Struga poetry evenings (original) (raw)

Dimitar Bashevski

North Macedonia


Dimitar Bashevski**,** novelist, short story writer, poet, translator and publisher. Graduated from the Faculty of humanities at the Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Many years he worked as a journalist, foreign correspondent from Athens, Greece, and editor. He was a director and editor-in-chief of Kultura Publishing House in Skopje. Currently he is editor-in-chief of Slovo Publishing House. From 2000 to 2006 he was president and then honorary president of the Macedonian PEN Centre.

Some of Bashevski’s books have been translated and published in English, Czech, Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Turkish, Albanian and Montenegreen.For his works, he has received the highest Macedonian literature awards – 11 October (11 Oktomvri), Racin Award (Racinovo priznanie), Vancho Nikoleski (Vanco Nikoleski) Award, 13 November award (nagradata 13 Noemvri), Novel of the Year Award (Roman na godinata) for the novel The Well , The St. Kliment Ohrudski award (nagrada Sv. Kliment Ohridski) for long-term achievements in literature and culture and The Struga poetry Evenenigs award Braka Miladinovci for his book „Days, years“.