Swimming Roster Index For The 2024 Short Course World Championships (original) (raw)

Sophie Kaufman

by Sophie Kaufman 12

November 25th, 2024 Africa, Asia, Australia, Brazil, Latin America & Caribbean, Britain, Canada, Europe, International, New Zealand and Oceania, News, Short Course World Championships

The countdown is on to the 2024 Short Course World Championships in Budapest, Hungary from December 10-15. Nations around the world are finalizing their rosters for the championships and we’re keeping track of all the ones we can find with this index.

We’ll continue updating the index as more rosters are announced and will do our best to add in additional qualifiers or substitutions as they become available. If you see an official roster or an update that we missed, let us know in the comments.

Below, we’ve listed every member federation of World Aquatics, the international governing body for swimming. Not all of these nations will necessarily be represented at SC Worlds, but it gives us a solid starting point for our world-level index. We’ve organized countries by their World Aquatics continental association, and within each continent, the nations are listed alphabetically.

This list of athletes approved to race under neutral status can be found here.

2024 Short Course World Championships International Swimming Rosters

Algeria Anguilla Afghanistan Albania American Samoa
Angola Antigua and Barbuda Bahrain Andorra Australia
Benin Argentina Bangladesh Armenia Cook Islands
Botswana Aruba Bhutan Austria Federated States of Micronesia
Burkina Faso Bahamas Brunei Azerbaijan Fiji
Burundi Barbados Cambodia Belarus Guam
Cameroon Belize China Belgium Marshall Islands
Cape Verde Bermuda Chinese Taipei Bosnia and Herzegovina New Zealand
Central African Republic Bolivia Hong Kong Bulgaria Northern Mariana Islands
Chad Brazil India Croatia Palau
Comoros British Virgin Islands Indonesia Cyprus Papua New Guinea
Congo Canada Iraq Czech Republic Samoa
Côte d’Ivoire Cayman Islands Islamic Republic of Iran Denmark Solomon Islands
Djibouti Chile Japan Estonia Tonga
DR Congo Colombia Jordan Faroe Islands Vanuatu
Egypt Costa Rica Kazakhstan Finland Refugee
Equatorial Guinea Cuba Kuwait France
Eritrea Curaçao Kyrgyzstan Georgia
Ethiopia Dominica Laos Germany
Gabon Dominican Republic Lebanon Gibraltar
Gambia Ecuador Macau Great Britain
Ghana El Salvador Malaysia Greece
Guinea Grenada Maldives Hungary
Guinea-Bissau Guatemala Mongolia Iceland
Kenya Guyana Myanmar Ireland
Lesotho Haiti Nepal Israel
Liberia Honduras North Korea Italy
Libya Jamaica Oman Kosovo
Madagascar Mexico Pakistan Latvia
Malawi Nicaragua Palestine Liechtenstein
Mali Panama Philippines Lithuania
Mauritania Paraguay Qatar Luxembourg
Mauritius Peru Saudi Arabia Malta
Morocco Puerto Rico Singapore Moldova
Mozambique Saint Kitts and Nevis South Korea Monaco
Namibia Saint Lucia Sri Lanka Montenegro
Niger Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Syrian Arab Republic Netherlands
Nigeria Sint Maarten Tajikistan North Macedonia
Rwanda Suriname Thailand Norway
Senegal Trinidad and Tobago Timor-Leste Poland
Seychelles Turks and Caicos Islands Turkmenistan Portugal
Sierra Leone Uruguay United Arab Emirates Romania
Somalia United States Uzbekistan Russia
South Africa Venezuela Vietnam San Marino
Sudan Virgin Islands Yemen Serbia
Swaziland Slovakia
Togo Slovenia
Tunisia Spain
Uganda Sweden
United Republic of Tanzania Switzerland
Zambia Turkey
Zimbabwe Ukraine

About Sophie Kaufman

Sophie Kaufman

Sophie grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, which means yes, she does root for the Bruins, but try not to hold that against her. At 9, she joined her local club team because her best friend convinced her it would be fun. Shoulder surgery ended her competitive swimming days long ago, …

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