Anton McKee (original) (raw)

Campionati Europei Di Nuoto In Vasca Corta 2021: Recap Live Finali Day2

Si apre la seconda giornata di semifinali e finali dei Campionati Europei in vasca da 25 metri a Kazan. Italiani presenti in tutti gli eventi

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2021 European Short Course Championships: Day 2 Prelims Live Recap

Follow along for live results as we get into the second day of racing at the 2021 European Short Course Swimming Championships.


Europei Nuoto Vasca Corta: Recap Live Batterie Day 2

Le batterie di qualifica aprono il secondo giorno dei Campionati Europei di nuoto in vasca corta di Kazan. Seguitele con il nostro live recap

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Top 5 Men’s Races To Watch At 2021 European Short Course C’Ships

The 2021 European Short Course Championships are almost upon us, so let’s build the hype with the top 5 men’s races to watch in Kazan.


La Gran Bretagna Non Gareggerà Ai Campionati Europei Di Kazan

I Campionati Europei in vasca corta 2021 inizieranno il 2 Novembre e la manifestazione sarà anche caratterizzata da assenze illustri.

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Short Course Euros Psych Sheets: Great Britain Opts Out, Sjostrom Will Race

The country’s decision not to race in Kazan means the absence of Olympic medalists Peaty, Dean, Scott, Anderson, and Dawson.


2021 ISL Match 1, Day 1 Start Lists: Sjostrom Entered in Only Free Events

Energy’s Sarah Sjostrom will swim the 50 free in her first ISL season 3 match. 55-capable Maddy Banic will swim the 100 fly in her place.

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ISL 2021 Napoli: Risultati Live Match #1 Primo Giorno

Risultati e recap live del primo giorno di gare del Match 1 ISL 2021 con Energy Standard, Aqua Centurions, Toronto Titans e DC Trident

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International Swimming League Match 1: Anteprima E Programma Gare

ISL darà il via alla sua stagione 3 a Napoli, con il primo match con quattro squadre a sfidarsi oggi, giovedì 26 e domani, venerdì 27 agosto.

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ISL Season 3, Match 1 Preview: Draft Shakeup Doesn’t Diminish Energy Standard

While other teams in the league benefitted far more from the swimmer draft that preceded season 3, Energy Standard’s strengths are not diminished.


Luiz Borges Will Not Take 5th Year at Michigan, Moves to VT With Sergio Lopez

Luis Borges has made the move to Blacksburg, Virginia to train with Sergio Lopez and the Virginia Tech-based pro group Pinnacle Racing.


ISL Depth Charts: Toronto Titans Will Send Sprint-Heavy Squad To Naples

While Toronto has a bounty of sprinters heading to Naples, individual versatility will play a crucial part in filling in some holes in the roster.


McKee To Return, Jorunnardottir To Debut For Iceland At Tokyo 2020

McKee will be hoping to improve upon his prelim finishes at Rio 2016 while Jorunnardottir will get her first shot at Olympic success.

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International Swimming League Gli Atleti Scelti Nel Primo Giorno Del Draft

Il draft ISL è iniziato, con le dieci franchigie che hanno annunciato ieri sera i 15 nuotatori mantenuti delle stagioni precedenti.

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ISL First 5: Toronto Retains Skins Talent In Masse, Ryan, McKee

The Toronto Titans focused in on their returning point-scorers from the skin races, retaining a number of top stroke sprinters.

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