Now look what time can do (original) (raw)

last entry. for real. [Jun. 18th, 2006|10:56 pm]Chelsea Barber
[disposition** |restlessrestless] [tune** eve 6 - here's to the night]New Journal: formycaptainAll this journal is, is a memory & a reminder of what makes me a miserable person.I spent the past year & a half writing in here about someone who isn't in my life anymore.This year has been the hardest year for me, it's time to move on.Now I have made great realizations, & have come to a turning point.I want to be a different person with a different kind of future. A future without the pain he's given me.A reflection of this year:Severe HeartbreakDeathRapePregnancySicknessConfusionetc...The End.
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(no subject) [Jun. 2nd, 2006|01:27 am]Chelsea Barber
It's times like these that I take a step back and look at life, and realize what pathetic little shits we have become. It's actually really fucking funny.
Friends Only. [Apr. 30th, 2004|08:56 am]Chelsea Barber
[disposition** |okayokay] [tune** Scarlet.]Locked.If you are actually going to comment, add me.If not, don't.Also, add me first if you want to be added.
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