Welcome to the submission site for the NIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR)! (original) (raw)

To log in (or create a new account), please click the link "Sign in to NCBI" on the top right corner of this page. Make sure to always use the same log in account.

Here you will be able to register your laboratory and your clinical and research genetic tests. You can update your information at any time. The information entered here displays publicly at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gtr/.

The first time you log in you will see the GTR code of conduct and the AMA CPT code agreement before you reach your submission homepage.

To register your laboratory, click the button "Add a new lab". Once you submit your lab information, GTR staff will review it and contact you for more information.

When approved you will be able to register your clinical and research genetic tests manually by clicking the "Add a new clinical test" or "Add a new research test" or by using one of the two excel files available to register clinical tests in bulk. Please register your tests as represented in your lab's catalog. The more information you provide the more discoverable your test will be by GTR users.

Regardless of how many times you update your data, please submit your annual review once a year as this is a separate action. To submit your annual review, click the "Perform annual review" button to start it and the "Submit" button to finish and submit it.

There is a groups feature where multiple lab staff can work on the same lab and test records, please contact us at gtr@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov if you would like others in your lab to work on your GTR records.

For more information on how to submit to GTR: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gtr/docs/submit/

Please contact us at gtr@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov if you have questions or if you need any help.

Thank you for participating in GTR!