ilman nafi'a | Syekh Nurjati State Islamic Institute (original) (raw)
Papers by ilman nafi'a
Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
This study aims to explain the concept of resilience from the Islamic perspective. This study use... more This study aims to explain the concept of resilience from the Islamic perspective. This study used qualitative methodology with a literature approach. The results showed that the phenomenon of religious human behavior should not only be judged by the lens of modern secular psychology theory, but also by the theory of psychology based on Islamic values. It is because they have different frames in looking at reality; and resilience in Islam is an obligation. Having resilient personalities, in Islamic teaching, means individuals’ iman (faith) should be tested. Humans are motivated to have resilience after getting life’s problems with the Covid-19 issue. Individuals’ faith has not reached a high level of spirituality when they have not been tested. There are some personalities in Islam that are in line with the concept of resilience for overcoming the Covid-19 issue in positive psychology such as sabr, tawakkal, shukr, rida, ikhlas and tawbah. In order to increase resilience in overcomi...
Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International Conference, MIC 2022, 12 November 2022, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2023
In the current rapidly-growing development of globalization era, Twitter has become one of the mo... more In the current rapidly-growing development of globalization era, Twitter has become one of the most favored social media among people, not to mention students. However, behind its popular use, there found no clear evidence regarding the impact of using the application on users. Therefore, this study will discuss about the influence of Twitter use on students, especially on their learning motivation and mindset. It employs a quantitative research method with explanatory research design, and it involves the 3 rdsemester students majoring at English teaching, IAIN Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, as the research subject. The main instrument of this research is an online questionnaire via Google form. The result of this study indicated that Twitter influences student's learning motivation and mindset with several factors: making no excessive use in duration, following at least 3 educational accounts, and experiencing and feeling the positive impact of the educational content. Therefore, they feel that it provides a significant effect on their mindset and learning motivation.
Journal Corner of Education, Linguistics, and Literature, Mar 6, 2023
Pluralisme agama di haramkan oleh MUI, karena dianggap upaya pencamur-adukan berbagai agama dalam... more Pluralisme agama di haramkan oleh MUI, karena dianggap upaya pencamur-adukan berbagai agama dalam satu paham. Dan Pemaknaan terhadap pluralisme dan Pluralitas keagamaan nampaknya menjadi salah satu persoalan pro dan kontra terhadap fatwa MUI tentang “keharaman” pluralisme agama, termasuk di kalangan tokoh Islam di Cirebon, baik dari Kyai-Kyai Pesantren ataupun akademisi. Hasil dari wawancara dengan tokoh-tokoh Islam tersebut, baik yang merasa mengetahui ataupun tidak mengetahui tentang terminologi “pluralisme dan pluralitas agama”, mereka cenderung tidak bisa membedakan antara kedua term tersebut. Dalam pemahaman tokoh-tokoh Islam “kedua istilah” tersebut bermuara pada pemaknaan yang cenderung sama yaitu penghormatan terhadap keragaman dan keperbedaan. Jadi, meskipun mereka juga pro dan kontra terhadap pluralisme, tetapi mereka sepakat untuk menghormati keragaman agama yang ada di Cirebon khususnya, dan di Indonesia pada umumnya.
HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies
The extensive mandate of the ministry of religious affaires to manage various non-religious major... more The extensive mandate of the ministry of religious affaires to manage various non-religious majors has demanded Islamic higher educations to have each distinctive scientific building in the process of formulating the integration of science and religion. This study aims to analyze the development of the concept of integration of science and Islam that has been formulated in the IAIN Cirebon. Qualitative research with literature study showed the existence of the Muhsin Sejati concept was taken as a scientific integration icon, along with several other derived concepts, such as Jembatan Ilmu, the complementary inclusive paradigm, mata ilmu and blended theory. Unfortunately, the theorization of the concept of integration did not develop significantly, stagged in 2015. This was because the concept of Muhsin Sejati and its derivatives had not been legally ratified formally in Rector’s policy, nor was it followed up on the cabinet leadership policy afterwards. Besides scientific exclusiv...
Terindeks di https://si n ta. ride kb ri nq o. id/io u malJdetail?oaoe=2&id=6234 Jumlah Penulis S... more Terindeks di https://si n ta. ride kb ri nq o. id/io u malJdetail?oaoe=2&id=6234 Jumlah Penulis Status Pengusrl ldentatas Jumal llmiah a,
Hadl Penilaian Peer Review Jumal llmiah Nadond Terakeditasi Sl dan 52 Jumal llmiah Nadond Teraked... more Hadl Penilaian Peer Review Jumal llmiah Nadond Terakeditasi Sl dan 52 Jumal llmiah Nadond Terakeditad S3 dan 54 Jumal llmiah Nasiond Te.alaeditad 55 dan S6 Jumal Nadonal berbah@ lndoneia TerindeksDOAJ Jumal llmiah Nadonal Criticizing Monbssod's Method of Ea dy Childhood Education using ldamic P sychology Pe rspective .
Pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang selama ini berjalan di berbagai lembaga pendidikan masih seringkali... more Pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang selama ini berjalan di berbagai lembaga pendidikan masih seringkali menekankan pada materi pokok dan lebih bersifat memaksakan target bahan ajar. Para pengajar terkondisi untuk sekedar memindahkan isi buku (content transmission), kurang mampu mengapresiasi strategi pembelajaran yang produktif, aktif, kreatif dan menyenangkan, sementara siswa didik kering akan daya partisipasi, karena tak memiliki kesempatan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri mereka. Buku yang kini berada di tangan pembaca ini disusun untuk para guru, dosen dan mahasiswa bahasa Arab yang sangat menyadari pentingnya diskursus metodologi dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Buku ini menyimpan berbagai teknik pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang mendudukan peserta didik sebagai subyek yang mendominasi aktifitas pembelajaran, bukan obyek yang pasif menerima asupan materi dari pengajar. Disamping pengayaan strategi yang terdapat dalam buku inipun tidaklah bersifat kaku untuk disosialisasikan dalam mata kuliah l...
Tanggal dan tempat diumumkan untuk pertama kali di wilayah Indonesia atau di luar wilayah Indones... more Tanggal dan tempat diumumkan untuk pertama kali di wilayah Indonesia atau di luar wilayah Indonesia : 9 Desember 2019, di Cirebon Jangka waktu pelindungan : Berlaku selama hidup Pencipta dan terus berlangsung selama 70 (tujuh puluh) tahun setelah Pencipta meninggal dunia, terhitung mulai tanggal 1 Januari tahun berikutnya. Nomor pencatatan : 000169441 adalah benar berdasarkan keterangan yang diberikan oleh Pemohon.
JIEM (Journal of Islamic Education Management), Jul 30, 2022
The performance of the principal can be a role modeling for the performance of the teachers. If a... more The performance of the principal can be a role modeling for the performance of the teachers. If an educational institution is managed with the prophetic leadership ability of the principal, the managerial system will be able to foster responsibility that comes from the hearts and internal motivations of teachers. This study aims to describe the Prophetic Leadership of The Principal in Improving Teacher Performance. This research uses a literature reviews approach. In searching for articles, a google scholar application is used with the keywords "Prophetic Leadership," "Principal," and "Teacher Performance." Article searches are timelimited i.e. from 2016 to 2021. From the search results, 20 articles were searched based on thematic criteria, up to only 12 articles were used in this study. The results showed that the leadership of the principal in an Islamic educational institution went well and ideally according to the concept of the Qur'an and Hadith when each leader was able to practice prophetic values (shiddiq, amanah, tabligh, fathonah) with full responsibility in carrying out the wheels of education. The implementation of prophetic values in leading by a principal leader will affect the improvement of teacher performance as an effort to answer the hopes, wants, and needs of the community. In other words, there is a significant relationship between the principal's prophetic leadership and teacher performance.
The teachings of Sufism play an essential role in balancing human life. Sufism can practically be... more The teachings of Sufism play an essential role in balancing human life. Sufism can practically be the driving force to provide peace, coolness, and friendliness to create religious and social harmony. This study aims to explain the values of religious moderation education reflected in the concepts of wahdat al-Wujud and wahdat asy-Syuhud. This study used qualitative methodology with a literature approach. The primary sources are taken from two books: wahdat al-Wujud 'Inda Ibn Arabi by Abdul Karim Ibn Abdul Jalil and Ibn al-Faridh wa al-Hubb al-Ilahi by Muhammad Mustafa Hilmi, while the secondary ones are references taken from journals, books, and other writings that explain Islamic moderation, philosophical Sufism, and educational values. The results showed that the concept of monotheism carried by Ibn Arabi’s wahdat al-Wujud and Ibn al-Faridh’s wahdat asy-Syuhud, in the context of the issues of religious moderation, does not only discuss a single divinity, but it also offers fi...
The COVID-19 pandemic has a multidimensional impact, including threatening family resilience. Psy... more The COVID-19 pandemic has a multidimensional impact, including threatening family resilience. Psychological pressure, as well as an increase in the burden of household domestic work due to concentrated activities (work, school) at home, can give rise to family conflicts that lead to domestic violence and divorce. This study aims to offer a Mubadalah concept as a perspective and methodology in building family resilience. The results show that (1) Mubadalah is a perspective of reciprocity between men and women in carrying out their gender roles both in the domestic and public area so that one does not hegemonize over another but a relationship that supports, cooperates, and helps each other; (2) Mubadalah can be a method of reading texts and contexts around family issues; and (3) Mubadalah is an Islamic moderating perspective between gender and patriarchal regimes. This perspective allows for a balanced relationship and partnership between the two sexes and is not just a transformatio...
EL-IBTIKAR: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Penyimpangan bahasa merupakan kesalahan berbahasa secara sistematik dari kaidah yang berlaku keti... more Penyimpangan bahasa merupakan kesalahan berbahasa secara sistematik dari kaidah yang berlaku ketika pembelajar belum menguasai sesuatu sehingga secara konsisten menggunakannya dengan cara yang salah. Pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren dengan pola-pola komunikasi beranekaragam dan mengutamakan unsur sopan santun menjadi prinsip utama yang diadopsi di MTs NU Putra 1 Buntet Pesantren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui; (1) Bentuk-bentuk penyimpangan etika berbahasa dalam interaksi siswa berstatus santri di MTs NU Putra 1 Buntet Pesantren dengan gurunya antara di sekolah dan di pesantren, (2) Penyebab terjadinya penyimpangan bahasa, (3) Dampak dari penyimpangan etika berbahasa, dan (4) Upaya guru dalam mengatasi penyimpangan etika berbahasa. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan metode observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan metode reduksi data, display data, dan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Keabsahan data diperoleh melalui ketekunan pengamatan dan diskusi dengan teman sejawat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa hal berikut. Pertama; bentuk penyimpangan etika berbahasa, meliputi; (1) Siswa menggunakan bahasa Jawa Biasa (kasar), (2) Siswa menggunakan bahasa gaul dan singkatan, dan (3) siswa menggunakan penggabungan dengan Bahasa Asing. Kedua, Penyebab penyimpangan etika berbahasa, meliputi; faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Ketiga; Dampak penyimpangan etika berbahasa, meliputi; (1) Terancamnya eksistensi Bahasa Indonesia, (2) Menurunnya citra baik Instansi/Lembaga dan diri sendiri, (3) Menyebabkan punahnya Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Jawa Kromo. Keempat; Upaya guru dalam mengatasi penyimpangan etika berbahasa adalah dengan pengajaran dan pembiasaan.
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
This study aims to answer the following research question: what are the problems and prospects of... more This study aims to answer the following research question: what are the problems and prospects of the development of Islamic psychology studies in Southeast Asia? This study used descriptive qualitative research and employs data triangulation during data collection. Documentation study, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to obtain the data. Data were analysed using patterns of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. It can be concluded that Islamic psychology presents many problems and prospects for those who are concerned about the development of Islamic science. The finding strengthens the perspective that there are three problems of developmental studies of Islamic psychology in Southeast Asia: (1) the discussion on the issue still focuses on theoretical integration and philosophical levels rather than on applicative ones; (2) methodological problems; and (3) polarisation of the capacity of Muslim psychologists. Apart from...
AL-TARBIYAH: Jurnal Pendidikan (The Educational Journal)
Pendidikan tasawuf berfungsi untuk menjadikan manusia berkepribadian shalih dan memiliki laku-lam... more Pendidikan tasawuf berfungsi untuk menjadikan manusia berkepribadian shalih dan memiliki laku-lampah yang baik dan mulia serta mempunyai ibadah yang berkualitas, yang menghasilkan output berupa manusia yang jujur, istiqāmah dan tawadu. Pendidikan tasawuf pada remaja sangat dibutuhkan demi mencegah kenakalan-kenakalan pada remaja. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami urgensi pendidikan tasawuf demi mencegah kenakalan-kenakalan pada remaja milenial. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan tinjauan literatur. Pencarian literatur dilakukan secara online melalui Google Cendekia yang dibatasi dari tahun 2012-2022 dengan proses percarian menggunakan kata kunci "Pendidikan Tasawuf", "Pendidikan Tasawuf Remaja", dan "Pendidikan Tasawuf Milenial". Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara garis besar pendidikan tasawuf adalah sarana untuk seseorang mendekatkan diri kepada Allah melalui penyucian jiwa dan hati. Hal ini yang dibutuhkan untuk menghadapi kehidupan modern yang dialami oleh manusia, khususnya para remaja milenial yang lekat dengan dunia teknologi dan internet. Pendidikan tasawuf juga harus masuk dan perlu dikemas dengan pendekatan-pendekatan yang terkini agar relate dengan para remaja milenial. Hai ini demi terciptanya remaja yang mempunyai akhlakul karimah dan menjaga pribadinya dari krisis ruhani.
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
Radicalism has the potential to become more widespread in a younger generation of Muslims who are... more Radicalism has the potential to become more widespread in a younger generation of Muslims who are too textual, exclusive, extreme and uncritical. Their ethos of struggle has created a momentum to contest radical ideologies of Islamic radicals. This study investigates the potential for the radicalisation of Islamic students in Indonesia and formulates an approach of integrating national and religious values to mitigate the potential for radicalism. A qualitative research approach is used, and data were collected by distributing questionnaires to Indonesian Islamic student activists. Interviews were also conducted with experts to strengthen secondary sources of information. The results show that the potential for Islamic student to be exposed to radical activists is high. Through categorisation, interpretation and analysis, it was found that the concepts and spread of radicalism were more influenced by religious interpretations than social tolerance factors. In addition, the religious...
Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
This study aims to explain the concept of resilience from the Islamic perspective. This study use... more This study aims to explain the concept of resilience from the Islamic perspective. This study used qualitative methodology with a literature approach. The results showed that the phenomenon of religious human behavior should not only be judged by the lens of modern secular psychology theory, but also by the theory of psychology based on Islamic values. It is because they have different frames in looking at reality; and resilience in Islam is an obligation. Having resilient personalities, in Islamic teaching, means individuals’ iman (faith) should be tested. Humans are motivated to have resilience after getting life’s problems with the Covid-19 issue. Individuals’ faith has not reached a high level of spirituality when they have not been tested. There are some personalities in Islam that are in line with the concept of resilience for overcoming the Covid-19 issue in positive psychology such as sabr, tawakkal, shukr, rida, ikhlas and tawbah. In order to increase resilience in overcomi...
Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International Conference, MIC 2022, 12 November 2022, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2023
In the current rapidly-growing development of globalization era, Twitter has become one of the mo... more In the current rapidly-growing development of globalization era, Twitter has become one of the most favored social media among people, not to mention students. However, behind its popular use, there found no clear evidence regarding the impact of using the application on users. Therefore, this study will discuss about the influence of Twitter use on students, especially on their learning motivation and mindset. It employs a quantitative research method with explanatory research design, and it involves the 3 rdsemester students majoring at English teaching, IAIN Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon, as the research subject. The main instrument of this research is an online questionnaire via Google form. The result of this study indicated that Twitter influences student's learning motivation and mindset with several factors: making no excessive use in duration, following at least 3 educational accounts, and experiencing and feeling the positive impact of the educational content. Therefore, they feel that it provides a significant effect on their mindset and learning motivation.
Journal Corner of Education, Linguistics, and Literature, Mar 6, 2023
Pluralisme agama di haramkan oleh MUI, karena dianggap upaya pencamur-adukan berbagai agama dalam... more Pluralisme agama di haramkan oleh MUI, karena dianggap upaya pencamur-adukan berbagai agama dalam satu paham. Dan Pemaknaan terhadap pluralisme dan Pluralitas keagamaan nampaknya menjadi salah satu persoalan pro dan kontra terhadap fatwa MUI tentang “keharaman” pluralisme agama, termasuk di kalangan tokoh Islam di Cirebon, baik dari Kyai-Kyai Pesantren ataupun akademisi. Hasil dari wawancara dengan tokoh-tokoh Islam tersebut, baik yang merasa mengetahui ataupun tidak mengetahui tentang terminologi “pluralisme dan pluralitas agama”, mereka cenderung tidak bisa membedakan antara kedua term tersebut. Dalam pemahaman tokoh-tokoh Islam “kedua istilah” tersebut bermuara pada pemaknaan yang cenderung sama yaitu penghormatan terhadap keragaman dan keperbedaan. Jadi, meskipun mereka juga pro dan kontra terhadap pluralisme, tetapi mereka sepakat untuk menghormati keragaman agama yang ada di Cirebon khususnya, dan di Indonesia pada umumnya.
HIKMATUNA: Journal for Integrative Islamic Studies
The extensive mandate of the ministry of religious affaires to manage various non-religious major... more The extensive mandate of the ministry of religious affaires to manage various non-religious majors has demanded Islamic higher educations to have each distinctive scientific building in the process of formulating the integration of science and religion. This study aims to analyze the development of the concept of integration of science and Islam that has been formulated in the IAIN Cirebon. Qualitative research with literature study showed the existence of the Muhsin Sejati concept was taken as a scientific integration icon, along with several other derived concepts, such as Jembatan Ilmu, the complementary inclusive paradigm, mata ilmu and blended theory. Unfortunately, the theorization of the concept of integration did not develop significantly, stagged in 2015. This was because the concept of Muhsin Sejati and its derivatives had not been legally ratified formally in Rector’s policy, nor was it followed up on the cabinet leadership policy afterwards. Besides scientific exclusiv...
Terindeks di https://si n ta. ride kb ri nq o. id/io u malJdetail?oaoe=2&id=6234 Jumlah Penulis S... more Terindeks di https://si n ta. ride kb ri nq o. id/io u malJdetail?oaoe=2&id=6234 Jumlah Penulis Status Pengusrl ldentatas Jumal llmiah a,
Hadl Penilaian Peer Review Jumal llmiah Nadond Terakeditasi Sl dan 52 Jumal llmiah Nadond Teraked... more Hadl Penilaian Peer Review Jumal llmiah Nadond Terakeditasi Sl dan 52 Jumal llmiah Nadond Terakeditad S3 dan 54 Jumal llmiah Nasiond Te.alaeditad 55 dan S6 Jumal Nadonal berbah@ lndoneia TerindeksDOAJ Jumal llmiah Nadonal Criticizing Monbssod's Method of Ea dy Childhood Education using ldamic P sychology Pe rspective .
Pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang selama ini berjalan di berbagai lembaga pendidikan masih seringkali... more Pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang selama ini berjalan di berbagai lembaga pendidikan masih seringkali menekankan pada materi pokok dan lebih bersifat memaksakan target bahan ajar. Para pengajar terkondisi untuk sekedar memindahkan isi buku (content transmission), kurang mampu mengapresiasi strategi pembelajaran yang produktif, aktif, kreatif dan menyenangkan, sementara siswa didik kering akan daya partisipasi, karena tak memiliki kesempatan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri mereka. Buku yang kini berada di tangan pembaca ini disusun untuk para guru, dosen dan mahasiswa bahasa Arab yang sangat menyadari pentingnya diskursus metodologi dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Buku ini menyimpan berbagai teknik pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang mendudukan peserta didik sebagai subyek yang mendominasi aktifitas pembelajaran, bukan obyek yang pasif menerima asupan materi dari pengajar. Disamping pengayaan strategi yang terdapat dalam buku inipun tidaklah bersifat kaku untuk disosialisasikan dalam mata kuliah l...
Tanggal dan tempat diumumkan untuk pertama kali di wilayah Indonesia atau di luar wilayah Indones... more Tanggal dan tempat diumumkan untuk pertama kali di wilayah Indonesia atau di luar wilayah Indonesia : 9 Desember 2019, di Cirebon Jangka waktu pelindungan : Berlaku selama hidup Pencipta dan terus berlangsung selama 70 (tujuh puluh) tahun setelah Pencipta meninggal dunia, terhitung mulai tanggal 1 Januari tahun berikutnya. Nomor pencatatan : 000169441 adalah benar berdasarkan keterangan yang diberikan oleh Pemohon.
JIEM (Journal of Islamic Education Management), Jul 30, 2022
The performance of the principal can be a role modeling for the performance of the teachers. If a... more The performance of the principal can be a role modeling for the performance of the teachers. If an educational institution is managed with the prophetic leadership ability of the principal, the managerial system will be able to foster responsibility that comes from the hearts and internal motivations of teachers. This study aims to describe the Prophetic Leadership of The Principal in Improving Teacher Performance. This research uses a literature reviews approach. In searching for articles, a google scholar application is used with the keywords "Prophetic Leadership," "Principal," and "Teacher Performance." Article searches are timelimited i.e. from 2016 to 2021. From the search results, 20 articles were searched based on thematic criteria, up to only 12 articles were used in this study. The results showed that the leadership of the principal in an Islamic educational institution went well and ideally according to the concept of the Qur'an and Hadith when each leader was able to practice prophetic values (shiddiq, amanah, tabligh, fathonah) with full responsibility in carrying out the wheels of education. The implementation of prophetic values in leading by a principal leader will affect the improvement of teacher performance as an effort to answer the hopes, wants, and needs of the community. In other words, there is a significant relationship between the principal's prophetic leadership and teacher performance.
The teachings of Sufism play an essential role in balancing human life. Sufism can practically be... more The teachings of Sufism play an essential role in balancing human life. Sufism can practically be the driving force to provide peace, coolness, and friendliness to create religious and social harmony. This study aims to explain the values of religious moderation education reflected in the concepts of wahdat al-Wujud and wahdat asy-Syuhud. This study used qualitative methodology with a literature approach. The primary sources are taken from two books: wahdat al-Wujud 'Inda Ibn Arabi by Abdul Karim Ibn Abdul Jalil and Ibn al-Faridh wa al-Hubb al-Ilahi by Muhammad Mustafa Hilmi, while the secondary ones are references taken from journals, books, and other writings that explain Islamic moderation, philosophical Sufism, and educational values. The results showed that the concept of monotheism carried by Ibn Arabi’s wahdat al-Wujud and Ibn al-Faridh’s wahdat asy-Syuhud, in the context of the issues of religious moderation, does not only discuss a single divinity, but it also offers fi...
The COVID-19 pandemic has a multidimensional impact, including threatening family resilience. Psy... more The COVID-19 pandemic has a multidimensional impact, including threatening family resilience. Psychological pressure, as well as an increase in the burden of household domestic work due to concentrated activities (work, school) at home, can give rise to family conflicts that lead to domestic violence and divorce. This study aims to offer a Mubadalah concept as a perspective and methodology in building family resilience. The results show that (1) Mubadalah is a perspective of reciprocity between men and women in carrying out their gender roles both in the domestic and public area so that one does not hegemonize over another but a relationship that supports, cooperates, and helps each other; (2) Mubadalah can be a method of reading texts and contexts around family issues; and (3) Mubadalah is an Islamic moderating perspective between gender and patriarchal regimes. This perspective allows for a balanced relationship and partnership between the two sexes and is not just a transformatio...
EL-IBTIKAR: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Penyimpangan bahasa merupakan kesalahan berbahasa secara sistematik dari kaidah yang berlaku keti... more Penyimpangan bahasa merupakan kesalahan berbahasa secara sistematik dari kaidah yang berlaku ketika pembelajar belum menguasai sesuatu sehingga secara konsisten menggunakannya dengan cara yang salah. Pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren dengan pola-pola komunikasi beranekaragam dan mengutamakan unsur sopan santun menjadi prinsip utama yang diadopsi di MTs NU Putra 1 Buntet Pesantren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui; (1) Bentuk-bentuk penyimpangan etika berbahasa dalam interaksi siswa berstatus santri di MTs NU Putra 1 Buntet Pesantren dengan gurunya antara di sekolah dan di pesantren, (2) Penyebab terjadinya penyimpangan bahasa, (3) Dampak dari penyimpangan etika berbahasa, dan (4) Upaya guru dalam mengatasi penyimpangan etika berbahasa. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan metode observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan metode reduksi data, display data, dan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Keabsahan data diperoleh melalui ketekunan pengamatan dan diskusi dengan teman sejawat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa hal berikut. Pertama; bentuk penyimpangan etika berbahasa, meliputi; (1) Siswa menggunakan bahasa Jawa Biasa (kasar), (2) Siswa menggunakan bahasa gaul dan singkatan, dan (3) siswa menggunakan penggabungan dengan Bahasa Asing. Kedua, Penyebab penyimpangan etika berbahasa, meliputi; faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Ketiga; Dampak penyimpangan etika berbahasa, meliputi; (1) Terancamnya eksistensi Bahasa Indonesia, (2) Menurunnya citra baik Instansi/Lembaga dan diri sendiri, (3) Menyebabkan punahnya Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Jawa Kromo. Keempat; Upaya guru dalam mengatasi penyimpangan etika berbahasa adalah dengan pengajaran dan pembiasaan.
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
This study aims to answer the following research question: what are the problems and prospects of... more This study aims to answer the following research question: what are the problems and prospects of the development of Islamic psychology studies in Southeast Asia? This study used descriptive qualitative research and employs data triangulation during data collection. Documentation study, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were used to obtain the data. Data were analysed using patterns of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. It can be concluded that Islamic psychology presents many problems and prospects for those who are concerned about the development of Islamic science. The finding strengthens the perspective that there are three problems of developmental studies of Islamic psychology in Southeast Asia: (1) the discussion on the issue still focuses on theoretical integration and philosophical levels rather than on applicative ones; (2) methodological problems; and (3) polarisation of the capacity of Muslim psychologists. Apart from...
AL-TARBIYAH: Jurnal Pendidikan (The Educational Journal)
Pendidikan tasawuf berfungsi untuk menjadikan manusia berkepribadian shalih dan memiliki laku-lam... more Pendidikan tasawuf berfungsi untuk menjadikan manusia berkepribadian shalih dan memiliki laku-lampah yang baik dan mulia serta mempunyai ibadah yang berkualitas, yang menghasilkan output berupa manusia yang jujur, istiqāmah dan tawadu. Pendidikan tasawuf pada remaja sangat dibutuhkan demi mencegah kenakalan-kenakalan pada remaja. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami urgensi pendidikan tasawuf demi mencegah kenakalan-kenakalan pada remaja milenial. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan tinjauan literatur. Pencarian literatur dilakukan secara online melalui Google Cendekia yang dibatasi dari tahun 2012-2022 dengan proses percarian menggunakan kata kunci "Pendidikan Tasawuf", "Pendidikan Tasawuf Remaja", dan "Pendidikan Tasawuf Milenial". Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara garis besar pendidikan tasawuf adalah sarana untuk seseorang mendekatkan diri kepada Allah melalui penyucian jiwa dan hati. Hal ini yang dibutuhkan untuk menghadapi kehidupan modern yang dialami oleh manusia, khususnya para remaja milenial yang lekat dengan dunia teknologi dan internet. Pendidikan tasawuf juga harus masuk dan perlu dikemas dengan pendekatan-pendekatan yang terkini agar relate dengan para remaja milenial. Hai ini demi terciptanya remaja yang mempunyai akhlakul karimah dan menjaga pribadinya dari krisis ruhani.
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
Radicalism has the potential to become more widespread in a younger generation of Muslims who are... more Radicalism has the potential to become more widespread in a younger generation of Muslims who are too textual, exclusive, extreme and uncritical. Their ethos of struggle has created a momentum to contest radical ideologies of Islamic radicals. This study investigates the potential for the radicalisation of Islamic students in Indonesia and formulates an approach of integrating national and religious values to mitigate the potential for radicalism. A qualitative research approach is used, and data were collected by distributing questionnaires to Indonesian Islamic student activists. Interviews were also conducted with experts to strengthen secondary sources of information. The results show that the potential for Islamic student to be exposed to radical activists is high. Through categorisation, interpretation and analysis, it was found that the concepts and spread of radicalism were more influenced by religious interpretations than social tolerance factors. In addition, the religious...
Paradigma berpikir dualistic-konfrontatif mungkin saja menjadi salah satu mind-set berpikir sebag... more Paradigma berpikir dualistic-konfrontatif mungkin saja menjadi salah satu mind-set berpikir sebagian umat Islam yang sampai sekarang dominan terhadap wacana keilmuan, termasuk wacana kependidikan. Dualisme pendidikan secara konseptual dan operasional menjadi tantangan besar dalam dunia pendidikan Islam. Persoalan ini tidak hanya membuat ahli dan praktisi kependidikan Islam senantiasa berdebat soal konsep pendidikan Islam ideal yang tidak menemukan “titik temu”, karena ketidakjelasan ujung dan pangkal persoalannya, tetapi juga secara operasional persoalan menentukan identitas pendidikan, apakah islami atau tidak islami. Jadi cara berpikir ini membuat dunia pendidikan Islam secara konseptual ataupun operasional cenderung tidak produktif.