Chukwuka G Monyei | University of Sussex (original) (raw)

Papers by Chukwuka G Monyei

Research paper thumbnail of Imaginaries on ice: Sociotechnical futures of data centre development in Norway and Iceland

Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space

In 2018, Norway promoted itself as a ‘Datacentre Nation’. In terms of low cost, renewably generat... more In 2018, Norway promoted itself as a ‘Datacentre Nation’. In terms of low cost, renewably generated sources of electricity and low ambient temperatures, Nordic countries and the data centre sector are potentially mutual beneficiaries – yet, there are also negative impacts associated with the necessary electric power production. With this as a starting point, for Norway and Iceland, we explore how data centre proponents promulgate similar techno-environmental imaginaries, but achieve differing degrees of stabilisation. To this end, we use three sources of imaginaries relating to data centre development in Iceland and Norway: those implicit in promotional imagery originating within the countries concerned; those implicit in international newspapers, as indicative of external perceptions; and those implicit in focus groups with the Norwegian and Icelandic public. We show how data centre advocates deploy visual imagery to create a promotional techno-environmental imaginary that marries ...

Research paper thumbnail of Digital bricolage: Infrastructuring lower carbon digital space via Nordic datacentre development

Political Geography, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Regional cooperation for mitigating energy poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: A context-based approach through the tripartite lenses of access, sufficiency, and mobility

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Research paper thumbnail of The “whole systems” energy sustainability of digitalization: Humanizing the community risks and benefits of Nordic datacenter development

Energy Research & Social Science

Digital platforms and the online services that they provide have become an indispensable and ubiq... more Digital platforms and the online services that they provide have become an indispensable and ubiquitous part of modern lifestyles, mediating our jobs, hobbies, patterns of consumption and forms of communication. However, no one is steering this development, or closely looking at the impacts that it may have on remote communities in the Arctic and Nordic region, a hotspot for datacenter development. Moreover, unlike other areas of energy consumption or technology adoption prone to rich, qualitative assessments, such work on datacenters involving local stakeholders and environmental concerns is less common, particularly at a larger scale. In this study, based on novel mixed methods-including corporate data, expert interviews, focus groups, and extensive site visits-across three countries, we offer a geographically and technologically bounded assessment looking at the sustainability impacts of datacenters on local communities. We ask: What impacts are occurring as part of datacenter development or planning proposals in Greenland, Iceland, and Norway? What is the actual and anticipated scale of those impacts on local Arctic communities? Finally, what impacts to datacenter development occur at the "whole systems" level? We examine not only impacts onsite at existing or proposed datacenters, but an entire range of consequences including the manufacturing of equipment, the laying of data cables, the construction of buildings, and issues of the dark web, cryptocurrency mining, hacking, spying, waste and decommissioning. Moreover, we humanize risks and benefits not only across scales, but also categorical types, including local impacts such as boom and bust cycles, the displacement of indigenous groups for landparticularly for power supply-and impacts on employment, especially after datacenters may close.

Research paper thumbnail of A Smart Grid Framework for Optimally Integrating Supply-Side, Demand-Side and Transmission Line Management Systems

Research paper thumbnail of Electrons have no identity: Setting right misrepresentations in Google and Apple’s clean energy purchasing

Energy Research & Social Science

Research paper thumbnail of Nigeria's energy poverty: Insights and implications for smart policies and framework towards a smart Nigeria electricity network

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Research paper thumbnail of Demand Side Management potentials for mitigating energy poverty in South Africa

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of demand side and supply side energy management resources for optimal scheduling of demand response loads – South Africa in focus

Electric Power Systems Research

Research paper thumbnail of Examining energy sufficiency and energy mobility in the global south through the energy justice framework

Research paper thumbnail of An integrated dynamic pricing scheme for improving the smartness of off grid distributed generation

2016 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Students’ Allocation to Halls of Residence Using Energy Consumption as Discriminant

Enjoying the benefits of Distributed Generation (DG) is consequent on its flexibility and ability... more Enjoying the benefits of Distributed Generation (DG) is consequent on its flexibility and ability for control. Incorporating Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) into existing power grid through a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) in a bid to decentralizing power generation by generating at load centers provides a frame work for influencing its operation. This control via software thus offers us an opportunity in exploiting the varied benefits DG seeks to offer. This paper thus examines such exploitation of DG in Independence Hall, in the University of Ibadan. In exploiting this benefit, the controllability of the DG and its subsequent upgrade is used in influencing the allocation of students into Independence Hall. Constraints such as hall size (minimum and maximum), per unit and total hall allocation in terms of energy and the difference between the cost of upgrade and energy savings are used in feeding a Genetic Algorithm (GA) in generating varied options from which choice can be made bas...

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Sustainable Energy Development Using Virtual Power Plants

The Nigeria National Grid as it stands today cannot meet existing energy demand and with surging ... more The Nigeria National Grid as it stands today cannot meet existing energy demand and with surging population explosion and an ever increasing energy demand, alternative energy sources and an efficient management of available energy is becoming the norm. While alternative energy sources like Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are stochastic in nature, they could with Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and an Energy Management System (EMS) be incorporated into the existing grid infrastructure to form a Virtual Power Plant (VPP). Complementing this VPP could be an increase in the reach of the grid and an interconnection of existing and would be incorporated components to form an intelligent system. It is envisaged that with such a structure in place, massive load shedding, frequent grid collapse and power outages could be reduced to minimum. This paper examines such system on a micro scale using Independence Hall and its surroundings all in the University of Ibadan as a case study

Research paper thumbnail of Stochastic Optimization Techniques as Effective Tools to Load Forecasting and Scheduling Using Distributed Energy Resources (DERs)

Curbing incessant and erratic power supply to halls of residence within the University of Ibadan ... more Curbing incessant and erratic power supply to halls of residence within the University of Ibadan Campus has been an impetus that has led to an upsurge in the number of proposals all geared towards providing solution to this critical problem. One of such proposals opines the design of a virtual power plant (VPP). In proposing such, the author seeks to address the problem on a double approach – tackle the erratic power supply and reduce carbon footprints. The proposal in achieving these aims takes advantage of the flexibility of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), advancements in Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) and the stochastic nature of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) and artificial intelligence (AI) in creating a frame work for interaction between these components, the end users of electricity and the generation/distribution end. The crucial property of electricity being toyed with in the proposal is the ability of electricity to move in both directions depending o...

Research paper thumbnail of Neural Network Modeling of Electronic Waste Deposits in Nigeria: Subtle Prod for Quick Intervention

As Nigeria continues to experience a population rise, seamless integration of major cities, a ste... more As Nigeria continues to experience a population rise, seamless integration of major cities, a steady increase in workers’ disposable income, “oil boom”, increase in the influx of electronic gadgets and western technologies, increased rural-urban migration and the ever present Nigerian attitude for “show-off”, there would no doubt be a corresponding increase in the magnitude of wastes generated, as with evolving technologies, old electronic gadgets have to be disposed of to give way to trendy and more advanced ones. This paper examines electronic wastes so far generated in the country within a time span and links its increase to the increased activities in the oil sector, workers’ disposable income and increased population. While these factors may be construed to be stochastic in their contribution to electronic wastes, the authors attempt to draw a correlation and show a strong connection between these factors and electronic wastes using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in generating...

Research paper thumbnail of Price based demand side management: A persuasive smart energy management system for low/medium income earners

Sustainable Cities and Society, 2015

ABSTRACT This paper presents a persuasive smart energy management system (PSEMS) which incorporat... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a persuasive smart energy management system (PSEMS) which incorporates the peculiarities of the developing economies, for low/medium income earners, under the flat pricing regime. The PSEMS uses an algorithm based on mild modified intrusive genetic algorithm (MMIGA), with and without user preferences and considers grid status, while meeting the minimum demand criteria in terms of load allocation and cost optimization. Four budgetary conditions were used as case study. Results show that the dynamically generated demand (based on budget constraint) as obtained by PSEMS and the optimal dispatch as evaluated by MMIGA closely matches. Daily allocation efficiency in the range of 98.32–99.60% was obtained without users’ preference, while 98.76–99.67% was obtained with users’ preference, under the four budgetary conditions. The PSEMS allows the residential end user to make decisions regarding electricity consumption thus minimizing electricity bill and the use of electricity.

Research paper thumbnail of An intelligent load manager for PV powered off-grid residential houses

Energy for Sustainable Development, 2015

ABSTRACT a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Load management Modified Mild Intrusive Genetic Algorith... more ABSTRACT a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Load management Modified Mild Intrusive Genetic Algorithm Standalone photovoltaic Residential houses and power system This paper proposes a management system based on certain rule set implemented by Modified Mild Intrusive Genetic Algorithm (MMIGA) that will optimize the load allocation to match the house owner affordable solar system inverter. The algorithm optimized load allocation in real time in both sufficient and insufficient supplies of energy. A daily load discrimination profile is first established followed by the development of priority matrix for the respective time of the day; MMIGA is then used to intelligently evolve a sequence of bits, which are then implemented by the hardware while observing certain set of rules. The result shows that about 98.88% allocation was obtained in the sufficient case scenario while 99.84% allocation was achieved in the insufficient scenario. The proposed algorithm meets the objective of being cost effective, smart, simple to use and can be severally applied to different load profiles.

Research paper thumbnail of Virtual power plants: Stochastic techniques for effective costing and participation in a decentralized electricity network in Nigeria

2013 IEEE International Conference on Emerging & Sustainable Technologies for Power & ICT in a Developing Society (NIGERCON), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Oil Well Characterization and Artificial Gas Lift Optimization Using Neural Networks Combined with Genetic Algorithm

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014

This paper examines the characterization of six oil wells and the allocation of gas considering l... more This paper examines the characterization of six oil wells and the allocation of gas considering limited and unlimited case scenario. Artificial gas lift involves injecting high-pressured gas from the surface into the producing fluid column through one or more subsurface valves set at predetermined depths. This improves recovery by reducing the bottom-hole pressure at which wells become uneconomical and are thus abandoned. This paper presents a successive application of modified artificial neural network (MANN) combined with a mild intrusive genetic algorithm (MIGA) to the oil well characteristics with promising results. This method helps to prevent the overallocation of gas to wells for recovery purposes while also maximizing oil production by ensuring that computed allocation configuration ensures maximum economic accrual. Results obtained show marked improvements in the allocation especially in terms of economic returns.

Research paper thumbnail of A biased load manager home energy management system for low-cost residential building low-income occupants

Research paper thumbnail of Imaginaries on ice: Sociotechnical futures of data centre development in Norway and Iceland

Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space

In 2018, Norway promoted itself as a ‘Datacentre Nation’. In terms of low cost, renewably generat... more In 2018, Norway promoted itself as a ‘Datacentre Nation’. In terms of low cost, renewably generated sources of electricity and low ambient temperatures, Nordic countries and the data centre sector are potentially mutual beneficiaries – yet, there are also negative impacts associated with the necessary electric power production. With this as a starting point, for Norway and Iceland, we explore how data centre proponents promulgate similar techno-environmental imaginaries, but achieve differing degrees of stabilisation. To this end, we use three sources of imaginaries relating to data centre development in Iceland and Norway: those implicit in promotional imagery originating within the countries concerned; those implicit in international newspapers, as indicative of external perceptions; and those implicit in focus groups with the Norwegian and Icelandic public. We show how data centre advocates deploy visual imagery to create a promotional techno-environmental imaginary that marries ...

Research paper thumbnail of Digital bricolage: Infrastructuring lower carbon digital space via Nordic datacentre development

Political Geography, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Regional cooperation for mitigating energy poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: A context-based approach through the tripartite lenses of access, sufficiency, and mobility

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Research paper thumbnail of The “whole systems” energy sustainability of digitalization: Humanizing the community risks and benefits of Nordic datacenter development

Energy Research & Social Science

Digital platforms and the online services that they provide have become an indispensable and ubiq... more Digital platforms and the online services that they provide have become an indispensable and ubiquitous part of modern lifestyles, mediating our jobs, hobbies, patterns of consumption and forms of communication. However, no one is steering this development, or closely looking at the impacts that it may have on remote communities in the Arctic and Nordic region, a hotspot for datacenter development. Moreover, unlike other areas of energy consumption or technology adoption prone to rich, qualitative assessments, such work on datacenters involving local stakeholders and environmental concerns is less common, particularly at a larger scale. In this study, based on novel mixed methods-including corporate data, expert interviews, focus groups, and extensive site visits-across three countries, we offer a geographically and technologically bounded assessment looking at the sustainability impacts of datacenters on local communities. We ask: What impacts are occurring as part of datacenter development or planning proposals in Greenland, Iceland, and Norway? What is the actual and anticipated scale of those impacts on local Arctic communities? Finally, what impacts to datacenter development occur at the "whole systems" level? We examine not only impacts onsite at existing or proposed datacenters, but an entire range of consequences including the manufacturing of equipment, the laying of data cables, the construction of buildings, and issues of the dark web, cryptocurrency mining, hacking, spying, waste and decommissioning. Moreover, we humanize risks and benefits not only across scales, but also categorical types, including local impacts such as boom and bust cycles, the displacement of indigenous groups for landparticularly for power supply-and impacts on employment, especially after datacenters may close.

Research paper thumbnail of A Smart Grid Framework for Optimally Integrating Supply-Side, Demand-Side and Transmission Line Management Systems

Research paper thumbnail of Electrons have no identity: Setting right misrepresentations in Google and Apple’s clean energy purchasing

Energy Research & Social Science

Research paper thumbnail of Nigeria's energy poverty: Insights and implications for smart policies and framework towards a smart Nigeria electricity network

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Research paper thumbnail of Demand Side Management potentials for mitigating energy poverty in South Africa

Research paper thumbnail of Integration of demand side and supply side energy management resources for optimal scheduling of demand response loads – South Africa in focus

Electric Power Systems Research

Research paper thumbnail of Examining energy sufficiency and energy mobility in the global south through the energy justice framework

Research paper thumbnail of An integrated dynamic pricing scheme for improving the smartness of off grid distributed generation

2016 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI), 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Students’ Allocation to Halls of Residence Using Energy Consumption as Discriminant

Enjoying the benefits of Distributed Generation (DG) is consequent on its flexibility and ability... more Enjoying the benefits of Distributed Generation (DG) is consequent on its flexibility and ability for control. Incorporating Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) into existing power grid through a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) in a bid to decentralizing power generation by generating at load centers provides a frame work for influencing its operation. This control via software thus offers us an opportunity in exploiting the varied benefits DG seeks to offer. This paper thus examines such exploitation of DG in Independence Hall, in the University of Ibadan. In exploiting this benefit, the controllability of the DG and its subsequent upgrade is used in influencing the allocation of students into Independence Hall. Constraints such as hall size (minimum and maximum), per unit and total hall allocation in terms of energy and the difference between the cost of upgrade and energy savings are used in feeding a Genetic Algorithm (GA) in generating varied options from which choice can be made bas...

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Sustainable Energy Development Using Virtual Power Plants

The Nigeria National Grid as it stands today cannot meet existing energy demand and with surging ... more The Nigeria National Grid as it stands today cannot meet existing energy demand and with surging population explosion and an ever increasing energy demand, alternative energy sources and an efficient management of available energy is becoming the norm. While alternative energy sources like Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are stochastic in nature, they could with Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and an Energy Management System (EMS) be incorporated into the existing grid infrastructure to form a Virtual Power Plant (VPP). Complementing this VPP could be an increase in the reach of the grid and an interconnection of existing and would be incorporated components to form an intelligent system. It is envisaged that with such a structure in place, massive load shedding, frequent grid collapse and power outages could be reduced to minimum. This paper examines such system on a micro scale using Independence Hall and its surroundings all in the University of Ibadan as a case study

Research paper thumbnail of Stochastic Optimization Techniques as Effective Tools to Load Forecasting and Scheduling Using Distributed Energy Resources (DERs)

Curbing incessant and erratic power supply to halls of residence within the University of Ibadan ... more Curbing incessant and erratic power supply to halls of residence within the University of Ibadan Campus has been an impetus that has led to an upsurge in the number of proposals all geared towards providing solution to this critical problem. One of such proposals opines the design of a virtual power plant (VPP). In proposing such, the author seeks to address the problem on a double approach – tackle the erratic power supply and reduce carbon footprints. The proposal in achieving these aims takes advantage of the flexibility of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), advancements in Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) and the stochastic nature of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) and artificial intelligence (AI) in creating a frame work for interaction between these components, the end users of electricity and the generation/distribution end. The crucial property of electricity being toyed with in the proposal is the ability of electricity to move in both directions depending o...

Research paper thumbnail of Neural Network Modeling of Electronic Waste Deposits in Nigeria: Subtle Prod for Quick Intervention

As Nigeria continues to experience a population rise, seamless integration of major cities, a ste... more As Nigeria continues to experience a population rise, seamless integration of major cities, a steady increase in workers’ disposable income, “oil boom”, increase in the influx of electronic gadgets and western technologies, increased rural-urban migration and the ever present Nigerian attitude for “show-off”, there would no doubt be a corresponding increase in the magnitude of wastes generated, as with evolving technologies, old electronic gadgets have to be disposed of to give way to trendy and more advanced ones. This paper examines electronic wastes so far generated in the country within a time span and links its increase to the increased activities in the oil sector, workers’ disposable income and increased population. While these factors may be construed to be stochastic in their contribution to electronic wastes, the authors attempt to draw a correlation and show a strong connection between these factors and electronic wastes using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in generating...

Research paper thumbnail of Price based demand side management: A persuasive smart energy management system for low/medium income earners

Sustainable Cities and Society, 2015

ABSTRACT This paper presents a persuasive smart energy management system (PSEMS) which incorporat... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a persuasive smart energy management system (PSEMS) which incorporates the peculiarities of the developing economies, for low/medium income earners, under the flat pricing regime. The PSEMS uses an algorithm based on mild modified intrusive genetic algorithm (MMIGA), with and without user preferences and considers grid status, while meeting the minimum demand criteria in terms of load allocation and cost optimization. Four budgetary conditions were used as case study. Results show that the dynamically generated demand (based on budget constraint) as obtained by PSEMS and the optimal dispatch as evaluated by MMIGA closely matches. Daily allocation efficiency in the range of 98.32–99.60% was obtained without users’ preference, while 98.76–99.67% was obtained with users’ preference, under the four budgetary conditions. The PSEMS allows the residential end user to make decisions regarding electricity consumption thus minimizing electricity bill and the use of electricity.

Research paper thumbnail of An intelligent load manager for PV powered off-grid residential houses

Energy for Sustainable Development, 2015

ABSTRACT a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Load management Modified Mild Intrusive Genetic Algorith... more ABSTRACT a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Load management Modified Mild Intrusive Genetic Algorithm Standalone photovoltaic Residential houses and power system This paper proposes a management system based on certain rule set implemented by Modified Mild Intrusive Genetic Algorithm (MMIGA) that will optimize the load allocation to match the house owner affordable solar system inverter. The algorithm optimized load allocation in real time in both sufficient and insufficient supplies of energy. A daily load discrimination profile is first established followed by the development of priority matrix for the respective time of the day; MMIGA is then used to intelligently evolve a sequence of bits, which are then implemented by the hardware while observing certain set of rules. The result shows that about 98.88% allocation was obtained in the sufficient case scenario while 99.84% allocation was achieved in the insufficient scenario. The proposed algorithm meets the objective of being cost effective, smart, simple to use and can be severally applied to different load profiles.

Research paper thumbnail of Virtual power plants: Stochastic techniques for effective costing and participation in a decentralized electricity network in Nigeria

2013 IEEE International Conference on Emerging & Sustainable Technologies for Power & ICT in a Developing Society (NIGERCON), 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Oil Well Characterization and Artificial Gas Lift Optimization Using Neural Networks Combined with Genetic Algorithm

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2014

This paper examines the characterization of six oil wells and the allocation of gas considering l... more This paper examines the characterization of six oil wells and the allocation of gas considering limited and unlimited case scenario. Artificial gas lift involves injecting high-pressured gas from the surface into the producing fluid column through one or more subsurface valves set at predetermined depths. This improves recovery by reducing the bottom-hole pressure at which wells become uneconomical and are thus abandoned. This paper presents a successive application of modified artificial neural network (MANN) combined with a mild intrusive genetic algorithm (MIGA) to the oil well characteristics with promising results. This method helps to prevent the overallocation of gas to wells for recovery purposes while also maximizing oil production by ensuring that computed allocation configuration ensures maximum economic accrual. Results obtained show marked improvements in the allocation especially in terms of economic returns.

Research paper thumbnail of A biased load manager home energy management system for low-cost residential building low-income occupants