Paul Frogner-Kockum | Swedish Geotechnical Institute (original) (raw)
Papers by Paul Frogner-Kockum
(1) Halso- och miljoeffekter av forhojda halter av klorid och sulfat i lakvatten; (2) TAC-modelle... more (1) Halso- och miljoeffekter av forhojda halter av klorid och sulfat i lakvatten; (2) TAC-modellen; (3) Lakhastighet i forhallande till deponins geometri, infiltration etc; (4) Klorid och sulfat i ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2004
Al-F toxicity contributes to ecosystem stress and species decline following large–scale volcanism
Eftersom det råder osäkerhet om hur sulfidförande bergarter ska hanteras för att inte utgöra en m... more Eftersom det råder osäkerhet om hur sulfidförande bergarter ska hanteras för att inte utgöra en miljörisk behövs det ett generellt system för bedömning av miljöpåverkan och råd om vilka åtgärder som är lämpliga för att minska denna. Med anledning av detta har Trafikverket tagit fram denna handbok. Handboken är tillämpbar under anläggningsarbeten som t ex väg- och järnvägsskärningar samt i samband med mellanlagring på bergupplag. Målgruppen för detta dokument är främst projektledare, projektörer och entreprenörer. 2019-12-20: Vi har publicerat ett förtydligande av syftet med handboken, se separat dokument
Statens geotekniska institut, 2020
Det tvärvetenskapliga och ämnesöverskridande forskningsprojektet TREASURE genomfördes mellan åren... more Det tvärvetenskapliga och ämnesöverskridande forskningsprojektet TREASURE genomfördes mellan åren 2014 och 2019. Projektet finansierades genom FORMAS-SGI TUFFO-initiativet som hade som mål att påskynda sanering av förorenade platser. TREASURE fokuserade på så kallade fiberbankar, som är relativt tjocka avlagringar av förorenade organiskt (cellulosa) rika sediment och som ansamlats i recipienter utanför pappers- och massafabriker innan införandet av miljölagstiftning i slutet av 1960-talet förbjöd detta. Hantering av dessa avlagringar och tillhörande fiberrika sediment som det finns mycket av längs Sveriges nordöstra kust (och vissa sjöar), kräver att platser riskbedöms och prioriteras för åtgärd. En avgörande aspekt av riskbedömningen är spridningen av föroreningar och deras biotillgänglighet. Inom TREASURE tillämpades en ny kombination av analysmetoder, som inkluderade in-situ-mätningar av (i) sedimentgeofysiska och geotekniska egenskaper som en del av analys för släntstabilitet, (ii) spridning av föroreningar genom advektion och diffusion, (iii) bioackumulation och biomagnifikation i bentiska organismer och (iv) studier av mikrobiell genetik. Resultaten visar att de fiberbankar som studerats är svåra att ta prover på och svåra att fysiskt karakterisera med de metoder som traditionellt används på sediment som vanligtvis har en högre minerogen halt. Den naturliga produktionen av gas, som är resultatet av mikrobiell nedbrytning av organiskt material, har lett till att fiberbankarna har en låg bulkdensitet, vilket i sin tur medför att gränsen mellan fiberbanken och överliggande vattenmassa är svåra att urskilja. Baserat på en kombination av flera metoder och parametrar beräknades exempelvis en av fiberbankarna vara ungefär 12 m mäktig vid en provtagningsplats, vilket var betydligt mer än en tidigare uppskattning som gjorts baserat på mer begränsade metoder. Det framgick också att de fiberbankar som studerats är relativt stabila i relation till släntstabilitet, förmodligen på grund av den låga bulkdensiteten. Däremot finns det en risk att de underliggande naturliga sedimenten som fiberbanken vilar på kan ge vika på grund av ökat porvattentryck i relativt grova skikt inbäddade i finsedimenten
This thesis discusses the weathering mechanisms of two common silicates, albite and hornblende (P... more This thesis discusses the weathering mechanisms of two common silicates, albite and hornblende (Part A) and also weathering and conservation of building materi als made of calcite cemented sandstone (Part B). Part A; The role of feldspars and their capacity in soils to buffer against acid rain has together with amphiboles been regarded as important due to their high release of elements and thereby consumption of protons.
The continuous increase of atmospheric CO2 (Keeling and Whorf, 1999) stalled following the two la... more The continuous increase of atmospheric CO2 (Keeling and Whorf, 1999) stalled following the two largest volcanic aerosol eruptions of this century; Agung, Bali and Pinatubo, Philippines. Since volcanic emission of CO2 was enormous during these events, there must be an effect on the carbon cycle leading to transient enhanced fixation of atmospheric CO 2. Sarmiento (1993) suggested iron fertilization and biological fixation of CO2 in the ocean surface water by volcanic ash from the Pinatubo eruption as a plausible cause. To test the fertilization potential, pristine volcanic ash from the Hekla 2000 eruption, was dissolved in the laboratory. The Hekla volcano in southern Iceland erupted on February 26, 2000. A plume more than 10-km high formed at the beginning of eruption and ash was carried by winds over northern Iceland towards the North Atlantic Ocean. Most of the ash fell in the interior of Iceland and a maximum thickness of 4-5cm was measured in the sampling area 21km north of Hekl...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2000
The dissolution rate of polymerized tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) was investigated in the pH range 1±5... more The dissolution rate of polymerized tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) was investigated in the pH range 1±5. The dissolution rates of TEOS in aqueous HCl-solutions are independent of pH and the addition of electrolytes to the reactant solution did not aect the dissolution rate at pH < 2. In contrast, at higher pH-values, 3±5, the rates increased with increasing electrolyte concentration. The eect of electrolytes also increased with increasing pH and the increase in dissolution rate is an eect of the cation concentration. The cation-enhanced dissolution rates may be modeled as an adsorption of cations on reactive sites. The model resembles a Freundlich adsorption isotherm, RaR 0 kC n where R is the actual rate, R 0 is the rate in HCl, C is the electrolyte concentration, and n is the reaction order. SEM-microphotographs show that the material weathered in pure HCl-solutions were still coated with TEOS, while only a few¯akes of TEOS were found after experiments performed at pH 5 in 0.1 M NaCl-solution. The polymerization of TEOS at the relative humidities (RH) of 50% and 95% was investigated using laser Raman spectroscopy. The polymerization of TEOS is found to be considerably faster at the higher humidity.
GFF, 1996
Caribou (Rangifer tarandus), elk (Cervus canadensis), moose (Alces alces), and Stone's sheep (Ovi... more Caribou (Rangifer tarandus), elk (Cervus canadensis), moose (Alces alces), and Stone's sheep (Ovis dalli stonei) were either decreasing or stable in numbers in two areas in northeastern British Columbia in 1981-1982, prior to reductions in wolf (Canis lupus) numbers. Following the reduction of wolf numbers, recruitment improved 2-5 times for all four species, and all populations increased, based on either hunting statistics, census results, and (or) recruitments greater than 24 offspring at 9 months of age per 100 females. Recruitment of offspring at 9 months of age, when regressed against wolf numbers, declined with decelerating slopes for all four species. This inverse functional response is hypothesized to result from the preparturient spacing of females to reduce predation risk, and in this regard moose seem the least secure and sheep the most effectively spaced. For the four species, mean recruitment at 9 months of age that balanced adult mortality and provided a finite rate of increase of 1.00 was 24.16 ± 0.91 offspring/100 females (n = 11, coefficient of variation = 12.5%). The predicted recruitment rate for all four species in the absence of wolves was 53-57 offspring/100 females. But the birth rate of moose was much higher than those of the other species, indicating greater loss to other factors of which bear predation may be the greatest. Following wolf reductions of 60-86% of entire travelling packs, the wolves quickly recolonized the removal zones, with rates of increase ranging from 1.5 to 5.6. Résumé : En 1981-1982, avant la diminution du nombre de Loups gris (Canis lupus), les populations du Caribou (Rangifer tarandus), du Wapiti (Cervus canadensis), de l'Orignal (Alces alces) et du Mouflon de Stone (Ovis dalli stonei) étaient en déclin ou étaient stables en deux régions du nord-est de la Colombie-Britannique. À la suite de la réduction du nombre de loups, le recrutement a augmenté par un facteur de 2 à 5 chez les quatre espèces et toutes les populations ont connu un essor d'après les statistiques de chasse et les inventaires ou lorsque le recrutement de jeunes à l'âge de 9 mois/100 femelles dépassait 24. Le recrutement de jeunes de 9 mois diminuait chez les quatre espèces en fonction du nombre de loups selon une pente de moins en moins accentuée. Il se peut que cette réaction fonctionnelle renversée soit le résultat de l'espacement des femelles avant la parturition pour réduire les risques de prédation et, sous cet aspect, les orignaux semblent les animaux les moins protégés et les mouflons, les animaux à l'espacement le plus efficace. Chez les quatre espèces, le recrutement moyen à 9 mois, qui peut contrebalancer la mortalité des adultes et donner lieu à un taux fini d'augmentation de 1,0, a été évalué à 24,6 ± 0,91 jeunes/100 femelles (n = 11, CV = 12,5%). Le taux théorique de recrutement pour les quatre espèces en l'absence des loups a été évalué à 53-57 jeunes/100 femelles. Mais le taux de natalité s'est avéré beaucoup plus élevé chez les orignaux que chez les autres espèces, ce qui indique qu'il existe d'autres facteurs de perte, dont la prédation par les ours est sans doute le plus important. Après réduction de 60-86% de leur nombre dans les meutes entières en déplacement, les loups ont vite fait de recoloniser les zones évacuées à raison de 1,5 à 5,6. [Traduit par la Rédaction] Bergerud and Elliott 1569 Predation by wolves (Canis lupus) and bears (Ursus arctos, Ursus americana) is now recognized as a major limiting factor in the growth of moose (Alces alces) and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) populations in northern ecosystems in North America (
Geology, 2001
The fertilization potential of newly erupted and well-preserved ash from the 2000 Hekla eruption ... more The fertilization potential of newly erupted and well-preserved ash from the 2000 Hekla eruption in Iceland was measured for the first time by flow-through experiments. As previously shown, (1) the North Atlantic Ocean, including the subarctic seas surrounding Iceland, is the largest net sink of the world's oceans for atmospheric CO 2 , owing to biological drawdown during summer; (2) almost complete consumption of phosphate in chlorophyll-rich areas of the North Atlantic Ocean might limit primary production; and (3) in the southern Pacific Ocean and parts of the equatorial Pacific Ocean iron might limit primary production. We found through laboratory experiments that volcanic ash exposed to seawater initially releases large amounts of adsorbed phosphate, 1.7 mol•g ؊1 •h ؊1 ; iron, 37.0 mol•g ؊1 •h ؊1 ; silica, 49.5 mol•g ؊1 h ؊1 ; and manganese, 1.7 mol•g ؊1 •h ؊1. Dissolution of acid aerosols adsorbed to the surface of the ash caused the high initial release of major and trace elements. Because of the instantaneous dissolution of adsorbed components when newly erupted volcanic ash comes in contact with the ocean surface water, macronutrients and ''bioactive'' trace metals are released fast enough to become available to support primary production.
Chemical Geology, 1998
Abstract The dissolution kinetics of hornblende from Kragero, Norway, were studied in plug-flow c... more Abstract The dissolution kinetics of hornblende from Kragero, Norway, were studied in plug-flow columns at 25°C in order to determine the rate of dissolution. Grains with a size of 125–250 μm and a BET surface area of 0.28 m 2 g −1 were dissolved in solutions of deionized water/HCl at pH 1–5. Run duration's were about 6000 h. Experiments were also conducted with 0.01 M KCl/HCl at pH 1, 2, to investigate the effects of an added electrolyte on the reaction. The duration of these runs was about 3000 h. The added KCl had an insignificant effect on the release rates of Si, but slowed down the release of Al, Mg and Fe initially. The rates and the non-stoichiometry of dissolution were found to decrease with time in experiments with pH 1 and 2. Based on an apparent coupling of dissolution stoichiometry and rate in these runs, we propose that reconstruction of an Si-enriched surface layer that follows after a preferential loss of Al, and to a minor extent also Mg and Fe, will control `steady-state' dissolution rates in acidic solutions. It took a minimum of 3000 h until a quasi steady-state was reached at pH 1. At pH 2 at least 6000 h are required to develop the leached surface layer to its maximum thickness. For the experiments at pH>2 the runtimes were insufficient to reach a steady-state. The validity of the pH-dependence of the dissolution rate, described as log Rate proportional to −0.47 pH between pH 3 and 4, is therefore highly uncertain. Referring to the O 22 (OH) 2 as 1 mol of hornblende, a dissolution rate of 4.0×10 −13 mol m −2 s −1 was measured at pH 4 after 3000 h dissolution, which is lower than earlier reported.
Chemical Geology, 1998
... Velde and Boyer (1985) related a 976 cm −1 band to the Al-ordering in tetrahedra and this ban... more ... Velde and Boyer (1985) related a 976 cm −1 band to the Al-ordering in tetrahedra and this band is lost in shocked microcline. ... We are grateful for the comments and remarks by Prof. Kurt Boström and three anonymous reviewers which improved the manuscript. ...
Dissolved Fe is one of several factors governing biological production of the world oceans. Coast... more Dissolved Fe is one of several factors governing biological production of the world oceans. Coastal margin sediments, uppwelling, and aeolian transport have been considered the main source of soluble Fe in ocean surface waters (De Baar &amp;amp;amp;Boyd, 2000). Every year, about one km^3 of volcanic glass is produced in the surface environment of the Earth, most of it along the
Förutsägelse av långtidsegenskaper hos restprodukter-Teknik och miljö i vägar Referat (bakgrund, ... more Förutsägelse av långtidsegenskaper hos restprodukter-Teknik och miljö i vägar Referat (bakgrund, syfte, metod, resultat) max 200 ord: Trots mångårig forskning om restprodukter och deras användningsmöjligheter är kunskapen om restprodukternas långtidsegenskaper otillräcklig. Idag är det därför inte möjligt att förutspå framtida hållfasthets-och lakningsegenskaper. För att bättre förstå processerna bakom materialåldrandet och för att föreslå en laboratoriemetod för accelererat åldrande av färska restprodukter har projektet studerat två restprodukter-stålslagg från skrotbaserad tillverkning av stål i ljusbågsugn samt bottenaska från förbränning av hushållsavfall. Naturligt åldrat material grävdes upp från förstärkningslagret i två stycken 10-15 år gamla provvägar. Materialets egenskaper jämfördes med egenskaperna hos motsvarande färska material från upplag. Materialen karakteriserades i laboratoriet med avseende på kornstorleksfördelning, vattenkvot, packningsegenskaper, deformationsegenskaper vid dynamiskt treaxialtest, mineralogi och mikrostruktur i SEM och XRD, kemisk sammansättning, pH och lakegenskaper. Bottenaskan undersöktes också med avseende på elektrisk konduktivitet och innehåll av organiskt material. Dessutom gjordes pH-kartering i båda vägarna och konduktivitetskartering i bottenaskvägen. Undersökningsresultaten bekräftade bland annat att vägmaterial som ligger i vägkanten åldras fortare än vägmaterial som ligger i vägmitten och att detta avspeglas i lakningsegenskaperna.
International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology, 2016
The study focuses on long-term performances of MSWI bottom ash used as a reinforcement layer in a... more The study focuses on long-term performances of MSWI bottom ash used as a reinforcement layer in a 8 years old road-construction. Long term properties may change under the combined effects of loading, climate- and chemical conditions. Characterization of the chemical changes in aged MSWI bottom ash is thus of prime interest as secondary alteration is a key process for the ageing of these kind of materials. The MSWI bottom ash in this study comprises a 60 meter-long segment of a test road, which was sampled eight years after construction. The objective of the sampling was to obtain a very low degree of disturbance to the application’s in-situ properties. Access to the sub-base was achieved by removing the surface course and unbound base course, leaving the top surface of the unbound sub-base reachable. Epoxy impregnated slabs were also used for a micro textural and chemical characterization by SEM/EDS of the bottom ash sub-base layer. No cracks that imply movements or rotation of par...
In Sweden, use of industrial by-products is still hindered by concern for their long-term propert... more In Sweden, use of industrial by-products is still hindered by concern for their long-term properties. This report describes a three-year research project aiming to identify the key processes of aging related to the usefulness of by-products in roads; investigate the consequences of these processes for technical and environmental properties of the by-products, and propose a method for accelerated aging to predict long-term properties. The project has compared naturally aged samples of two by-products used as sub-bases in existing asphalt paved roads with samples of fresh by-products from producers' piles. Steel slag of electric arc furnace type and municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash were chosen. The samples were thoroughly characterized in order to identify which aging processes had been crucial. The working hypothesis was that aging processes lead to changes in pH, effective particle size and mineralogy, which in turn determine leaching, stiffness and stability ...
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021
Unregulated discharges of wastewater from pulp and paper factories resulted in the formation of r... more Unregulated discharges of wastewater from pulp and paper factories resulted in the formation of relatively thick organic (cellulose) rich sediments in shallow waters along the Swedish coast. These deposits are known as fiberbanks and are contaminated by persistent organic pollutants (POPs), metals and methylmercury, which can be dispersed by diffusion and advective processes coupled to propeller wash, high river discharges, strong wind waves and submarine landslides. Based on a case study of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), one group of prevalent POPs in the fiberbanks, we present a probabilistic approach to estimate the potential risk of dispersion of fiberbank contaminants. The approach allows for estimation of the dispersal pathways that dominates the risk within a given time and provides more insight about the significance of various dispersion processes. We show that it is highly likely that chemical diffusion and advection triggered by ship-induced resuspension will disperse ...
Engineering Geology, 2021
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2020
In order to study the impact of climate change on metal contaminant transport in urban waters and... more In order to study the impact of climate change on metal contaminant transport in urban waters and its relevance for water quality, we have analyzed variations in metal- and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) in three urban rivers and one small creek in the Gothenburg region during various hydrological events such as spring flood, dry period, and wet period. To interpret river loads of metals and SSC we have furthermore followed meteorological trends since 1961 and additionally calculated future trends for the Gothenburg region, located on the west coast of Sweden. During periods of a short-term increase in precipitation we found an increased particle bound metal transport in urban watercourses of the Göta Älv River. In addition, a correlation between studied parameters indicates that surface runoff from brownfields most likely is the main source to the increased transport of pollutants in river systems rather than re-suspension of polluted river sediment.
(1) Halso- och miljoeffekter av forhojda halter av klorid och sulfat i lakvatten; (2) TAC-modelle... more (1) Halso- och miljoeffekter av forhojda halter av klorid och sulfat i lakvatten; (2) TAC-modellen; (3) Lakhastighet i forhallande till deponins geometri, infiltration etc; (4) Klorid och sulfat i ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2004
Al-F toxicity contributes to ecosystem stress and species decline following large–scale volcanism
Eftersom det råder osäkerhet om hur sulfidförande bergarter ska hanteras för att inte utgöra en m... more Eftersom det råder osäkerhet om hur sulfidförande bergarter ska hanteras för att inte utgöra en miljörisk behövs det ett generellt system för bedömning av miljöpåverkan och råd om vilka åtgärder som är lämpliga för att minska denna. Med anledning av detta har Trafikverket tagit fram denna handbok. Handboken är tillämpbar under anläggningsarbeten som t ex väg- och järnvägsskärningar samt i samband med mellanlagring på bergupplag. Målgruppen för detta dokument är främst projektledare, projektörer och entreprenörer. 2019-12-20: Vi har publicerat ett förtydligande av syftet med handboken, se separat dokument
Statens geotekniska institut, 2020
Det tvärvetenskapliga och ämnesöverskridande forskningsprojektet TREASURE genomfördes mellan åren... more Det tvärvetenskapliga och ämnesöverskridande forskningsprojektet TREASURE genomfördes mellan åren 2014 och 2019. Projektet finansierades genom FORMAS-SGI TUFFO-initiativet som hade som mål att påskynda sanering av förorenade platser. TREASURE fokuserade på så kallade fiberbankar, som är relativt tjocka avlagringar av förorenade organiskt (cellulosa) rika sediment och som ansamlats i recipienter utanför pappers- och massafabriker innan införandet av miljölagstiftning i slutet av 1960-talet förbjöd detta. Hantering av dessa avlagringar och tillhörande fiberrika sediment som det finns mycket av längs Sveriges nordöstra kust (och vissa sjöar), kräver att platser riskbedöms och prioriteras för åtgärd. En avgörande aspekt av riskbedömningen är spridningen av föroreningar och deras biotillgänglighet. Inom TREASURE tillämpades en ny kombination av analysmetoder, som inkluderade in-situ-mätningar av (i) sedimentgeofysiska och geotekniska egenskaper som en del av analys för släntstabilitet, (ii) spridning av föroreningar genom advektion och diffusion, (iii) bioackumulation och biomagnifikation i bentiska organismer och (iv) studier av mikrobiell genetik. Resultaten visar att de fiberbankar som studerats är svåra att ta prover på och svåra att fysiskt karakterisera med de metoder som traditionellt används på sediment som vanligtvis har en högre minerogen halt. Den naturliga produktionen av gas, som är resultatet av mikrobiell nedbrytning av organiskt material, har lett till att fiberbankarna har en låg bulkdensitet, vilket i sin tur medför att gränsen mellan fiberbanken och överliggande vattenmassa är svåra att urskilja. Baserat på en kombination av flera metoder och parametrar beräknades exempelvis en av fiberbankarna vara ungefär 12 m mäktig vid en provtagningsplats, vilket var betydligt mer än en tidigare uppskattning som gjorts baserat på mer begränsade metoder. Det framgick också att de fiberbankar som studerats är relativt stabila i relation till släntstabilitet, förmodligen på grund av den låga bulkdensiteten. Däremot finns det en risk att de underliggande naturliga sedimenten som fiberbanken vilar på kan ge vika på grund av ökat porvattentryck i relativt grova skikt inbäddade i finsedimenten
This thesis discusses the weathering mechanisms of two common silicates, albite and hornblende (P... more This thesis discusses the weathering mechanisms of two common silicates, albite and hornblende (Part A) and also weathering and conservation of building materi als made of calcite cemented sandstone (Part B). Part A; The role of feldspars and their capacity in soils to buffer against acid rain has together with amphiboles been regarded as important due to their high release of elements and thereby consumption of protons.
The continuous increase of atmospheric CO2 (Keeling and Whorf, 1999) stalled following the two la... more The continuous increase of atmospheric CO2 (Keeling and Whorf, 1999) stalled following the two largest volcanic aerosol eruptions of this century; Agung, Bali and Pinatubo, Philippines. Since volcanic emission of CO2 was enormous during these events, there must be an effect on the carbon cycle leading to transient enhanced fixation of atmospheric CO 2. Sarmiento (1993) suggested iron fertilization and biological fixation of CO2 in the ocean surface water by volcanic ash from the Pinatubo eruption as a plausible cause. To test the fertilization potential, pristine volcanic ash from the Hekla 2000 eruption, was dissolved in the laboratory. The Hekla volcano in southern Iceland erupted on February 26, 2000. A plume more than 10-km high formed at the beginning of eruption and ash was carried by winds over northern Iceland towards the North Atlantic Ocean. Most of the ash fell in the interior of Iceland and a maximum thickness of 4-5cm was measured in the sampling area 21km north of Hekl...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2000
The dissolution rate of polymerized tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) was investigated in the pH range 1±5... more The dissolution rate of polymerized tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) was investigated in the pH range 1±5. The dissolution rates of TEOS in aqueous HCl-solutions are independent of pH and the addition of electrolytes to the reactant solution did not aect the dissolution rate at pH < 2. In contrast, at higher pH-values, 3±5, the rates increased with increasing electrolyte concentration. The eect of electrolytes also increased with increasing pH and the increase in dissolution rate is an eect of the cation concentration. The cation-enhanced dissolution rates may be modeled as an adsorption of cations on reactive sites. The model resembles a Freundlich adsorption isotherm, RaR 0 kC n where R is the actual rate, R 0 is the rate in HCl, C is the electrolyte concentration, and n is the reaction order. SEM-microphotographs show that the material weathered in pure HCl-solutions were still coated with TEOS, while only a few¯akes of TEOS were found after experiments performed at pH 5 in 0.1 M NaCl-solution. The polymerization of TEOS at the relative humidities (RH) of 50% and 95% was investigated using laser Raman spectroscopy. The polymerization of TEOS is found to be considerably faster at the higher humidity.
GFF, 1996
Caribou (Rangifer tarandus), elk (Cervus canadensis), moose (Alces alces), and Stone's sheep (Ovi... more Caribou (Rangifer tarandus), elk (Cervus canadensis), moose (Alces alces), and Stone's sheep (Ovis dalli stonei) were either decreasing or stable in numbers in two areas in northeastern British Columbia in 1981-1982, prior to reductions in wolf (Canis lupus) numbers. Following the reduction of wolf numbers, recruitment improved 2-5 times for all four species, and all populations increased, based on either hunting statistics, census results, and (or) recruitments greater than 24 offspring at 9 months of age per 100 females. Recruitment of offspring at 9 months of age, when regressed against wolf numbers, declined with decelerating slopes for all four species. This inverse functional response is hypothesized to result from the preparturient spacing of females to reduce predation risk, and in this regard moose seem the least secure and sheep the most effectively spaced. For the four species, mean recruitment at 9 months of age that balanced adult mortality and provided a finite rate of increase of 1.00 was 24.16 ± 0.91 offspring/100 females (n = 11, coefficient of variation = 12.5%). The predicted recruitment rate for all four species in the absence of wolves was 53-57 offspring/100 females. But the birth rate of moose was much higher than those of the other species, indicating greater loss to other factors of which bear predation may be the greatest. Following wolf reductions of 60-86% of entire travelling packs, the wolves quickly recolonized the removal zones, with rates of increase ranging from 1.5 to 5.6. Résumé : En 1981-1982, avant la diminution du nombre de Loups gris (Canis lupus), les populations du Caribou (Rangifer tarandus), du Wapiti (Cervus canadensis), de l'Orignal (Alces alces) et du Mouflon de Stone (Ovis dalli stonei) étaient en déclin ou étaient stables en deux régions du nord-est de la Colombie-Britannique. À la suite de la réduction du nombre de loups, le recrutement a augmenté par un facteur de 2 à 5 chez les quatre espèces et toutes les populations ont connu un essor d'après les statistiques de chasse et les inventaires ou lorsque le recrutement de jeunes à l'âge de 9 mois/100 femelles dépassait 24. Le recrutement de jeunes de 9 mois diminuait chez les quatre espèces en fonction du nombre de loups selon une pente de moins en moins accentuée. Il se peut que cette réaction fonctionnelle renversée soit le résultat de l'espacement des femelles avant la parturition pour réduire les risques de prédation et, sous cet aspect, les orignaux semblent les animaux les moins protégés et les mouflons, les animaux à l'espacement le plus efficace. Chez les quatre espèces, le recrutement moyen à 9 mois, qui peut contrebalancer la mortalité des adultes et donner lieu à un taux fini d'augmentation de 1,0, a été évalué à 24,6 ± 0,91 jeunes/100 femelles (n = 11, CV = 12,5%). Le taux théorique de recrutement pour les quatre espèces en l'absence des loups a été évalué à 53-57 jeunes/100 femelles. Mais le taux de natalité s'est avéré beaucoup plus élevé chez les orignaux que chez les autres espèces, ce qui indique qu'il existe d'autres facteurs de perte, dont la prédation par les ours est sans doute le plus important. Après réduction de 60-86% de leur nombre dans les meutes entières en déplacement, les loups ont vite fait de recoloniser les zones évacuées à raison de 1,5 à 5,6. [Traduit par la Rédaction] Bergerud and Elliott 1569 Predation by wolves (Canis lupus) and bears (Ursus arctos, Ursus americana) is now recognized as a major limiting factor in the growth of moose (Alces alces) and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) populations in northern ecosystems in North America (
Geology, 2001
The fertilization potential of newly erupted and well-preserved ash from the 2000 Hekla eruption ... more The fertilization potential of newly erupted and well-preserved ash from the 2000 Hekla eruption in Iceland was measured for the first time by flow-through experiments. As previously shown, (1) the North Atlantic Ocean, including the subarctic seas surrounding Iceland, is the largest net sink of the world's oceans for atmospheric CO 2 , owing to biological drawdown during summer; (2) almost complete consumption of phosphate in chlorophyll-rich areas of the North Atlantic Ocean might limit primary production; and (3) in the southern Pacific Ocean and parts of the equatorial Pacific Ocean iron might limit primary production. We found through laboratory experiments that volcanic ash exposed to seawater initially releases large amounts of adsorbed phosphate, 1.7 mol•g ؊1 •h ؊1 ; iron, 37.0 mol•g ؊1 •h ؊1 ; silica, 49.5 mol•g ؊1 h ؊1 ; and manganese, 1.7 mol•g ؊1 •h ؊1. Dissolution of acid aerosols adsorbed to the surface of the ash caused the high initial release of major and trace elements. Because of the instantaneous dissolution of adsorbed components when newly erupted volcanic ash comes in contact with the ocean surface water, macronutrients and ''bioactive'' trace metals are released fast enough to become available to support primary production.
Chemical Geology, 1998
Abstract The dissolution kinetics of hornblende from Kragero, Norway, were studied in plug-flow c... more Abstract The dissolution kinetics of hornblende from Kragero, Norway, were studied in plug-flow columns at 25°C in order to determine the rate of dissolution. Grains with a size of 125–250 μm and a BET surface area of 0.28 m 2 g −1 were dissolved in solutions of deionized water/HCl at pH 1–5. Run duration's were about 6000 h. Experiments were also conducted with 0.01 M KCl/HCl at pH 1, 2, to investigate the effects of an added electrolyte on the reaction. The duration of these runs was about 3000 h. The added KCl had an insignificant effect on the release rates of Si, but slowed down the release of Al, Mg and Fe initially. The rates and the non-stoichiometry of dissolution were found to decrease with time in experiments with pH 1 and 2. Based on an apparent coupling of dissolution stoichiometry and rate in these runs, we propose that reconstruction of an Si-enriched surface layer that follows after a preferential loss of Al, and to a minor extent also Mg and Fe, will control `steady-state' dissolution rates in acidic solutions. It took a minimum of 3000 h until a quasi steady-state was reached at pH 1. At pH 2 at least 6000 h are required to develop the leached surface layer to its maximum thickness. For the experiments at pH>2 the runtimes were insufficient to reach a steady-state. The validity of the pH-dependence of the dissolution rate, described as log Rate proportional to −0.47 pH between pH 3 and 4, is therefore highly uncertain. Referring to the O 22 (OH) 2 as 1 mol of hornblende, a dissolution rate of 4.0×10 −13 mol m −2 s −1 was measured at pH 4 after 3000 h dissolution, which is lower than earlier reported.
Chemical Geology, 1998
... Velde and Boyer (1985) related a 976 cm −1 band to the Al-ordering in tetrahedra and this ban... more ... Velde and Boyer (1985) related a 976 cm −1 band to the Al-ordering in tetrahedra and this band is lost in shocked microcline. ... We are grateful for the comments and remarks by Prof. Kurt Boström and three anonymous reviewers which improved the manuscript. ...
Dissolved Fe is one of several factors governing biological production of the world oceans. Coast... more Dissolved Fe is one of several factors governing biological production of the world oceans. Coastal margin sediments, uppwelling, and aeolian transport have been considered the main source of soluble Fe in ocean surface waters (De Baar &amp;amp;amp;Boyd, 2000). Every year, about one km^3 of volcanic glass is produced in the surface environment of the Earth, most of it along the
Förutsägelse av långtidsegenskaper hos restprodukter-Teknik och miljö i vägar Referat (bakgrund, ... more Förutsägelse av långtidsegenskaper hos restprodukter-Teknik och miljö i vägar Referat (bakgrund, syfte, metod, resultat) max 200 ord: Trots mångårig forskning om restprodukter och deras användningsmöjligheter är kunskapen om restprodukternas långtidsegenskaper otillräcklig. Idag är det därför inte möjligt att förutspå framtida hållfasthets-och lakningsegenskaper. För att bättre förstå processerna bakom materialåldrandet och för att föreslå en laboratoriemetod för accelererat åldrande av färska restprodukter har projektet studerat två restprodukter-stålslagg från skrotbaserad tillverkning av stål i ljusbågsugn samt bottenaska från förbränning av hushållsavfall. Naturligt åldrat material grävdes upp från förstärkningslagret i två stycken 10-15 år gamla provvägar. Materialets egenskaper jämfördes med egenskaperna hos motsvarande färska material från upplag. Materialen karakteriserades i laboratoriet med avseende på kornstorleksfördelning, vattenkvot, packningsegenskaper, deformationsegenskaper vid dynamiskt treaxialtest, mineralogi och mikrostruktur i SEM och XRD, kemisk sammansättning, pH och lakegenskaper. Bottenaskan undersöktes också med avseende på elektrisk konduktivitet och innehåll av organiskt material. Dessutom gjordes pH-kartering i båda vägarna och konduktivitetskartering i bottenaskvägen. Undersökningsresultaten bekräftade bland annat att vägmaterial som ligger i vägkanten åldras fortare än vägmaterial som ligger i vägmitten och att detta avspeglas i lakningsegenskaperna.
International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology, 2016
The study focuses on long-term performances of MSWI bottom ash used as a reinforcement layer in a... more The study focuses on long-term performances of MSWI bottom ash used as a reinforcement layer in a 8 years old road-construction. Long term properties may change under the combined effects of loading, climate- and chemical conditions. Characterization of the chemical changes in aged MSWI bottom ash is thus of prime interest as secondary alteration is a key process for the ageing of these kind of materials. The MSWI bottom ash in this study comprises a 60 meter-long segment of a test road, which was sampled eight years after construction. The objective of the sampling was to obtain a very low degree of disturbance to the application’s in-situ properties. Access to the sub-base was achieved by removing the surface course and unbound base course, leaving the top surface of the unbound sub-base reachable. Epoxy impregnated slabs were also used for a micro textural and chemical characterization by SEM/EDS of the bottom ash sub-base layer. No cracks that imply movements or rotation of par...
In Sweden, use of industrial by-products is still hindered by concern for their long-term propert... more In Sweden, use of industrial by-products is still hindered by concern for their long-term properties. This report describes a three-year research project aiming to identify the key processes of aging related to the usefulness of by-products in roads; investigate the consequences of these processes for technical and environmental properties of the by-products, and propose a method for accelerated aging to predict long-term properties. The project has compared naturally aged samples of two by-products used as sub-bases in existing asphalt paved roads with samples of fresh by-products from producers' piles. Steel slag of electric arc furnace type and municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash were chosen. The samples were thoroughly characterized in order to identify which aging processes had been crucial. The working hypothesis was that aging processes lead to changes in pH, effective particle size and mineralogy, which in turn determine leaching, stiffness and stability ...
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021
Unregulated discharges of wastewater from pulp and paper factories resulted in the formation of r... more Unregulated discharges of wastewater from pulp and paper factories resulted in the formation of relatively thick organic (cellulose) rich sediments in shallow waters along the Swedish coast. These deposits are known as fiberbanks and are contaminated by persistent organic pollutants (POPs), metals and methylmercury, which can be dispersed by diffusion and advective processes coupled to propeller wash, high river discharges, strong wind waves and submarine landslides. Based on a case study of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), one group of prevalent POPs in the fiberbanks, we present a probabilistic approach to estimate the potential risk of dispersion of fiberbank contaminants. The approach allows for estimation of the dispersal pathways that dominates the risk within a given time and provides more insight about the significance of various dispersion processes. We show that it is highly likely that chemical diffusion and advection triggered by ship-induced resuspension will disperse ...
Engineering Geology, 2021
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2020
In order to study the impact of climate change on metal contaminant transport in urban waters and... more In order to study the impact of climate change on metal contaminant transport in urban waters and its relevance for water quality, we have analyzed variations in metal- and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) in three urban rivers and one small creek in the Gothenburg region during various hydrological events such as spring flood, dry period, and wet period. To interpret river loads of metals and SSC we have furthermore followed meteorological trends since 1961 and additionally calculated future trends for the Gothenburg region, located on the west coast of Sweden. During periods of a short-term increase in precipitation we found an increased particle bound metal transport in urban watercourses of the Göta Älv River. In addition, a correlation between studied parameters indicates that surface runoff from brownfields most likely is the main source to the increased transport of pollutants in river systems rather than re-suspension of polluted river sediment.