Tibor Lieskovský | Slovak University of Technology (original) (raw)

Papers by Tibor Lieskovský

Research paper thumbnail of The Potential and Implications of Automated Pre-Processing of LiDAR-Based Digital Elevation Models for Large-Scale Archaeological Landscape Analysis

Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022

LiDAR-derived digital elevation models (DEMs) have transformed the archaeological study of landsc... more LiDAR-derived digital elevation models (DEMs) have transformed the archaeological study of landscape features, broadened our technical capabilities, and enhanced the accuracy with which terrain relief is described. These models also place demands on how researchers and analysts interpret DEM content in the context of the modern landscape. LiDAR-based DEMs contain modern man-made structures that can significantly influence model properties. Although data are usually filtered and some of these artificial features are removed during bare-earth classification, many terrain interventions remain visible. This large-scale case study applies established methods to a freely available DEM of the Czech Republic in an attempt to evaluate differences between original and filtered DEMs. It applies a fully automated filtering procedure using vector topographic maps to avoid manual corrections that would make the procedure problematic when used on a macro scale. The results of our archaeological GIS analysis demonstrate that this procedure, despite its relative simplicity, can achieve a significantly better representation of a landscape compared to that offered by an unfiltered DEM. Finally, we propose a series of future steps with a view to developing a more comprehensive and accurate model and overcoming its limitations.

Research paper thumbnail of Projekt leteckého laserového skenovania Slovenskej republiky a jeho využitie v manažmente ochrany archeologického dedičstva

Geodetický a kartografický obzor, ročník 68/110, 2022, číslo 3

EN:In 2017, the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic started an air... more EN:In 2017, the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic started an airborne laser scanning (ALS)
project of the Slovak Republic in order to create a new digital terrain model by 2023. Currently, the project passed its half and
brings new opportunities even in the field of management of archaeological heritage protection. One of the applications is
creating specialized visualizations of ALS raster products, enabling detection of elements that are „invisible“ by standard forms of
visualization. Such elements include for example extinct mounds, roundels, roads, strongholds and historic landscape structures.

SK: Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra Slovenskej republiky začal v roku 2017 projekt leteckého laserového skenovania
územia (LLS) Slovenskej republiky s cieľom vytvoriť nový digitálny model reliéfu do roku 2023. V súčasnej dobe je projekt za
svojou polovicou a prináša nové možnosti aj v oblasti manažmentu ochrany archeologického dedičstva. Jednou z aplikácií
je vytváranie špecializovaných vizualizácií rastrových produktov LLS, umožňujúcich detegovať prvky, ktoré sú štandardnými
formami vizualizácie „neviditeľné“. K takýmto prvkom patria, napr. zaniknuté mohyly, rondely, cesty, hradiská
a historické krajinné štruktúry.

Research paper thumbnail of Spracovanie archeologických údajov z nálezísk dolného Považia v prostredí GIS – Processing of the archaeological data from the basin of the lower Vah River in the GIS environment

Kartografické listy, 2007

The study deals with the problem of processing of the archaeological data related to the early me... more The study deals with the problem of processing of the archaeological data related to the early medieval period (6th – 13th century AD) of the settlement development in the basin of the lower Váh River (southwest Slovakia). Transformation of the analogue data into the GIS environment is being described. Equally defined attributes, specific to each site (location name, accuracy of the emplacement, archaeological characteristic, dating, source etc.), were processed into database. The basic element of the settlement structure analysis was the application of the pieces of knowledge referring to the extent of exploitation typical of the peasant societies (Kobyliński 1986, 1988). These were making use of the environment with a different intensity, which decreased with the distance. Considering this, multiple ring buffer analysis was applied to each site. Merging of the buffers was interpreted as an evidence of closer contacts of the societies inhabiting those sites. In this way it was managed to perceive yet undisclosed settlement structures among the sites or site clusters.

Research paper thumbnail of Tell Jokha SAHI 2016 report preliminar. Iraq, Tell Jokha-El Rifai 2016.

The first season of the Tell Jokha Slovak-Iraqi archaeological project by the Slovak Archaeologic... more The first season of the Tell Jokha Slovak-Iraqi archaeological project by the Slovak Archaeological and Historical Institute (SAHI) took place in 2016. This year´s research began on 03 December 2016 and ended on 18 December 2016. Four scientists participated in the research on behalf of the Slovak side.

Research paper thumbnail of The Benefit of Fuzzy Logic to Protection of Cultural and Historical  Heritage

The development of urban agglomerations and human settlements brings increasing a pressure to eff... more The development of urban agglomerations and human settlements brings increasing a pressure to effective protection and preservation of cultural and historical heritage. Geographic information systems could play here an important role, on the one hand to help register and manage approachable information about existing cultural and historical heritage, on the other hand they can help in the prediction of areas with high cultural and historical potential that are threatened by the development of human settlements and the city transformations. Early prediction of endangered areas allows their consequent protection, respectively inclusion into the urban planning and suchlike.

Research paper thumbnail of Selected Mathematical Principles of Archaeological Predictive Models Creation and Validation in the GIS Environment

Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting the persistence of traditional agricultural landscapes in Slovakia during the collectivization of agriculture

Landscape Ecology

Collectivization of agriculture (1950s–1970s) was one of the most important periods in landscape ... more Collectivization of agriculture (1950s–1970s) was one of the most important periods in landscape development in Slovakia. Traditionally managed agricultural landscapes, that covered more than half of the Slovak territory, were transformed into large-scale fields and only fragments of traditional agricultural landscapes survived. We mapped the remaining traditional agricultural landscapes using aerial photos and historical maps. We then statistically analyzed the various geographical factors and their influence on the transformation process of traditional and collectivized fields, i.e., slope steepness, soil fertility, distance from settlements and isolation from regional capital cities. The comparison was performed using classification tree analysis. We constructed a set of decision rules that explain why fields were managed traditionally or collectivized. Our findings show that traditional agricultural fields were more likely to persist on steep terrain, less fertile soils, and on ...

Research paper thumbnail of The abandonment of traditional agricultural landscape in Slovakia – Analysis of extent and driving forces

Journal of Rural Studies

Traditional agricultural landscapes (TAL) in Slovakia represents a mosaic of unique small-scale a... more Traditional agricultural landscapes (TAL) in Slovakia represents a mosaic of unique small-scale arable fields and permanent agricultural cultivations such as grasslands, vineyards and high-trunk orchards, which did not change during the collectivization of agriculture from the 1950s to the 1980s. After the change to a market-oriented economy in 1989, the management of these valuable structures decreased rapidly. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of TAL in Slovakia and to analyse the driving forces behind their accelerated abandonment. The study was conducted at two scales, i.e. country-wide and in three case-studies. 3013 TAL polygons encompassing 44,464 ha were mapped from aerial photos, recording basic characteristics such as land-cover composition or degree of management. A detailed field study concerning the attitude of local people to the management of TAL was conducted in three case study areas. The results from the country-wide mapping shows, that 50% o...

Research paper thumbnail of 4. Geodetic surveyes and topography at the Tell Fekheriye location.

In: D. Hulínek/D. Bonatz/M. Kováč (eds.): Archeology on three continents 2006 – 2011 (5 years of the Slovak Archeological and Historical Institute SAHI). Bratislava 2015, 59-70.

The spatial localization of archaeological aretfacts by geodetic surveying, of archaeological art... more The spatial localization of archaeological aretfacts by geodetic surveying, of archaeological artefacts, as well as topography of the entire archaeological site and its close surroundings form an inseparable part of an archaeological research project. The significance of geospatial methods for archaeological analysis may be compared to the “Discovery of Radiocarbon Dating” (Neustupný, 2000). While in the past, traditional archaeology was dealing almost exclusively with the study of artefacts (finds), the archaeology of recent decades has tended to focus mostly on supplementing this study via research on ecofacts and recently also on deepening the research on the spatial distribution of archaeological sources. However, it was proved that the spatial relationships of particular components of archaeological sources, together with the formal properties, are their only observable properties (Kuna, 2004). Spatial localization of the archaeological artefact or the object allows for specific incorporation in the context of vertical stratigraphy, while information on horizontal position allows for better understanding in the context of the archaeological site area. The added value also covers the information on spatial properties such as dimensions, volume, or typological data such as adjacent position of objects etc. Last but not least, the geodetic survey provides information on the position of particular archaeological probes and trenches or sections in the context of the entire archaeological site. This spatial information is also important due to time-extensive archaeological research which might take decades in various time intervals, so that traces of the previous archaeological activity need not be visible on the surface. The accurate geodetic survey can be used to prevent unintentional “archaeologization” of historical areas of archaeological research or it is possible to continue the current researches from the spatial point of view. Topographic mapping of the archaeological site allows for documentation of its current state and by means of suitable methodology also its internal structure and surface zoning or identification of remains of archaeological structures (ditches, ramparts, terraces etc.) which are visible on the surface while they are not necessarily observable with the naked eye. Apart from recording the existing archaeological structures, the detailed mapping of the site also allows for recording of the recent structures (roads, buildings, fields) or mapping of the factors having destructive impacts on the archaeological site or posing potential threats to it and eventual quantification of the destruction rate. Mapping the background of the archaeological site allows for documentation of elements influencing the existence of the site in the context of the close surroundings and landscape, whether these include various site peripheries, service settlements, routes of historical water courses, position of natural resources (mines, stone quarries etc.), historical roads, irrigation systems, historical fields, position of adjacent locations etc.. The possibility of documentation of these structures is determined by their ability to be proved even after millennia by the conditions influencing their preservation (climate, subsoil, erosion etc.) or by the intensity of construction and agricultural activity in recent decades (deep tillage, landscape transformation etc.).

Research paper thumbnail of Selected Mathematical Principles of Archaeological Predictive Models Creation and Validation in the GIS Environment

IANSA 2013 IV/1 - Online first, Dec 2013

Archaeological predictive modelling unites spatial analysis and the methods of geographic informa... more Archaeological predictive modelling unites spatial analysis and the methods of geographic information
systems (GIS) up with spatial (landscape) archaeology. Archaeological predictive models (APM) are
used in several academic and practical applications to model and verify archaeological hypotheses
about the relationship between humans and the landscape. Selected mathematical aspects of APM
creation and analytical overlay operations are described in this paper as well as an APM application in
an archaeological spatial analysis. One of the key problems in APM creation is the uncertainty of input
data and their modelled parameters. We approach this issue using fuzzy logic. After reviewing the basic
concept of fuzzy sets, the aggregation functions and their influence on APM creation are described.
Validation of APM, although necessary for practical application, is often overlooked. Basic mathematical
principles for selected methods of APM validation are provided here and suggested validation
methods were applied in order to evaluate fuzzy deductive and inductive-deductive predictive models
from southern parts of Central Slovakia.

Research paper thumbnail of Multikriteriálne rozhodovanie pomocou fuzzy množín v prostredí GIS a jeho využitie v archeologickej predikcii (Multicriteria Decision Making Using Fuzzy Sets in GIS Environment and Its Application in the Archaeological Prediction)

Modelling of uncertainty in multicriteria decision making in prediction of archaeological sites i... more Modelling of uncertainty in multicriteria decision making in prediction of archaeological sites in Slovakia. Description of the
basic concept of fuzzy sets focusing on the possibility of its use in modelling uncertainty in spatial analysis. A few parameters
(slope, distance from watercourses, soil suitability, distance from fl uvial deposits, etc.) enter into the process of deciding
about appropriateness, or inadequacy of potential localities for the archaeological site. Representation of all the factors
implies a degree of uncertainty. To eliminate the impact of uncertain factors or inaccurate data are all parameters chosen by
appropriately modelled fuzzy sets. A practical solution of the spatial analysis using principles of fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets is
realized in the ArcGIS 10 software environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of roundel visibility in GIS environment

Research paper thumbnail of Blažová, Lieskovský, 2011 - Využitie GIS a jeho nástrojov na tvorbu archeologického predikčného modelu.

Use of GIS and its Tools for Predictive Modelling in Archaeology Creation of predictive models i... more Use of GIS and its Tools for Predictive Modelling in Archaeology
Creation of predictive models involves spatial analyses, usually conducted in a GIS environment and determining the
qualitative and quantitative properties of the location (site). These analyses are important because they provide parameters
and their values for prediction. The article deals with selected spatial analyses with emphasis on their characteristics and
properties that can affect their results and thus their applicability in archaeology.



Abstrakt. Úlohou predikcie v archeológii je snaha predpovedať výskyt zatiaľ neobjavených nálezísk... more Abstrakt. Úlohou predikcie v archeológii je snaha predpovedať výskyt zatiaľ neobjavených nálezísk na základe objasnenia výskytu znakov ľudskej aktivity v súbore už objavených nálezísk a definovania ich vzťahu k okolitému priestoru. Základným východiskom riešenia tejto problematiky je archeologický predikčný model, ktorý umožňuje pochopenie a objasnenie vzťahov medzi lokalitami rozličných aktivít v minulosti a faktorov, ktoré ovplyvňovali voľbu týchto lokalít. Príspevok je zameraný na stanovenie vhodnej štruktúry heterogénnych zdrojových dát, ktorá poskytne východisko na tvorbu archeologického predikčného modelu. Pri definovaní relevantnosti zdrojov archeologických a priestorových dát vychádzame z ich predpokladanej významnosti pre dané riešenie ako aj z metainformačných kritérií, kde je potrebné zhodnotiť dáta z pohľadu ich pôvodu, spôsobu spracovania, kvality, dostupnosti a výslednej použiteľnosti na stanovený účel. Dôležitým aspektom pri posudzovaní použiteľnosti dátových zdrojov je tiež časový faktor, ktorý vstupuje do riešenia napríklad v prípade modelovania vodných tokov, kde je potrebné uvažovať ich fluktuáciu v rôznych časových obdobiach. Cieľom príspevku je východiskové zhodnotenie dostupných a potrebných dátových zdrojov z pohľadu ich relevantnosti pri tvorbe archeologického predikčného modelu, ktorého účelom bude stanovenie potenciálnych, doposiaľ neobjavených, archeologických lokalít.

Research paper thumbnail of Priestorové analýzy prehistorických objektov (EN: Spatial analysis of primeval objects)

Spatial analysis bring new approaches in processing archeologic data and represent a new method i... more Spatial analysis bring new approaches in processing archeologic data and represent a new method in non - destructive archeology. The article deal about the complex analysis of selected Hallstatt and Latene habitats from the Liptov area. The creation of spatial databases, methodology of selected analysis, interpretation and the evaluation of achieved results are also described in the article.

Research paper thumbnail of Transformácie dát medzi súradnicovými systémami používanými na území Slovenska v prostredí GIS (EN: Trans-formations of data among coordinate systems used in territory of Slovakia in GIS envi-ronment)

One of the essential conditions for the data analysis in GIS environment is their expression in a... more One of the essential conditions for the data analysis in GIS environment is their expression in a unified coordinate system. This includes the transformation of layers between different coordinate systems. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the transformation among the coordinate systems used in Slo-vakia: S-JTSK, ETRS-89, WGS-84 and S-42 and also a description of the numerical transformation of the 2D coordinate systems. Next part of the paper includes the description of raster data transformation (much more difficult than vector data transformation) in ArcGIS Desktop software developed by ESRI. ArcGIS works with several set of parameters of transformation among coordinate systems, and it is not clear which set of parameters choice to the territory of Slovakia. Verification of the parameters is also part of the paper.

Books by Tibor Lieskovský

Research paper thumbnail of Archeológia neviditeľného: Prípady nedeštruktívneho výskumu v archeológii

Archeológia neviditeľného: Prípady nedeštruktívneho výskumu v archeológii, 2021

Title: The Archaeology of the Invisible: Cases of Non-Destructive Research in Archaeology *Th... more Title: The Archaeology of the Invisible: Cases of Non-Destructive Research in Archaeology

*The book is in Slovak with English localized figures and summary

They are 2 versions of same book, full resolution (440 Mb), and low resolution (30 Mb)


The title of publication – Archaeology of the Invisible – refers to the fact that many archaeological sites are hidden under the surface and they are invisible for common sight. The sites – usually looking like fields or hills, are in fact important sites from Prehistory, Protohistory or Middle Ages. However, using the appropriate methods, it is possible to obtain new data and to show archaeological features and situations in a whole extent. Therefore, the subtitle of the monograph is Case Studies of Non-destructive Research in Archaeology referring to geophysical survey and long distance survey (Aerial Laser Scanning, orthophoto and other maps) as the main methods used for work. Results from the surveys are important for further scientific work and for cultural heritage management. Purpose of the publication is to share our data with other researchers (also in electronic form if requested).

The monograph consists of an introduction, definition of methods (geophysisc and ALS) followed by case studies of individual sites. The survey was conducted on various sites including tumuli, fortified settlements and hillforts or a monastery. They were situated in different geographic conditions reaching from Suchohrad in the western part of Slovakia to Spišský Štiavnik as the easternmost site that was geophysically measured. Brief research history, scientific questions and interpretation of acquired data are involved in text to every single site as well as graphic data – maps, ALS visualisations, magnetograms, GPR results and profiles from geophysical measurements.

Conclusive part of data processing represents its interpretation. Survey results can be used to guide excavation and to give archaeologists insight into the patterning of non-excavated parts of the site. Unlike other archaeological methods, geophysical survey is neither invasive nor destructive. For this reason, it is often used where preservation is the main goal. It is most useful when it is used in a well-integrated research design where interpretations can be tested and refined. Various sites of different scale, type and geographic area involved in the publication are evidence that geophysics is a very useful tool for research of archaeological sites.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2019 (Season 3)

Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2019 (Season 3), 2020

(Use one of provided links to download the book) Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI... more (Use one of provided links to download the book)

Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2019 (Season 3). ISBN 978-80-89704-06-4. Al-Rifai - Tell Jokha, Bratislava, 2020.

The archeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha continued in 2019 after the successful 2016 and 2017 seasons. This joint Slovak-Iraqi enterprise consists of the archaeological excavations and scientific evaluation of the ancient Sumerian city of Umma, now known as Tell Jokha. It is one of the greatest achievements of Slovak archaeology and a shining example of successful Slovak-Iraqi research cooperation.
This report summarises the results of the 3rd research season, in which the trenches have been further excavated, yielding new insights into the stratigraphy, chronology and disposition of ancient Umma. Several new textual records in the form of clay tablets have been found, as well as the remains of various structures of both religious and profane function.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2017 (Season 2)

Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2017 (Season 2). ISBN 978-80-89704-05-7. Al-Rifai - Tell Jokha, Bratislava, 2018

Since 2016, one of the most important projects in the history of Slovak archaeology takes place i... more Since 2016, one of the most important projects in the history of Slovak archaeology takes place in the Southern Mesopotamia. It is the archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha. This project is researching an important site where, according to the current state of scientific research, in the 3rd millennium BC, dominated Sumerian settlement. As far as the history of the activities of Slovak archaeologists abroad is concerned, this can be one of their most important achievements. The first season of this project took place in 2016, from November 3 to December 17. The extensive Slovak-Iraqi archaeological research at the Tell Jokha in Al-Rifai district in Dhi Qar province finished its second season at the end of 2017, at the time of writing this report. It took place from October 19, 2017 to December 17, 2017.

Research paper thumbnail of Archeologické predikčné modelovanie z pohľadu geoinformatiky - Metódy a princípy.  2. prepracované vydanie


Monografia je venovaná aplikácii metód, princípov a nástrojov geoinformatiky v archeologickom pre... more Monografia je venovaná aplikácii metód, princípov a nástrojov geoinformatiky v archeologickom predikčnom
modelovaní, ktoré analyzuje a syntetizuje poznatky o priestorových vzťahoch existujúcich lokalít. Tým umožňuje,
okrem iného, predikciu území s pravdepodobným výskytom archeologických lokalít. Geoinformatika a jej
základný nástroj GIS umožňujú pokročilú priestorovú analýzu objektov, javov a ich vzájomných vzťahov
s ohľadom na ich lokalizáciu v priestore. Monografia obsahuje charakteristiku spracovania priestorových
údajov o archeologických lokalitách a špecifikáciu vybraných analýz a postupov, ktoré možno zaradiť
k základným východiskám tvorby predikčných modelov. Aplikačná časť monografie je spracovaná vo forme
predikčných modelov vytvorených v prostredí GIS. Na ich konštrukciu boli použité rôzne princípy extrakcie
priestorových informácií a tiež matematické metódy vyplývajúce zo štatistiky, booleovskej logiky, teórie fuzzy
množín a umelých neurónových sietí. Neoddeliteľnú súčasť archeologického predikčného modelovania
predstavuje aj validácia výsledných modelov. Pri jej realizácii boli použité štatistické postupy zohľadňujúce
priestorové vlastnosti archeologických údajov.

Research paper thumbnail of The Potential and Implications of Automated Pre-Processing of LiDAR-Based Digital Elevation Models for Large-Scale Archaeological Landscape Analysis

Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022

LiDAR-derived digital elevation models (DEMs) have transformed the archaeological study of landsc... more LiDAR-derived digital elevation models (DEMs) have transformed the archaeological study of landscape features, broadened our technical capabilities, and enhanced the accuracy with which terrain relief is described. These models also place demands on how researchers and analysts interpret DEM content in the context of the modern landscape. LiDAR-based DEMs contain modern man-made structures that can significantly influence model properties. Although data are usually filtered and some of these artificial features are removed during bare-earth classification, many terrain interventions remain visible. This large-scale case study applies established methods to a freely available DEM of the Czech Republic in an attempt to evaluate differences between original and filtered DEMs. It applies a fully automated filtering procedure using vector topographic maps to avoid manual corrections that would make the procedure problematic when used on a macro scale. The results of our archaeological GIS analysis demonstrate that this procedure, despite its relative simplicity, can achieve a significantly better representation of a landscape compared to that offered by an unfiltered DEM. Finally, we propose a series of future steps with a view to developing a more comprehensive and accurate model and overcoming its limitations.

Research paper thumbnail of Projekt leteckého laserového skenovania Slovenskej republiky a jeho využitie v manažmente ochrany archeologického dedičstva

Geodetický a kartografický obzor, ročník 68/110, 2022, číslo 3

EN:In 2017, the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic started an air... more EN:In 2017, the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic started an airborne laser scanning (ALS)
project of the Slovak Republic in order to create a new digital terrain model by 2023. Currently, the project passed its half and
brings new opportunities even in the field of management of archaeological heritage protection. One of the applications is
creating specialized visualizations of ALS raster products, enabling detection of elements that are „invisible“ by standard forms of
visualization. Such elements include for example extinct mounds, roundels, roads, strongholds and historic landscape structures.

SK: Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra Slovenskej republiky začal v roku 2017 projekt leteckého laserového skenovania
územia (LLS) Slovenskej republiky s cieľom vytvoriť nový digitálny model reliéfu do roku 2023. V súčasnej dobe je projekt za
svojou polovicou a prináša nové možnosti aj v oblasti manažmentu ochrany archeologického dedičstva. Jednou z aplikácií
je vytváranie špecializovaných vizualizácií rastrových produktov LLS, umožňujúcich detegovať prvky, ktoré sú štandardnými
formami vizualizácie „neviditeľné“. K takýmto prvkom patria, napr. zaniknuté mohyly, rondely, cesty, hradiská
a historické krajinné štruktúry.

Research paper thumbnail of Spracovanie archeologických údajov z nálezísk dolného Považia v prostredí GIS – Processing of the archaeological data from the basin of the lower Vah River in the GIS environment

Kartografické listy, 2007

The study deals with the problem of processing of the archaeological data related to the early me... more The study deals with the problem of processing of the archaeological data related to the early medieval period (6th – 13th century AD) of the settlement development in the basin of the lower Váh River (southwest Slovakia). Transformation of the analogue data into the GIS environment is being described. Equally defined attributes, specific to each site (location name, accuracy of the emplacement, archaeological characteristic, dating, source etc.), were processed into database. The basic element of the settlement structure analysis was the application of the pieces of knowledge referring to the extent of exploitation typical of the peasant societies (Kobyliński 1986, 1988). These were making use of the environment with a different intensity, which decreased with the distance. Considering this, multiple ring buffer analysis was applied to each site. Merging of the buffers was interpreted as an evidence of closer contacts of the societies inhabiting those sites. In this way it was managed to perceive yet undisclosed settlement structures among the sites or site clusters.

Research paper thumbnail of Tell Jokha SAHI 2016 report preliminar. Iraq, Tell Jokha-El Rifai 2016.

The first season of the Tell Jokha Slovak-Iraqi archaeological project by the Slovak Archaeologic... more The first season of the Tell Jokha Slovak-Iraqi archaeological project by the Slovak Archaeological and Historical Institute (SAHI) took place in 2016. This year´s research began on 03 December 2016 and ended on 18 December 2016. Four scientists participated in the research on behalf of the Slovak side.

Research paper thumbnail of The Benefit of Fuzzy Logic to Protection of Cultural and Historical  Heritage

The development of urban agglomerations and human settlements brings increasing a pressure to eff... more The development of urban agglomerations and human settlements brings increasing a pressure to effective protection and preservation of cultural and historical heritage. Geographic information systems could play here an important role, on the one hand to help register and manage approachable information about existing cultural and historical heritage, on the other hand they can help in the prediction of areas with high cultural and historical potential that are threatened by the development of human settlements and the city transformations. Early prediction of endangered areas allows their consequent protection, respectively inclusion into the urban planning and suchlike.

Research paper thumbnail of Selected Mathematical Principles of Archaeological Predictive Models Creation and Validation in the GIS Environment

Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting the persistence of traditional agricultural landscapes in Slovakia during the collectivization of agriculture

Landscape Ecology

Collectivization of agriculture (1950s–1970s) was one of the most important periods in landscape ... more Collectivization of agriculture (1950s–1970s) was one of the most important periods in landscape development in Slovakia. Traditionally managed agricultural landscapes, that covered more than half of the Slovak territory, were transformed into large-scale fields and only fragments of traditional agricultural landscapes survived. We mapped the remaining traditional agricultural landscapes using aerial photos and historical maps. We then statistically analyzed the various geographical factors and their influence on the transformation process of traditional and collectivized fields, i.e., slope steepness, soil fertility, distance from settlements and isolation from regional capital cities. The comparison was performed using classification tree analysis. We constructed a set of decision rules that explain why fields were managed traditionally or collectivized. Our findings show that traditional agricultural fields were more likely to persist on steep terrain, less fertile soils, and on ...

Research paper thumbnail of The abandonment of traditional agricultural landscape in Slovakia – Analysis of extent and driving forces

Journal of Rural Studies

Traditional agricultural landscapes (TAL) in Slovakia represents a mosaic of unique small-scale a... more Traditional agricultural landscapes (TAL) in Slovakia represents a mosaic of unique small-scale arable fields and permanent agricultural cultivations such as grasslands, vineyards and high-trunk orchards, which did not change during the collectivization of agriculture from the 1950s to the 1980s. After the change to a market-oriented economy in 1989, the management of these valuable structures decreased rapidly. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of TAL in Slovakia and to analyse the driving forces behind their accelerated abandonment. The study was conducted at two scales, i.e. country-wide and in three case-studies. 3013 TAL polygons encompassing 44,464 ha were mapped from aerial photos, recording basic characteristics such as land-cover composition or degree of management. A detailed field study concerning the attitude of local people to the management of TAL was conducted in three case study areas. The results from the country-wide mapping shows, that 50% o...

Research paper thumbnail of 4. Geodetic surveyes and topography at the Tell Fekheriye location.

In: D. Hulínek/D. Bonatz/M. Kováč (eds.): Archeology on three continents 2006 – 2011 (5 years of the Slovak Archeological and Historical Institute SAHI). Bratislava 2015, 59-70.

The spatial localization of archaeological aretfacts by geodetic surveying, of archaeological art... more The spatial localization of archaeological aretfacts by geodetic surveying, of archaeological artefacts, as well as topography of the entire archaeological site and its close surroundings form an inseparable part of an archaeological research project. The significance of geospatial methods for archaeological analysis may be compared to the “Discovery of Radiocarbon Dating” (Neustupný, 2000). While in the past, traditional archaeology was dealing almost exclusively with the study of artefacts (finds), the archaeology of recent decades has tended to focus mostly on supplementing this study via research on ecofacts and recently also on deepening the research on the spatial distribution of archaeological sources. However, it was proved that the spatial relationships of particular components of archaeological sources, together with the formal properties, are their only observable properties (Kuna, 2004). Spatial localization of the archaeological artefact or the object allows for specific incorporation in the context of vertical stratigraphy, while information on horizontal position allows for better understanding in the context of the archaeological site area. The added value also covers the information on spatial properties such as dimensions, volume, or typological data such as adjacent position of objects etc. Last but not least, the geodetic survey provides information on the position of particular archaeological probes and trenches or sections in the context of the entire archaeological site. This spatial information is also important due to time-extensive archaeological research which might take decades in various time intervals, so that traces of the previous archaeological activity need not be visible on the surface. The accurate geodetic survey can be used to prevent unintentional “archaeologization” of historical areas of archaeological research or it is possible to continue the current researches from the spatial point of view. Topographic mapping of the archaeological site allows for documentation of its current state and by means of suitable methodology also its internal structure and surface zoning or identification of remains of archaeological structures (ditches, ramparts, terraces etc.) which are visible on the surface while they are not necessarily observable with the naked eye. Apart from recording the existing archaeological structures, the detailed mapping of the site also allows for recording of the recent structures (roads, buildings, fields) or mapping of the factors having destructive impacts on the archaeological site or posing potential threats to it and eventual quantification of the destruction rate. Mapping the background of the archaeological site allows for documentation of elements influencing the existence of the site in the context of the close surroundings and landscape, whether these include various site peripheries, service settlements, routes of historical water courses, position of natural resources (mines, stone quarries etc.), historical roads, irrigation systems, historical fields, position of adjacent locations etc.. The possibility of documentation of these structures is determined by their ability to be proved even after millennia by the conditions influencing their preservation (climate, subsoil, erosion etc.) or by the intensity of construction and agricultural activity in recent decades (deep tillage, landscape transformation etc.).

Research paper thumbnail of Selected Mathematical Principles of Archaeological Predictive Models Creation and Validation in the GIS Environment

IANSA 2013 IV/1 - Online first, Dec 2013

Archaeological predictive modelling unites spatial analysis and the methods of geographic informa... more Archaeological predictive modelling unites spatial analysis and the methods of geographic information
systems (GIS) up with spatial (landscape) archaeology. Archaeological predictive models (APM) are
used in several academic and practical applications to model and verify archaeological hypotheses
about the relationship between humans and the landscape. Selected mathematical aspects of APM
creation and analytical overlay operations are described in this paper as well as an APM application in
an archaeological spatial analysis. One of the key problems in APM creation is the uncertainty of input
data and their modelled parameters. We approach this issue using fuzzy logic. After reviewing the basic
concept of fuzzy sets, the aggregation functions and their influence on APM creation are described.
Validation of APM, although necessary for practical application, is often overlooked. Basic mathematical
principles for selected methods of APM validation are provided here and suggested validation
methods were applied in order to evaluate fuzzy deductive and inductive-deductive predictive models
from southern parts of Central Slovakia.

Research paper thumbnail of Multikriteriálne rozhodovanie pomocou fuzzy množín v prostredí GIS a jeho využitie v archeologickej predikcii (Multicriteria Decision Making Using Fuzzy Sets in GIS Environment and Its Application in the Archaeological Prediction)

Modelling of uncertainty in multicriteria decision making in prediction of archaeological sites i... more Modelling of uncertainty in multicriteria decision making in prediction of archaeological sites in Slovakia. Description of the
basic concept of fuzzy sets focusing on the possibility of its use in modelling uncertainty in spatial analysis. A few parameters
(slope, distance from watercourses, soil suitability, distance from fl uvial deposits, etc.) enter into the process of deciding
about appropriateness, or inadequacy of potential localities for the archaeological site. Representation of all the factors
implies a degree of uncertainty. To eliminate the impact of uncertain factors or inaccurate data are all parameters chosen by
appropriately modelled fuzzy sets. A practical solution of the spatial analysis using principles of fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets is
realized in the ArcGIS 10 software environment.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of roundel visibility in GIS environment

Research paper thumbnail of Blažová, Lieskovský, 2011 - Využitie GIS a jeho nástrojov na tvorbu archeologického predikčného modelu.

Use of GIS and its Tools for Predictive Modelling in Archaeology Creation of predictive models i... more Use of GIS and its Tools for Predictive Modelling in Archaeology
Creation of predictive models involves spatial analyses, usually conducted in a GIS environment and determining the
qualitative and quantitative properties of the location (site). These analyses are important because they provide parameters
and their values for prediction. The article deals with selected spatial analyses with emphasis on their characteristics and
properties that can affect their results and thus their applicability in archaeology.



Abstrakt. Úlohou predikcie v archeológii je snaha predpovedať výskyt zatiaľ neobjavených nálezísk... more Abstrakt. Úlohou predikcie v archeológii je snaha predpovedať výskyt zatiaľ neobjavených nálezísk na základe objasnenia výskytu znakov ľudskej aktivity v súbore už objavených nálezísk a definovania ich vzťahu k okolitému priestoru. Základným východiskom riešenia tejto problematiky je archeologický predikčný model, ktorý umožňuje pochopenie a objasnenie vzťahov medzi lokalitami rozličných aktivít v minulosti a faktorov, ktoré ovplyvňovali voľbu týchto lokalít. Príspevok je zameraný na stanovenie vhodnej štruktúry heterogénnych zdrojových dát, ktorá poskytne východisko na tvorbu archeologického predikčného modelu. Pri definovaní relevantnosti zdrojov archeologických a priestorových dát vychádzame z ich predpokladanej významnosti pre dané riešenie ako aj z metainformačných kritérií, kde je potrebné zhodnotiť dáta z pohľadu ich pôvodu, spôsobu spracovania, kvality, dostupnosti a výslednej použiteľnosti na stanovený účel. Dôležitým aspektom pri posudzovaní použiteľnosti dátových zdrojov je tiež časový faktor, ktorý vstupuje do riešenia napríklad v prípade modelovania vodných tokov, kde je potrebné uvažovať ich fluktuáciu v rôznych časových obdobiach. Cieľom príspevku je východiskové zhodnotenie dostupných a potrebných dátových zdrojov z pohľadu ich relevantnosti pri tvorbe archeologického predikčného modelu, ktorého účelom bude stanovenie potenciálnych, doposiaľ neobjavených, archeologických lokalít.

Research paper thumbnail of Priestorové analýzy prehistorických objektov (EN: Spatial analysis of primeval objects)

Spatial analysis bring new approaches in processing archeologic data and represent a new method i... more Spatial analysis bring new approaches in processing archeologic data and represent a new method in non - destructive archeology. The article deal about the complex analysis of selected Hallstatt and Latene habitats from the Liptov area. The creation of spatial databases, methodology of selected analysis, interpretation and the evaluation of achieved results are also described in the article.

Research paper thumbnail of Transformácie dát medzi súradnicovými systémami používanými na území Slovenska v prostredí GIS (EN: Trans-formations of data among coordinate systems used in territory of Slovakia in GIS envi-ronment)

One of the essential conditions for the data analysis in GIS environment is their expression in a... more One of the essential conditions for the data analysis in GIS environment is their expression in a unified coordinate system. This includes the transformation of layers between different coordinate systems. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the transformation among the coordinate systems used in Slo-vakia: S-JTSK, ETRS-89, WGS-84 and S-42 and also a description of the numerical transformation of the 2D coordinate systems. Next part of the paper includes the description of raster data transformation (much more difficult than vector data transformation) in ArcGIS Desktop software developed by ESRI. ArcGIS works with several set of parameters of transformation among coordinate systems, and it is not clear which set of parameters choice to the territory of Slovakia. Verification of the parameters is also part of the paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Archeológia neviditeľného: Prípady nedeštruktívneho výskumu v archeológii

Archeológia neviditeľného: Prípady nedeštruktívneho výskumu v archeológii, 2021

Title: The Archaeology of the Invisible: Cases of Non-Destructive Research in Archaeology *Th... more Title: The Archaeology of the Invisible: Cases of Non-Destructive Research in Archaeology

*The book is in Slovak with English localized figures and summary

They are 2 versions of same book, full resolution (440 Mb), and low resolution (30 Mb)


The title of publication – Archaeology of the Invisible – refers to the fact that many archaeological sites are hidden under the surface and they are invisible for common sight. The sites – usually looking like fields or hills, are in fact important sites from Prehistory, Protohistory or Middle Ages. However, using the appropriate methods, it is possible to obtain new data and to show archaeological features and situations in a whole extent. Therefore, the subtitle of the monograph is Case Studies of Non-destructive Research in Archaeology referring to geophysical survey and long distance survey (Aerial Laser Scanning, orthophoto and other maps) as the main methods used for work. Results from the surveys are important for further scientific work and for cultural heritage management. Purpose of the publication is to share our data with other researchers (also in electronic form if requested).

The monograph consists of an introduction, definition of methods (geophysisc and ALS) followed by case studies of individual sites. The survey was conducted on various sites including tumuli, fortified settlements and hillforts or a monastery. They were situated in different geographic conditions reaching from Suchohrad in the western part of Slovakia to Spišský Štiavnik as the easternmost site that was geophysically measured. Brief research history, scientific questions and interpretation of acquired data are involved in text to every single site as well as graphic data – maps, ALS visualisations, magnetograms, GPR results and profiles from geophysical measurements.

Conclusive part of data processing represents its interpretation. Survey results can be used to guide excavation and to give archaeologists insight into the patterning of non-excavated parts of the site. Unlike other archaeological methods, geophysical survey is neither invasive nor destructive. For this reason, it is often used where preservation is the main goal. It is most useful when it is used in a well-integrated research design where interpretations can be tested and refined. Various sites of different scale, type and geographic area involved in the publication are evidence that geophysics is a very useful tool for research of archaeological sites.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2019 (Season 3)

Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2019 (Season 3), 2020

(Use one of provided links to download the book) Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI... more (Use one of provided links to download the book)

Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2019 (Season 3). ISBN 978-80-89704-06-4. Al-Rifai - Tell Jokha, Bratislava, 2020.

The archeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha continued in 2019 after the successful 2016 and 2017 seasons. This joint Slovak-Iraqi enterprise consists of the archaeological excavations and scientific evaluation of the ancient Sumerian city of Umma, now known as Tell Jokha. It is one of the greatest achievements of Slovak archaeology and a shining example of successful Slovak-Iraqi research cooperation.
This report summarises the results of the 3rd research season, in which the trenches have been further excavated, yielding new insights into the stratigraphy, chronology and disposition of ancient Umma. Several new textual records in the form of clay tablets have been found, as well as the remains of various structures of both religious and profane function.

Research paper thumbnail of Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2017 (Season 2)

Preliminary Report Archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha, 2017 (Season 2). ISBN 978-80-89704-05-7. Al-Rifai - Tell Jokha, Bratislava, 2018

Since 2016, one of the most important projects in the history of Slovak archaeology takes place i... more Since 2016, one of the most important projects in the history of Slovak archaeology takes place in the Southern Mesopotamia. It is the archaeological project SAHI – Tell Jokha. This project is researching an important site where, according to the current state of scientific research, in the 3rd millennium BC, dominated Sumerian settlement. As far as the history of the activities of Slovak archaeologists abroad is concerned, this can be one of their most important achievements. The first season of this project took place in 2016, from November 3 to December 17. The extensive Slovak-Iraqi archaeological research at the Tell Jokha in Al-Rifai district in Dhi Qar province finished its second season at the end of 2017, at the time of writing this report. It took place from October 19, 2017 to December 17, 2017.

Research paper thumbnail of Archeologické predikčné modelovanie z pohľadu geoinformatiky - Metódy a princípy.  2. prepracované vydanie


Monografia je venovaná aplikácii metód, princípov a nástrojov geoinformatiky v archeologickom pre... more Monografia je venovaná aplikácii metód, princípov a nástrojov geoinformatiky v archeologickom predikčnom
modelovaní, ktoré analyzuje a syntetizuje poznatky o priestorových vzťahoch existujúcich lokalít. Tým umožňuje,
okrem iného, predikciu území s pravdepodobným výskytom archeologických lokalít. Geoinformatika a jej
základný nástroj GIS umožňujú pokročilú priestorovú analýzu objektov, javov a ich vzájomných vzťahov
s ohľadom na ich lokalizáciu v priestore. Monografia obsahuje charakteristiku spracovania priestorových
údajov o archeologických lokalitách a špecifikáciu vybraných analýz a postupov, ktoré možno zaradiť
k základným východiskám tvorby predikčných modelov. Aplikačná časť monografie je spracovaná vo forme
predikčných modelov vytvorených v prostredí GIS. Na ich konštrukciu boli použité rôzne princípy extrakcie
priestorových informácií a tiež matematické metódy vyplývajúce zo štatistiky, booleovskej logiky, teórie fuzzy
množín a umelých neurónových sietí. Neoddeliteľnú súčasť archeologického predikčného modelovania
predstavuje aj validácia výsledných modelov. Pri jej realizácii boli použité štatistické postupy zohľadňujúce
priestorové vlastnosti archeologických údajov.

Research paper thumbnail of Skúmame sumerské mesto Umma. Výsledky prvej sezóny archeologického bádania na irackej lokalite Tell Jokha. HISTORICKÁ REVUE 2; Bratislava 2017, 38-45.

V roku 2016 sa uskutočnila prvá sezóna slovensko- -irackého archeologického projektu v priestore ... more V roku 2016 sa uskutočnila prvá sezóna slovensko- -irackého archeologického projektu v priestore starovekého Sumeru. Výskum, ktorý organizoval a zastrešoval Slovenský archeologický a historický inštitút (SAHI), sa uskutočnil na polohe Tell Jokha.

Research paper thumbnail of Skywatching at Uaxactun: Reconsidering Perspectives on the Astronomical Significance of Preclassic Architectural Alignments.

Maya Cosmology Terrestrial and Celestial Landscapes. Editors: Milan Kováč, Harri Kettunen and Guido Krempel. Acta Mesoamericana Volume 29, Verlag Anton Saurwein, Munich., 2019

Uaxactun is one of the oldest known Maya cities with astronomical associations. The functions and... more Uaxactun is one of the oldest known Maya cities with astronomical associations. The functions and hypotheses associated with astronomical alignments of specific buildings have been widely discussed for more than a century. However, after nine years of intensive archaeological excavations, the Regional Archaeological
Project Uaxactun found a whole new set of data and specified the old ones. Therefore, the view of Uaxactun
and its importance for ancient Maya astronomy should be supplemented. That is what our contribution is
doing. We focus in particular on revealing new contexts and architectonical expressions in the Preclassic
period, the original construction of the E-Group and its solar and lunar associations. Furthermore, this article
deals with testing of calendar contexts, the meaning of Venus and Orion for the orientation of the most important buildings as well as testing of landscape features in connection with possible architectural alignments.

Research paper thumbnail of NUEVAS EXCAVACIONES EN UAXACTUN VI Temporada 2014


Archaeological project SAHI.

Research paper thumbnail of Investigaciones recientes en Uaxactun: temporadas 2012 y 2013 del Proyecto Arqueológico Regional SAHI-Uaxactun

Research paper thumbnail of Reflexionando sobre el Preclásico de Uaxactun: Resultados de la sexta temporada del Proyecto Arqueológico Regional SAHI - Uaxactun


In.: P. Fraňo/ M. Habaj (Zost.): Antica Slavica. ISBN 978-80-8105-929-2. Trnava, 2018

Od roku 2016 prebieha v južnej Mezopotámii jeden z najvýznamnejších projektov v dejinách slovensk... more Od roku 2016 prebieha v južnej Mezopotámii jeden z najvýznamnejších projektov v dejinách slovenskej archeológie. Ide o archeologický Projekt SAHI – Tell Jokha. Báda dôležitú lokalitu, na ktorej podľa aktuálneho stavu vedeckého skúmania dominovalo v 3. tisícročí pred n. l. sumerské osídlenie.

Research paper thumbnail of Bartík/Lieskovský 2020: Starý Plášť pri Plaveckom Mikuláši. K poznaniu hradísk z mladšej a neskorej doby bronzovej v Malých Karpatoch. Starý plášť near Plavecký Mikuláš. A paper on discovering hillforts from the later and late Bronze Age in the Lesser Carpathians. Zborník SNM 114, Arch. 30, 81-117.

Zborník SNM 114 Archeológia 30, 2020

Recenzovaná publikácia / Peer-Reviewed publication Vychádza raz ročne / Published once a year Pre... more Recenzovaná publikácia / Peer-Reviewed publication Vychádza raz ročne / Published once a year Predseda redakčnej rady / Head of Editorial Board: PhDr. Juraj Bartík, PhD. (SNM-Archeologické múzeum, Bratislava) Redakčná rada / Editorial Board: Doc. PhDr. Gertrúda Březinová, CSc. (Archeologický ústav SAV, Nitra) Mgr. Radoslav Čambal, PhD., Bratislava (SNM-Archeologické múzeum, Bratislava) PhDr. Beáta Egyházy-Jurovská (nezávislý bádateľ, Senec) PhDr. Zdeněk Farkaš, PhD. (SNM-Archeologické múzeum, Bratislava) Mgr. David Parma, Ph.D. (Ústav archeologické památkové péče Brno, Brno) Doc. PhDr. Matej Ruttkay, CSc. (Archeologický ústav SAV, Nitra) Prof. PhDr. Stanislav Stuchlík, CSc. (Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Opava) Dr. Eric Vrba, (nezávislý bádateľ, Boston) Zostavovateľ / Edited by: Mgr. Martin Hanuš, PhD. a PhDr. Vladimír Turčan Grafický návrh / Graphic design: Mgr. Martin Hanuš, PhD. Redakcia / Editorial office: Slovenské národné múzeum-Archeologické múzeum, Žižkova 12, P.O.Box 13, SK-810 06 Bratislava, archeologia.editor@snm.sk Grafika / Graphic Layout: Erika Mészárosová Preklad do cudzích jazykov / Translations: REELS, s. r. o., Stephanie Staffen a autori Príspevky sú indexované a evidované v databáze Scopus (Elsevier) / Articles are indexed and catalogued in the Scopus database (Elsevier) Dátum vydania / Date of issue: máj 2020 Publikované príspevky a pokyny pre autorov sú dostupné na / Published articles and guidelines for authors are available at: http://archeologickemuzeum.sk Termín odovzdania príspevkov / Deadline for paper submission: 31.5. Za znenie a obsah príspevkov zodpovedajú autori / Autors are responsible for their contributions Vydavateľ a distribútor / Publisher and distributor: Slovenské národné múzeum-Archeologické múzeum, IČO 00164721 Tlač / Print: Ultraprint, Bratislava Náklad / Numbers of the copies: 300 kusov © Slovenské Národné Múzeum-Archeologické múzeum / Slovak National Museum-Archaeological Museum 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Bartík/Čambal/Lieskovský 2020: Pohanská pri Plaveckom Podhradí. Nové poznatky o hradisku z mladšej a neskorej doby bronzovej. In. A. Kozubová/E. Makarová/M. Neumann (ed.): Ultra Velum Temporis. Venované Jozefovi Bátorovi k 70. narodeninám. Slov. Arch. Supplementum 1. Nitra 2020, 53-66.

Ultra Velum Temporis. Slovenská Archeológia Supplementum 1, 2020

Keywords: West Slovakia, Late Bronze Age, hillfort, fortification course, mass finds of bronze, h... more Keywords: West Slovakia, Late Bronze Age, hillfort, fortification course, mass finds of bronze, hoard of gold ornaments.

Pohanská near Plavecké Podhradie. New Information on the Hillfort from the Late Bronze Age. Between 1927 and 1990, the Pohanská hillfort in Plavecké Podhradie was repeatedly surveyed and examined using probes. After 2019, the results of laser scanning provided fundamentally more precise information on the shapes of the terrain and the course of the rampart. As a result of illegal activities, four mass finds were added to the collection: three composed of bronze artefacts and one of gold artefacts. The new finds confirm that the main period of settlement in this site in the Bronze Age was the middle and later Urnfield period, HA2–HB1.