Matt and Jeff Champ Icons (original) (raw)


( 16 comments — thoughts )

sommerx: jeff hardy; turnbuckles.sommerx on January 11th, 2009 05:52 pm (UTC)

These are really good. I may take some Jeff ones, I'll deffinatly credit when/if I do. :)

(Deleted comment)

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous.: jeff is impressedrkowhore79 on January 11th, 2009 06:02 pm (UTC)

looooove!! snagged all jeff ones. and a few others. lmfao at #20. oh no you didn't!! snagged it anyway...

Yea. I went there. (:
You loved it.

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous.: jeff entrancerkowhore79 on January 11th, 2009 07:07 pm (UTC)

it was def a lil funny surprise...
speaking of, check out the post i just made to TOC. omg, i'm still laughing. you're gonna just loooove one of them!

OMG, these are awesome!!

Massive LOLz at #20, she so does :D

nicked a few because I cant make my mind up! They're all so good :D

Lol, Thank you!

hahah she snagged it so I'm sure we'll see it being used in the future XD

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous.: jeff scrunchy facerkowhore79 on January 11th, 2009 07:07 pm (UTC)

Neverrrrrrrr!! mwuah ha ha ha!!! love it XD

Bella, Queen Hate-a-Bitch.  Be Jealous.: jeff scrunchy facerkowhore79 on January 11th, 2009 07:53 pm (UTC)

fine. maybe. just a lil bit...but that's it!

omg!! i hadn't even noticed 20. LMFAO

stealing 12 :)
awesome awesome icons!!

noreen | A7X-SCHOOLIE ‹3: jeff | super adorablea7xschoolie on January 12th, 2009 12:39 am (UTC)

Wow! I love your style, these are so awesome <3

Saved a whole bunch! :)

bethie p: Jeff Matt brotherly lovebethie_p on January 12th, 2009 07:36 am (UTC)

Oh DUDE!! Why aren't these posted over in wwe_icons????