Sweet 'n Spicy Tea (original) (raw)
Its the ever so wonderful mattcha's birthday today!!!! So everyone go to her journal/DA/MB/sites and send her lots of wishes and love and happiness and sugar (well that's more for me) and adorable puppies to attack her with cuteness!!!!
If you don't....... As her self-proclaimed big sis, I will threaten you with mud. Now go spread the FRICKIN' BIRTHDAY LOVE. >:|
. . . ILU? O w O;;;
I'm such a horrible big sis mattcha! Forgive me for not having a super awesome birthday present to throw into this journal to embarrass you all over the internet with... I am working on it though! 8D;;; *shot*
*CLINGS TO IMOTTO-CHAN* ; w ; My lil sis is growing up so fast~ <33333