sv_roswell (original) (raw)

10 February 2014 @ 12:39 am

Hello my fellow Roswell fans... I just posted a challenge to roswellxovers.

Challenge: New Home, New Friends

* Could be any rating as long as you warn people.
* Could be a crossover with ANY fandom.
* There is no time limit on this.
* Minimum word count is 200 words.
* Must be Post episode "Graduate" although it could be an AU version of the ep or AU version of the show. As long as the Pod squad has left Roswell behind them.
* Must feature at least ONE person from another fandom and the place in which that character is from.
* Anyone who writes for this challenge will get a poster (if longer than 500k) or banner (under 500k) for the story.

[See the entry here]

10 February 2014 @ 12:21 am

Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max in length. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) And no time limit!!!

Prompt: fear

Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max in length. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) And no time limit!!! Prompt: daughter

Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max in length. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) And no time limit!!! Prompt: farm

Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max in length. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) And no time limit!!! Prompt: home

26 January 2010 @ 12:17 am

Manips are NOT to be taken UNLESS you comment below and tell me you're taking one of them. AND CREDIT ME.

[01] Chloe/Booth (Smallville/Bones) Manips [01] Chloe/Ares (Smallville/Xena: The Warrior Princess) Manips [02] Chloe/Michael (Smallville/Roswell) Manips [01] Chloe/Max/Michael (Smallville/Roswell) Manips [03] Chloe/Cappie (Smallville/Greek) Manips
[01] Chloe/Henry (Smallville/Blood Ties) Manip [01] Chloe/Castiel (Smallville/Supernatural) Manip [03] Chloe/Damon (Smallville/Vampire Diaries) Manips [02] Chloe/Eric (Smallville/True Blood) Manips [01] Chloe/Peter (Smallville/Fringe) Manip [03] Chloe/Scott (Smallville/X-men) Manips


25 January 2010 @ 11:51 am

Please remember that all replies to the prompt must be at least 100 words, but there is NO max in length. Please post in a seperate entry, not in the comments... and remember to TAG it! :) And no time limit!!! Prompt: rain

21 December 2009 @ 03:13 am

The below icons were created for xovers20in20 Round 1. Blanks are NOT bases. Please CREDIT & COMMENT if you take anything.

[17] Chloe/Damon (Vampire Diaries)
[16] Chloe/Castiel (Supernatural)
[15] Chloe/Cappie (Greek)
[12] Chloe/Michael (Roswell)
[12] Chloe/Booth (Bones)
[08] Chloe/Scott (X-Men)
[05] Chloe/Ares (Xena: The Warrior Princess)
[04] Chloe/Henry (Blood Ties)
[04] Chloe/Arthur (Merlin)
[04] Chloe/Draco (Harry Potter)
[03] Chloe/Peter (Fringe)
[03] Chloe/Eric (True Blood)
[02] Chloe/Lucian (Underworld)
[02] Chloe/Max/Michael (Roswell)


( See the Crossovers... )

04 December 2009 @ 12:57 am

This community is for you!


Please join if you're interested!!!

Title: The Aftereffects
Fandoms: Roswell and Smallville
Pairings: Michael/Zatanna
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Suggested Adult Content. Fluffy.
Summary: “That was simply amazing”
Notes: Written for my Drabbles Request Meme for bringthefate prompt Zatanna/Michael. Also written for fivebyfiction prompt lovers. This is also the first time I posted anything related to Roswell - but definitely not the last! ;D
[ ...Table... ]

( the aftereffects........ )

Hundred brush strokes

Fandom: Smallville, Roswell, Aquaman
Author: vodooman
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crossover, Drama, Romance, Hurt and Comfort
Characters/Pairings: Tess/AC
Short summary: Hundred brush strokes to make the hair shiny and smooth. Hundred brush strokes and don’t think about him, she told herself.
Any warnings: There is a character death in here, and the tone of the fic isn’t really happy and all…
Disclaimer: Smallville, Roswell and Aquaman and its characters are not mine. I only write fanfiction!
A/N: This is the first fic made for the fic_variations com… My prompt was lie. My choice of the pairing is because I love both AC and Tess… I thought it was unfair that they don’t have bigger roles in their respective series… In case of AC, well, I thought it was shitty that they cancelled Aquaman the TV series…
Note: Tess didn’t get pregnant with Zan, instead she met AC as he freed her from a 33.1 facility. This fic is compliant with the other fic I started called ‘The Queen of Antar’.

( oneshot )

Her memory loss

Fandom: Roswell, Smallville
Author: vodooman
Rating: pg
Genre: crossover, prompted, cliché
Characters/Pairings: Tess/AC, Chloe
Short summary:
Any warnings: none.
Disclaimer: Smallville and its characters are not mine. I only write fanfiction!
A/N: Prompt: October 2008: 4. Cliché Play - Today’s cliché is amnesia. Write a story around this cliché. I think it is too old to post it on the actual site I got it from… so, I’ll just post in on the roswell/sv comm….

( oneshot )

Note to the admin! could you please add the following tags? please??? .fanfiction, tess, chloe, ac, - tess/ac

right... so I'm posting this here for the sake of the comm... lol!

Chloe’s adventures in Roswell

Fandom: Smallville, Roswell
Author: vodooman
Rating: g (for now)
Genre: humour, crossover, prompt reply
Characters/Pairings: Chloe/Michael
Short summary: You probably wonder why someone like me would end up in a place like Roswell… Please don’t laugh.
Any warnings: none…
Disclaimer: Don’t own Smallville or Roswell, or its characters! I only write fanfic…
A/N: until further notice this really will stay as it is… So, I’ll put it up as a oneshot… and when I feel like writing some more, it will become a series… until then… onehsot!

( oneshot )

Please comment if you like any or take any! Manips are not to be taken without letting me know.

[26] Chloe/Kyle Icons [03] Chloe/Kyle Manips [04] Chloe/Kyle Headers


( roswell + smallville = alien love............. )

1st Zatanna Drabble-A-Thon has begun.


+ Please post your responses in a new entry, NOT in the comments... we're trying to livin' up sv_zatanna, after all.
+ Remember to include proper headings of course.
+ The "/" does not have to mean you have to write a het/slash pairing, it just means that both characters have to be the main focus of the story.
+ Yes if you wish, you can combine prompts.
+ If you have any questions/comments/etc, comment here.
+ If we get a good amount (which means people other than me posting responses) we'll do this again next month and hopefully have it monthly.
+ This ends when we get a decent amount of responses (between 10-20).

Prompts below!

( prompts and some more! ;D )

What's your favorite pairings? Or Pairings you'd like to see. So... what's your favorite Roswell/Smallville crossover couple(s)? [Why?]

( my pairings........Collapse )

Since we're seriously lacking in the fic department of Zatanna... I'm going to hold a Zatanna Drabble-A-Thon....

So suggest prompts HERE - all Zatanna pairings are allowed.

( Formats for the prompts...... )

Suggestions are being collected from now until June 10. I will then gather all the prompts and post them for June 11th. I'm not sure yet when I'll close the Drabble-a-thon.... probably when we get a DECENT amount of fics.


Comment here if you wish to become affiliates!