sunpuddle (original) (raw)
14 January 2020 @ 07:22 pm
FO banner by thundershocked
(because right now I'm too lazy to make my own)
This journal is MOSTLY friends only~ I know a lot of really snoopy people,
so this is my way of keeping SOME things to myself. :)
Anyway, comment if you add me, I will most likely add you back, no questions asked.
Though I WOULD prefer we have some things in common.
Current Location: THE MOON
Current Mood: awake
Current Music: X-Japan - Silent Jealousy
Do you ever feel that sinking, in your stomach to the floor ? When your hands won’t stop the shaking. And you can’t take anymore. When everything you’ve lived for .... Just walked out the door
Just found that in a draft. Whatever that was about. O_o
Current Music: Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
So I JUST deposited 211.83 dollars into my bank this afternoon. She told me my new balance of like 265 something.
I came home, checked the account to see how much Brad put in his gastank. It said I had the funds, and it showed my specific deposit of 211.83
Logged in just now to confirm the paypal accounrt. (just got around to adding this account)
NEGATIVE 7 DOLLARS ?! WHAT ?! So, I went through the account activity afraid NMCS had something to do with it or something.
Suddenly it shows no record of my fucking deposit.
And this specific bank has done this to me once before.[Like specific branch/location] With 500 dollars. But, then I assumed it was because the dumb jackass had deposited my paycheck as a check, instead of cashing it and depostiting it as cash. This time I had GIVEN her cash/change so there should have been no issue. And it took FIVE DAYS for my money to appear in my account last time. No. No dice, I am NOT playing this game with these pricks again; funny how the BoA down the road has NEVER had an issue like this.
I mean really how does a transaction just suddenly disappear like that ?
I PMed the girl back about her Ducan to let her know what's going on.I feel bad about this issue, so I don't want to have her holding out on me waiting to ge tthis shit cleared up; he's a gorgeous doll and I'm sure he'll sell quickly if she bumps his thread again I just ugh.
However that other head I am unwilling to let go; I'll just get the money Jen owes me and the money from my purse I was going to return and buy it with that, since it's cheap anyway.
this is just utter shit. What is with my luck ?
[EDIT: Oh god, she is super amazing. T_T She's holding him until Friday ! <33333333]
Meme from lightrobber
Reply and I'll give you four fandoms. You then have to make an entry writing about your favorite character from each fandom (you can elaborate on the character if you wish).
This was mine: Durarara, FFVIII, Bleach, and Pokemon.
Current Mood: awake
I won't share my problems with you anymore. I never meant to put any burdens on you. I've never really had anybody to talk to, so I guess I tried talking to you because I feel closest to you. I'm sorry.
I've had to keep things to myself most my life so, it shouldn't be an issue anymore.
I understand you completely. I understand where you're coming from. And I've been in the exact same situation...with you to be precise. So I get it. And don't worry about ...that. I pretty much gave up on ever meeting you....a -long- time ago. I know you won't do it....and I get that,too. ............... but, that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be sad about that fact. You're a huge part of my life, and I guess I'm going to have to eventually come to terms with the fact that some day that's going to end.....because maintaining a relationship over the internet isn't really a forever kind of thing, like I'd love to think it is.
What can I say. I live in a fucking fantasy world where everything goes the way I want. Because that's all I really have to hold onto.
ew. I didn't mean for this to get mopey, so I'm just going to stfu now and go lay down.
Current Mood: weird
07 January 2011 @ 06:06 am
I'm actually.
Not dead.
Life hasn't gotten a whole lot easier.
If at all.
But, I won't log in just to mope.
Hello. Hi.
I'm changing who I am.
Somewhere down the road I lost myself.
I'm going to visit Josh's grave for his birthday. Have lunch with his mother and best friend.
I'm going to cry, and I'm going to try and laugh.
And before I go. I'm shaving my head.
Getting that mohawk he always told me to do.
20 October 2010 @ 11:48 pm