JRock Weekly - Your weekly source for JRock goodness. (original) (raw)
[26 Jul 2004|01:36am] | |
[ mood | accomplished ] FINALLY! New icons!I'm really happy with how this batch turned out, so if you take any PLEASE remember:++ comment ++ credit me in the keywords (not sure how to? ask me! I don't bite!)++ do not alter these in anyway++ no direct linking++ nominations are always nice and make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ^^++ enjoy! x//![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sing along with solitude? |
Sad Attempts of Revival | [22 Jun 2004|12:43pm] |
So yes. . . Lays and I haven't really posted in here much at all.In a sad attempt of revival, I bring you five icons I have made recently, including my first decent attempt at an animated icon. [And hey, ONE isn't Jrock. . . haha].Too lazy to put it behind a cut. |
{1} Sing along with solitude? |
Iconsessss... | [10 Apr 2004|10:45pm] |
[ mood | blah ] Since my Photoshop 8 trial ran out I've had to revert back to my trusty, yet not so much fun Graphic Converter. These suck, I know. Pretty plain and blah. But anywhoo.. Peer pressure to post them (Lol, Age). So yeah...Please:*Comment if taking.*Credit [neonbliss] in keywords*Don't alter any of these. I can do any customizations for you if you like. Just please ask. :)*No Hotlinking.*Enjoy!Teasers: |
{16} Sing along with solitude? |
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