sword_watch (original) (raw)
bluehorseman @ 12:47 pm: The Story So Far 2
A big hearty hello to the new players and an evil chuckle to everyone else. I'm Ry and I'll be your mod for the day. We'll be taking a tour back through the game so far to see just what the hell is going on. It's been a little over a month since the big bad doom went down, and well over a month since I last did one of these things. Buckle up folks, this is going to be long.
I will try to make this at least a little organized. If you think I left out something important, please do let me know and I'll edit it in.
Also, a friendly/doomy reminder to everyone to crosspost regular journal entires to sword_friends.
The last Mod's Eye View post can be found here. I'll be crossposting this into sword_watch and ooc_swords.
Everyone ready? Tray tables up? Baggage stowed? Drinks in hand?
Good, let's get moving, we've got a lot of ground to cover.
( One - The Big Bad Doom: A RecapCollapse )
( Two - The Watcher RecallCollapse )
( Three - The Current SituationCollapse )
( Three point one - The Current Situation: WatchersCollapse )
( Four - The CharactersCollapse )
Have something you want to add? Correct? Questions you need answered? Go ahead and ask. I'll be away for the weekend but I'll be back on Monday and the other mods can certainly answer questions too.