arif rahman | STTAL - (original) (raw)

Papers by arif rahman

Research paper thumbnail of Learning Bayesian network classifiers by maximizing conditional likelihood

Proceedings of the twenty-first …, Jan 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of A simple approach to Bayesian network computations


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Research paper thumbnail of Learning equivalence classes of Bayesian-network structures

The Journal of Machine Learning Research, Jan 1, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Bayesian network-based trust model

… 2003. WI 2003. Proceedings. IEEE/WIC …, Jan 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of A transformational characterization of equivalent Bayesian network structures

UAI'95, Jan 1, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of A new dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) approach for identifying gene regulatory networks from time course microarray data

Bioinformatics, Jan 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Bayesian network classifiers

Proceedings UAI, Jan 1, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploiting causal independence in Bayesian network inference

Arxiv preprint cs/9612101, Jan 1, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Advances to Bayesian network inference for generating causal networks from observational biological data

Bioinformatics, Jan 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Learning Bayesian network structure from massive datasets: The “sparse candidate” algorithm

Proc. UAI, Jan 1, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of An introduction to Bayesian networks

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Research paper thumbnail of Bayesian network classifiers

Machine learning, Jan 1, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of Learning Bayesian network classifiers by maximizing conditional likelihood

Proceedings of the twenty-first …, Jan 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of A simple approach to Bayesian network computations


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Research paper thumbnail of Learning equivalence classes of Bayesian-network structures

The Journal of Machine Learning Research, Jan 1, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Bayesian network-based trust model

… 2003. WI 2003. Proceedings. IEEE/WIC …, Jan 1, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of A transformational characterization of equivalent Bayesian network structures

UAI'95, Jan 1, 1995

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Research paper thumbnail of A new dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) approach for identifying gene regulatory networks from time course microarray data

Bioinformatics, Jan 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing Bayesian network classifiers

Proceedings UAI, Jan 1, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploiting causal independence in Bayesian network inference

Arxiv preprint cs/9612101, Jan 1, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of Advances to Bayesian network inference for generating causal networks from observational biological data

Bioinformatics, Jan 1, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Learning Bayesian network structure from massive datasets: The “sparse candidate” algorithm

Proc. UAI, Jan 1, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of An introduction to Bayesian networks

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Research paper thumbnail of Bayesian network classifiers

Machine learning, Jan 1, 1997

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