Baptism of Adults | St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral (original) (raw)

General Information | Catechumenate Program | Sponsor | Application

General Information

Baptism is the beginning of our new life with God and our first step on our journey to heaven. In the Mystery of Baptism we are immersed into Christ’s death and resurrection. We die with Christ in order to rise with him. All our sins are forgiven. We are born again, becoming “new creatures,” members of Christ’s Body (the Church), children of light, God’s beloved sons and daughters by adoption and heirs to his kingdom.

Catechumenate Program

  1. PRE-CATECHUMENATE. This is an initial period of faith inquiry and evangelization. It begins with the candidate’s desire to be baptized and is followed with a basic introduction to the Christ faith. If the candidate wishes to proceed, he/she is received as a “catechumen” (a non-baptized member of the Church, an adult preparing for Baptism). The Reception of Catechumens usually takes place in May-June (Sunday of All Saints), but take place at any time of the year.
  2. CATECHUMENATE PROGRAM. This program consists of two parts. In the first part, usually over the summer, catechumens are expected to work on their own, reading through the four Gospels and the New Testament and other selected passages from Holy Scripture. The second part of the program begins in mid-September, with regular attendance at weekly classes**, beginning in September.** The program will end on Holy Friday with the Rite of Completion of the Catechumenate. The proper preparation of adults for Holy Baptism requires a commitment to regular weekly faith instruction over a period of eight months.
  3. CHRISTIAN INITIATION. The full initiation into the Catholic Church takes place through the celebration of three Holy Mysteries: Holy Baptism, Holy Chrismation (Anointing with Holy Chrism) and Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion). This takes place on Holy Saturday, during the Easter Vigil Service. New baptized adults are first to receive Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. There are also several follow-up sessions which take place after the Baptism.
  4. MYSTAGOGY. The final stage is called “Mystagogy,” which means “to uncover the Mysteries.” This is the follow-up program of post-baptismal instruction, which focuses on the explanation of the Divine Liturgy, the Holy Mysteries, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, personal vocation and service within the Church.
  1. You will need to choose a Catholic sponsor, someone who is will to serve as a guide and a mentor for you. Sponsors are also required to attend the weekly catechetical sessions. If you have difficulty finding a sponsor, please let us know. We will assign one for you.
  2. A sponsor must be a practicing Catholic, fully initiated into the Church through the Mysteries of Baptism, Chrismation and Eucharist, living a life of faith which befits the role of a sponsor.
  3. Sponsors must be mature enough to accept the responsibility, not less than sixteen years of age.
  4. Spouses cannot serve as sponsors for one another. Also, parents cannot become sponsors for their sons or daughters.
  5. Sponsors must not be bound by any excommunication, suspension or deposition.

If there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
May the Lord continue to bless you and may the light of His face shine upon you!

Best wishes,


Open the PDF copy of the application. Fill it out and sent/mail. Or copy and paste the following onto an email. Then, type in the information requested and send to Fr. Peter Babej at Thanks!

2017 Application for Adult Baptism (PDF FORM)


Name of Candidate

Date of Birth

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Place of Birth

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Name of Father

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Name of Mother

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Maiden name

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If you are married, please provide the following information:

Date of Marriage


Place of Marriage

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Why Baptism? What are some of your reasons for becoming a baptized member of the Ukrainian Catholic Church?

< short paragraph>

Please note that if you are married, your spouse is welcome to attend the weekly catechetical sessions with you!


  1. You will need to choose a Catholic sponsor, someone who is will to serve as a guide and a mentor for you. Sponsors are also required to attend the weekly catechetical sessions. If you have difficulty finding a sponsor, please let us know. We will assign one for you.
  2. A sponsor must be a practicing Catholic, fully initiated into the Church through the Mysteries of Baptism, Chrismation and Eucharist, living a life of faith which befits the role of a sponsor.
  3. Sponsors must be mature enough to accept the responsibility, not less than sixteen years of age.
  4. Spouses cannot serve as sponsors for one another. Also, parents cannot become sponsors for their sons or daughters.
  5. Sponsors must not be bound by any excommunication, suspension or deposition.

Name of Sponsor


Religion by Baptism








Where is this person attending church now?

(Contact info)

Why are you asking this person do be your sponsor?

(Short paragraph)