatan fisik dan psikis ibu hamil trimester III. Saran: Seni Usik Wiwitan dapat dijadikan rujukan bagi program dinas kesehatan sebagai model intervensi berbasis budaya lokal untuk kehamilan yang sehat dan persalinan yang aman dan tidak berisiko. Saran: semua di luar bahasa Indonesia harus konsisten dalam bentuk Italics

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Combination Effleurage Massage and Slow Deep Breathing Technique to Decrease Menstrual Pain in University Students

Introduction: Generally, menstruation happens to follow a regular pattern and it doesn’t have a p... more Introduction: Generally, menstruation happens to follow a regular pattern and it doesn’t have a problem; however, some women have severe menstrual pain. In the present study, the possible useful effects of a combination of Effleurage Massage and Slow Deep Breathing technique on primary menstrual pain were investigated. Methods: Thirty midwifery students with primary menstrual pain included in the study. The study was designed to measure the changes in menstrual pain score before and after combination Effleurage massage and Slow Deep Breathing technique. The therapy was applied only to the intervention group. A warm compress was applied to the control group. The Numeric Rating Scale was used to get pain scores. Pain scores were obtained one hour before and after therapy. Results: The decrease of pain scores or the difference between pretest and post-test were significant in the total sample as well as in intervention and control groups. There was no significant difference between int...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of foot reflexotherapy on the dynamics of cortical oscillatory waves in healthy humans: An EEG study

Complementary therapies in medicine, 2018

Foot reflexotherapy is a noninvasive complementary therapy that has gained considerable applicati... more Foot reflexotherapy is a noninvasive complementary therapy that has gained considerable application in several fields of human endeavor. The therapy is used to relieve the symptoms of several ailments. For instance, foot reflexotherapy when applied to the cortical areas of the left or right foot relieves pain and stress. However, the electrophysiological mechanisms of the effect of foot reflexotherapy on cortical activity are not completely understood. While it has been shown that foot reflexotherapy exert positive effects on brain functions, little is known about the effects of this therapy on cortical activities as recorded with electroencephalogram (EEG) in healthy humans. Cortical activity is widely investigated with EEG, a noninvasive recording that is used to study brain activity in different functional states and conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of foot reflexotherapy on EEG rhythms in healthy humans. EEG recording before and after reflexologica...

Research paper thumbnail of The Potential Beneficial Effects Of Hand And Foot Bathing On Vital Signs In Women With Caesarean Section

Clinical & Investigative Medicine, 2016

Purpose: Hand-foot bathing therapy is a simple technique to induce sensations of comfort and rela... more Purpose: Hand-foot bathing therapy is a simple technique to induce sensations of comfort and relaxation. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of hand and foot bathing therapy on vital signs in women following caesarean section. Methods: Participants were sixty women with caesarean section. They divided to two groups: (1) study group (n=30, median age=26.67 years, SD=2.04); and, (2) control group (n=30, median age=27.75 years, SD=1.09). Vital signs were measured for 5 minutes before and for 30 minutes after the hand and foot bathing therapy. Results: Pain score, systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart and breath rates decreased after hand and foot bathing therapy. Differences between before and after therapy were statistically significantly. Conclusions: These results indicate that hand and foot bathing therapy might be helpful to restore the vital signs in post-operative patients by decreasing anxiety and psychological stress.

[Research paper thumbnail of The Effect Of Consuming Pineapple Juice (Ananas Comusus [L] Mer) Towards The Duration Of The Stage I Latent Phase](

Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia

In Indonesia, prolonged delivery is one of the cause of Maternal Mortality. The prolonged deliver... more In Indonesia, prolonged delivery is one of the cause of Maternal Mortality. The prolonged delivery which occurs in the latent phase is also called prolonged latent phase, a labor which lasts over eight hours of labor in primigravida. This research was started by the society’s custom of consuming fruits that are beneficial to smooth a labor process, consuming pineapples. Pineapples contain high amounts of vitamin C, sugar, vitamin A, a number of minerals, and an enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme that stimulates the production of prostaglandin. The increased prostaglandin causes contractions in the uterine muscle so that labor occurs. This study aims to determine the effect of pineapple juice towards the duration of the first stage of the latent phase. The method of this research was quasi experimental. The study was conducted in July to September 2018 at Ciruas Public Health Center, Serang, Banten. The sample in this study was 80 mothers in latent phase. Sampling was ta...