Email sender guidelines - Google Workspace Admin Help (original) (raw)

The guidelines in this article can help you successfully send and deliver email to personal Gmail accounts. Starting in 2024, email senders must meet the requirements described here to send email to Gmail personal accounts. A personal Gmail account is an account that ends in or

For the latest updates about sender requirements, visit the Email sender guidelines FAQ.

Google Workspace senders: If you use Google Workspace to send large volumes of email, review the Spam and abuse policy in Gmail. The policy is part of the Google Workspace Acceptable Use Policy.

Sender requirements updates

This table lists our updates to the sender guidelines and requirements:

Sender requirement Date added
Use a TLS connection for transmitting email Dec. 2023

Sender requirements and guidelines

Follow these guidelines to help ensure messages are delivered to Gmail accounts as expected, and to help prevent Gmail from limiting sending rates, blocking messages, or marking messages as spam.

Requirements for all senders

Starting February 1, 2024, all email senders who send email to Gmail accounts must meet the requirements in this section.

Important: If you send more than 5,000 messages per day to Gmail accounts, follow the Requirements for sending 5,000 or more messages per day.

Requirements for sending 5,000 or more messages per day

Starting February 1, 2024, email senders who send more than 5,000 messages per day to Gmail accounts must meet the requirements in this section.

If you send more than 5,000 emails per day before February 1, 2024, follow the guidelines in this article as soon as possible. Meeting the sender requirements before the deadline may improve your email delivery. If you don’t meet the requirements described in this article, your email might not be delivered as expected, or might be marked as spam. To get help with email delivery issues, go to Troubleshooting.

Email authentication requirements & guidelines

We require that you set up these email authentication methods for your domain:

Authenticated messages:

Set up email authentication for each of your sending domains at your domain provider. You can use instructions Google provides and our domain provider's email authentication support information.

To verify messages are authenticated, Google performs checks on messages sent to Gmail accounts. To improve email delivery, we recommend that you always set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for your domains. Make sure you're meeting the minimum authentication requirements described on this page. Messages that aren’t authenticated with these methods might be marked as spam or rejected with a 5.7.26 error.

If you use an email service provider, verify that they authenticate your domain’s email with SPF and DKIM.

If you regularly forward email or manage a forwarding service, help ensure forwarded messages are authenticated by following our Best practices for forwarding email to Gmail.

We recommend you always set up email authentication for the domain that hosts your public website


SPF prevents spammers from sending unauthorized messages that appear to be from your domain. Set up SPF by publishing an SPF record at your domain. The SPF record for your domain should include all email senders for your domain. If your third-party senders aren't included in your SPF record, messages from these senders are more likely to be marked as spam. Learn how to define your SPF record and add it to your domain.


Turn on DKIM for the domain that sends your email. Receiving servers use DKIM to verify that the domain owner actually sent the message. If you use Google Workspace to send email, learn how to turn on DKIM for your domain. If you don’t use Google Workspace to send email, you can use one of many available internet tools to create your DKIM keys, or check with your domain provider for help.

Important: Sending to personal Gmail accounts requires a DKIM key of 1024 bits or longer. For security reasons, we recommend using a 2048-bit key if your domain provider supports this. Learn more about DKIM key length.


DMARC tells receiving servers what to do with your messages that don’t pass SPF or DKIM. Set up DMARC by publishing a DMARC record for your domain. To pass DMARC authentication, messages must be authenticated by SPF or DKIM, or both. The authenticating domain must be the same domain that appears in the message From: header. Learn how to set up DMARC.

We recommend you set up DMARC reports so you can monitor email sent from your domain, or appears to have been sent from your domain. DMARC reports help you identify senders that may be impersonating your domain. Learn more about DMARC reports.


ARC checks the previous authentication status of forwarded messages. If a forwarded message passes SPF or DKIM authentication, but ARC shows it previously failed authentication, Gmail treats the message as unauthenticated.

We recommend that senders use ARC authentication, especially if they regularly forward email. Learn more about ARC authentication.

Infrastructure configuration requirements and guidelines

IP addresses

Important: The sending IP address must match the IP address of the hostname specified in the Pointer (PTR) record.

The public IP address of a sending SMTP server must have a corresponding PTR record that resolves to a hostname. This is called a reverse DNS lookup. The same hostname must also have an A (for IPv4) or AAAA (for IPv6) record that resolves to the same public IP address used by the sending server. This is called a forward DNS lookup.

Set up valid reverse DNS records of your sending server IP addresses that point to your domain. Check for a PTR record with the Google Admin Toolbox Dig tool.

Important: The sending IP address must match the IP address of the hostname specified in the Pointer (PTR) record.

Shared IP addresses

A shared IP address is an IP address used by more than one email sender. The activity of any senders using a shared IP address affects the reputation of all senders for that shared IP address. A negative reputation can impact your delivery rate.

If you use a shared IP address for sending email:

Subscription requirements and guidelines

If you manage mailing lists or other email subscriptions, you should send email only to people who want to get messages from you. These recipients are less likely to report your messages as spam. If messages from your domain are frequently reported as spam, future messages from you are more likely to be marked as spam. Over time, user spam reports can lower your domain’s reputation. Check your spam rate and your domain and IP address reputation with Postmaster Tools.

Make it easy to subscribe

To help ensure recipients are engaged:

Make it easy to unsubscribe

Always give recipients an easy way to unsubscribe from your messages. Letting people opt out of your messages can improve open rates, click-through rates, and sending efficiency.

Important: If you send more than 5,000 message per day, your marketing and subscribed messages must support one-click unsubscribe.

To set up one-click unsubscribe for Gmail messages, include both of these headers in outgoing messages:

When a recipient unsubscribes using one-click, you receive this POST request:

"POST /unsubscribe/example HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 26

Learn more about List-Unsubscribe: headers in RFC 2369 and RFC 8058.

These unsubscribe options can also be used but they should not replace one-click unsubscribe:

Message formatting requirements and guidelines

Follow these message formatting guidelines to help ensure messages are delivered as expected:

Sending practices requirements and guidelines

To reduce the chances that messages from your domain are sent to spam or blocked by Gmail, follow the best practices in this section.

Sending practices to avoid

Some legitimate messages may be marked as spam. Recipients can mark valid messages as not spam, so future messages from the sender should be delivered to their inbox.

Increase sending volume slowly

When increasing sending volume, keep in mind:

If you send large amounts of email, we recommend you:

These factors affect how quickly you can increase sending volume:

In the event of a recent spike in email activity, we recommend following the requirements and guidelines on this page to resolve deliverability issues automatically during following sends.

Additional guidelines

Guidelines for using email service providers

Google and Gmail don’t accept allowlist requests from email providers. We can't guarantee messages sent by email providers will pass Gmail’s spam filters.

If you use a third-party email provider to send email for your domain:

If you use a domain provider but you manage your own email, we recommend you:

Guidelines for email service providers

When clients use your service to send email, you’re responsible for their sending practices. We recommend taking these steps to help manage your clients’ sending activity:

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing programs offer rewards to companies or individuals that send visitors to your website. However, spammers can abuse these programs. If your brand is associated with marketing spam, other messages sent by you might be marked as spam.

We recommend you regularly monitor affiliates, and remove any affiliates that send spam.

Phishing exercises

Don’t send test phishing messages or test campaigns from your domain. Your domain’s reputation might be negatively affected, and your domain could be added to internet blocklists.

Monitoring and troubleshooting

Postmaster Tools

Use Postmaster Tools to get information about the email you send to Gmail users, for example:

Spam rate

Open rate

Troubleshooting email delivery

If messages aren't being delivered as expected:

Sending with email service providers

If you’re having delivery issues with email sent by a service provider, verify the provider follows the requirements and guidelines on this page.

Use the Google Admin Toolbox to review domain settings

Use the Google Admin Toolbox to check and fix settings for your domain.

Fix the source of rejected email

If your messages are rejected, you might get an error message. Learn more about the error so you can fix the problem. Common error messages are:

Learn more about email and SMTP error messages:

Fix IPv6 authorization errors

An IPv6 authorization error could mean that the PTR record for the sending server isn’t using IPv6. If you use an email service provider, confirm they’re using an IPv6 PTR record.

Here's an example of an IPv6 authorization error:

550-5.7.1: Message does not meet IPv6 sending guidelines regarding PTR records and authentication.

Use the troubleshooting tool

If you’re still having email delivery problems after following the guidelines in this article, try Troubleshooting for senders with email delivery issues.

Translations of our policies are provided for your convenience. If there is a conflict between the text of this policy in language other than English and the text of the English language version of the policy, the text of the English language version of the policy takes precedence.