maya rayungsari | STKIP STIT PGRI PASURUAN (original) (raw)
Papers by maya rayungsari
International Journal of Dynamics and Control
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences
Trigona sp. is a stingless bee species that is widely distributed in tropical countries. It has c... more Trigona sp. is a stingless bee species that is widely distributed in tropical countries. It has castes in thecolony, i.e. queen, worker, and male bee. Despite its size, Trigona sp. can produce high-quality commoditiessuch as honey, propolis, and bee pollen. However, it is a vulnerable species since it’s pretty easy to be predatedby several predators and has a relatively short lifespan. In addition, there are still few mathematical studiesthat discuss the population dynamics of Trigona sp. Thus, in this study, we construct a mathematical modelof the Trigona sp. population in the form of a dynamical system. The model is a nine-dimensional non-lineardifferential equation that is constructed based on the stages in the bee population, namely the stages of eggs,larvae, and adult bees from each colony except the queen colony. Coexistence analysis, stability of equilibria, and also the death parameter sensitivity analysis are carried out in two scenarios. The first scenario is a situation w...
Konvergensi Sains & Humaniora, Jan 18, 2018
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis dan faktor penyebab kesalahan mahasiswa dal... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis dan faktor penyebab kesalahan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal Analisis Real materi Barisan dan Deret. Dengan mengetahui hal tersebut, dapat ditentukan cara pengajaran untuk memperbaikinya. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 6 mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Pasuruan program studi Pendidikan Matematika kelas 2014 C dengan nilai tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Soal yang diujikan adalah berdasarkan pada taksonomi SOLO. Sementara, jenis-jenis kesalahan dikelompokkan berdasarkan 8 klasifikasi kesalahan Watson. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa kesalahan yang banyak terjadi adalah prosedur tidak tepat (ip), data hilang (od), dan kesimpulan hilang (oc). Hal ini terjadi karena mahasiswa kurang dapat memahami soal dan melakukan kesalahan dalam langkah-langkah pengerjaannya. Kata Kunci: analisis kesalahan, barisan dan deret, analisis real
Pada penelitian ini diimplementasikan algoritma genetika untuk menentukan model predator-prey yan... more Pada penelitian ini diimplementasikan algoritma genetika untuk menentukan model predator-prey yang paling sesuai untuk data fitoplankton dan zooplankton herbivora, dimana fitoplankton sebagai prey dan zooplankton herbivora sebagai predator. Pemilihan model dilakukan berdasarkan rata-rata nilai fungsi biaya terendah dari masing-masing model. Nilai fungsi biaya ditentukan berdasarkan jarak antara jumlah populasi pada model dengan parameter yang diestimasi, dengan jumlah populasi pada data real. Dari hasil analisis, diperoleh model yang paling sesuai dengan data adalah model dengan fungsi respon Holling tipe I tersaturasi. Kata Kunci: algoritma genetika, estimasi parameter, model predator-prey.
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 2020
This research aims at analyzing the rewards obtained from carrying out worship in Ramadhan during... more This research aims at analyzing the rewards obtained from carrying out worship in Ramadhan during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. The research approach applied was qualitative with the type of library research. The objects of the research were prayer, reading Al Qur’an and Al-Hadith. The Covid-19 pandemic period, according to the regulation issued by the government of Indonesia in the form of social distancing, gave great impacts on the implementation of worship during Ramadhan. The data were analyzed based on the stipulations and guidelines of implementing the worship, especially during Ramadhan, which had been analyzed using mathematical calculations. The research results showed that the reward of implementing worship during the Covid-19 pandemic period was tremendous either in quantitative or qualitative calculations. In addition, it focused on the quality, so that the results of this research can be utilized as a basis for improving the quality of worship. AbstrakPenelitian ini b...
Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2014
This paper concerns with a predator-prey model with ratio-dependent functional response and preda... more This paper concerns with a predator-prey model with ratio-dependent functional response and predator harvesting. The model, which represents the growth rate of prey and predator population, is a two dimensional nonlinear dynamical system. 1402 Maya Rayungsari, Wuryansari Muharini Kusumawinahyu and Marsudi Dynamical analysis involving determination of equilibrium points and investigation on their local stabilities is presented. There are three equilibrium points, namely the prey extinction point, the predator extinction point, and coexistence point. The predator extinction point is unstable, while the prey extinction and coexistence point are stable under some certain conditions. Numerical simulations are conducted to illustrate the analytical result as well as to investigate the effects of predator harvesting to the system.
JAMAIKA: Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat, Dec 25, 2020
Hand sanitizer adalah salah satu produk kesehatan yang banyak di cari oleh masyarakat terutama di... more Hand sanitizer adalah salah satu produk kesehatan yang banyak di cari oleh masyarakat terutama di saat pandemi COVID-19 saat ini, disamping itu Hand sanitizer secara instant dapat membunuh kuman tanpa menggunakan air yang dapat digunakan kapan saja dan dimana saja, misalnya setelah memegang uang, sebelum makan, setelah dari toilet dan setelah membuang sampah. Ada dua macam Hand Sanitizer, ada yang dari bahan kimia dan ada juga yang terbuat dari bahan alami seperti daun sirih. Pembuatan Hand sanitizer Daun Sirih merupakan salah satu kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan mahasiswa terhadap masyarakat sekitar. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan oleh Mahasiswa KKN-DR (Kuliah Kerja Nyata-dari Rumah) Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Wiranegara (UNIWARA) Pasuruan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk kesehatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan baik untuk diri sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat sekitarnya serta memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah demonstrasi yang terdiri dari dua tahapan yakni tahap persiapan, tahap pendampingan dan praktek. Tahap persiapan yaitu menyiapkan segala kebutuhan yang diperlukan baik dari segi alat atau bahan pada saat pembuatan Hand Sanitizer. Tahap pendampingan dan praktek yaitu proses pembuatan Hand sanitizer Daun Sirih yang dilakukan bersama Masyarakat Desa Jarangan dan Mahasiswa KKN-DR dengan masukan serta arahan yang diberikan oleh Mahasiswa KKN-DR. Sehingga dimasa pandemi saat ini, dipandang perlu untuk menyikapi hal tersebut dengan cara pemberian pelatihan proses pembuatan Hand sanitizer Daun Sirih yang benar bagi masyarakat Desa Jarangan Pasuruan.
Axioms, 2022
We consider a mathematical model to describe the interaction between predator and prey that inclu... more We consider a mathematical model to describe the interaction between predator and prey that includes predator cannibalism and refuge. We aim to study the dynamics and its long-term behavior of the proposed model, as well as to discuss the effects of crucial parameters associated with the model. We first show the boundedness and positivity of the solution of the model. Then, we study the existence and stability of all possible equilibrium points. The local stability of the model around each equilibrium point is studied via the linearized system, while the global stability is performed by defining a Lyapunov function. The model has four equilibrium points. It is found that the equilibrium point representing the extinction of both prey and predator populations is always unstable, while the other equilibrium points are conditionally stable. In addition, there is forward bifurcation phenomena that occur under certain condition. To support our analytical findings, we perform some numerica...
In this study, the genetic algorithm is implemented to determine the most suitable growth models ... more In this study, the genetic algorithm is implemented to determine the most suitable growth models for Indonesian population data. The tested models are the simple models of Malthus and Verhulst. Parameters estimated in Malthus model include birth rate, death rate, and migration rate. Meanwhile, Parameters estimated in Verhulst model are intrinsic growth rate (birth rate minus death rate), carrying capacity, and migration rate. The model selection is based on the lowest average cost function value of each model. The value of the cost function is determined based on the distance between the population number in the model with the estimated parameters and the population number reported by After determining the most appropriate model based on parameter estimation, simulation of the Indonesian population will be conducted for the upcoming
Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM)
In this research, genetic algorithm was implemented to estimate parameters in generalized Richard... more In this research, genetic algorithm was implemented to estimate parameters in generalized Richards model by adjusting COVID-19 case data in Indonesia. Data collected were the daily new cases and cumulative number of COVID-19 case in Indonesia from early March to early June 2020, that was reported by The best pair of parameters was selected based on the lowest cost function value, determined from the distance between data with estimated model and real data. Next, model with estimated parameters is used to predict new cases and cumulative cases for upcoming days. Numerical simulations were carried out so that the peaks and ends of the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen easily.
International Journal of Dynamics and Control
Communication in Biomathematical Sciences
Trigona sp. is a stingless bee species that is widely distributed in tropical countries. It has c... more Trigona sp. is a stingless bee species that is widely distributed in tropical countries. It has castes in thecolony, i.e. queen, worker, and male bee. Despite its size, Trigona sp. can produce high-quality commoditiessuch as honey, propolis, and bee pollen. However, it is a vulnerable species since it’s pretty easy to be predatedby several predators and has a relatively short lifespan. In addition, there are still few mathematical studiesthat discuss the population dynamics of Trigona sp. Thus, in this study, we construct a mathematical modelof the Trigona sp. population in the form of a dynamical system. The model is a nine-dimensional non-lineardifferential equation that is constructed based on the stages in the bee population, namely the stages of eggs,larvae, and adult bees from each colony except the queen colony. Coexistence analysis, stability of equilibria, and also the death parameter sensitivity analysis are carried out in two scenarios. The first scenario is a situation w...
Konvergensi Sains & Humaniora, Jan 18, 2018
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis dan faktor penyebab kesalahan mahasiswa dal... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis dan faktor penyebab kesalahan mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan soal Analisis Real materi Barisan dan Deret. Dengan mengetahui hal tersebut, dapat ditentukan cara pengajaran untuk memperbaikinya. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 6 mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Pasuruan program studi Pendidikan Matematika kelas 2014 C dengan nilai tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Soal yang diujikan adalah berdasarkan pada taksonomi SOLO. Sementara, jenis-jenis kesalahan dikelompokkan berdasarkan 8 klasifikasi kesalahan Watson. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa kesalahan yang banyak terjadi adalah prosedur tidak tepat (ip), data hilang (od), dan kesimpulan hilang (oc). Hal ini terjadi karena mahasiswa kurang dapat memahami soal dan melakukan kesalahan dalam langkah-langkah pengerjaannya. Kata Kunci: analisis kesalahan, barisan dan deret, analisis real
Pada penelitian ini diimplementasikan algoritma genetika untuk menentukan model predator-prey yan... more Pada penelitian ini diimplementasikan algoritma genetika untuk menentukan model predator-prey yang paling sesuai untuk data fitoplankton dan zooplankton herbivora, dimana fitoplankton sebagai prey dan zooplankton herbivora sebagai predator. Pemilihan model dilakukan berdasarkan rata-rata nilai fungsi biaya terendah dari masing-masing model. Nilai fungsi biaya ditentukan berdasarkan jarak antara jumlah populasi pada model dengan parameter yang diestimasi, dengan jumlah populasi pada data real. Dari hasil analisis, diperoleh model yang paling sesuai dengan data adalah model dengan fungsi respon Holling tipe I tersaturasi. Kata Kunci: algoritma genetika, estimasi parameter, model predator-prey.
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 2020
This research aims at analyzing the rewards obtained from carrying out worship in Ramadhan during... more This research aims at analyzing the rewards obtained from carrying out worship in Ramadhan during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. The research approach applied was qualitative with the type of library research. The objects of the research were prayer, reading Al Qur’an and Al-Hadith. The Covid-19 pandemic period, according to the regulation issued by the government of Indonesia in the form of social distancing, gave great impacts on the implementation of worship during Ramadhan. The data were analyzed based on the stipulations and guidelines of implementing the worship, especially during Ramadhan, which had been analyzed using mathematical calculations. The research results showed that the reward of implementing worship during the Covid-19 pandemic period was tremendous either in quantitative or qualitative calculations. In addition, it focused on the quality, so that the results of this research can be utilized as a basis for improving the quality of worship. AbstrakPenelitian ini b...
Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2014
This paper concerns with a predator-prey model with ratio-dependent functional response and preda... more This paper concerns with a predator-prey model with ratio-dependent functional response and predator harvesting. The model, which represents the growth rate of prey and predator population, is a two dimensional nonlinear dynamical system. 1402 Maya Rayungsari, Wuryansari Muharini Kusumawinahyu and Marsudi Dynamical analysis involving determination of equilibrium points and investigation on their local stabilities is presented. There are three equilibrium points, namely the prey extinction point, the predator extinction point, and coexistence point. The predator extinction point is unstable, while the prey extinction and coexistence point are stable under some certain conditions. Numerical simulations are conducted to illustrate the analytical result as well as to investigate the effects of predator harvesting to the system.
JAMAIKA: Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat, Dec 25, 2020
Hand sanitizer adalah salah satu produk kesehatan yang banyak di cari oleh masyarakat terutama di... more Hand sanitizer adalah salah satu produk kesehatan yang banyak di cari oleh masyarakat terutama di saat pandemi COVID-19 saat ini, disamping itu Hand sanitizer secara instant dapat membunuh kuman tanpa menggunakan air yang dapat digunakan kapan saja dan dimana saja, misalnya setelah memegang uang, sebelum makan, setelah dari toilet dan setelah membuang sampah. Ada dua macam Hand Sanitizer, ada yang dari bahan kimia dan ada juga yang terbuat dari bahan alami seperti daun sirih. Pembuatan Hand sanitizer Daun Sirih merupakan salah satu kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan mahasiswa terhadap masyarakat sekitar. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan oleh Mahasiswa KKN-DR (Kuliah Kerja Nyata-dari Rumah) Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas PGRI Wiranegara (UNIWARA) Pasuruan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk kesehatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan baik untuk diri sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat sekitarnya serta memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah demonstrasi yang terdiri dari dua tahapan yakni tahap persiapan, tahap pendampingan dan praktek. Tahap persiapan yaitu menyiapkan segala kebutuhan yang diperlukan baik dari segi alat atau bahan pada saat pembuatan Hand Sanitizer. Tahap pendampingan dan praktek yaitu proses pembuatan Hand sanitizer Daun Sirih yang dilakukan bersama Masyarakat Desa Jarangan dan Mahasiswa KKN-DR dengan masukan serta arahan yang diberikan oleh Mahasiswa KKN-DR. Sehingga dimasa pandemi saat ini, dipandang perlu untuk menyikapi hal tersebut dengan cara pemberian pelatihan proses pembuatan Hand sanitizer Daun Sirih yang benar bagi masyarakat Desa Jarangan Pasuruan.
Axioms, 2022
We consider a mathematical model to describe the interaction between predator and prey that inclu... more We consider a mathematical model to describe the interaction between predator and prey that includes predator cannibalism and refuge. We aim to study the dynamics and its long-term behavior of the proposed model, as well as to discuss the effects of crucial parameters associated with the model. We first show the boundedness and positivity of the solution of the model. Then, we study the existence and stability of all possible equilibrium points. The local stability of the model around each equilibrium point is studied via the linearized system, while the global stability is performed by defining a Lyapunov function. The model has four equilibrium points. It is found that the equilibrium point representing the extinction of both prey and predator populations is always unstable, while the other equilibrium points are conditionally stable. In addition, there is forward bifurcation phenomena that occur under certain condition. To support our analytical findings, we perform some numerica...
In this study, the genetic algorithm is implemented to determine the most suitable growth models ... more In this study, the genetic algorithm is implemented to determine the most suitable growth models for Indonesian population data. The tested models are the simple models of Malthus and Verhulst. Parameters estimated in Malthus model include birth rate, death rate, and migration rate. Meanwhile, Parameters estimated in Verhulst model are intrinsic growth rate (birth rate minus death rate), carrying capacity, and migration rate. The model selection is based on the lowest average cost function value of each model. The value of the cost function is determined based on the distance between the population number in the model with the estimated parameters and the population number reported by After determining the most appropriate model based on parameter estimation, simulation of the Indonesian population will be conducted for the upcoming
Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM)
In this research, genetic algorithm was implemented to estimate parameters in generalized Richard... more In this research, genetic algorithm was implemented to estimate parameters in generalized Richards model by adjusting COVID-19 case data in Indonesia. Data collected were the daily new cases and cumulative number of COVID-19 case in Indonesia from early March to early June 2020, that was reported by The best pair of parameters was selected based on the lowest cost function value, determined from the distance between data with estimated model and real data. Next, model with estimated parameters is used to predict new cases and cumulative cases for upcoming days. Numerical simulations were carried out so that the peaks and ends of the COVID-19 pandemic can be seen easily.