Bronisław Sitek | SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (original) (raw)

Official website by Bronisław Sitek

Research paper thumbnail of De proxenetics o posrednictwie handlowym w prawie rzymskim uwag kilka

De proxeneticis. O pośrednictwie handlowym w prawie rzymskim uwag kilka De proxeneticis. Some rem... more De proxeneticis. O pośrednictwie handlowym w prawie rzymskim uwag kilka De proxeneticis. Some remarks on trade intermediation in Roman law De proxeneticis. Некоторые замечания о торговом посредничестве в римском праве De proxeneticis. Деякі зауваження про комерційне посередництво в римському праві BRONISŁAW SITEK

Research paper thumbnail of The human rights to respect the religious identity in the light of the media and politica regulation

The Human rights undergo deep transformations related with the metamorphoses in the existing syst... more The Human rights undergo deep transformations related with the metamorphoses in the existing system of values, originated from the European culture based on three pillars: Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christianity. The idea of the European Union was based on the same value. The domination of economic thought resulted in economization the life of individual persons and the society. They is necessary to carry aut the deliberation towards the changes in the content of the human rights.

Research paper thumbnail of Representative of public interest in Germany

Journal of Modern Science 4/35, s. 79-90, 2017

The purpose of this study is to present the organization and functioning of the Institution of Re... more The purpose of this study is to present the organization and functioning of the Institution of Representative of the Public Interest in Germany, which appear before the Federal Administrative Court. This office, established in Leipzig, is a substitute for the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland. The main difference between these institutions lies in the fact that the Representative deals with the protection of the public interest and the General Counsel protects the interests of the State Treasury. The aim of the study is to present a fairly original concept of public interest and its protection in Germany. Such solutions are very rarely met. The work was written using dogmatic methodology and the analysis of institutional solutions. The result of this work is to show that the relatively small office of the Representative in Germany gives a fairly effective protection of the public interest in Germany. This solution can be recommended to be imitated in other European countries. Streszczenie Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie organizacji i funkcjo-nowania instytucji Rzecznika Interesu Publicznego w Niemczech, który występuje przed Federalnym Sądem Administracyjnym. Urząd ten, posadowiony w Lipsku, sta-nowi namiastkę Prokuratorii w Polsce. Zasadnicza różnica między tymi instytucjami leży w tym, że Rzecznik zajmuje się ochroną interesu publicznego, Prokuratoria zaś ochroną interesu Skarbu Państwa. Celem opracowania jest ukazanie dość oryginal-nego pojmowania w Niemczech pojęcia interesu publicznego i systemu jego ochrony.

Research paper thumbnail of Synergy of the law systems as foundation for the future of Europe

Teka Komisji Prawnej - Pan Lublin , 2017

The referendum of May 2016 in the UK and the strengthening of a group of eurosceptics and nationa... more The referendum of May 2016 in the UK and the strengthening of a group of eurosceptics and nationalists in many European countries raises questions about the future of Europe and the European Union. The law is one of the areas of European integration. Already since the 70s of the twentieth century, the discussion about whether it should be unification or just the synergy of existing legal systems was undertaken. Eventually, the second concept won. The undoubted influence on this was made by the history of law, particularly the Roman law and medieval ius commune. At that time, the legal systems based on multiculturalism of law were created. Currently, there is the importance of a study conducted by comparative scholars developing various legal problems. They tend to build the foundations for the process of synergy of European law.


Teka Komisji Prawniczej - Pan KUL , 2018

Streszczenie. Walka polityczna jest istotnym elementem każdej epoki i każdego państwa. Przykładem... more Streszczenie. Walka polityczna jest istotnym elementem każdej epoki i każdego państwa. Przykładem takiej walki jest proces przeciwko Katylinie, który rozegrał się pod koniec 63 r. przed Chr. Głównym jego oskarżycielem przed senatem rzymskim był Cyceron, pełniący w tym roku urząd konsula. Doprowadził on do uchwalenia senatus consultum ultimum, na mocy którego bez wyroku sądowego zgładzeni zostali spiskowcy, na czele których stał Ka-tylina. Z tej okazji słynny rzymski orator wygłosił w senacie cztery mowy. Pomimo zwycię-stwa jakie odniósł Cyceron, to już w 58 r. został on skazany na wygnanie za wykonanie wy-roku śmierci na obywatelu rzymskim bez wyroku sądowego. W konsekwencji wyjechał do Grecji, gdzie spędził kilkanaście miesięcy. Nigdy jednak nie powrócił już do polityki na wy-sokim poziomie. Słowa kluczowe: prawo rzymskie, proces Katyliny, Cyceron, republika rzymska, interes pań-stwa WPROWADZENIE Od pewnego czasu media polskie donoszą dość obficie o działaniach róż-nych organów państwa zajmujących się ochroną interesu publicznego i bez-pieczeństwem państwa polskiego, najczęściej podejmowanych we współpra-cy z prokuraturą i sądami. Działania te są podejmowane wobec wyższych urzędników, którzy sprawowali lub aktualnie sprawują funkcje ministrów re-sortowych, prezesów spółek państwowych, wojewodów, marszałków woje-wództwa i innych. Stawiane są im różnorakie zarzuty, przekroczenia kompetencji, uzyskania nieuprawnionych korzyści (korupcja), czy działania na szkodę urzędu, którym kierowali. Z trybuny sejmowej lub w wywiadach dodaje się do tego odpowiednią argumentację i komentarz. W efekcie działań organów bezpieczeństwa dochodzi do spektakularnych zatrzymań osób publicznych i w towarzystwie kamer oraz dziennikarzy są

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of sources of law formation -from roman law to cyberspace Dynamika źródeł powstawania prawa od prawa rzymskiego do cyberprzestrzeni Bronisław sitek

Journal of Modern Science , 2018

The subject of the study is to show the dynamics of development of the sources of law formation. ... more The subject of the study is to show the dynamics of development of the sources of law formation. The positivist concept, which is still dominant to a certain extent, determines the perception of the law itself. The problem of the dynamics of the development of the sources of law formation can already be seen in Roman law, which prudentes were aware of. The hypothesis is the assertion that it is necessary to move away from the static concept of the sources of law formation. This statement is forced by the ongoing globalization changes. The aim of this work is to show this process on the example of the European Union's law and the impact of cyberspace on the law. The final result of the study is an indication of the need to link the work of lawyers with the new technologies and to take into account new social phenomena, especially those related to cyberspace in the law-making process. Technological changes force the legislator to thoroughly rethink the concept of law-making, especially procedures. Streszczenie Przedmiotem opracowania jest ukazanie dynamiki rozwoju źródeł powstawania prawa. Obecnie, dominująca jeszcze w pewnym stopniu pozytywistyczna koncepcja prawa, determinuje spostrzeganie samego prawa jako takiego. Problem dynamiki ro-zwoju źródeł powstawania prawa można zauważyć już w prawie rzymskim, czego świadomość mieli przede wszystkim prudentes. Hipotezą badawczą jest twierdzenie, według którego konieczne jest odejście od statycznej koncepcji źródeł powstawania prawa. Twierdzenie to wymuszone jest zachodzącymi zmianami globalizacyjnymi. Celem pracy jest ukazanie tego procesu na przykładzie prawa unijnego oraz wpływu cyberprzestrzeni na prawo. Wynikiem końcowym opracowania jest wskazanie

Research paper thumbnail of Uluslararası Kent Araştırmaları Kongresi

The Contemporary Shape of Local Autonomy, 2018

Local autonomy is today one of the determinants of a democratic state. The system of local self-g... more Local autonomy is today one of the determinants of a democratic state. The system of local self-governments dates back to the times of ancient Rome. In Europe, the European Charter of Local Self-Government is the legal basis for maintaining local autonomy. Regulations protecting the shape and functioning of local governments are included in the constitutions and laws of individual states. Local autonomy is a guarantee of reliable implementation of the interests of the local community. The aim of the study is to show the shape of contemporary local autonomy. The final conclusion is that only the local government is able to take care properly of the interests of the local community.

Research paper thumbnail of Bronisław Sitek's Official website

Past Conferences by Bronisław Sitek

Research paper thumbnail of Human reputation

The subject of the study is the analysis of the Roman concept of infamy and its reception in medi... more The subject of the study is the analysis of the Roman concept of infamy and its reception in medieval canon law. The study presents the legal consequences of infamy in the field of private and public law. The concept of reputation is the equivalent of this term. This concept is rarely used in the legal language of Polish legal acts. However, it appears in the normative acts of the European Union. The aim of the work is to present the evolution of good or bad fame from Roman law through medieval canon law to the contemporary understanding of the notion of reputation. As a research hypothesis, it was accepted that the term reputation is the opposite of the "Infamy" concept. The aim of the work is to be achieved with the help of the analysis of historical and contemporary law. In the final conclusions it has been shown that the reputation does not apply to moral qualifications, but to professional qualifications and experience.

Research paper thumbnail of International Conference on Human Rights

Faculty of Law and Administration at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn is pleased to... more Faculty of Law and Administration
at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
is pleased to be hosting the upcoming annual
International Conference on Human Rights,
Visit the conference website regularly!
Browse the site for more information on the conference program and speakers.
The site will be updated regularly, so visit often!
For any enquiries you may have please contact us by e-mail

Papers by Bronisław Sitek

Research paper thumbnail of The Teaching of the Church in a Changing Cultural and Social Setting

Kościół i Prawo, Dec 18, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Citizenship and the Role of the Catholic Church in the Modern World

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie, Jun 29, 2019

The subject of the study is the role of Christianity in a multicultural society. The ongoing disc... more The subject of the study is the role of Christianity in a multicultural society. The ongoing discussion on the relationship of Christianity, especially Catholicism in Poland, and national culture, is the justification for this kind of reflection. It is necessary to separate the functions of institutional Church whose task is to accomplish the mission of salvation, regardless of nationality or state. These are Christians who shall participate in broadly understood public life by implementing Christian values in their lives and decisions. This is guaranteed to them by the human rights. The involvement of the institutional Church in public life constitutes a threat for the Church. The Church is universal in nature and, as such, it is not related to any state system. Such understanding of Christianity allowed for its rapid development in ancient Rome.

Research paper thumbnail of Synergy of the Law Systems as Foundation for the Future of Europe

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie, Dec 30, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Konstytucyjne podstawy świadczącej funkcji samorządu gminnego/municypalnego. Studium prawno-historyczne

Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego

The subject of the study is a legal-historical analysis showing the development and objective sco... more The subject of the study is a legal-historical analysis showing the development and objective scope of the function of local government. The scope of the conducted analysis was limited to the comparison of legal and institutional solutions in Poland with those existing in ancient Rome. The starting point of the study is the analysis of the provisions of the Constitution in terms of the supporting function of local government. For this purpose, it is necessary to discuss such issues as: the status of the constitutions of both countries, the system and the systemic position of the commune and municipal Currently, there is talk of limited autonomy of local governments, but in the case of municipalities, one should talk about independence. In the final conclusions, it was indicated that the scope of the providing function of the municipia was basically limited to the supply of water to the city, grain.

Research paper thumbnail of Ewolucja systemu prawnej ochrony praw i interesów Stanów Zjednoczonych. Urząd Prokuratora Generalnego

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie

Przedmiotem opracowania jest przedstawienie powstania i rozwoju instytucji odpowiedzialnej za pra... more Przedmiotem opracowania jest przedstawienie powstania i rozwoju instytucji odpowiedzialnej za prawną ochronę praw i interesów Stanów Zjednoczonych. Instytucja Prokuratora Stanów Zjednoczonych (Attorney General) wywodzi się z analogicznego rozwiązania istniejącego wcześniej w Anglii. Analiza historyczna pokazuje jednak, że pomimo wspólnego pochodzenia, Attorney General w Stanach Zjednoczonych posiada własną historię. Celem opracowania, a jednocześnie hipotezą badawczą jest ukazanie respektu amerykańskiej polityki do stałości rozwiązań i ewolucyjnych zmian, niekiedy trwających dziesiątki lat. W efekcie został stworzony system skupiający się w Departamencie Sprawiedliwości, na czele którego stoi Attorney General. Jest to największa kancelaria na świecie, bardzo rozbudowana strukturalnie, która niezwykle skutecznie chroni praw i interesów Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Covid-19 on the Activities of Law Firms

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie, Dec 31, 2022

The subject of this study is the analysis of the functioning of law firms during the Covid-19 pan... more The subject of this study is the analysis of the functioning of law firms during the Covid-19 pandemic. The lockdown introduced by the legislator resulted in the closure or limitation of the functioning of public administration bodies, including courts and related institutions, especially law firms (advocates or legal advisers). As a consequence, law firms significantly limited their activities and, moreover, were forced to equip their offices with ICT tools allowing for remote work and IT training for their employees. As a consequence, law firms experienced a drop in income, which was confirmed by the results of a survey conducted by the Supreme Bar Council. However, positive aspects of the changes caused by the pandemic should also be noted, including introducing flexible forms of work, greater use of ICT tools.

Research paper thumbnail of Privilegia advocatus fisci in roman law and the status of lawyers worked in contemporary systems for protecting the rights and interests of the state

Revista General de Derecho Romano - ISSN 1697-3046, Dec 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of A Review of the Monography Titled ”Legal Aspects of Travel and Tourism – History and the Present. Works Devoted to the Memory of Professor Janusz Sondel (collective work ed. Piotr Cybula)

Folia Turistica, Sep 30, 2019


Research paper thumbnail of Migration – The Threat or the Chance of Development for the City?

Mezinárodní a srovnávací právní revue, Jun 1, 2011

Th e article deals with the phenomena of human migration, especially migration from the rural sur... more Th e article deals with the phenomena of human migration, especially migration from the rural surroundings to the city structures and legal approach to it. Author describes the acknowledgment and legal regulation of the migration into the city structures in ancient world (e.g. in Roman law), deals with the contemporary legal concepts related to this sort of migration in Polish law and evaluate the impact of EU law approach to this question. Finally author pleads against the protective and closing regulations and call for the open approach to the in-city migration fl ows.

Research paper thumbnail of A state and the protection of its interests. Advocatus fisci vs State Treasury Solicitors’ Office

Journal of modern science, Jun 30, 2017

The modern concept of the state dates its roots to the beginning of the Renaissance. Created at t... more The modern concept of the state dates its roots to the beginning of the Renaissance. Created at that time, the concept of 'the national interest' realized the existence of a sphere of rights and interests of a particular country, which must be protected in a particular way. To this end, national bodies responsible for protecting the rights and interests of the state were established. Despite the different conception of the state, the origins of institutions dealing with the legal protection of interests and rights of the state can be found in the Roman institution advocates fisci. Even then, numerous provisions governing the organization and functioning of the institution arose. In Poland the institution which deals with this king of protection is the State Treasury Solicitors' Office. The object of this elaboration is to identify similarities and differences between those two institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of De proxenetics o posrednictwie handlowym w prawie rzymskim uwag kilka

De proxeneticis. O pośrednictwie handlowym w prawie rzymskim uwag kilka De proxeneticis. Some rem... more De proxeneticis. O pośrednictwie handlowym w prawie rzymskim uwag kilka De proxeneticis. Some remarks on trade intermediation in Roman law De proxeneticis. Некоторые замечания о торговом посредничестве в римском праве De proxeneticis. Деякі зауваження про комерційне посередництво в римському праві BRONISŁAW SITEK

Research paper thumbnail of The human rights to respect the religious identity in the light of the media and politica regulation

The Human rights undergo deep transformations related with the metamorphoses in the existing syst... more The Human rights undergo deep transformations related with the metamorphoses in the existing system of values, originated from the European culture based on three pillars: Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christianity. The idea of the European Union was based on the same value. The domination of economic thought resulted in economization the life of individual persons and the society. They is necessary to carry aut the deliberation towards the changes in the content of the human rights.

Research paper thumbnail of Representative of public interest in Germany

Journal of Modern Science 4/35, s. 79-90, 2017

The purpose of this study is to present the organization and functioning of the Institution of Re... more The purpose of this study is to present the organization and functioning of the Institution of Representative of the Public Interest in Germany, which appear before the Federal Administrative Court. This office, established in Leipzig, is a substitute for the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland. The main difference between these institutions lies in the fact that the Representative deals with the protection of the public interest and the General Counsel protects the interests of the State Treasury. The aim of the study is to present a fairly original concept of public interest and its protection in Germany. Such solutions are very rarely met. The work was written using dogmatic methodology and the analysis of institutional solutions. The result of this work is to show that the relatively small office of the Representative in Germany gives a fairly effective protection of the public interest in Germany. This solution can be recommended to be imitated in other European countries. Streszczenie Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie organizacji i funkcjo-nowania instytucji Rzecznika Interesu Publicznego w Niemczech, który występuje przed Federalnym Sądem Administracyjnym. Urząd ten, posadowiony w Lipsku, sta-nowi namiastkę Prokuratorii w Polsce. Zasadnicza różnica między tymi instytucjami leży w tym, że Rzecznik zajmuje się ochroną interesu publicznego, Prokuratoria zaś ochroną interesu Skarbu Państwa. Celem opracowania jest ukazanie dość oryginal-nego pojmowania w Niemczech pojęcia interesu publicznego i systemu jego ochrony.

Research paper thumbnail of Synergy of the law systems as foundation for the future of Europe

Teka Komisji Prawnej - Pan Lublin , 2017

The referendum of May 2016 in the UK and the strengthening of a group of eurosceptics and nationa... more The referendum of May 2016 in the UK and the strengthening of a group of eurosceptics and nationalists in many European countries raises questions about the future of Europe and the European Union. The law is one of the areas of European integration. Already since the 70s of the twentieth century, the discussion about whether it should be unification or just the synergy of existing legal systems was undertaken. Eventually, the second concept won. The undoubted influence on this was made by the history of law, particularly the Roman law and medieval ius commune. At that time, the legal systems based on multiculturalism of law were created. Currently, there is the importance of a study conducted by comparative scholars developing various legal problems. They tend to build the foundations for the process of synergy of European law.


Teka Komisji Prawniczej - Pan KUL , 2018

Streszczenie. Walka polityczna jest istotnym elementem każdej epoki i każdego państwa. Przykładem... more Streszczenie. Walka polityczna jest istotnym elementem każdej epoki i każdego państwa. Przykładem takiej walki jest proces przeciwko Katylinie, który rozegrał się pod koniec 63 r. przed Chr. Głównym jego oskarżycielem przed senatem rzymskim był Cyceron, pełniący w tym roku urząd konsula. Doprowadził on do uchwalenia senatus consultum ultimum, na mocy którego bez wyroku sądowego zgładzeni zostali spiskowcy, na czele których stał Ka-tylina. Z tej okazji słynny rzymski orator wygłosił w senacie cztery mowy. Pomimo zwycię-stwa jakie odniósł Cyceron, to już w 58 r. został on skazany na wygnanie za wykonanie wy-roku śmierci na obywatelu rzymskim bez wyroku sądowego. W konsekwencji wyjechał do Grecji, gdzie spędził kilkanaście miesięcy. Nigdy jednak nie powrócił już do polityki na wy-sokim poziomie. Słowa kluczowe: prawo rzymskie, proces Katyliny, Cyceron, republika rzymska, interes pań-stwa WPROWADZENIE Od pewnego czasu media polskie donoszą dość obficie o działaniach róż-nych organów państwa zajmujących się ochroną interesu publicznego i bez-pieczeństwem państwa polskiego, najczęściej podejmowanych we współpra-cy z prokuraturą i sądami. Działania te są podejmowane wobec wyższych urzędników, którzy sprawowali lub aktualnie sprawują funkcje ministrów re-sortowych, prezesów spółek państwowych, wojewodów, marszałków woje-wództwa i innych. Stawiane są im różnorakie zarzuty, przekroczenia kompetencji, uzyskania nieuprawnionych korzyści (korupcja), czy działania na szkodę urzędu, którym kierowali. Z trybuny sejmowej lub w wywiadach dodaje się do tego odpowiednią argumentację i komentarz. W efekcie działań organów bezpieczeństwa dochodzi do spektakularnych zatrzymań osób publicznych i w towarzystwie kamer oraz dziennikarzy są

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of sources of law formation -from roman law to cyberspace Dynamika źródeł powstawania prawa od prawa rzymskiego do cyberprzestrzeni Bronisław sitek

Journal of Modern Science , 2018

The subject of the study is to show the dynamics of development of the sources of law formation. ... more The subject of the study is to show the dynamics of development of the sources of law formation. The positivist concept, which is still dominant to a certain extent, determines the perception of the law itself. The problem of the dynamics of the development of the sources of law formation can already be seen in Roman law, which prudentes were aware of. The hypothesis is the assertion that it is necessary to move away from the static concept of the sources of law formation. This statement is forced by the ongoing globalization changes. The aim of this work is to show this process on the example of the European Union's law and the impact of cyberspace on the law. The final result of the study is an indication of the need to link the work of lawyers with the new technologies and to take into account new social phenomena, especially those related to cyberspace in the law-making process. Technological changes force the legislator to thoroughly rethink the concept of law-making, especially procedures. Streszczenie Przedmiotem opracowania jest ukazanie dynamiki rozwoju źródeł powstawania prawa. Obecnie, dominująca jeszcze w pewnym stopniu pozytywistyczna koncepcja prawa, determinuje spostrzeganie samego prawa jako takiego. Problem dynamiki ro-zwoju źródeł powstawania prawa można zauważyć już w prawie rzymskim, czego świadomość mieli przede wszystkim prudentes. Hipotezą badawczą jest twierdzenie, według którego konieczne jest odejście od statycznej koncepcji źródeł powstawania prawa. Twierdzenie to wymuszone jest zachodzącymi zmianami globalizacyjnymi. Celem pracy jest ukazanie tego procesu na przykładzie prawa unijnego oraz wpływu cyberprzestrzeni na prawo. Wynikiem końcowym opracowania jest wskazanie

Research paper thumbnail of Uluslararası Kent Araştırmaları Kongresi

The Contemporary Shape of Local Autonomy, 2018

Local autonomy is today one of the determinants of a democratic state. The system of local self-g... more Local autonomy is today one of the determinants of a democratic state. The system of local self-governments dates back to the times of ancient Rome. In Europe, the European Charter of Local Self-Government is the legal basis for maintaining local autonomy. Regulations protecting the shape and functioning of local governments are included in the constitutions and laws of individual states. Local autonomy is a guarantee of reliable implementation of the interests of the local community. The aim of the study is to show the shape of contemporary local autonomy. The final conclusion is that only the local government is able to take care properly of the interests of the local community.

Research paper thumbnail of Bronisław Sitek's Official website

Research paper thumbnail of Human reputation

The subject of the study is the analysis of the Roman concept of infamy and its reception in medi... more The subject of the study is the analysis of the Roman concept of infamy and its reception in medieval canon law. The study presents the legal consequences of infamy in the field of private and public law. The concept of reputation is the equivalent of this term. This concept is rarely used in the legal language of Polish legal acts. However, it appears in the normative acts of the European Union. The aim of the work is to present the evolution of good or bad fame from Roman law through medieval canon law to the contemporary understanding of the notion of reputation. As a research hypothesis, it was accepted that the term reputation is the opposite of the "Infamy" concept. The aim of the work is to be achieved with the help of the analysis of historical and contemporary law. In the final conclusions it has been shown that the reputation does not apply to moral qualifications, but to professional qualifications and experience.

Research paper thumbnail of International Conference on Human Rights

Faculty of Law and Administration at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn is pleased to... more Faculty of Law and Administration
at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
is pleased to be hosting the upcoming annual
International Conference on Human Rights,
Visit the conference website regularly!
Browse the site for more information on the conference program and speakers.
The site will be updated regularly, so visit often!
For any enquiries you may have please contact us by e-mail

Research paper thumbnail of The Teaching of the Church in a Changing Cultural and Social Setting

Kościół i Prawo, Dec 18, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Citizenship and the Role of the Catholic Church in the Modern World

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie, Jun 29, 2019

The subject of the study is the role of Christianity in a multicultural society. The ongoing disc... more The subject of the study is the role of Christianity in a multicultural society. The ongoing discussion on the relationship of Christianity, especially Catholicism in Poland, and national culture, is the justification for this kind of reflection. It is necessary to separate the functions of institutional Church whose task is to accomplish the mission of salvation, regardless of nationality or state. These are Christians who shall participate in broadly understood public life by implementing Christian values in their lives and decisions. This is guaranteed to them by the human rights. The involvement of the institutional Church in public life constitutes a threat for the Church. The Church is universal in nature and, as such, it is not related to any state system. Such understanding of Christianity allowed for its rapid development in ancient Rome.

Research paper thumbnail of Synergy of the Law Systems as Foundation for the Future of Europe

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie, Dec 30, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Konstytucyjne podstawy świadczącej funkcji samorządu gminnego/municypalnego. Studium prawno-historyczne

Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego

The subject of the study is a legal-historical analysis showing the development and objective sco... more The subject of the study is a legal-historical analysis showing the development and objective scope of the function of local government. The scope of the conducted analysis was limited to the comparison of legal and institutional solutions in Poland with those existing in ancient Rome. The starting point of the study is the analysis of the provisions of the Constitution in terms of the supporting function of local government. For this purpose, it is necessary to discuss such issues as: the status of the constitutions of both countries, the system and the systemic position of the commune and municipal Currently, there is talk of limited autonomy of local governments, but in the case of municipalities, one should talk about independence. In the final conclusions, it was indicated that the scope of the providing function of the municipia was basically limited to the supply of water to the city, grain.

Research paper thumbnail of Ewolucja systemu prawnej ochrony praw i interesów Stanów Zjednoczonych. Urząd Prokuratora Generalnego

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie

Przedmiotem opracowania jest przedstawienie powstania i rozwoju instytucji odpowiedzialnej za pra... more Przedmiotem opracowania jest przedstawienie powstania i rozwoju instytucji odpowiedzialnej za prawną ochronę praw i interesów Stanów Zjednoczonych. Instytucja Prokuratora Stanów Zjednoczonych (Attorney General) wywodzi się z analogicznego rozwiązania istniejącego wcześniej w Anglii. Analiza historyczna pokazuje jednak, że pomimo wspólnego pochodzenia, Attorney General w Stanach Zjednoczonych posiada własną historię. Celem opracowania, a jednocześnie hipotezą badawczą jest ukazanie respektu amerykańskiej polityki do stałości rozwiązań i ewolucyjnych zmian, niekiedy trwających dziesiątki lat. W efekcie został stworzony system skupiający się w Departamencie Sprawiedliwości, na czele którego stoi Attorney General. Jest to największa kancelaria na świecie, bardzo rozbudowana strukturalnie, która niezwykle skutecznie chroni praw i interesów Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Covid-19 on the Activities of Law Firms

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie, Dec 31, 2022

The subject of this study is the analysis of the functioning of law firms during the Covid-19 pan... more The subject of this study is the analysis of the functioning of law firms during the Covid-19 pandemic. The lockdown introduced by the legislator resulted in the closure or limitation of the functioning of public administration bodies, including courts and related institutions, especially law firms (advocates or legal advisers). As a consequence, law firms significantly limited their activities and, moreover, were forced to equip their offices with ICT tools allowing for remote work and IT training for their employees. As a consequence, law firms experienced a drop in income, which was confirmed by the results of a survey conducted by the Supreme Bar Council. However, positive aspects of the changes caused by the pandemic should also be noted, including introducing flexible forms of work, greater use of ICT tools.

Research paper thumbnail of Privilegia advocatus fisci in roman law and the status of lawyers worked in contemporary systems for protecting the rights and interests of the state

Revista General de Derecho Romano - ISSN 1697-3046, Dec 1, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of A Review of the Monography Titled ”Legal Aspects of Travel and Tourism – History and the Present. Works Devoted to the Memory of Professor Janusz Sondel (collective work ed. Piotr Cybula)

Folia Turistica, Sep 30, 2019


Research paper thumbnail of Migration – The Threat or the Chance of Development for the City?

Mezinárodní a srovnávací právní revue, Jun 1, 2011

Th e article deals with the phenomena of human migration, especially migration from the rural sur... more Th e article deals with the phenomena of human migration, especially migration from the rural surroundings to the city structures and legal approach to it. Author describes the acknowledgment and legal regulation of the migration into the city structures in ancient world (e.g. in Roman law), deals with the contemporary legal concepts related to this sort of migration in Polish law and evaluate the impact of EU law approach to this question. Finally author pleads against the protective and closing regulations and call for the open approach to the in-city migration fl ows.

Research paper thumbnail of A state and the protection of its interests. Advocatus fisci vs State Treasury Solicitors’ Office

Journal of modern science, Jun 30, 2017

The modern concept of the state dates its roots to the beginning of the Renaissance. Created at t... more The modern concept of the state dates its roots to the beginning of the Renaissance. Created at that time, the concept of 'the national interest' realized the existence of a sphere of rights and interests of a particular country, which must be protected in a particular way. To this end, national bodies responsible for protecting the rights and interests of the state were established. Despite the different conception of the state, the origins of institutions dealing with the legal protection of interests and rights of the state can be found in the Roman institution advocates fisci. Even then, numerous provisions governing the organization and functioning of the institution arose. In Poland the institution which deals with this king of protection is the State Treasury Solicitors' Office. The object of this elaboration is to identify similarities and differences between those two institutions.

Research paper thumbnail of Własność municypalna a mienie komunalne.Wpływ doktryny politycznej na koncepcję własnościkomunalnej w perspektywie historyczno-porównawczej

Journal of modern science, Jan 25, 2018

The practical application of the concept of legal personality in the ancient Roman law allowed co... more The practical application of the concept of legal personality in the ancient Roman law allowed colonies to be equipped with the statutory provision of powers to own property. The autonomy of the local community was independent of changes in the political system. The origins of self-republican times come down to the republican democracy, but its full development occurred in times of strong centralization of power in the hands of the emperor. Political changes did not have so much influence on the design and function of local governments. After the Second World War in Poland, in the first period, there was attempt to keep appearances of self-government, based on the prewar legislation. Sovietization led to increasingly strong centralization of power in the hands of party decisionmaking bodies. The national councils already appointment in 1944, originally as a control, later decision-making, were only an extension of the state administration. It did not have a legal personality and therefore cannot dispose of property. Not only interests of the local community were realized, but strategic national development objectives by Marxist ideology were implemented. Reversion to the local government in Poland took place only after the change of political system in 1989. The combination of the solutions of Roman law and contemporary legal system shows how negative effects ideology put by force on live has got, especially through legislative measures and specific political system.

Research paper thumbnail of Recenzja - Xesús Pérez López, La delegación de Jurisdicción en el derecho Romano

Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Wykaz inwentarza. Nowe zasady dziedziczenia na tle rozporządzenia PE i Rady UE nr 650/2012. Studium prawno-porównawcze

Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings for Scientific Advancement as a Special Type of Administrative Procedure. Assumptions and Effects of the Administrative Jurisdiction Model

Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie, Jun 30, 2023

This article was presented under the same title at the 26th Congress of the Faculties of Law and ... more This article was presented under the same title at the 26th Congress of the Faculties of Law and Administrative Procedure, "Directions for the Development of Administrative Jurisdiction". It was held in Poznań on 18-20 September 2022. The authors reflect on the currently adopted solutions for the transfer of legal institutions relevant to general administrative proceedings into specific spheres of social relations. They use the example of human resources development in research area. In this context, the authors cover the genesis of the shaping of the models of these procedures, the essence and role of the reference clauses used to achieve the assumed effects, as well as challenges associated with it. As a consequence, an attempt was made to answer the question of whether the effects of the model of administrative jurisdiction adopted thereby corresponds to its assumptions, or whether it becomes necessary to look for other solutions in this regard.

Research paper thumbnail of Historyczne znaczenie systematyzacji prawa według Gajusa

Łódzkie Studia Teologiczne, 2018

Systematization of the juridical material done by Gaius has generated the interest of lawyers act... more Systematization of the juridical material done by Gaius has generated the interest of lawyers actually since the fall of the Western Empire. The division of the legal material itself into: personae, res and actiones was probably taken from the writings of Greek and Roman grammarians. Gaius, however, improved it to meet the needs of didactics. There is no doubt about Gaius' intellectual contribution. The criteria of systematization of legal material have been applied in a number of collections or later codes. We should mention here: the Napoleonic Code or the Austrian Code. The last code, in which the systematics of the law done by Gaius has been applied, was the Code of Canon Law of 1917.

Research paper thumbnail of The good (well-being) of the child and proceedings in cases of minors in Polish law

Journal of modern science, Oct 25, 2019

The subject of the study is to present Polish legal regulations applicable in the case of a minor... more The subject of the study is to present Polish legal regulations applicable in the case of a minor's demoralization. The ongoing cultural changes of a global nature are conducive to the moral degradation of young people. Human freedom has become the basic value inscribed in the human rights system. This freedom is often abused especially by young people. In addition, transferring human activity to cyberspace to a large extent limits the ability to control the activity of a young person. The aim of this work is to present the statutory definition of the concept of demoralization, its specific cases, and the course of proceedings before a family court in such cases. It is also important to show the attitude of the Polish legislator aimed at saving the minors, and not punishing them. Any penalties imposed on the minors are used as the final measures. The effect of the study is to present the substantive law and the system of dealing with minors before the family court in case of its demoralization.

Research paper thumbnail of The Representative of the Federal Interests

Journal of modern science, Jan 27, 2018

The purpose of this study is to present the organization and functioning of the Institution of Re... more The purpose of this study is to present the organization and functioning of the Institution of Representative of the Public Interest in Germany, which appear before the Federal Administrative Court. This office, established in Leipzig, is a substitute for the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland. The main difference between these institutions lies in the fact that the Representative deals with the protection of the public interest and the General Counsel protects the interests of the State Treasury. The aim of the study is to present a fairly original concept of public interest and its protection in Germany. Such solutions are very rarely met. The work was written using dogmatic methodology and the analysis of institutional solutions. The result of this work is to show that the relatively small office of the Representative in Germany gives a fairly effective protection of the public interest in Germany. This solution can be recommended to be imitated in other European countries. Streszczenie Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie organizacji i funkcjonowania instytucji Rzecznika Interesu Publicznego w Niemczech, który występuje przed Federalnym Sądem Administracyjnym. Urząd ten, posadowiony w Lipsku, stanowi namiastkę Prokuratorii w Polsce. Zasadnicza różnica między tymi instytucjami leży w tym, że Rzecznik zajmuje się ochroną interesu publicznego, Prokuratoria zaś ochroną interesu Skarbu Państwa. Celem opracowania jest ukazanie dość oryginalnego pojmowania w Niemczech pojęcia interesu publicznego i systemu jego ochrony.

Research paper thumbnail of Bezpieczeństwo imprez masowych w antycznym Rzymie na tle współczesnych rozwiązań

Praca ta oparta jest na badaniach prowadzonych przeze mnie od 2002 r. nad rzymskim prawem publicz... more Praca ta oparta jest na badaniach prowadzonych przeze mnie od 2002 r. nad rzymskim prawem publicznym. Wyniki tych badań były publikowane w licznych moich artykułach, dotyczących zwłaszcza prawa municypalnego. Stąd pewne fragmenty były już opublikowane wcześniej.

[Research paper thumbnail of Kościół i prawo rzymskie", Antoni Dębiński, Lublin 2007 : [recenzja] / Bronisław Sitek](

Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of About freedom of speech of lawyers

Research paper thumbnail of Wybrane systemy prawnej i instytucjonalnej ochrony praw i interesów państwa: Selected systems of legal and institutional protection of the rights and interests of the state

Difin, 2020

Selected systems of legal and institutional protection of the rights and interests of the state ... more Selected systems of legal and institutional protection of the rights and interests of the state

The Roman institution advocatus fisci, which was established during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, is the archetype and model for modern systems of protecting the rights and interests of the state. This new institution became indispensable after the separation of the assets (fiscus) from the Emperor's personal property. It was for its protection that it was necessary to create a legal and institutional system which would protect the rights and interests of the fiscus. As this institution developed, the rules or solutions were created which are binding in many modern systems. One of such rules is the obligatory participation of advocatus fisci in court proceedings to which the fiscus authorities are a party. Of course, since then, the political, economic and social conditions in which the modern state operates have changed.
Global economy has an impact on the organization and functioning of the modern state. It is visible, inter alia, in increasing the limitation of state intervention in the sphere of the economy through international agreements or European Union law, and increasing state responsibility for the actions of its public administration bodies, state legal persons or enterprises with state capital. Moreover, limitation of the state’s rights is also enforced by international corporations, which are sometimes stronger in terms of capital than individual states.
This does not mean, however, that the state has ceased to perform its functions. Still, its tasks include ensuring military, internal, economic, social, cultural and environmental security. States play a big role in inspiring or constraining market trends. Hence, perhaps as never before, there is a need to protect the rights and interests of the state. The protection of the rights and interests of the state rests on the grounds set out in the constitutions and statutory provisions. It is implemented by institutions bearing different names, depending on the history and political solutions used in a particular country.
In Poland, the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland has been operating since 1st January 2017, under the supervision of the Prime Minister. This institution replaced the General Counsel to the Treasury, which operated from 2006 to 2016. The current model of this institution is based on the concept of strong centralization of activities. The catalog of tasks of the General Counsel has been significantly expanded, which not only performs legal representation on behalf of the State Treasury or the Republic of Poland and prepares legal opinions or gives opinions on legal acts, but also gives opinions on contracts concluded by stationes fisci or state legal entities.
In Austria, there is a model of centralized legal protection of the rights and interests of the state. Finanzprokuratur is the institution responsible for this. The system position of the Financial Counsel’s Office in Austria is the result of adopting a centralized model of protection of the rights and interests of the state in a broad sense. This institution provides legal advice and representation in proceedings related to the interests of the state. In the case of federal authorities, providing of legal aid, and in particular the legal representation during a trial by the Financial Counsel's Office, is obligatory. In other cases, it is optional. An interesting fact in relation to Polish solutions is that the lawyers of the Finanzprokuratur's offices may provide legal assistance to foundations, funds with state capital, and even in some cases to federal states and local governments.
In Italy, Avvocatura dello Stato, which is part of the structure of the Ministry of Justice, is the institution responsible for the legal protection of the rights and interests of the state. It is a model of centralized protection of the rights and interests of the state, however, it has branch departments located at the appeal courts. These departments have far-reaching independence. The scope of protection of the rights and interests of the state covers civil, administrative and sometimes criminal matters. The Counsel’s Office performs this task before national and international courts and tribunals. In addition, the tasks of the Counsel’s Office include the preparation of legal opinions on the request of state bodies, initiation of proceedings, issuing opinions on draft acts, opinions at the request of public administration bodies for legal actions taken by them.
In Spain, the existing General Office for Legal Service of the State (Abogacía General del Estado) is part of the organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice, under the department dealing with the State Legal Service (Servicio Jurídico del Estado). It is also a highly centralized institution with broad competences. However, the state attorneys, who are public officials, are the most important employees of the office. The scope of their competences is quite wide, as it includes legal representation, legal advice and concluding a settlement on behalf of their client. The characteristics of the Spanish solution are actions taken on the basis of an agreement between the office and the represented institution.
In Switzerland, on the other hand, there is a model of decentralized legal protection of the rights and interests of the state. Nevertheless, the coordinating and supervisory function is performed by the Federal Department of Finance (Eidgenössischen Finanzverwaltung). Switzerland has a decentralized system of legal protection of the rights and interests of the state. Hence, the responsibility for protecting Switzerland's interests was divided between various supreme and cantonal bodies. In the provision of article 5, paragraph 2 of the Swiss Constitution, it was decided that state activities must be conducted in the public interest. This means that all authorities, including the executive bodies, are obliged to care for public interests.
The German system of protecting the rights and interests of the state is a typical model of a distributed system. Each authority must have a unit in its structure which deals with the legal protection of the rights and interests of a particular authority and the German state at the same time. Admittedly, the Public Interest Advocate - Vertreter des Bundesinteresses beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht was established to protect the public interest. However, the duty of this institution is only to join those proceedings pending before the Federal Administrative Court in which there is a need to protect this interest. Formally, the Public Interest Advocate Office is located within the structure of the Ministry of the Interior.
The United States has a specific system of protecting the rights and interests of the state. The development of this system has a history not shorter than that of modern systems of protection of rights and interests of many European countries, including Poland. The American system, although modeled on the English model, has its own characteristics and history, which is a reflection of the American way of creating state institutions and determining their competences. The center of this system is in the Department of State headed by Attorney General. The merger in one institution different - administrative, criminal and civil matters in which the interest of the United States is present is a characteristic feature of the American model of protecting the rights and interests of the state. The analysis of the system of protection of the rights and interests of the United States has shown that the Department of Justice is an extremely extensive supreme state institution, which also results from a very broadly defined area of tasks.
This short overview of all the discussed systems of legal protection of the rights and interests of the state allows to indicate some features of similarities and differences:
• modern states have organized systems to protect their rights and interests,
• the organization and functioning of these systems have historical conditions and they are related to the historical development of a particular country,
• various subject scopes of protection of the rights and interests of the state - the United States has the broadest range,
• the systems of recruitment and training of human recourses employed in these offices are different (the most often they are attorneys and in Poland are the legal counsels of the General Counsel ‘s Office),
Above mentioned similarities and differences indicate that it is not possible to create a single and universal optimal model for the protection of the rights and interests of the state. Each of them must be and it is adapted to historical, economic and social conditions, and above all, to the current concept of a particular country. However, the analysis of these systems is useful because knowledge of them allows for the development of a better concept and to adopt specific conditions of the system of protection of the rights and interests of a particular state.
In conclusion, it should be stated that the protection of the rights and interests of the state in the global world is still important to ensure that those countries can perform basic functions for society and for an individual human being. Those who protect these rights and interests, it means - lawyers employed in institutions protecting rights and interests, were rightly compared by the Roman emperor - Leo to a soldier fighting and giving their lives for their homeland. Lawyers are also fighters for the state, understood not only as a structure of public authorities, but also as a society.
One universal model of protecting the rights and interests of the state cannot be built. The variety of systems is the result of historical development and current political, economic and social conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Interes gminy jako kategoria prawna. Studium prawno-porównawcze

E. Ura, E. Feret, S. Pieprzny (red.), Aktualne problemy funkcjonowania samorządu terytorialnego, Sandomierz-Rzeszów, s. 437-450., 2017

The decentralization of the state is visible, among other things, in increasing of the competence... more The decentralization of the state is visible, among other things, in increasing of the competence of local government units, especially municipalities. To define the term "interests of the municipality" in relation to the autonomy of local government units is essential for their functioning. The interest of municipality is understood differently in different countries and the example of which is the analysis of the legal situation of the municipality in Poland, Germany, and in Italy. Slightly differently the autonomy of municipalities and their interest was understood in ancient Rome. Autonomy of the municipia or the colony was much wider than it is currently understood. An attempt to define the interest of the community will allow a better understanding of its autonomy in the system of public administration.

Research paper thumbnail of Nowoczesne narzedzia informatyczne ...WSGE

B. Sitek, J.P. Knap, S. Sagan, Ł. Roman (ed.), Nowoczesne narzedzia informatyczne w przeciwdziałaniu zagrożeniom bezpieczeństwa, Józefów, WSGE , 2016

Cyberspace is a global phenomenon and is not controlled by any country or international body. The... more Cyberspace is a global phenomenon and is not controlled by any country or international body. The lack of control does not mean anarchy. Hence, the Internet regulations as well as the ethical principles adapted to cyberspace, which is composed of the technologies and network, are developed. For each of these areas similarly, although a different ethical principles were constructed. The codes of ethics were developed for information technology. And for the networks, that means for ordinary users, a specific ethical Decalogue were created. The construction of ethical norms for cyberspace is an important task that requires deep thought.

Research paper thumbnail of The legal-comparative study of the principles regarding the imposition of custodial sentences


The following study is a comparison of the execution of the custodial sentences in the Polish law... more The following study is a comparison of the execution of the custodial sentences in the Polish law and in the Roman law, with a particular emphasis on the function of such penalty. For the hypthesis of this research, the author assumes that the contemporary form of the execution of custodial sentences is the result of an evolution of its function from repressive to rehabilitative, marking the beginning of this process with the Roman law. The aim is to present the most important elements of both the contemporary and the ancient Roman penitentiary systems to the reader by presenting the transition from material to personal treatment of the imprisoned. The work is based on the legal, historical and legal-comparative method. The general assumption of the research is that, in spite of the difficult situation of prisoners in Roman prisons, it was then that the process of treating the prisoners as subjects began.

Research paper thumbnail of Kultura przekazu informacji a bezpieczeństwo prawne w cyberprzestrzeni

M. Jurgilewicz, S. Sulowski, W kręgu nauki o bezpieczeństwie, Warszawa, Difin, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Syntetyczna ocena systemu czasopism naukowych w Polsce

Cały artykuł – pt. Rola czasopism naukowych w zreformowanym systemie nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego... more Cały artykuł – pt. Rola czasopism naukowych w zreformowanym systemie nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce – jest opublikowany na portalu PTE: http://www. Tekst został opublikowany w: „Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” 2021, Rok LXXXIII, z. 2.